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Friday, 15 February 2019

Advanced & Superior Petitioner

One of the planar creatures I enjoy using is the petitioner, a mortal that has died and are en route to their version of heaven but they get stuck in someplace in between. I really like the thematic idea of a place between the heavens and the mortal plane. That's why I created the Elder World, which is where petitioners (and many others) reside in my game reality. These are the more advanced versions of petitioners found in the core books.

A Not so Final Destination

When intelligent creatures die, if they are not yet ready to enter their final destination to the heaven of their beliefs, most are reborn in the afterlife as petitioners, preparing for when they are ready. What is much less recognized is that for some beings this becomes a preferred existence and they continue to grow, learn and exude their faith but never commit to going to their final destination.

While most reborn into this stage remain just for a short time, for a very few petitioners have key positions that they or their sponsors want them to continue especially if the "greater cause" would suffer if the current holder would leave. These rare few are bound to remain in their position for indefinite periods and can gain in stature and power. Nobody can truly fathom why some petitioners stay in their role for a lifetime or more but those who are are truly devoted to the cause and cannot be swayed from their personal divine path.

At the moment of their creation, most petitioners have no memories of their past mortal existence. A few may have a flash of one point of their lives but the advanced ones remember much more of their mortal lives simply because the more they exist, the more chances they have to remember. Some grey-beards believe memories are stained into a soul and can be reawakened with specific actions. 

Their appearance matches the description found for the general petitioner entry in Bestiary 2, but since they are rediscovering their former existence small features of who they once were begin to bleed into who they are now.

Most petitioners in the Outer-Lands are rural folk as there are few large communities, their roles are to help the departed reach their final goal as they try to find how to do the same. Advanced and Superior Petitioners are very different, having individual and unique roles required by both the plane, citizens, visitors and even the faithful. They do not have to attack or prevent others from travelling thru or interacting with their common brethren, only if the opposition is preventing the faithful from moving onto their next destination - that is the only absolute crime in the Elder-Lands.

While petitioners have various viewpoints and alignments they are rarely enemies with each other, even if a different alignment. However they are usually defensive when outer Planar beings visit, they need to balance distinct allegiances. Their task is to help newly reborn find their place in the afterlife, they are mentors and guides but rarely actually leave their communities.

All petitioners start as the Low or Basic petitioner, and then through service they may advance in levels which eventually means they attain a higher level of performance. They keep their primary appearance but become more angelic (or demonic if appropriate) gaining wings, halo, golden glow and divine weapons or tools as fits their status and power.

As unliving creatures, they can be turned, but not in the Outer-Lands. While they are immortal creatures they can be killed, and some believe that this is their point when their soul is pushed towards the higher level plane.

Advanced Petitioner
Type                           Medium Outsider                   
AC                             18         (+3 natural, +2 Dex, +3 light armour)
HD                             5                                              
Saves                         Fort     +3        Ref      +3        Will   +0
Init                             +5                                           
Speed                        40 ft                                       
BAB                         CMB               CMD              
Melee                          Range             
Special Attacks           Memory Flood, 3rd level Summon Once/day                                  
Special Defenses         Dmg Reduction 5/+1, Immune to Mind Effecting affects,   
Skills                           Craft, Knowledge (Any 2) +10, Perception, Sense Motive Survival +12
Typical Feats               Dodge, Mobility, Cleave, Imp Bull Rush, Iron Will  
Attribute Boons: Arrange boons +3,+2 X 2, +1 X 3
Str       14        Con     16        Dex     15       
Int       12        Wis      14        Cha      13

Environment                       Elder World
Organisation                       2-8 (when on a mission), 1-2 with 11-30 least petitioners
Treasure                              Half Typical

Typical Roles: librarian, soldier, guide, watcher, sneak, historian. 

Spells:   Bless, Sanctuary, Holy Word 3/week, Commune (1/day)

Petitioner Lesser - Memory Flood, Summon, Imitation, 40 skill points, 4 Feats, 13 SR, 5 HD

Memory Flood: Petitioners spend a second lifetime (or longer) learning about their own and other beings histories, so they have a wealth of memories and history to call upon. Three times a day they can infuse good or negative memories to enable others a + / - 4 to any roll for creatures they can see. There is no saving throw to avoid the affect but magic resistance can prevent it.This is a near instant affect, for example, if someone was attacking the petitioner they could flood the foe with feelings of weakness and failure, and it would affect their next attack roll. They can also do this to discourage foes, by making them forget key facts thus hoping they will lose focus.

Summon: Able to call a 1-2 HD native creature to assist them in running errands or contact allies

Skill Imitation: If they are near someone with a higher skill level than them (swimming, climbing, hiding, etc) they can imitate the expert, gaining half of the experts base skill. Do not use bonuses from higher attribute bonus or magic bonuses to determine the skill boost. They can do this five times a day. 

Bathed in the waters of the Pure, cleansed and pure, these are pure souls dedicated to a specific purpose, guiding the newly dead to their ultimate destination. Each newly dead soul has a path that they must find and take, but it is unique to them. It usually takes days or months before a petitioner finds their own way.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   

Superior Petitioner
AC                  20                    (+7 natural, +3 Dex)  
HD                  14                                            
Saves               Fort     +7        Ref      +7        Will   +5
Init                  +5                                           
Speed              40 ft                                       
BAB                CMB               CMD              
Melee                                      Range             
Special Attacks           Memory Flood (5/day), 6th level Summon     **                   
Special Defenses         Dmg Reduction 15 /+2, SR 21, Immune to Mind Influencing affects
Skills                           Acrobatics, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any 3) +15, Perception, Sense Motive,                                               Stealth +12
Typical Feats                Dodge, Mobility, Cleave, Imp Bull Rush, Iron Will  
Typical Boons:              Str       18        Con     19        Dex     17       
                                      Int       14        Wis      18        Cha     16 (24 to petitioners of their faith)
Environment                       Elder World
Organisation                       1, 2-4 (when on a mission), 1-2 with 11-30 least petitioners
Treasure                              Triple Typical

|Superior petitioners are often the souls of adventurers who have become apart of the heavenly missions for a long time. They have served for such a long time many do not know how to let go of this part of their existence. Their main goal is hunting down and stopping impediments for souls to get to their final destinations. They are leaders of their kind, and have incredible influence among petitioners. Good aligned ones are often mistaken for angels, as they may have wings, halo, etc. 

