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Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Aspect of Bacchus - Religious Figure of a Musical Deity

An Aspect is a religious figure - a living embodiment of one of the gods. They appear to serve both the living god and to be a boon to the faithful.  The idea comes from the D&D 3.5 Miniature Handbook, and I still use the equivalents for most of the gods in my world, except for a few where I've set them out like the figure for Bacchus below. 

Aspect of Bacchus      CR 10

CN Medium Outsider

Init +10 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +25


AC 24 touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+6 Dex, +8 natural)
hp 126hp (12d10+60 con)
Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +9
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 5/epic,  Immune to cold, electricity, paralysis, enchantment, necromancy, poison & sleep, Resist Acid & Fire 20, SR 21


Speed 40 ft. Flight 60 (A)
Melee +4 Mace-Lute+15  (1d10+11)
Ranged Weapon +18 Javelin (1d10+7)
Special Attacks  See Invisibility, Telepathy 1000 ft, Turn Undead (See Below)


Str 17, Dex 23, Con 20, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 24

Base Atk +12 CMB +15 CMD 31

Feats Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Cleave, Power Attack 

Skills Balance +20, Bluff +24, Diplomacy +21, Perform (All) +21, Knowledge (Arcana) +18, Knowledge (History) +18, Knowledge (Nobility) +24, Perception +25, Sense Motive +20, Intimidate+20, Fly +20, Knowledge (Music) +30 

Other Gear  Multiple musical instruments

Languages Common, Dwarf, Elf, Faerie, Minotaur, Gamorec, Phaetox 

Environment Any land or urban (Often an obelisk or Temple or Music Site)
Organization  Solitary with 3-30 0 - 1st level entourage (No more than 1 aspect to a single god is ever in a 10,000 mile radius.)
Treasure Value  Triple
Advancement: By Character class (Bard)

Aspects are religious figures that are best understood as a living embodiment's of a divine ideal. While not actual gods but they do best represent an immortal representative and come to serve the faithful in the mortal planes. Most Aspects are heavily aligned to one of the alignment radials - Lawful, Chaotic, Good or Evil. They serve this radial and the deity equal.

The truest representative form of an Aspect of Bacchus is a ten-foot tall reveler, wearing a toga, sandals and a laurel of ivy in their hair. They often have a lute or other musical instrument on hand, as well as kegs of alcohol nearby. Most times in mortal planes, 
they appear as mortal size and either in the Bacchanalian attire or something more appropriate to their local religious followers. Most are followed by a throng of devotees that come to listen to the god-like music they play at virtually any occasion. Either they or their devotees splurge in an excess of celebrations – wine, music, games. An Aspect of Bacchus is always about imbibing to extremes.

The best way to influence a Bacchanalian is to play music. Beating a perform check of DC 25 will make the aspect neutral to you; a perform check vs a DC 30 will make them positive. Lower than 20 perform, and the aspect will treat you with disdain. Increase the DCs by 5 if the performer attempts to sing or any other non-instrument type of perform. (I use this rule generally, musicianship is associated with playing instruments, not other forms of entertaining.) 
Attempts to use magic to influence the music is seen as cheating and is disdained and rebuked by the faithful. So having a +5 musical instrument is okay, casting a spell to enhance your musicianship isn't kosher.

An Aspect of Bacchus has the Bardic abilities of a 12th level Bard (minimum.)

Intoxicating Voice: Any mortal that listens to an Bacchus Aspect sing or play music must make a DC 18 Will check or fall into a drunken stupor equivalent of being staggered. They are able to take a single move action or standard action each round (unable to take full round actions.) Dispel Magic or Purify Poison will purge the effect. An Aspect can activate or dispel this at will, usually by clapping his hands or laughing.

Turn Undead: Most Aspects represent living faiths, as such they turn as 20th level clerics in their home temples/obelisks. For a Bacchus Aspect they turn at 

between 15th-18th level in urban areas and between 8th-10th in all other spots. Regardless of location, they turn at their optimum at parties and fests with large groups of followers and revelers. They turn at the worst in dungeons or wild natural areas. 

Saturday, 24 December 2016


As my two little angels were decorating for the holidays, I thought this would be a good fit in my fey game setting.


XP 1,200
NG Medium Construct
Init +7 Senses Darkvision 60, Low-light vision; Perception +6

AC 18 touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 47hp (5d10+20 size)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Defensive Abilities    DR 5 /Adamantine,  Immune Construct Traits
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Two-Handed Weapon +8 (1d12+4.5)
Special Attacks Trumpeting, Smash Object
Special Trait Learning
Space 5 ft   Reach 5 ft

Str 17, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +5 CMB +8 CMD 21
Skills: Perform (Dance, Percussion or String) +5
Languages Common, Elf, Dwarf
Gear Trumpet

Environment  Any
Organization   Solitary or Troupe (7-12)
Treasure Value  None
Advancement: Unlimited

Trumpeting: A nutcracker has a magical trumpet that has a 10 mile radius. Any creature aligned with the nutcracker hears the blast and can respond if it is able. They can blast the trumpet no more than
three times a week.

Smash Object: A nutcracker is designed to defend their castle or other area.  If they are able to seize either a weapon or amour, their smash effect will destroy the item.  This effect can be dome twice a day but no more than once a day on any specific object

Learning: As a construct, nutcrackers should have no ability outside of their military prowess. However, nutcrackers often spend time around families, and pick up many skills suck as music, baking or dancing from interacting with their living. They have the same number of skill points as their HD.

A nutcracker is a construct designed to protect an area of importance, often home locations when armies are away.  They are assigned to areas in a castle and rarely leave.  Many times, living creatures form a bond to these constructs, and they form a very strong affection to those weaker then themselves, often children or fey which they can earn skills.

Unlike many other construct-types, Nutcrackers are unlimited in their HD. They can be built up to become any size HD, if their designer has the time and coins to do so.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Snow Cloakers aka Wrapping Deaths

Snow Cloakers (Wrapping Deaths)

Medium Size Aberration (Psionic)

Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (27 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 10ft, Fly 40 ft (good)
AC: 18 (+6 natural, +2 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 16
BAB / CMB / CMD: +3 / +7 / 19
Regular Attack: Tail slap +7 (1d6+5), Bite +3 (1d4+2)
REACH: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Engulf, Psionics
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60
SAVES: Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +7
Abilities: Str 19 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 9
Skills: Perception +12,  Move Silently +10, Knowledge (nature) +10, Survival: +10
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Imp Initiative 
Climate: Any Cold Forest or Mountain
Organization: Mob (3-6), Flock (7-12)
CR: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Advancement: 6 - 9 HD (Medium) or 10 - 16 HD (Large)

Out of nowhere, the land arises, moaning and comes flying toward you…

Smaller, faster and a more cunning version of the standard cloakers found in the underground. Most have white wings and light gray body, small eyespots cover it’s back. These creatures are highly intelligent and plot ambushes to minute details. They seek both victims to devour as well as treasure, magic and other items.

