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Showing posts with label Spirelands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirelands. Show all posts

Monday, 25 February 2019

Spirelands Wizard Prestige Class

One of the first Prestige Classes I created more than ten years ago, as apart of a whole group of spell-casters based on their region of origin. Inspired by a image I saw long ago of a spell-caster surrounded by magical energy which in my gaming vernacular is called frequency.

Spirelands Wizard Prestige Class

Role: The frequency flows wild in the spirelands, and the rise and fall of the magic influences those who practice the art. The energy you need to cast your spells is all around you, and you can quickly gather the energy in many differing ways. Some directly tap into the frequency, others use their own stamina or power – but all for the same deadly effect.

Spire wizards have great flexibility in their craft, but this comes at a tremendous price, spire wizards cannot subtly cast spells, it is an obvious to anyone in the area.

Requirements: Spellcraft +5; Knowledge (Local - Spirelands) +5

Hindrances: Summoning magical energy is an obvious act, unable to surprise anyone.
Cannot take a familiar.
Never learn to scribe scrolls
May not take other meta-magic feats until they master this style
All spells have a somatic component

Benefits: May use whichever is higher (Int, Con, Cha) to determine spell effects.
Use no spell components until 7th level (Class level)

1st level: Concentration +1 / level.
2nd level Hear Frequency
3rd level: Extended Casting I (First level spell only)
4th level: Ignore Lesser Injury
5th level: Silent Spell
6th level: Extended Casting II (Second level spell only)
7th level: Ignore Greater Injury
8th level: Craft Talisman
9th level: Extended Casting III (Third level spell only)
10th level: Recapture Spell

Concentration: Spire wizards are deeply focused on their magical craft, thus they gain +1 per
level on their ability to concentrate on spellcasting.

Hear Frequency: You hear the magical frequency, and are aware of magic in all its forms at all times. You are not always able to recognize the type of magic beyond arcane, divine or psionic. If it is an obvious magic, no action is needed, otherwise simple concentrattion is enough.

Ignore Lesser Injury: Can ignore the pain caused by lesser injuries (max 25% of their hp) able to cast a spell normally without making a concentration check once a day.

Ignore Greater Injury: Can ignore the pain caused by significant injuries (max 50% of their hp) able to cast a spell normally without making a concentration check once a day.

Extended Spell-casting I: If able to spend one minute per spell level, a spire caster is able to slowly build up the energy before casting. By casting in this way they do not lose the magical energy impression in their minds, thus they do not lose this spell from their current spell repertoire. If a wizard in under duress, they are unable to benefit from this effect. Likewise, if they are interrupted at any point while preparing to cast, they lose the benefit and the memorized spell.

Silent Spell: Per standard feat

Craft Talisman: Per Nysarian meta-magic feats.

Recapture Spell Energy: Once a day, if able to make a Spellcraft check (DC 15+ level of spell X three) they are able to recapture spell energy that they have already cast.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Order of the Griffon

This is the most basic knightly order in my campaign world, they are an elite group of griffon riders that protect their homeland. Many of them live in the spirelands, mile high mountain plateau which are very similar to islands in terms of personality and needs. These are defenders, but also messengers and an early warning system. Many of the griffons have specific coloured feathers, as they are groomed to match the colours of their paladin riders.

Order of the Griffon

Description  The Order of the Griffon is a group devout members of the Church of Japeth who work as the military arm of the Church found in the spirelands. Most members are clerics or paladins, but fighters and rangers join as well. 

Responsibilities They are responsible for protection of holy sites and devout petitioners in remote sites, primarily in the Spirelands. They protect the Quadrane (4 High Holy Good Aligned Gods) followers but they have many allies, not just those within these groups.

Mount Many paladins choose a griffon as their steed in the spirelands, but members of the Griffon Order welcomes anyone that meets their requirements. The hardest is to find a griffon willing to serve. The creatures cannot be enspelled or tricked; they must choose to serve.