Spells: As 8th level cleric, DC 15+ spell level,

Spells Known: Sanctuary, Bless, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Charm Monster, Dimension Door, Discern Lies, Hold Person;  Commune (3/day); Open Magical Portal 1/day & Holy Word 2 /day
Greater Memory Flood: As Advanced Petitioner but 7 times a day at +/- 6
Higher Skill Imitation: As Advanced Petitioner but 7 times a day and matches the experts bonus
Summon: Able to call a 5 HD native creature to assist them in running errands or contact allies

75 skill points, 7 Feats, 21 SR, 10 HD

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Dexo-Pus, Sentient, 10 tentacled Octopus variant

I was originally going to call this creature the Hexopus but then realized that this was the greek base for six, not ten. While I still kinda like that sound better, I'm gonna stick with the Dexo. Think of this as a sentient, kinda nasty, octopus creature, with fully capable tentacles. As they age, they learn to utilize more of their tentacles in combat.


N Medium Aberration
Init +1 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 12 touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 13hp (2d8+4 con)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft., Swim 40 ft.
Melee Tentacle +4 (1d4+1)
Ranged Spear +4 (d6)
Hindrance: -1 on constitution checks / saves if they do not bathe once a day

Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9
Base Atk +1 CMB +2 CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Escape Artist +6, Swim +12, Climb +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Escape Artist, +4 Swim
Languages Lizardith
Other Gear Net, Spear or other hunting items
Environment Any non desert
Organization   Pool (2-4) or Pod (20-80)
Treasure Value  Average (Coins or gems)

The Dexopus is a cunning creature capable of using complex tactics. It appears the same as their water-based, animal kin the octopus, except it has ten tentacles and is either red, pink or orange in colour. Their tentacles are approximately ten feet in length, but they use most of it for their height which mirrors a five foot tall humanoid.

Like their ocean kin they are incredible swimmers, most are just as good on land and many have fantastic climbing abilities. Enemies often believe they are solely water-based, but this is not true, they only need to soak themselves in water for one hour a day, and many pods are in the mountains or forests, so they are not actually bound to oceans.

Just the same as many creatures, they desire wealth and magic, if they can do so through peaceful means, like commerce. If not, they are willing to take any risks necessary. They make allies with like-minded creatures, equally willing to partner with humanoids or monsters for mutual defense. Though not violent, they are aggressive beings, as they look for ways to increase their influence. Since much magic and money are found underground, that's where the dexopus tends to settle down. They sometimes welcome other aberrations into their communities - especially those gifted with magic.

Lizardith is one of the most utilized languages in my game world. Lizard Men are highly intelligent and virtually control large portions of the under-earth caverns, sharing and competing with Dwarf for food & resources. The Dexopus often have small pod towns in warm caverns, but are more likely to be competitors than allies with the Lizard Men.

HD Advancement
3 HD +5 in skills; Gain 1 Feat; +1 in Natural AC
4 HD +2 to any attribute; +5 in skills, Multiattack
5 HD Gain 1 Feat; +5 in skills; +1 in Natural AC, Increase Tentacle Damage
6 HD +2 to any attribute; +5 in skills; Perfect Climb
7 HD +1 in Natural AC; Gain 1 Feat,  Gain additional tentacle attack (3rd attack using tentacle)
8 HD +2 to any attribute, Increase Tentacle Damage
9 HD +1 in Natural AC; +5 in skills; Gain 1 Feat, Increase Tentacle Damage
10 HD +4 to any two attributes; +10 in skills, +3 in Natural AC, Gain additional tentacle attack (4th tentacle  attack), Gain 2 Feat

A Dex-o-Pus normally advances through this table. If they take a level in any class, they are unable to advance any further on this table. Most members of their pod advance using the HD table below, but some members pick rogue, ranger or sorcerer class. Most of their leaders are usually sorcerers who have gained 2-4 levels.

Ink Cloud A dex-o-pus can emit a 10-foot-radius sphere of ink once per hour as a free action. The ink provides total concealment for one round and a 50% chance of missing with aimed attacks and a 25% chance with physical attacks for another two rounds. Some Dexopusi specialize with ink clouds, they are able to increase either the length of time the cloud will increase vision.

Sticky Tentacles (Ex): Their tentacles have small suckers that enable a powerful sticky capacity if it is able to latch on to someone or something. Add +6 bonus on CMD if holding on to someone.

Perfect Climb: As long as they have eight or more tentacles touching a wall or ceilings, treat as they are affected by the Spider Climb Spell, so they never fall unless forced down. They can attack no more than once if also maintaining their grip to climb, or twice if they are simply standing still.

Increase Tentacle Dmg: 1-4 HD: 1d4 dmg; 5-7 HD 1d6 dmg, 8 HD 1d8 dmg, 9 HD 1d10 dmg, 10 HD 2d12 dmg

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Rolling Vine

These plant creatures appear to be bundles of vines all round-up and wound together, forming a plant ball, which rolls along the plains or any (somewhat) flat surface. What few creatures realize is these are in fact semi-sentient plant creatures, and can be quite menacing if threatened.