They live in small communities called flocks, with at least one higher HD leader. They can be hired or bribed by other evil Masters, looking for their services in trapping victims.

Snow Cloakers plan combat, and only attack when they believe they have superiority over their victims. They like areas that are close to civilized areas, but also in proximity to caves or valleys where they can use their flight ability to quickly escape. They begin by using psionics. Once their foes are disoriented at least half their numbers will swoop in, attempting to use their engulfing ability to smother anyone left standing. If their initial foray is not properly executed, many snow cloakers retreat. At heart, they are cowards, and will engage with foes only if they believe they have already won the battle.

Engulf: When Snow Cloakers make a grapple check, they wrap themselves around their victim smothering them into unconsciousness. They inflict 1d6 + (20- touch AC of their victim) each round. Any non-blunt attacks done on the cloaker will inflict ½ damage on the cloaker and ½ damage to the victim.

Psionics: Control Light, Deceleration, Distract, Dimension Door, Ectoplasmic Form, Id Insinuation, Chameleon, Recall Pain, Energy Ray (Cold 1d6, 40 ft, DC 15) DC: 15, PSPs: 25

Monday, 12 December 2016

Displacerus - quadruped with vicious, sharpened tentacles and a vision effecting field

A snarling, dangerous beast from another world that hunts both highly populated forests or remote spires. It's most unique feature is a vision reducing field that mimics the displacement area of effect spell that limits missile spells and effects. Even non spellcasters are hampered as their sharpened tentacles regenerate quickly.


CR: 4
NE Large magical beast
Init: +2; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +10

AC: 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural, -1 size)
hp: 42 (5 +15 HD)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
Defensive Abilities: Displacement, resistance to ranged attacks, Tentacle Regrowth, Posion

Speed: 40 ft.
Melee: Bite +8 (1d8+4), 2 tentacles +8 (1d6+4/18-20)
Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacles)
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk: +5; CMB: +10; CMD: 23 (31 vs. trip)
Feats: Dodge, Skill Focus (Perception, Stealth)
Skills: Perception +10, Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers: +8 Stealth

Languages: Common (Understand but cannot speak)
Environment: Forest or Spire
Organization: Solitary or pair
Treasure: Standard
Advancement: 6 - 10 HD (Large) or 11-20 HD (Huge - 20 ft tentacles)

Displacement (Su): A vision affecting field surrounds a displacerus, making it difficult to see it’s exact location. Any melee or range attack (within 50 ft) directed at it has a 50% miss chance unless the attacker can locate the beast by some means other than sight. A true seeing effect allows the user to see the beast’s position, but see invisibility has no effect. Missile or spell attacks greater than 50 ft away miss 100% of the time.

Resistance to Ranged or Magic Attacks (Su): A displacer beast has a +4 resistance bonus on saves against any ranged magical attack that specifically targets it. Area of effect spell attacks of 10 ft or more radius do not suffer this resistance. Spell users that have a True Seeing or equivalent spell in effect are not affected by this resistance.

Tentacle Regrowth: This creature will regrow a large primary tentacle in 1d3+1 rounds when destroyed. Each tentacle has 8+1d4 hp and an AC of 21. The tentacles they must be attacked specifically. All critical hits scored against a tentacle if confirmed, can sever one of them (if choosen or targeted by the PC.)

Infectious Poison (Su): Twice a year a displacerus must poison other creatures to spread its seed. The infected animal must make a Fort DC 18 to avoid the three day transformation process. It picks either very strong, fast or charming creatures.

This terrific hunter species known to terrorize many forests and other remote locales.  They exist to feed and to inflict suffering on others. They have a sleek but long dog-like body, and usually a red-purple leathery skin, small black eyes and a fang filled mouth but there is a membrane inside it, preventing food from being directly absorbed.

It's most prominent feature are it's four main tentacles that are ten feet long, and five to six smaller tentacles. It feeds through absorbing blood from suckers on the smaller tentacles. They can attack with two of these large tentacles every round. It is common for these creatures to lose one tentacle during a combat and continue on but if they lose two or more they will immediately flee.

These weird, barren creatures are unable to mate even with its own kind. Once a year they are able to infect other quadruped creatures with a poison that if the creatures fails the save, they will transform into a displacerus. Even when more than one comes through portals from other worlds together, they rarely stick near each other as willing pack-mates. They will sometimes track each other, and come to another's aid or help, if they can either receive or steal a good meal from the combat.

It is surmised by some experts that Displacerus are not native to Nyssa, but come as unintended guests when other creatures either travel or summoned here from other worlds via summoning spells. Unlike the base creature, they are not dismissed when the summoning spells end.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Sylph, Nyssian (Gossamer, Winged, Good-Aligned Humanoids)

The way I created the Sylph is is the opposite of how I handle most beasts. I usually try to scale them down to lower HD levels to introduce them at an earlier point in the story as an (N)PC. If a player wanted to use one, I would just use the Sylph from the PF books - but what is shown here this is the default, for most sylph in my world. They are a happy, energetic people, willing to help fight evil but also to fly around, observe others from afar, play games and music.

Sylph, Nyssian
Medium Sized Fey (Air)

Hit Dice: 5d8+3 (17 hp)
Initiative: +7 (Dex and Imp Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft; Fly 50 ft (good)
AC 17 touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 natural)
Base Atk +2 CMB +0 CMD 13
Melee Rapier +5 (1d6-2) or Shortbow +5 (1d6)
Special Qualities: Invisibility (3 times a day), Spells
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 17
Skills: Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +8, Heal +6, Knowledge (local or music) +7, Perception +8, Perform +6 (Wind), Stealth: +8,
Feats: Hover, Imp Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any Aerial Location (Towers, Remote Spires or Cloud Isles)
Organization: Solitary or pair
Languages Air Elemental, Avian, Fey, Elf, Dwarf, Common
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Good
Advancement: By character class  (sorcerer, rogue or ranger)

These elemental spirits of air resemble gossamer winged petite humans, usually dressed in light colours and small pieces of jewelry. Attractive and playful; love to tease and joke with good aligned creatures that they encounter. Often their teasing is a form of subtle way of getting potential allies to come to their help in defending against evil or those who would harm nature or animals. They are a reclusive people, it is a rare and dangerous time when more than a few are ever in the same place at the same time.