Base attack bonus: +3
Skills: Knowledge (religion): 5 ranks; Ride: 5 ranks
Oath: Loyalty to the Order of Griffon
Alignment: Any non-chaotic and non-evil
Quest: Find a griffon who agrees to serve 

Class Skills: Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (history, planes, religion), Ride & Spellcraft (Int).

Skill points per level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

Hit die: d10

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Members of the Order of the Griffon are proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons and medium and light armor but not shields. They do not lose proficiency if they already had them.

Special Mount: Beginning on their 1st level and every other level thereafter, a Member of the Order of the Griffon may add one level to calculating the abilities of their special mount if they have one. If no prior class gives them a special mount, they do not gain such an ability.

Spells: Beginning on their 2nd level and every other level thereafter, Members of the Order of the Griffon gain new spells per day as they would have in a divine spellcasting class that they belonged to before adding the prestige class. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning undead, special abilities of a paladin's mount, and so on).

Class    BAB  Fort      Ref  Will    Special 
1st           +1          +2       +0  +2    Griffon Mount 
2nd          +2          +3       +0  +3    Griffon-Back Combat
3rd           +3          +3       +1  +3    Dive, Divine Dispel
4th           +4          +4       +1  +4    Flyby Attack
5th           +5          +4       +1  +4    Special mount level Flyby Attack, Aura of Valor 

Special abilities

Griffon Mount: Upon joining the Order of the Griffon (or at some later point in time), you may choose to gain a Griffon Mount. Depending upon the services you have rendered for the order, you may gain up to 50% of a reduction compared to the costs given in the Monster Manual.

If you have a special mount or a familiar, you may choose to exchange it for a griffon with the proper rituals. For special mounts, you must dismiss the old mount in a ritual (typically including a night of fasting and appropriate sacrifices). For familiars, there is half the normal experience loss (100 xp, 50 xp on a successful save) and you must pay the cost for calling a familiar as normal. In both cases, it takes about one month for the character to bond with the griffon (though at GM's discretion it may be faster depending on the character's Charisma, Animal Empathy skill and piety).

If you have animal companions, you may add one griffon to your animal companions. The gp costs and hit dice limitations still apply as normal.

Divine Flame: By expending one of your turn undead attempts, you sheath your weapon with sacred flame, inflicting +1d6 divine damage agaisnt evil or undead opponents for one round per level. These flames do not give off heat or ignite flammable objects, though they give off light equal to a torch. 

Griffon-back Combat: When fighting from the back of her griffon, the character gains the Mounted Combat feat.

Divine Dispel: By spending one of your turn undead attempts, you can dispel or counter a magic spell by making a turning check as if turning an undead creature of the opposing spellcaster's level. You can only dispel spells with the 'evil' descriptor. A spell that is dispelled as it is being cast has no effect whatsoever; otherwise, it ends as if it's duration had run out. This power cannot affect spells immune to dispel magic.

Flyby Attack: When riding her griffon, the character and her griffon may use the Flyby Attack, as per the feat. If the partial action is used for an attack, both the griffon and rider may attack.

Aura of Valor: Allies within 300 feet of the character gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This is a supernatural ability.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Mantarri (Flying Snow Ray)

A quiet animal, long the source of legends in the spirelands. Appear as a large white winged, flying snow ray.

Mantarri                                                                        CR 5
N Large Animal
Init +3 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 20 touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)
hp 52hp (7d8+21 con)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +2
Resist Cold 10 (+6 on ice or cold saving throws)
Speed Crawl 20 ft., Fly 50 (Good)
Melee Headbutt +10 (1d10+5), Tail Slap +7 (1d6+3)
Special Attack: Double damage from headbutt dive of 40 or more feet
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +5 CMB +11 CMD 24
Feats Flyby Attack, Evasion, Wing-Over & Power Attack
Skills +15 Fly , +10 Survival, +6 Perception

Environment  Spirelands or Cloud Islands
Organization  Solitary, Pair or Flock (4-16)    
Treasure Value none
Advancement 8-15 HD (Large)

A large flying manta ray, has light brown and white fur with a long, near-prehensile tail. Their wings range out between 12 to 20 feet wide. They can carry one large creature on their backs or up to 400 pounds of weight (flight speed reduced to 30 ft.)