Roller or Rolling Vine

N Small Plant
Init +3 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +6


AC 16 touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 19 hp (3d8+6 con)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Immune mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, polymorph, stunning

Speed 20 ft.
Base Attack +2, CMB +2 CMD 15
Melee Ball +4 (1d4+1) (bash, or bite)
Special Attacks Entrap

Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 5
Base Atk +3 CMB +5 CMD 17 / +29 to avoid being tripped, bull rushed, etc
Feats Deep Roots, Skill Bonus +4 Perception
Skills +5 Perception , +12 Stealth; +4 Stealth bonus if planted outside
Languages Druid or Fae (Understand spoken, but they cannot read or speak)

Environment    Any Forest or plains
Organization   Pod (11 - 20)
Treasure Value  Incidental


Entrap - these rolling webbed balls try to bite anything that moves towards them, if their attack hits treat as being webbed. Small creatures that have grabbed a creature inflict a -2 attack or saving throw penalty if they bite onto the upper body. If they bite the lower region, they inflict a cumulative 20% reduction in speed. They continue to bite, inflicting damage until the creature collapses, then they release them.

Rollers look like an artificial device, similar to a vine or branch that has been twisted to have a rounded appearance. In fact, these are a semi-sentient plant that forms itself into a ball, so it can roll for both transportation and to roll away in a defensive action.  Normally they are spread out against the ground, somewhat similar to a starfish sunning themselves, but when any creature or potential threat nears them, they ball up and roll themselves away. If they or their allies are threatened, rather than roll away,  they head towards the danger, attempting to trap their opponent.

They can build up quite the speed from rolling down a hill, these plants have tiny tendrils all over their bodies, they use these to push themselves to gather speed or even climb up surfaces, albeit very slowly.

What many creatures are not aware of, that like many other plants is that Rollers never stop growing, so that these much smaller creatures are common, there are much larger, stronger, faster and keener.

HD         Spd               Size                  Base Atk                    Dmg                 Attr              Skill                                                                                                         Bonus              Bonus            Bonus
3                  30                  Small                   +4 1d6+2                 +0 +6
6                  30                  Small                   +6 1d6+2                 +3 +12
9                  40                  Medium +9 1d8+2                 +6 +27
12                40                  Medium +12 1d10+2               +9 +36
15+              50                  Large                  +15 2d8+4 +15 +60

For both attribute bonus and skill bonus, apply as desired but avoid putting more than half their bonus bump in any one attribute score.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Cracked or Crannick - Inhuman with cracked skin than can destroy objects by touch

So many times it is a picture or image that inspires a monster, for the crannick it is the idea of a man with dozens of small cracks or tattoos all over their bodies. When they touch an item, then can share their cracks but in doing so, they crack the physical object.

Crannick (The Cracked)

Medium Monstrous Humanoid
 1d6 (4 hp)
Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +2
+1 CMB +4 CMD 16
Range +2 / 1d6 or by weapon
Special Attacks As per HD listing
Special Defenses  
As per HD listing
Str 13 Con 11 Dex 13 Int 9 Wis 11 Cha 8
Skills Any two physical skills +4; Any two mental skills +3
Feats Weapon Finesse
Environment Any Urban
Organization Penny (1) or Farthing (2-5)
Treasure Value Standard

Inhuman. Appears similar to humans except at close range shows cracks in their skin, especially their hands. Some have connections with Thieving Guilds or nefarious religious groups but generally work alone as free agents. It is believed that these were humans broken due to torture or self-experimentation . If the stories are to be believed, the Crannem were human spirelanders who were part rogues to an evil empire. When they were recognized for their crimes, they were tortured to give up their information, but the torture turned them into something else.

Their bodies torn apart reshaped themselves from their horrific experience, rebuilt from their cracking, until those experiences literally defined the Crannem into something else. At first appearance, the Crannick were a little like bald, lithe humans with tiny cracks in their skin. But when the Crannick concentrated, they could spread their cracks to other objects, and immediately share their experiences about being torn apart, which did exactly that to the objects. They became experts, not at torturing but at getting information or equipment, as they could tear apart any prison or padlock and were paid well for their unique abilities.

The Crannick are a small group, that fit well into groups of rogues and scoundrels. They follow orders and complete their missions, but their loyalty is with their kin, as they are always accomplishing larger goals that others do not see or understand. They reside in most towns and cities, in the underbelly of the communities. They are like a cult, as they accept rogues and warriors who are interested in joining them. Once they complete the tests to join the group, they are brought to a remote location and tortured for weeks until they are transformed into a Crannick. This suffering is needed as it helps to define the Crannick, without it the newcomer would never understand the experience.

Abilities by HD
2 HD Know history, Age and Faults of Object; +10 skill points, Gain Feat
2 HD Find Weakness or defect # 2; +5 skill points; Gain new feat; +1 AC
3 HD +5 skill points; Gain new feat; Destroy Doors (2/day + 1 /3 con)
4 HD Gain + 2 to any Ability Score; Fist 1d6; +1 to AC; +5 skill points; Shatter Weapon
5 HD +5 skill points; Gain new feat; Split Wall (2/day + 1 /3 con)
6 HD +1 to AC; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
7 HD Gain + 2 to any Ability Score; +5 skill points; Gain new feat; Crack Armor (Fort DC 15)
8 HD +1 to AC; +5 skill points; Cracking Touch
9 HD Gain Immunity to Petrification; +5 skill points
10 HD+1 to AC; +5 skill points; Gain new feat; Cracking Touch (3/day)
11 HD Gain + 2 to any 2 Ability Scores; +5 skill points; Gain new feat; Fist 1d10
12 HD Regenerate Other (2/day); +1 to AC; +5 skill points; 
Cracking Touch (6/day)
13 HD Gain + 2 to any 3 Ability Scores; +12 skill points; +3 to AC; Gain new feat; Remote Cracking

A crackus must complete this HD table before they are able to take other classes, if at any time they take a level or HD in a class, they are unable to take new HD levels.