They rarely speak out in front of crowds, they usually whisper in the ears of allies, but they do laugh out-loud as they cannot help themselves in moments of glee. More then one falling person of good alignment has been mysteriously rescued by an invisible sylph. The have a great deal of respect of spellcasters, musicians and artists, and will often take an opportunity to reflect on beauty or art.

They have a wonderful relationship with most creatures that reside in mountainous or wild locations, in particular Dwarves, Elves, Jahlen & Phaetox. Always willing to help in times of danger, acting as a scout or warning them of danger. At the same time, they do ask favours, and have at times raised small armies to help them in their tasks.

They are heavily associated with spires - mile high mountains that act similar to islands in the sky. Yet, many do have homes in the cities, near Towers of magic or other crafts. They spend much of their time invisible, and watching children and musicians. They would be a terrific force for good if focused on long range plans, but their interest like their attention span is often compared to a fleeting breeze.

Their gossamer wings are fragile to physical attack - if they take more than 5 points of damage, they are hobbled for the day and cannot fly for the rest of the day.  Normal physical attacks, even to the Sylphs back does not harm the wings, only a deliberate attack. Treat their wings as having a +5 AC deflection bonus in comparison to their regular AC. Spells or magic cannot harm the wings. They regenerate after 8 hours of rest or a cure critical spell is applied to them.

Many mortals believe all Sylph are female, but their numbers are balanced. They are an openly loving species, often getting or being confused with the standard sexual paradigms some mortal creatures seem bound with. They love, just as much as they consume or play or dance, many sylph fornicate without regard, if their partner is a willing one. Other uptight creatures are sometimes confused when a paramour reveals their gender and it is not what they expected.

Sylphs rarely engage foes directly. Most will try to use their spells to avoid confrontation or to get potential allies to help them. Their two great advantages are their flight and invisibility. The rare sylph that advances in character level, usually does so as either a sorcerer, rogue or ranger.

Energy Resistance: Sylphs have electricity & wind resistance 15. they gain +2 for any new HD or level gained
Abilities:    Gust of Wind, Detect Good (1/charisma bonus)
Featherfall (self or any one other in a 50 ft range), Invisibility (3/day)

A Sylph can remain invisible an unlimited amount of time. If they take an action that would make them noticeable, they remain visible until they get unnoticed for one full minute.

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Restless - Undead Template

In my game world, undead are very common as they spontaneously arise from any creature not properly buried or disposed of. This template is the base undead found everywhere, arising due to accident or carelessness, not specifically evil actions. 

Restless-Undead [Template]

This template can be added to any dead creature that arise from its corpse being improperly interred. The creature appears as it did during the time of death often wearing funeral dress or wrapped linen over some portion of their body. Their eyes have a dark hue that covers most of their face, and many times they have a distinct jerk in their movements, especially at the start.

These undead are similar to self-aware zombies, that struggle to eke out an existence in their undeath. Most reside in crypts or dungeons, uninterested in moving out of the location where they reside. 

Size and Type: Change type to Undead (d12), If originally 3 HD or less, the new creature now has 3 HD. Creatures over 5 HD, lose 2 HD.

Speed: Same as original creature.

Armor Class: Gains a natural armor bonus of +5, this replaces any natural armor bonus the creature may have had previously. If they wore armor when buried, they will most likely will still be wearing it.

Attack: If it was originally a beast, the restless gain an additional bite attack doing the same damage as when they were alive. If humanoid, they have two natural slam attacks. The Restless if they have over a modicum of intelligence (7 or higher) and have their weapons, may opt to continue to use this option.

Size               Slam Damage
Small                 1d4
Medium             1d6
Large                 1d8
Huge                  2d6

Special Attacks: They retain all the attacks they had in life and gain despair wail & restless fever.

Despair Wail (Su) All creatures within a 60-foot radius that hear a restless must make a Will save at DC 13 (+ 1 / HD). or be paralyzed by fear for 2d5 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same despair ability for 24 hours. This is a paralysis and a mind-affecting fear affect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Restless Fever: touch; save Fort DC 14, onset time 1 minute; every 6 hours make another save.
Initial effect: 1d3 Constitution drain.
Ongoing Effect: Every six hours make another save to take another point of Constitution drain.
Save: 2 non-successive successful saves to prevent any additional loss. While the restless effect is happening, the victim cannot properly rest, only magical healing can help revive them. The save DC is Charisma-based. This can also be removed by two successive remove curse spells.

Skills and Feats: Undead of five intelligence or more maintain the skills and feats they had in life.

Game Focus
Most restless have at least faint memories of their lives before they were killed, but now they exist to try and satiate their endless hunger. Warrior types try to organize any other undead into small legions to protect their property. Former wizards most often are the weakest, as they do not automatically gain spells, have lost some intelligence, and do not have spell books. A few rogues lucky enough to have their equipment can prosper and gain access to buried wealth.

It seems only clerics, who are often buried with symbols of their devotion follow their previous path. If they were evil, they exist to gain power and followers at any cost. If previously good, their existence makes them go slightly mad, and spend their time in their lair, angry at the world. They are still not willing to do evil to others, but will lash out if others come to them. Though rare, sometimes they can be convinced to help the living in good causes within their dark dungeon lairs.

Restless know they are not alive and do not pretend to be. They are obsessed with death, symbols around it and keeping their small circle free from anything they disdain - such as the living.

Any Restless with at least a low intelligence will try to avoid the undead hunting Jackalla.

Special Qualities: An undead creature has the following features.

d8 Hit Die.
Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium progression).
Good Will Saves.
Skill points equal to 4 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. Many undead, however, are mindless and gain no skill points or feats. The following are class skills for undead: Climb, Disguise, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Stealth.

Abilities: Adjust the base creature as follows: Str +4, Con --, Int -4, Wis +4, Dex --, Cha --. These undead lose some of the intelligence they had in life, but they gain in most other ways.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Fuul or Fool - Small, pink furred winged elven cat

This is probably the fastest creature I have ever stated up. Got a chance to volunteer for a one-night event early next month, and this is the focus of the game... find the Fool!