While a Pegasi or Hippogrif are the preferred flying steed for the Spires, a Mantarri is a bit more common in the hinterlands. They can be fairly easily caught and trained; most are very loyal to their owners or trainers.

Most reside on the cloud isles, eating vegetation and avoiding contact with almost everything. A few fly down to feed on shrum in the Balashi's (snow whale) trail. Mantarri are peaceful creatures, and can be convinced to take others for a ride. Elven rangers have long used these animals when travelling in the cloud isles or most dangerous spires..

They cannot speak but many understand simple command phrases, similar to a dog or horse's tricks. They communicate with each other via high pitched clicks, inaudible to most humanoid creatures, but they can hear each other up to five miles away. While they can be spurred on by a trusted rider, they naturally flee from almost every encounter simply because they can. A few evil creatures will charm these rays to travel or transport goods. Some phaetox towns herd the mantarri to collect and gather their furs.

Mantarri begin by either charging their opponents or if possible diving. They have natural evasion, as they can always counter attack an enemy behind them with their tail slap.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Sylph, Nyssian (Gossamer, Winged, Good-Aligned Humanoids)

The way I created the Sylph is is the opposite of how I handle most beasts. I usually try to scale them down to lower HD levels to introduce them at an earlier point in the story as an (N)PC. If a player wanted to use one, I would just use the Sylph from the PF books - but what is shown here this is the default, for most sylph in my world. They are a happy, energetic people, willing to help fight evil but also to fly around, observe others from afar, play games and music.

Sylph, Nyssian
Medium Sized Fey (Air)

Hit Dice: 5d8+3 (17 hp)
Initiative: +7 (Dex and Imp Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft; Fly 50 ft (good)
AC 17 touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 natural)
Base Atk +2 CMB +0 CMD 13
Melee Rapier +5 (1d6-2) or Shortbow +5 (1d6)
Special Qualities: Invisibility (3 times a day), Spells
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 17
Skills: Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +8, Heal +6, Knowledge (local or music) +7, Perception +8, Perform +6 (Wind), Stealth: +8,
Feats: Hover, Imp Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any Aerial Location (Towers, Remote Spires or Cloud Isles)
Organization: Solitary or pair
Languages Air Elemental, Avian, Fey, Elf, Dwarf, Common
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Good
Advancement: By character class  (sorcerer, rogue or ranger)

These elemental spirits of air resemble gossamer winged petite humans, usually dressed in light colours and small pieces of jewelry. Attractive and playful; love to tease and joke with good aligned creatures that they encounter. Often their teasing is a form of subtle way of getting potential allies to come to their help in defending against evil or those who would harm nature or animals. They are a reclusive people, it is a rare and dangerous time when more than a few are ever in the same place at the same time.

They rarely speak out in front of crowds, they usually whisper in the ears of allies, but they do laugh out-loud as they cannot help themselves in moments of glee. More then one falling person of good alignment has been mysteriously rescued by an invisible sylph. The have a great deal of respect of spellcasters, musicians and artists, and will often take an opportunity to reflect on beauty or art.

They have a wonderful relationship with most creatures that reside in mountainous or wild locations, in particular Dwarves, Elves, Jahlen & Phaetox. Always willing to help in times of danger, acting as a scout or warning them of danger. At the same time, they do ask favours, and have at times raised small armies to help them in their tasks.

They are heavily associated with spires - mile high mountains that act similar to islands in the sky. Yet, many do have homes in the cities, near Towers of magic or other crafts. They spend much of their time invisible, and watching children and musicians. They would be a terrific force for good if focused on long range plans, but their interest like their attention span is often compared to a fleeting breeze.