Cracking Touch is their most renown ability, if able to touch an item for three rounds, they can tear it apart by making the weaknesses multiply until it is no longer effective. At 10 HD it increases to three times a day. At 13 HD, they can do this without the need to physically touch the object, called Remote Cracking

Know History, Age and Feature of Object: (3/day) Need a minimum of 3 rounds to observe object (DC 13)

Find Weakness or defect:(3/day) Need a minimum of 3 rounds to observe object (DC 14)

Destroy Doors (2/day + 1 /3 con) Need a minimum of 4 rounds of touching (Ref DC 15)

Shatter Weapon  (1/day + 1/4 con) Need a minimum of 5 rounds of touching (Ref DC 16)

Split Wall (2/day + 1 /5 con) Need a minimum of 5 rounds of touching (Ref DC 15)

Crack Armor (1/day + 1/5con) Need a minimum of 2 rounds to destroy object  (Fort DC 17)

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Diablo Inspired Monsters

Have long liked this game, but my love of D&D style story and games are so much more stronger than a simple love if the bash your way through method. Here are some of my changed creatures that are more fitted into my game-world.

Spike Fiends CR 7
LE magical beast
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, low-light vision, scent; Perception +17

AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 85 (4d10+12)
Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +10
Resist cold, fire & electricity 20, Unaffected by undead affects


Speed 60 ft.
Melee scrapping spikes +7 (2d6+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks throw spike +5 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks spike blowout +10 (3d6+3)


Str 13, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 31 (35 vs. trip)

Feats Iron Will, Weapon Focus (spikes)
Skills Perception +7, Survival +7, Climb +14
Languages Draconic, 20% may also speak dwarven


Environment Dungeon
Organization solitary or trio
Treasure none


Spike Fiends are found in many dungeons that touch the etheral worlds. They are hunters that roam dark places to hunt for food, mainly anything they can hunt down. Appear as quadrapeds with spikes ranging in size and sharpness emerging from their bodies. There are so many spikes that they only other appengade that can be seen are their small, grnarled legs and feet.

Their appetites are unending – never full. The only small benefit is they are one of the few creatures that can eat and consume physical undead

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hellhound CR 7
LG Large magical beast (air)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, low-light vision, scent; Perception +17

AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex, +5 natural, –1 size)
hp 85 (9d10+36)
Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +10
Resist cold, fire & electricity 30, SR 21


Speed 60 ft.
Melee gore +14 (1d8+5), 2 hooves +8 (1d6+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (45-ft. cone, 5d6 rainbow sprinkles, Reflex DC 18 for half, usable every 1d4 rounds), powerful charge (gore, 2d8+14)


Str 20, Dex 23, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 21, Cha 23
Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 31 (35 vs. trip)

Feats Combat Casting, Eschew MaterialsB, Flyby Attack, Hover, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (gore)
Skills Diplomacy +15, Fly +20, Knowledge (history) +13, Perception +17, Perform (sing) +15, Sense Motive +14
Languages Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.


Environment any
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure standard

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Slithers (Repitilian Hunters or Brazan Hellhounds)
CR 5
LE Medium magical beast (Hell)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good, low-light vision, scent; Perception +7

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex, +5 natural, –1 size)
hp 38 (5d8+15)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5
Resist cold & electricity 10, Resist flame 20, SR 1


Speed 50 ft.
Melee gore +7 (1d8+5), bite +4 (1d6+2/15-20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (45-ft. cone, 5d6 flame, Reflex DC 14 for half, usable every 5 rounds)


Str 17, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 6
Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CMD 18 (35 vs. trip)

Feats Iron Will, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Swim or Climb +7
Languages Lizardith*


Environment Dungeon or Swamps
Organization solitary or trio
Treasure none

Appear as medium hound like creatures except covered in scales rather than fur. Used in dungeons by many types of creatures as watchers or pets, chained up, that sniff and yelp when they detect something.

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Horned Demon, Frost Chargers
CR 10
LE Large magical beast (Frost)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, low-light vision, scent; Perception +17

AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex, +5 natural, –1 size)
hp 85 (9d10+36)
Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +10
Resist cold 30, SR 25


Speed 60 ft.
Melee gore +14 (1d10+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks powerful charge (gore, 3d8+14)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +15)

Constant—detect good, detect magic, water walk


Str 20, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 31 (35 vs. trip)

Feats Iron Will, Weapon Focus (gore), Improved Initi
Skills Perception +17, Survival +15, Stealth, +8 Climb
Languages Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.


Environment any
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure standard
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium) or 9-16 HD Large

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Acid Runner
CR 10 LE Large magical beast (Frost)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +7

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex, +5 natural, –1 size)
hp 33 (4d10+12)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4
Resist acid 20


Speed 40 ft.
Melee Two claws + 8 (2d4+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks bite +5 (1d6 dmg or DC 15 Fort or 3d8+4)


Str 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CMD 18

Feats Weapon Focus (claw), Improved Initituition, Tracking
Skills +7 Perception, +8 Survival, Climb +8
Languages Animal telepathy 60 ft.


Environment Dungeon
Organization pair or 5-8
Treasure None
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium) or 9-16 HD Large

Quadraped scavengers, with armoured skins covered by scales and ridges. Have long sharp finger claws, and excellent night sight. Long reside in underground caverns, hunting naturally, but many evil creatures use them as free-running protections from above-ground adventurers.

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Blink Bat Gargoyle
CR 40 LE Small Magical beast
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +10

AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex, +5 natural, –1 size)
hp 33 (4d10+12)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3
Resist acid, cold and electricity 10


Speed 40 ft; Fly 50 ft (C)
Melee One claws + 5 (1d8+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks bite +5 (1d6 dmg or DC 15 Fort or 3d8+4)
Special Defenses
Magic Blink (1/
3 rounds, 30 ft)


Str 12, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +11; CMD 15

Feats Weapon Focus (claw), Improved Initituition, Tracking
Skills +10 Perception, +12 Fly
Languages Gargoyle, Common, Dwarven


Environment Dungeon
Organization Tribe (5-8)
Treasure Half
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium) or 9-16 HD Large

Grey skinned, humanoids with wings. Reside in caves and dungeons through-out most of the domain. While most are not inherently evil, many associate with dark, vile creatures that affects their tribes. Can be content, almost friendly if they have enough food and left alone. Many evil creatures manipulate them to get them to indirectly serve as lair defenders, even if the gargoyles are not directly taking orders.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Quashi - Androgynous spell-casting humanoid surrounded in a coral exoskeleton

These are strange, coral wearing humanoids that inhabit remote places in my world. They act as both merchants and collectors of information. While they do not actually need to be foes, they often are, as their arrogance and self-centeredness sometimes means they ignore peaceful solutions to obtain the things they want.