Fuul CR6
N Small Fey
Init +8 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +9

AC 17 touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
hp 21hp (6d6+0 con)
Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +6
Misdirect Magic or Arrows, Resistance to Electricity 20

Speed 40 ft., Fly 20 ft.
Melee Bite +8 (1d3-1)
Special Attacks Evasion, Agility

Str 8, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +3 CMB +1 CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative, Dodge, Mobility
Skills +20 Fly, +8 Perception, +5 Knowledge (local / nature), +12 Stealth, +5 Sense Motive
Languages  Fey or Elven (Understand and read, but cannot speak)

Environment Forest, Spire or Dungeon
Organization Solitary, Pack (2-5)
Treasure Value Half Standard (gems, coins, keys)

A Fuul (usually mispronounced Fool) is a fey creature long beloved by Elves and other woodland creatures.  It appears as a small, pink furred, double tailed, winged cat. They form very strong attachments to those some who travel into the wilder parts of the forest. They are quite intelligent, and can understand words spoken or written in the lands around them but they cannot speak - they meow or purr.

Some are trained to act as the hunted foe in an Elven forest game, where the challengers must capture the fool using nets. It is difficult for the challengers to use magic against the Fuul as it can redirect any spell cast near it.


Misdirect Magic (Su): Twice a round, a Foul can misdirect any magic cast at or near it.  They usually redirect it at the caster, or safely away from other creatures. Their tails actually misdirect the spells, if the tails are cut off they lose this ability.

Agility (Su): A Fuul may act as if hasted for a number of rounds per day equal to their Charisma modifier. This ability can be activated or suppressed as a free action.

(Pikachu...I see you!!!)

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Doposylla - Green Skinned Slug Disc-Flying, Exo-Biologist-Scientist with Bodily Upgrades / Discoveries

My games are inherently fantasy. I like most of the tropes - elves, fairies, dragons and knights among many others. While I also love sci-fi movies and TV, I generally don't mix the two. The Doposylla is one of the few variations to this rule, as they are aliens flying around on small personal saucers, shooting energy rays and doing augmentations to other creatures. They are seen as kooky and untrustworthy but worthwhile for many races looking for body modifications for their underlings, in particular, their evil masters. The Doposylla are obsessed with body changes and care little for ethics or the health of their subjects. They are heavily inspired by Sil, the alien species from classic Doctor Who.


CN Small Aberation
Init +4 Senses Perception +5

AC 16 touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 natural) 
hp 22hp (3d8+9 con)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4

Speed 10 ft., Fly 20 ft. (E)
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4+1) 
Ranged +6 Electrical Ray  (Touch Attack)

Str 13 (7), Dex 19 (11), Con 17 (10), Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 11  *Unadjusted Scores
Base Atk +2 CMB +3 CMD 17
Feats Weapon Finesse, Iron Will
Skills +5 Perception, +6 Knowledge (Magic or Genetics), +6 Spell Craft, Fly +12
Languages Giant, Dragon, Planar Trade

Environment     Spirelands or Astral Islands or Large Cities 
Organization     Solitary, pair, or syndicate (3–6) 
Treasure Value  Double
Items: Adult Doposylla at 3 HD or higher have a Personal Flying Disc

The Doposylla are infamous small sized, green scaled slugs well known for the abilities to enhance creatures, either by creating cross-breed or boosting beasts. While they are often sought out by evil creatures looking to utilize their unique skills. But they are not evil just self absorbed, focused on doing their experiments. Three foot tall, dark -green overweight, slug-like humanoids with small horns, small arms and no legs.  Their skin has many abrasions, cuts as they show signs of multiple incisions from operations, a majority of the injuries are self-inflicted.  Most live on a personal flying device, equivalent to a Magic Disc or have large creatures (ogres) to ferry them around on their backs as man-servants. 

Originally found in an Outer Plane, as a traveling people around the Great Circle. The rumors have it that their world was invaded by the domineering Hasick Devil-kin and they were put to hard laborious work.  Unsuited for typical physical slave labour, one of the few areas they excelled in was medical augmentations that eventually lead them to perform operations to enhance the Master's war slaves.  Legends speak of them eventually escaping by cutting their own legs to make a permanent connection with their personal travelling device.  Whatever factions made these deals no longer mention it and the Doposylla never reveal anything about their own past. 

Most Doposylla are not actually spell casters, but they have learned to use spell components to mimic spells in order to upgrade their target's physical attributes or create temporary boons. They can do this no more than the recipient's natural constitution bonus (i.e. 17 Con = 3 times.) If a recipient wants a repeat, it will be considered duplication in terms of cost. Prices: 4,000 gold piece for 1 adj; 10.000 for the second adjustment; 16000 for the third, etc. Half of the cost is for components. It takes one day per the level of adjustment to prepare the medicine and just as long to recover after the treatment is completed.

Very rarely a young (1 or 2 HD) Doposylla are found, they are incapable of movement, residing in vats of liquid, observing its species and learning. They are fed, but there is little other emotional connection, Doposylla who are strong enough to climb out of the vats, begin working on their first motion machine (usually a disc), once it's completed they are accepted into the community. There is always competition between the infantile slugs, and some of the adults enjoy it when one youth physically maims another one.

Many Doposylla have odd senses of humour and love to test their subjects not just physically but emotionally as well. They are open to working with almost anyone that is willing to experiment on themselves but even more important that are willing to pay them their fees. 

Personal Flying Disc - Four foot wide flat disc, that the Doposylla use for travel. The Disc has Flying rating E (Perfect) and speed of 20. It can hold no more than 50 pounds of weight more the Doposylla. A small ray gun or discharge device is attached to the front of the disc. Alternatively, some will have a small flexible grapple hand, that has a 10 ft reach, but can hold things less than 40 pounds. It radiates a small force field, adding +6 on the Doposylla's AC. It cannot fly higher than 5 feet of the ground. Some Dopo upgrade their flying disc with their feats, increasing speed, flying height, force field, grapplers, capacity, etc. They do not sell or make these devices for other beings.

Discharge Device - They have a small electrical ray device, which can shoot a ray out to 50 ft directly in front of them. This is a touch attack. This does 1d6 base electrical damage every round. Some Dopo upgrade their ray gun with their feats.

HD Advancement Table: +7 skill points per level, feats every second level, (+2) ability increases every three HD levels, +1 AC bonus every level (when on their disc.)

