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Thursday, 21 March 2019

Psionic Otyugh

A psionic version of the terrible trash monster found in many dungeons. They still hunt the same places but they clean themselves off. Like many of my beasts, it is psionically enhanced.


CR 3
N Medium Aberration
Init +0 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8

AC 17 touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 natural)
hp 26 hp (4d8+8 con)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5
Immune disease

Speed 20 ft.
Melee 2 Tentacles +4 (1d6+3)
Special Attacks  Psionics, Constrict (1d6+3), Imp Grab
Special Qualities: All Around sight

Str 16, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 8
Base Atk +3 CMB +6 CMD 16
Feats Mindlink plus one other
Skills +8 Perception , +3 Survival
Languages Understand basic lizard or common

Environment  City Tunnels, Sewers or Swamps
Organization  Solitary
Treasure Value Half
Advancement By HD 5 - 8 (Medium), 9-12 (Large)
Alignment: Neutral (30% can range from NG to NE)

A descendant of the vile creature found in many cesspools, it somehow became affected by the psionic energies of the Boreth region becoming self-aware and psionicly empowered. It grew in intelligence, enough to realize that the filth that it was living in was bad for it, developing a sense of cleanliness. It appears as a heap of mottled flesh, with multiple tentacles and bulging eyes all around it. While it can only attach with two tentacles at a time, it usually has 5-8 tentacles all around it's body.

It continues to hunt in filthy places, but uses its abilities to care for itself and defeat its foes. It prefers access to fresh sources of water and attacks creatures that invade its area. It will try to grab foes, choking them or drowning them in water, waiting for them to suffocate. Many psionic versions don't hurt perceived allies, such as fey who inhabit a region without inflicting harm. They are notorious for attacking strangers, perceived threats or anything new in the swamp or sewers

They are usually solitary creatures, but they can make allies that reside in the same territory.

Because of their size, they are more easily captured and contained. They are in many dungeons and large cities prefer them to clean their dungeons. They are trained to destroy vermin and act as the primary eye below ground. They are taught to Mind-Link with Sentries at the first signs of trouble.

Psionics: PSP: 15; DC 12+(1d6); Manifests as a 5th level Psionic
Powers: Biocurrent, Create Sound, Hammer, Control Air, Sustenance
Enhanced: Cleanse

Mind-Link is my basic psionic telepathic ability. Any creature with this psionic feat and a current reserve of 1 PSP, can contact an Open Mind, free of PSP costs and send or receive a short message or image within a 100 ft radius.

New Psionic Power

Level: 1
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: One Living Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Nil
Power Resistance: Yes
Base Point Cost: 1

This power purifies an organism of any non-magical toxicants as long as they were introduced into the organism less than twenty-four hours previously.

Enhanced Power: By utilizing an enhanced power, their cleanse can also clear their bodies of stronger level poisons or diseases.Cost +3 PSPs.

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