Their gossamer wings are fragile to physical attack - if they take more than 5 points of damage, they are hobbled for the day and cannot fly for the rest of the day.  Normal physical attacks, even to the Sylphs back does not harm the wings, only a deliberate attack. Treat their wings as having a +5 AC deflection bonus in comparison to their regular AC. Spells or magic cannot harm the wings. They regenerate after 8 hours of rest or a cure critical spell is applied to them.

Many mortals believe all Sylph are female, but their numbers are balanced. They are an openly loving species, often getting or being confused with the standard sexual paradigms some mortal creatures seem bound with. They love, just as much as they consume or play or dance, many sylph fornicate without regard, if their partner is a willing one. Other uptight creatures are sometimes confused when a paramour reveals their gender and it is not what they expected.

Sylphs rarely engage foes directly. Most will try to use their spells to avoid confrontation or to get potential allies to help them. Their two great advantages are their flight and invisibility. The rare sylph that advances in character level, usually does so as either a sorcerer, rogue or ranger.

Energy Resistance: Sylphs have electricity & wind resistance 15. they gain +2 for any new HD or level gained
Abilities:    Gust of Wind, Detect Good (1/charisma bonus)
Featherfall (self or any one other in a 50 ft range), Invisibility (3/day)

A Sylph can remain invisible an unlimited amount of time. If they take an action that would make them noticeable, they remain visible until they get unnoticed for one full minute.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Spire Giant

Spire Giant

N(E) Giant                CR 14
Init +1 Senses Perception +10

AC 22 touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+2 Leather Armor, +11 natural) 
hp 142hp (15d8+75 con)
Fort +14, Ref +5, Will +7
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Slam +21 (2d10+10) 

Str 31, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +11 CMB +21 CMD 32
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills Climb +16, Jump +15, Intimidation +15, Perception +10, Survival +12 
Languages Giant, Common or one other local (Dwarven or Jahlen most common)
SQ Low Light Vision, Elemental Resistance (20), Unnamed Magical Resistance (20), Immune to Necromancy or Undead spells or effects

Environment      Spirelands
Organization      Solitary or Group (3-6); Tribes rarely have more than 100 members
Treasure Value   Quarter Standard

This is the default giant-kin on Nyssa, a brute which is both gentle outside battle but savage in combat.  Standing 20 feet tall and weighing more then two tons, these giants are a sight to behold. Incredibly strong and physically in proportion to humans. Most mimic in a very general way, the local human population lifestyle.

They are among the most destructive creatures known when provoked or hungry. They usually reside in remote caverns and spires, and are utterly despised for their unceasing hunger, hunting all animal life in the region around them. When an area is depleted, they move on to find a new hunting ground. It usually takes a giant clan 10-20 years before clearing a 500 mile radius of all life. Spire Giants fear nothing and attack all animal life they encounter. One of the most dangerous consequences of these giants moving into a new area is their constant attack on ice-jammers (ships) by bombarding these vehicles with rocks and spears. While it is rarely successful in destroying a vessel, it certainly does tend to limit travel to those regions. Perhaps the only benefit to Spire Giants invading an area is their their ability to devour any type of carrion or corpse. They are one of the few creatures known to consume corporeal undead (ghouls, skeletons); thus when they clear out a region it is virtually empty of all moving entities not smart enough to hide or too slow to run.

While far from intellectuals, spire giants are not mindless. These creatures organize patrols, and are selective before moving to a new area. Manically violent when hunting, they are peaceful around kin, they care for and educate their young, rarely engage in group fighting and even attempt artistic endeavors. The few treaties they have made, they devoutly keep. However they are usually paid off with food, and when the food runs out they tend to go back to hunting everything in sight. Rangers and druids understand it is their hunger that drives their impulses - and while they are quick to attack a ship or caravan, small groups can beseech them for favors or to work for a cause.

Elemental & Magical Resistance: Spire Giants have 20 resistance versus any type of elemental and unnamed magical damage.