Typical Skill Selection: Knowledge (Any),  Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Fly, Perception, Survival, Use Magic Device

4 HD - Discovery 
5 HD - Improve Ray (Touch Attack, Electrical Discharge 1d8)
6 HD - Discovery
7 HD - Anesthesia 
8 HD - Discovery
9 HD - Improve Ray (Touch Attack, Electrical Discharge 1d10, or 2 attacks at 1d6)
10 HD - Discovery 
11 HD - Improve Ray (Touch Attack, Electrical Discharge 2d8, or 2 attacks at 1d10)
12 HD - Discovery 
+1 HD - Gain New Discovery for every two new HD, Gain an extra electrical discharge at lowest dmg rate every two new HD

This advancement table is the standard way for Doposylla to advance, a rare few advance by taking sorcerer levels. If they don't advance in their Doposylla HD levels, they do not gain new discoveries.

Anesthesia - Can inject apart of their own blood, to provide relief from pain, it dulls the recipient`s senses so that hit point loss is postponed off until the medicine wears off (HD * constitution bonus in number of days.) Most often, they will be in a resting bed and the Doposylla will allow the recipient to heal naturally. The recipient must make a Will DC roll to determine the hit point affect. The Doposylla usually charge 500 gp for this service. The Doposylla can do this any number of times a day, as long as they have the serum ready, which takes 1d3 days to prepare 1d6 doses.
Will DC 13 for 1 HP/ HD up to 5th HD
Will DC 16 for 2 HP/ HD up to 12th HD
Will DC 20 for 3 HP/ HD up to 18th HD
Will DC 25 for 4 HP/ HD up to 15th HD
Will DC 30 for 6 HP/ HD up to 20th HD+
+1 HP / level for every +5 DC beaten

Discovery - A Doposylla finds their own technique for completing a physical upgrade to a body. The assumption is that they need to have done this on themselves. 

Typical Discoveries:
Temporary Attribute Boost: Add +5 to any attribute score for 2d10 days 

Increase Natural AC - Add +1 to recipient's natural AC

Increase Natural Damage - Increase damage to the next highest dice for a natural weapon, such as claw, bite, etc

Increase Natural Speed - Increase land speed by 10; -2 on all other movement skill checks (climb, fly, etc)

Secrete Base Poison - The creature gets a poison that secretes from their blood. The poison does -2 constitution damage (-4 dmg on a sneak attack or critical) if injected. The save is Dc 10 + HD + Constitution bonus. This is the base Doposylla poison.

Concentrate poison - Add +2 on saving throws for a creature's own natural poisons

Greater Poison - Add +5 on saving throws for a creature's own natural poisons

Feral Bonus- recipient loses 1d3 on intelligence score but gains 1d4 on a physical attribute 

Replacement organs - Gain as needed replacement body parts or organs, these do not need to be attached immediately. (Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Eyes are the typical ones created.)

Lesser wings - Creature gains wings, (Flight 20, maneuverability: Poor –4 on fly skill checks, 5 minute / level)

Upgrade wings - Creature gains an improvement in their wings, Flight 30,  maneuverability: Average +0 on fly skill checks, Flight time 10 min / HD 

Small Horns - These small black horns confer +2 on the heads AC, and +4 on stun checks

Larger Horns -These medium sized black horns confer +6 on the heads AC, +4 on intimidation checks and immune to stun checks; upgrade from sharp horns

Tail: Give a recipient a five foot long tail, adding +4 on balance checks.

Sharpened Tail: This upgrade makes the tail much stronger, adding +8 on balance checks and an attack as a primary weapon doing 1d4 dmg (18-20/ X 3 dmg) to creatures behind them.

Lesser Tentacle: The creature gains a prehensile, arm-length tentacle on his body. The tentacle is fully under his control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing. The tentacle enables a tentacle attack to creatures within five foot radius (1d6 damage for a Medium alchemist, 1d3 damage for a Small one) with the grab ability. Those with a tentacle use it as a free attack, it does not count on their normal maximum number of allowable attacks per round.

Upgraded Tentacle: With this upgrade, this tentacle enables a tentacle attack as per their primary attack roll (+2) to seize creatures in a 10 foot radius. (1d10 damage for a Large Tail, 1d8 for a Medium Tail and 1d6 damage for a Small one) with the grab ability. Those with a tentacle use it as a free attack, it does not count on their normal maximum number of allowable attacks per round.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Chund - Blind, Small Sized Blind Eyeballs with a never ending hunger

I use these as a swarm creature. If the PCs are able to do mass damage, they can scare these buggers away in the general swarm type rules. Many of my evil masterminds seem to keep one or more of these in glass cages as specimens / pets.


Small-size Aberration
Hit Dice: 3d8+3(15 hp)  or 90 hp
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: Fly 40 ft.(good)
AC: 16 (+2, Dex,+4 natural)
Single Attack Bite + 4 melee / Swarm Attack *
Single Dmg Bite 1d6+1 / Swarm Damage 4d6
SA Individuals have Improved grab (bite damage every round)
SQ Scent, Night Vision, Immune to necromantic attacks or energy
Saves Fort+4,Ref+18,Will+2
Abilities Str 13,Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 5
Skills Fly +12, Perception +6, Survival +8
Feats: None
Climate/Terrain: Underground
Organization: Pod (7-12)
Challenge Rating: 5 or (treat as 6 HD if more than 9 are present)
Treasure: Half
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Advancement Range: 3 or 4 HD

Chund are a two foot round cylindrical bodies that float in dungeons with long tails resembling stalks that droop down almost touching the floor. They have a single large black splotch in the center of their mouth, which falsely resembles an eye. While they cannot see, they have an incredible sense of smell, able to track living creatures in order to hunt them down.

They try to eat nearly anything that moves near them with a scent. Their lair is below ground, close to openings. 

These beasts cannot be reasoned with, and it is very hard to safely approach them, as they want to feed on virtually anything. Some evil masters use them in protecting lairs, often try to team them up with other beasts that wouldn't set off their hunger pangs, such as undead or constructs.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Fey Forest Wandering Events Table

Fey Forest Wandering Monster Table

This table lists many of the most common creatures and situations found in a mortal forest that borders fey lands. Use it to generate random wandering monsters or ideas about what characters can find in this situation but my general rule is if you want something specific then use it and don't bother with rolling on the WMT.