CN  Medium Outsider
Init +1 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +12
AC 22 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +5 coral armor, +4 mage armor), 17 touch, 15 flat-footed
hp 24hp (7d6)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +6
Defensive Abilities    DR    Immune    Resist
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rod +3 (1d6-1)
Special Attacks Reflect 4th level or lower spell as a free action
Spells Prepared (CL 6th Sorcerer)
Str 10 (8), Dex 13, Con 10 (7), Int 23, Wis 13, Cha 15
Base Atk +3 CMB +2 CMD 13
Feats: Combat Casting, Silent Spell, Touch Spell, Craft Crystalline Weapons/Armor
Skills +7 Acrobatics, +13 Bluff,, +10 Crafting (Armor), +10 Diplomacy, + 10 Knowledge (Arcana),
+12 Perception, +12 Sense Motive , Spellcraft +14,  Use Magic Device, +10

Languages Elven, Phaetox, Dragon, Elemental, Common, Dwarf
Combat Gear Resonating Crystal Rods, Coral Armor
Environment Any Remote Region
Organization  Pair or Carousel (3- 8)
Treasure Value Double Standard
Challenge Rating: 7 (Individuals), 10 (with their bodyguards)
Alignment: Usually Neutral (25% leaning towards Law or Chaos)
Advancement: By character class
Resonating Crystal: After a round of melee or concentration, their crystal rods begin ringing a low hum. This resonating, causes a cumulative –1 penalty to attack rolls to foes. Spellcasters within 90 feet of this hum, must make concentration checks (DC: 10+level of spell + cumulative penalty) to cast spells. Quashi are immune to the hum of their kin's crystal.

Crystal Rods: These rods need only to touch an opponent to inflict damage. These rods are also their spell casting focus, Quashi need no other casting components.

Coral Armor: Coral Armor weighs 25 pounds and adds a +5 armor bonus. The armor is cumulative with any other type of armor enhancing spells or effects (such as mage armor). Also, the armor absorbs all magical energy attacks, so while the Quashi may take damage from an effect, the armor doesn't.

Reflect Spell: A Quashi can reflect any one 4th level or lower spell per round by making a successful spellcraft check (10+level of the spell X 2). This is a move equivalent action.

Spells: Quashi cast spells as a Wizard, Sorcerer or Cleric equivalent to their HD -1 levels.

Slender, androgynous humanoids with delicate features. They wear a stunning coral exoskeleton armor covers their head, arms, legs and most of their body. They carry a small crystal rod glowing brightly with magical energies, which levitates beside them if they need two hands. Their face and hands are pale, looking frail and gaunt.

Quashi are mysterious beings from another world that seek to collect magical lore and sell their wares. They erect obelisks* as magical engines in remote regions to harness energies from the Astral Plane, enabling them to grow coralline and crystalline trees. The crystal is used for their rods and crystalline for their weapons. Coralline is a pale white ground shell, which is molded into customized armor. Quashi cannot exist in the prime world outside their exoskeleton due to their poor health. Their obelisks are temporary energy sites, but can be used as a rudimentary connection site by priests.

They are quiet and reserved among non-kin, they are insufferably arrogant believing themselves to be the greatest spellcasters; they are quick to criticize others and can remember insults for decades. When in cities, they act as merchants or collectors to learn about the magical resources of an area. Quashi never look others in the eye, as they are extremely easy to intimidate by physical means…they stare off into the distance when speaking with anyone of large size.

Quashi usually leave combat to their hired soldiers, which are always five to ten times the number of Quashi present. These mercenaries are usually between 2-4th level fighters or monks and well armed. If it appears the mercenaries will fail, the Quashi begin casting spells.

While always respectful, these highly arrogant beings show their truest nature around their own kin. Their nastiness comes out as they trash-talk the low life with petty insults, while they are loyal to their kind, they never hesitate to insult and degrade each other. While there are both male and females Quashi, non-kin rarely can tell the difference as they are highly androgynous. They are open to relationships with any gender and any race that they find "intriguing." They propogate using spells, as self-impregnation is very common among Quashi. They come to the mortal plane to create and learn magic and sell their wares.

*Obelisks on my world represent divine magics, found in cities as sources of magic and faith. A Quashi's obelisk is distinct and many faithful see the alien's version as abominations to be immediately destroyed.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Jessalox - Purple Furry Haired Humanoid with different modes of action

These creatures are basically living librarians, creatures who exist to store and share knowledge. They usually exist in huge libraries, behaving much like cats, and absorb secrets that are either told to them or that they hear.


N Medium Aberration
Init +6 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10

AC 16 touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) +3 Bonus in Warrior Mode
hp 36hp (8d8+0 con)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +10
Defensive Abilities  Darkvision, Acid, Electricity, Sonic Resistance: 15, Immune: enchantment, poison polymorph & silence spells; DR 10/magic, SR 17

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Slam +7 (1d6+1) or or +12 Talon X 2 (1d10+7 / 17-20 in warrior mode)

Str 13, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +6 CMB +7 CMD 19
Feats Improved Initiative, Uncanny Lore, Imp Trip, Precise Memory
Skills +5 Acrobatics , +10 Climb , +8 Escape Artist , +6 Knowledge (any) , +12 Perception, +10 Stealth , +6 Survival
Languages Common, Dwarven, Lizardith
Environment  Any (Usually towers or libraries)
Organization  Solitary, Circle (2-5)
Treasure Value  Double
Ability (Ex)  Uncanny Lore: When asked any question, they can add +10 to someone else’s knowledge checks. They may also utilize any cleric, magical or psionic item that gives a bonus to any intelligence or knowledge based abilities.