Fey Domain

What would a fey domain be like? In an environment where everything can charm you or trick you by using illusions, you just can't run away or try to attack it, well you could, but you won't find it an easy way to overcome your challenges. The inhabitants are smart and have magical abilities, and unlike in places of evil, they are much more likely to have allies around the corner, not someone willing to hide you or can be paid off. Yes, be careful, but there are many wonders and magical situations that can throw you for a loop and your logic may not help you. So - what do you need to do? Stay on the inhabitants good side, be entertaining, bribe them with food or drink, speak with them, drink with them, tell them stories and have lots of trinkets that you can give away when they catch someone's eye.

Most faerie communities are much like human ones, there are places to eat, drink, have a party, & trade but for most citizens the danger is in etiquette not in direct physical threats. Communities are made up of groups of like minded friends and allies,  not caring the purpose or alignment of strangers, as long as they obey and are there to have fun. Fey care little for official rules but tradition means much more to them, which is why these magical beings can easily ignore alignment of their fellow fae, as long as they follow protocol. Everyone knows what is and is not acceptable and as long as they stick to the unstated traditions they are mostly fine with their kin. And even if they don't follow tradition, they know not to get caught and are not seen in their community after breaking any of the rules.

Fey in my worlds will usually know the bad reputations and alignments of their kin, but they rarely care. Action and not belief is how they judge their kin, so even if a leprechaun has stolen from you, you probably deserved it. Witches are very common and are tolerated, because they don't generally cause problems in the fairy-lands to the faeries. If someone has caused problems in the human or forest lands, only if the directly wronged party comes and asks for retribution can anything happen.

When they do break the traditions or laws of outsiders there are a number of ways to make amends. One is to reverse the actions, that caused the problem. Another method is to bribe the wronged party for them to keep quiet. Unlike in many humanoid society, doing additional actions will not make the problem disappear as the faerie will not look the other way. In most cases who you kill is less important then why, but for the outsiders they rarely fathom this until too late.

Unlike in many other places, magic is open and freely utilized. Fey have no compunction about using it for their purpose, illusions and charms are used by many to trick both native and visitor. Other fey
believe that this is fine, as long as the person either is not harmed or deserved it. Tricking a visitor for fun is acceptable, but not to cruelly torment them if they have done nothing to provoke it.

One of the biggest differences in how I run these stories is that the Feylands are both a specific location and not. There is a mystical domain that most fey can access and where most reside. Unlike other non-worldly places it is not wholly separate from mortal lands. Humans, may have walked under a bridge or through a door a hundred times, yet the next time they might find themselves in the feylands because of the time or date or other magic in the air. Elves and other fey allies understand these symbiotic place-links, and do their best to shield their homes from these accidental fey-portals but some other mortals get lost here and never make their way out.


Instead of organizing the inhabitants into classes, I've use occupations for the fey inhabitants. This gives you the chance to pick the classes (if you want) for the different peoples of the region.  Also, use whatever classes as you see fit that fit into the occupation listing, not just those in the PHB.

Standard Occupations: Arcanist (A), Craftsman (C), Entertainer (E), Enforcers (F), Merchant (M), Woodsman (W), Guide (G), Pilgrim (P), Spy (S),  A, C, E, F, G, M, P, S, or W

Arcanist - student of arcane lore, Wizard or Sorcerer types. Come to study and practice their crafts.
Crafter - practitioners of physical crafting, all races practice but few are Masters. Any class. Most want to trade, goods for coin.
Enforcer - Hands-on followers, pledge physical action, Fighter, barbarian types
Entertainer - Bards or rogues both official or unofficial practice
Guide - Experts, often of illegal arts and practices,  Bard, Cleric Ranger, Rogue, or Wizard
Merchant - Student of mercantile arts, Anyone
Pilgrim - Follower of godly powers, Often cleric, druids or monks. Looking for followers and gifts.
Spy - Practitioners of illegal arts and practices, Bard, Ranger, Rogue,  Monk
Woodsman - familiar with older, wilder arts, barbarian, druid or ranger

Level and HD adjustment Rules
X% +1: First number zero adjustment, each percentage will be +X higher HD
Usually, use their CR number as the percentage calculator (2 HD = 20%; CR 5 = 50%, etc)

CR 2 (20% ±1: Roll 01-20 no adjustment, 21-40% +1 HD; 41-60% +2, etc)
CR 5 (30% ±2: Roll 01-30 no adjustment, 31-60% +1 HD; 61-90% +2, etc)

If the listed encounters do not have a HD adjustment number, use base HD.


My default is every two hours when traveling in standard populated areas, you can a check. If the party is taking action that may increase the likelihood of an encounter, roll more often. Likewise, if the party is being slower and more careful, decrease the rates - I usually go as low as once every 6 hours during the day. At night, I do two standard checks for most locations, three checks if it is a high population. When there's a chance you might have an encounter, roll the WMT if you have nothing specifically planned or insert as you want.

Chance of running into something: 5 / 20 or a 25% chance. Each time you don't encounter something, add +1 to the next roll. (6/20 on the second roll, 7/20 on the third roll, etc.) When you roll an event, subtract three from the current counter, until the number reaches or falls below 5, then start with that base roll once more. Note there are times, if the encounter isn`t substantial / unusual, I will gloss over it, as apart of the narrative time-skip.

As a side note, I use this current variance allowance in the next situation or environment. For example, if the Heroes are travelling to the Cur of Xennik through the Jorre Forest, and had reached a 9 / 20 chance, I would then add the +4 on their next encounter roll when required at the Cur.

Note that many of these creatures and not just the faeries are good aligned. If the party doesn`t represent a threat, you can speed through the encounter, unless the group wants to interact in order to ask specific questions.

Base List
1 Barometz.                    CR 15 / PF 4/ N Gigantic Plant Protector
2 Charity and Hopes       CR 10 / Mine / NG  - Heavy woman with wondrous music and magic
3 Catfolk Patrol              CR 4 (2d6; ±50%, +3)
4. Moon Dog                  CR 9 / PF 5 / NG
5. Blood Hag                  CR 8  / PF 5 / NE Ghastly pale evil spell using witch
6. Leechroot                   CR 4 / PF 5 / NE - Evil plant
7. Oxylla                         CR 5 / Mine / N   Silver skinned humanoid with sharp tail
8. Maenned                     CR 8 / PF 4/ CE   Savage female humanoid often covered in blood
9. Annis                          CR 8 / Mine / NE
10. Location Seed: Stone Circle or Butcher
11. Faerie: Nixie, (12+2d6), HD 1, Align: NG, All Roles
12. Fossegrim                 CR 4 / PF 4 / NE   Fay from the falls
13 Graeae                       CR 5 / PF 4 / NE    Evil Hag spellcaster
14. Vottinna                    CR 4 / Mine / NE  - Blue Monk like humanoid that can drain magic
15. Huldra                      CR 4 / PF 4 / CN - Fey, wood liney female with fix tale
16. Ijaraq.                       CR 11 / PF 4 / CN - Fey, wears wrappings with head of caribour skull
17. Prickett                     CR 6 / Mine / NG  - Antler Headed Fey Humanoid,
18. Leaf-Kin (2d4), 40% ±1, Roles: C, F, G, S, P or W
19. Lampad                    CR 5 / PF 4 / CN - Fey, Moody Nymphs
20. Location Seed: Vazenne Vines or Obelisk, (40 % Undedicated, 40% Mathai, 20% Beast) **
21. Closed off pathway (Trip slows to 10% speed) or Small Pond
22. Faerie: Korred, (6+d6, 50% ±1), HD 4, Align: CN,
23. Living Topiary         CR 4 / PF 4 / N - Green, leafy bramble with the rough shape of an animal
24. Nightgaunt               CR 4 / PF 4 / N - No face, black body, batlike wings with long prehensile tail
25. Tanuki                      CR 4/ PF 4 / CN - Short, racoonlike humanoid usually drunk
26. Pard                          CR 3/ PF 4 / CN - Bright cheetah
27. Tengu Group (6+1d6; ±90%, +4), Align: N, All Roles
28. Pooka                       CR 2 / PF 4 / CN - Long eared mischevious rabbit
29. Iron Salamander       CR 6 / Mine / NE
30. Location Seed: River Bridge or Guide Post
31. Swan Maiden             CR 6 / PF 4 / CG - Females that can transform into swans
32. Quillian Partol, (1d6+6; ±80%, +2) HD 2 **, Align: NG, All Roles - Humanoid Purcupines
33. Faerie: Brownie, (10+2d6, ±70%, +3), HD 1, Align: NG, All Roles
34. Gripli Hunters (6+2d6; ±80%, +2); HD 1+, Align: NG, All Roles
35. Tame Harpy              CR 6 / Mine / N - Armless Good Harpy with wings, love music
36. Psider                        CR 4 / Mine / NE - Psionic using crafty spider
37. Derhii                        CR 5 / PF 4 / N - Winged apes
38. Faun, (5 + 2d6; ±80%, +3), HD 1+, Align: Any G
39. Roadside Location (see below)        
40. Location Seed: Duelling Circle or  Musical Bandstand
41. Twigjack                   CR 3 / PF 4 / N  **  Tiny humanoid composed of wound sticks
42. Satyr                         CR 4 / PF 1 / N
43. Kech                         CR 3 / PF 3 / NE       Hairless savage primate
44. Faerie: Leprechaun; (2d4  ±80%, +2); HD 2, Align: CN, All Roles
45. Kabhandha               CR 9 / PF 5 / LN - Large headless giant with face in stomach
46. Amphisbema            CR 4 / PF 2 / N - 2 headed snake
47. Sabosan                     CR 5 / PF 3 / NE   Batlike Humanoid, covered in fur
48. Vined Soldier            CR 4 / Mine / N - Fallen soldiers reincarnated by druidic magic
49. Owlbear.                    CR 4 / PF 1 / N
50. Location Seed: Hedge Maze or  Rising Tower
51. Vanara Tribe (12+1d12; ±50%, +3)             Monkey humanoids with prehensile tails
52. Troll                           CR 5 / Mine / NE
53.  Ferrassil                    CR 4 / Mine / N         Green Furred Forest Minotaur  
54. Jungle Drake              CR 6 / PF 5 / NE       Lesser Forest Dragon
55. Faerie: Grig (30+1d20), HD 1, Align: N (G), Non-Combat Roles
56. Aranea.                       CR 4 / PF 2 / N
57. Ogre.                           CR 3 / PF 1 / CE
58. Redcap                        CR 6 / PF 2 / NE       Savage fey that carries a big knife and wears red cap
59. Luminal Sprite            CR 2 / PF 5 / CN  (12+1d12; ±50%, +1) Beautiful tiny fey
60. Abandoned Location (40% Roll on Sites List Below, 40% Tower, 20% Bridge)  ***
61 - 63. Undead: Banshee, Dullahan, Gravebound, Totenmaske, Ghost, Ghoul, Shadow, Carcass ***
63. Shimmerling Swarm.CR 8; four inch tall winged fey with dazzling display
64. Leucretta                     CR 5 / PF 2 / CE
65. Lurker in Light            CR 5 / PF 4 / NE  (Day) or Mngwa   CR 7 / PF 5 / CE (Night)
66. Faerie: Pixie (5d6), HD 4; ±80%, +2, Align: NG, Non-Combat Roles
67. Sylph Followers (1d6; ±50%, +3)
68. Quickling                     CR 3 / PF 2 / CE
69. Peryton                         CR 4 / PF 2 / CE
70. Location Seed: Huntsman Kennels or Roadside Crypt
71. Scarecrow                     CR 4 / Mine / LN
72. Lizardith (1d6+6) Align: Any, All Roles
73. Spriggan                        CR 3 / PF 2 / CE
74. Kitsune Watchers (1d12; ±50%, +3)
75. Ankheg                          CR 3 / PF 1 / N
76. Assassin Vine                CR 3 / PF 1 / N
77. Faerie: Sprite (3d6), HD 1, Align: N (G), Non-Combat Roles
78. Dire Beast (Bear, Boar, Worg, Wolf) CR 7  / PF 1 / N
79. Doppelganger                 CR 3 / PF 1 / NE
80. Location Seed: Tent of Miracles or Hanging Grounds
81. Dryad                              CR 3  / PF 1 / N
82. Ettercaps                         CR 3  / PF 1 / NE
83. Firbolg                            CR 4 / PF 5 / N
84. Girallon                          CR 6 / PF 1 / N
85. Lamia                             CR 5 / PF 5 / CE
86. Tin Man                         CR 4 / Mine / N
87. Merchant Caravan, (20 + 1d20; ±80%, +2), Races: Any M, Supplies: local
88. Faerie: Nymph (1d6), HD 7, Align: CG, All non-combat roles
89. Aurumvorax                   CR 9 / PF 2 / N
90. Location Seed: Mound of Mystery or Untraining Grounds
91. Shambling Mound          CR 6 / PF 1 / N
92. Kirin (Pink) Unicorn      CR 7 /PF 1/ CG
93. Grey Render                   CR 8 / PF 1 / N
94. Mongrelman Watch (2d4; ±50%, +2)
95. Shadow Collector           CR 8 / PF 5 / CN  Youthful, small fey that steals shadows
96. Treeant                            CR 8 / PF 1 / NG
97. Corpse Lotus                   CR 13 / PF 5 / N - Huge Plant
98. Leanan Sidhe                  CR 9 / PF 4 / CN   Regal female fey with powerful artistic powers
99. Faerie: Atomie (6d10), HD 1, Align: NG, All non-combat roles
00. DM'S Choice (I usually go with Rainbow Teleportation Portal)

Typical Races - The only difference between a race and a monster is do they establish a settlements, if they do have permanent homes, then there`s trade, patrols, a society - they are a race.