New Feat: Precisely Conditioned Memory: This ability enables the Jessalox to unknowingly hold information but not to be aware of it. If their memory, even deep memory is scanned or read what they know is not revealed, but when the pre-set conditions happen, they can recall everything in perfect detail.

A purple furry humanoid gazes at you with two large blue, unblinking eyes…”You, have a question?”

The Jessalox are a mystery. These aberrations were made to be living repositories of legend, with impeccable unfailing memory but where they come from is unknown.  They are usually found in remote towers, serving clerics and wizards as living librarians.  While they store much knowledge they cannot access it for themselves. Someone needs to ask them a question, before they can regurgitate the information.

They are medium sized humanoids, with light purple furry skin. A unique organ on the outside of their chest acts as both their heart and lungs, a small slice on the side of the beating pump can be seen through furred bone bracke. Their fur is immaculately manicured, as they seem to take immeasurable pride in cleaning in with whatever way they can, licking themselves or their circle colleagues. They have large ears without external lobes. Large, three segmented eyes with a translucent eyelid – they never need to blink, but will sometimes do so in mimicing people they talk with! They have a five foot long tail that is always whisking back and forth. Like cats, Jessalox are reserved beings and only seem to be interested in eating, sleeping or climbing up the walls.

When asked a question, another side to these beings often comes out, they are instantly focused and answer with forthright determination. While intelligent & thoughtful, they can only take specific action if gently nudged, they are very likely to lose their focus. When alone, these creatures are avid readers, going out of their way to read new, different or interesting facts. They rarely show this aspect of their personality to others.

Few could believe that a creature as docile as a Jessalox has a deadly side, but they transform in the blink of an eye. In fact, this is exactly what happens, when Jessalox blink, their eye colour changes and so do their abilities. The second form is of a warrior. Their last form is of a sonic screamer. Their transformation is a free action in any round.

1st set of eyes: (Blue) Recorder. They memorize everything they see and hear; this is their default form. They can recall almost anything in a month period, but they have unlimited memory if specifically asked to memorize small bits of detail.

2nd set of Eyes: (Red) The Warrior. When trouble comes this form adapts their body for battle. They gain +10 on their strength, +6 to their dexterity & constitution. Their hands change into deadly talons: (1d10+7 / 17-20.) They can maintain this form nearly indefinitely, but when they end combat, they must sleep for ten minutes for every round of combat that they took part in.They cannot revert to their first form, they must sleep, but they can delay this until the trouble is over.

3rd set of Eyes: (Black) Screamer. When they cannot avoid trouble, they change into a statue like form (+15 AC, 5 move; SR: 25.) They emit an incredibly loud scream, inflicting both a shatter effect and 8d8 sonic damage to all creatures within a 60 ft radius; (Will DC 17). Those who fail their save are deafened for 3 hours. Creatures directly in front of the jessalox suffer a –4 to their save. They can do this no more than once every five rounds, and lose 20% of their current hit points.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Choll - yellow skinned humanoids that choose their gender

This is the transgender type humanoid in my world. They are a race onto themselves, but are welcoming so others may find a home in their towns and culture. Choll always breed true, regardless of who they mate with. Their communities are hidden from enemies but open to anyone that seeks help in questioning their role or place in society, many spell-casters and artists find their way, for a while to seek solace or to find a new home.

Chol are bright yellow humanoids, with long arms and legs. Their hair is most often shoulder length and grey, but many choll are able to change colour through concentration. Many do fancy or odd hair styles to express themselves, others wear it short or shave it off completely. Both typical genders exist in their society, but at their Ritual of Aging, they decide their Adult gender identity. They have no hesitation to pick fashion or weapon styles which are seemingly bizzare, but they fit that individual.

Choll society is one of workers and artists, where traditional gender roles and functions exist within a wide spectrum. Some are natural Choll, born and raised by community members, who seek to find their path in life and society.  Just as many are elves, humans or dwarves who travel there, these are first generation, their children are always born to other choll, and are choll. Their society is split into four primary genders: males, females, plus the mixed and the bred. Mixed are individuals who chose their gender, by dress and habit. Bred are those who go through a magical ceremony to pick gender. While there is much social interaction and options, individuals are left alone to make a choice.

Most of their villages are in spire or forest communities where there is plenty of resources, but they can hide their population. It has long been believed that due to their changing of genders they are embarrassed, but this is false, because of their capacity to change, they are sought out by hunters and sorcerers to be instruments of adaption. They are often physically and magically abused, and while many choll do not hesitate to fight for others, they prefer their offspring be sheltered.

Personality: Despite their harsh life and constant threats, choll find beauty, charm and humor in their lives. A large number are in constant threatening situations so they take joy where they can, especially in themselves and their allies. They have many allies that are fey or chaotic, but they appreciate friends no matter where or why - few are lawful, many have noble allies who do not understand their carefree ways, but respect them nonetheless. They form egalitarian societies, as they look for leaders to step forward, regardless of their family history - yet they are also respectful of those who do not want to be apart of their battles. Most are meshed within city society, which is typical of many creatures on Nyssa.

Most males are sorcerers and artists, females usually become rangers or strngth based warriors - the feminine often exist far from the core city centres. United Male or United Female form the largest group that resides in the centre of the community and society. They are very competitive with each other, but most do it in a playful way. Individuals are free to select their role and class.

Physical Description: They are heavily muscled, bright yellow skinned with deep red hair. Many of them wear heavy furs and a backpack filled with everything they may need to survive in the wilds. They ritually brand themselves as physical reminders of personal oaths and victories. Men tend to braid their hair; women cut it short when weaning otherwise flowing long. Women tend to be taller and thinner then men and excel at archery and running, but once they are mothers they refrain from active raid participation.