Cat-Kin  CR 1 Humanoid Catfolk, All Align; Roles: A, C, E, F, M, G, P, S, or W
Caligni Dark-Kin, Any Role, Evil Alignment
Chaneque CR 1. Small bat humanoid, Evil Align, F, G, P, S, or W
Changeling CR 1. Humanoid that can change appearance, Usually Neutral;  A, E, M, G, P, S, or W
Charr. CR 1. Ritual scarred humanoid Often chaotic neutral; C, E, F, M, G, P, S, or W
Clockwork CR 2 Metal machine life, Lawful C, F, G, S, or W
Corlth. CR 3 Thin, Grey-skinned psion using humanoids, Non-Evil; C, E, F, M, G, P, S, or W
Fetchling CR 1 Gaunt, shadowy evil humanoid A, F, M, G, P, S
Forlarren CR 1 Grey skinned, Horned evil fey. A, C, E, F, M, G, P, S, or W
Gripli CR 1 Tree-dwelling frog humanoid; Usually Neutral; G, P, S, or W
Gathlain. CR 1. Small sized winged & can fly; Usually Good; C, E, F, M, G, P, S, or W
Ghoran CR 1 Plant Humanoid, Neutral, C, E, G, M, P, S, or W
Jackalla CR 5 Jackal Faced Humanoid, Hunt Undead; Strongly Lawful;  C, E, G, P & S
Kami  CR 1 Small Plant Humanoid; Usually Neutral; C, F, P, S, or W
Leshy CR 1-4 Small Sentient Plant; Never Evil; W, G, P or S
Kitsune CR 1 Fox humanoid that can change; Usually Neutral; C, E, F, M, G, P, S, or W
Mercane CR 5 Large sized, Blue Skinned merchant traders; Usually Lawful; A, M, P or C
Mongrelman CR 1 amalgam race of loners; Usually Neutral; C, F, M, G, P, S
Reptoid CR 3 Humanoid Reptiles that hide as humans, Often Evil; G, S
Samsaran CR 1 Grey skinned returned from death; Usually Neutral; A, F, M, G, P, S, or W
Sasquatch CR 2 Red Furred Savage Humanoid; Usually Neutral;  F, M, S, or W
Shabti CR3 Blue Humanoid returned from the death; Any non-good; A, G, P, S or W
Skulk CR 1. Invisible, evil, usually lazy humanoids; Any Evil;  C, F, G, P, S, or W
Sylph CR 1 Thin, pale winged lady; Usually Good; C, E, F, M, G, P, S, or W
Tengu CR 1 Black Feathered Avian Humanoid; Usually Neutral; A, C, E, F, M, G, P, S, or W
Vanara CR 1 Monkey Humanoid; Usually Neutral; A, C, E, F, M, G, P, S, or W

   No Dwarf, Elf, Or Halfling appear on this list - use with extreme caution

Sites - Mentioned Races and numbers are just suggestions. Found either in both fey and mortal lands, or bordering them.  There should be no major locations such as Temples or Major Towers, as these should be planned locations sites, not random events.

2. Butchery (4+2d4, HD 3; ±25%, +2), Align Chaotic, Roles C, M or W
3. Duelling Circle (8+2d6, HD 2 ;±45%, +2) Align: Mostly Lawful, Roles F, G, M, P, S
4. Guide Post, (6+d6), HD 2 +, Align: Mostly Lawful, All Roles
5. Hedge Maze (10 + 1d10), Align Lawful, Race Any (Tengu 3-6; ±25%, +2)
6. Hunting Party (6+1d12), Align Any, Race: Any W Race
7. Huntsman Kennels, (5 + 2d10), HD 2+, Align: Any, Any W Race
8. Hanging Grounds, (0 + 6d10), HD 2+, Align Lawful (Jackalla, 5-8, HD 3; ±25%, +2)
9. Mercane - Oddities (1d3 plus 2d6 other) - heavy fortified, Any F
10 Merchant Caravan, (20 + 1d20), Races: Any M, Supplies: local
11. Mound of Mystery - Place of divine bindings, Races: Any
12. Musical Bandstand, (25 + 2d10), HD 2+, Align: N, All Roles
13. Obelisk, Undedicated, (3d6), HD 3, Races Any P (Catfolk, 3-10; ±25%, +2)
14 Rising Tower, (1d6+6) Align: Any, 50% Arcanist; 50% All Other Roles
15 River Bridge - meeting for legal faerie affairs; (0 or 6d10), Any three faerie races
16 Roadside Crypt (Samsaran, 2-4; ±25%, +2)
17 Stone Circle - Fest Spot, 10d10; 2d4 faerie races
18 Tent of Miracles, temporary, (20+5d10), Any non-chaotic, Any Pilgrim
19 Trading Tent (20 + 1d20); Race: Any M, Align Any
20 Tinkerers Repair Wagon, (2d12), Races: Any C, Supplies: Any (Gnome 2-4; ±25%, +2)
21 Travelling Party (10+1d10), HD: 2+, Roll Any Race or Purpose
22 Untraining Grounds (3+2d10; G), HD: 2+, Roll Any Race (3-6 Vanara; ±60%, +5)
23 Vazenne* Vines, (5+2d10), HD: 2+, Any W or Portal Race (Tenderfoot 11-16; ±25%, +2)
24 Wild Orchard, Races: Any M, (Kami 2d6 ±60%, +2), Product: local

*think of Vazenne as linear zig-zag vines, that blossom when creatures of 15+ charisma touch them, and last for a few hours.