Relations: They are well versed with other chaotic or fey beings, sharing in their wild parties of glee. They are respectful of anyone who is of differing opinion,but often they are dangerously protective of allies or family which can cause problems. They do not try to cause problems, but many lawfully aligned beings find them distasteful. Choll do not seek recruits, yet they do not need to, many individuals look for this group, especially those who question their role in life or their gender or sexuality or other life decisions. They offer advice to artists and thinkers, many races come through their community, and seek solace or refuge for short periods of time. Choll help people make decisions for themselves and then help them thrive in their selected path. Most civilized people know and accept individuals who have become choll, so these people have allies among most non-evil peoples.

Alignment: While unpredictable, they try to avoid problems with allies. They tend towards chaotic and neutral, but they do have many good aligned allies.

Lands: Choll are community folk, sharing space typically with Elf or Charr. They rarely gather in large enough numbers to form their own self-contained groups.

Religion: Few are religious, they tend to respect their allies gods, but do not have their own. They do have a small pantheon of High Heros, they look to as guides but not religious ones. The few who do follow a specific deity, organize in ways as elsewhere on Nyssa, except there are no sermons; weekly gatherings at an obelisk happen, but many just stand, pray in silence or meditate. Individuals may seek out guidance, but do so with clerics, sorcerers or even druids. Monks are highly revered, and some have followings based on their capacity to concentrate, or their non-verbalizing leadership.

Language: They speak their own language, and those of breeding also learn common, elven, dwarven or faerie.

Adventurers: For the Choll life is an unexpected adventure. They spend much of their life struggling for themselves and their allies, because there are those who would use their bodies. They want to help other creatures be able to live their lives... unjudged and free.

+2 on survival and Knowledge (Either Nature or Society)
Gain Endurance as a free feat
Tribal Weapon - Energy Lash, supernatural ability
+2 dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma

Racial Hit Dice: 2d8; Attack, Hit Dice, Saves, and Skills as a fighter of the same level
Base 8 skill points, more if they have exceptional intelligence, to be used on core skills only:

Core Racial Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (local, geography, nature), Perception, Ride, Stealth, Survival, Swim (core skills are always available)

Level Adjustment: +1 CR

Gain +4 skill points every HD over 1st, feat at second level and every two levels afterwards
1 HD Youth or Non-Combatant
2 HD Gain Energy Lash (1d4)
3 HD gain damage reduction 1 / -; Control Colour, Size and Shape of minor objects by touch
4 HD +2 to Dexterity or Constitution; Modify Physical appearance
5 HD Specialized in Energy Lash (2d4); gain damage reduction 2 / -
6 HD +2 to Dexterity or Constitution; Gain Physical Adaption
7 HD Double Energy Lash Damage; +2 to Dexterity or Constitution
8 HD +2 to strength or Constitution
9 HD gain damage reduction 5 / -; Triple Energy Lash Damage & range (1d12 dmg); +5 to any three ability scores

Advancement by HD levels; most do not gain class levels until 10th; most select Barbarian, Fighter, Ranger, Sorcerer. If they select a standard class before 10th, they cannot advance further on this table.

Energy Lash: Choll have a strong but brief connection to otherworldly elements. Upon concentration, they can release a bright flash of energy, acting as a combined elemental whip weapon. It can affect creatures within a ten foot radius. If they lower the damage, (change to a D6) the energy can be focused to one type of energy (Rock, Water, Air or Sunlight also called Celestial Flame.)

Specialized lash: Increase in damage and length increases to 20 ft

Double Energy Lash: Two energy lash are extended up to 20 feet. The two creatures cannot be more than ten feet apart.

Modify Physical appearance: Have an ability to adjust their physical presence (+/- 50 pounds, +/- 2 feet, change skin and hair colour. for up to one hour.)

Gain Physical Adaption; Adjust their physical features to better fit into one environment. Gain +3 to any physical skill, such as fins for +3 on their swim skill score, or +3 on climbing, etc. Once selected this adaption becomes permanent.

Triple Energy Lash Damage & range: Three energy lashes at a range of 30 feet. The creatures cannot be more than fifteen feet apart.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   * 

This was an idea I have been playing around for awhile, and never got right. Still things that I'm not happy with, but I gotta let it go, and let it be.

Sunday, 3 February 2019

C'Tek (Chlorthek) - acid dripping humanoid,

C'Tek (Chlorthek)
Type                         Aberation
Hit Dice:                   13 hp     2d8+4
Initiative:                  +0
Speed:                      30
AC:                         14 (touch 10, flat 14)
Attacks:                    Slam +6 (1d6+3)
Damage:                   By Blade or Slam Weapon
Face/Reach:              5 ft
Special Attacks:         Acidic Touch (1d2)
Special Qualities:       +3 on saves to acid & poison
Saves:                        F +5, R +1, W +5
Abilities:                    Str 13, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills:                        Perception +6, Stealth +4, Knowledge (Poison) +4, Craft (alchemy) +10
Feats:                         Imp Grapple (F), Imp Initiative, Resist Magic
Climate/Terrain:          Any, Spires or towns
Organization:             Solitary or Pool (3-12)
Challenge Rating:        2
Treasure:                    Standard
Alignment:                 NG or NE (split between good and evil)
Advancement Range:  By HD or Class (Rogue, Ranger, Druid, Fighter)

Humanoid Aberation that has loose grey saggy skin. They need to concentrate for a round in order to pull the skin tight, it stays closely attached for 5 or more rounds. Cursed by circumstances, as their body needs to deform once a day to stay healthy, but they are emotionally affected by the process
and are loathe to do it in front of anyone. Their bodies own acid deforms anything of fine design, so they shy away from anything except the most basic, rudimentary items.

While they seem physically incapable of handling physical challenges, they as a people have learned to adapt and grow with the acids in their own body, adjusting to the situations around them. They prefer dark alleyways in large cities, because leaving little tear or burn marks doesn't gather too much attention. Many are angry at the world and their existence, wanting to inflict pain or take from anyone in their way. Others, understand that their gifts enable them not to have, but to give to others in different ways.

Many good aligned Chlortheks become artists, alchemists or crafters, while many evil ones become rogues, intent to take whatever they want. They are not direct enemies, each understands what the other does, but feels that those actions are not best for them. They are from a people long-ago cursed by the gods for the defilement of a holy site, and their eternal payment seems to be the curse that condemns them. There are stories about Chlortheks who lose the curse for their offspring, but they must pay for the crimes of their ancestors.

By Racial Levels: +6 skill points per HD
1 HD Youth, 6 skill points + 1 feat
2 HD Mature, 6 skill points + 1 feat
3 HD +2 to any attribute score; +1 AC; Acid Touch Dmg 1d3; Auto half damage from Acid
4 HD SR 5, Resist +5 cold & Electricity; Acid Marking
5 HD +2 to any attribute score; Gain 1 Feat; +1 AC; Acid Touch 1d6; Immune to Acid damage
6 HD SR 10; Polymorph Resistance, Resist +10 cold & Electricity
7 HD +2 to any attribute score; Uncanny defense; +1 AC; Acid Touch 1d8
8 HD Acid Throw - As touch dmg, by dex modifier; Gain 1 Feat
9 HD +2 to any attribute score; +1 AC; Acid Touch 2d6
10 HD SR 20; Petrification Resist, Acid Cloud 2d8 dmg, Acid Touch 2d8 dmg
11 HD +2 to any three attribute scores; Gain 1 Feat; +1 AC; Acid Touch 2d10; Formless

These racial HD are the default abilities of a C'Tek, if they alternative abilities for any HD or level they cannot earn any additional racial HD levels.

3 HD Acid Marking: By grazing an item, they can mark it with a unique marking so it can be identified. The marks can be as rough or genteel as desired.

7 HD Acid Throw Can collect a glob of acid to throw it at anything within 20 ft, inflicting 1d6 damage, up to 2+1/dex or con modifier

9 HD Acid Cloud: They can release the acid upon concentration in a cloud form up to three times a day inflicting 2d8 dmg, in a 10 ft X 10 ft X 10 ft. range and it will last 5-10 rounds. If the C'Tek leaves the cloud, decrease damage to 2d6 every round. It takes two rounds for the acid cloud to fully form.

Formless: Able to change into a pool of acid and move in a 20 foot speed. They lose any natural armor class but can attack using their base attack and any dexterity ability boosts to inflict 3d6 dmg. They are able to stay in this form for up to 8 hours at a time. It is a move action to change back into humanoid form, but it is a two round action to change into the acid form and they cannot be wearing non-magical items or they will be destroyed.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Chesshire Template (orange striped animal with green ethereal eyes)

Was inspired by a short story  Lilly-White & the Thief of Lesser Night by CSE Cooney for this idea. It works really well as have a ton of creatures from similar types of creatures from nursery rhymes.

CHESHIRE Template CR +2
CN Magical beast
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11


AC +6 luck bonus
hp +2d8 HD fast healing 2
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6
Defensive Abilities Immune mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms), paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stun; SR 19


Speed As base creature
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4 plus poison), bite +5 (1d3 plus poison)
Special Attacks Ethereal Poison, sneak attack +2d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +16)
Spells—ethereal jaunt (2/day); greater invisibility 3/day (10% failure rate)


Dex +4, Cha +2, Wis -2
Feat Bumps Dimensional Assault, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bumps: Bluff +8, Perception +8, Stealth +12
Languages Common, Elven, Faerie plus other common languages in the area
Ethereal Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 19; frequency 1/round; effect slip into the ethereal for an unspecified number of rounds; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based. The time the poison lasts depends on the saving throw. If a 1 is rolled, use 11-20 rounds; if 2 is rolled, use 9-16 rounds, if a 3 is rolled use 7-12 rounds, if a 4 or higher is rolled use 3 or 4 rounds. Any roll effectively higher but that still fails, causes the victim to slip into the ethereal for 1d2 rounds.
Environment Wonderland (Faerie)
Organization solitary
Treasure standard
Advancement: As monster HD or class

The Cheshire Template is for animals or creatures exposed to the madening effect of the Cheshire disease.They appear the same as the animal or creature they originated from, but have bright orange or purple stripes all over their body and green ethereal eyes. When they experience surprise or feel threatened, they need to roll a will saving throw or they lose themselves to the ethereal and fade into the other plane.

Most adventurers don't know about the Chessires and those that do, just believe them harmless. In fact, Chessires have the ability to hide so well that they are just unnoticed. They often follow adventurers going into a dungeon, simply for the kicks, and remain hidden or invisible until something strikes it's fancy and then will lose focus and become visible. Cheshire's are generally cautious, and will run away or go ethereal but when roused or care about individuals, they can be brave and cunning to help their allies.

Cheshire Creatures abstain from combat, simply because they can. They have no real allies, as they spend much of their time around sites they find interesting or following other creatures. They also have no true enemies, as they don't tend to cause problems. Some high level Sorcerers or Alchemists seek Chessire beasts to milk them for their ethereal poison glands. A rare number make connections with adventurers and wish to travel around with them, but they seem to be interested in fun not combat and especially not getting treasure.

While most Chessires tend to be aloof, some are in fact extremely curious and want to get involved in power plays to help their cause.

Experts are not entirely sure what causes a few creatures to become inflicted with the Chesshire disease template. It was formerly believed to be their bite, but now most experts do not think this is the case. Others surmise it is simply spending time around a chesshire or even sleeping near one.

Invisibility Flaw: There is a 10% chance that when trying to go invisible, not all of their body is affected by their spell-like ability, and this part will still remain visible. Sometimes a leg, tail or part of their face is visible. A failed attempt does not count in their daily invisibility usages.

Inspired by: Lilly-White & the Thief of Lesser Night by CSE Cooney in the collection Mad Hatters and March Hares short story collection