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Monday, 30 July 2018

Character Contacts Points: Making friends, allies and getting your shit done

Or CC Points are how I encourage players to make connections to help them resolve in game problems.

Just as a character has history before they begin game play, in between game adventures, PCs are still alive and passively, at the very least, involved in the activities around them. While their actions are not used for experience points, there are many in-game effects from out-of-game events. This is when characters will be able to find out additional information or make character contacts (CC’s) of the player’s choosing.

Normally the contact character is 75% or more loyal to the party. However, if the contact character does betray the party, when the PC realizes it, they should ask the DM, and the DM will give back 150% CC to pay the player. This should be done a minimum of times in a game story, PCs should be able to trust every or most CC.

CC Points: Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Wizard 1st level: 3 X Charisma Bonus, minimum 3 CC at first level. Every level thereafter, +2 CC Points No more than half of their points can be used on any one contact

CC Points: Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Psion, Ranger, 1st level: 4 X Charisma Bonus, minimum 4 CC at first level. Every level thereafter, +3 CC Points No more than half of  their points can be used on any one contact

CC Points: Rogue, Sorcerer 1st level: 5 X Charisma Bonus, minimum 1 CC at first level. Every level thereafter, +2 CC Points plus +1 CC points per charisma bonus. No more than half of their points can be used on any one contact

When players create a character contact it is usually for a specific purpose - help them find a key to the prison, why does the Tower go into the ground, history of a specific item, etc. Once they use those points, the contacts can be an ongoing point of assistance. The DM can give them skill points, to better make sure the NPC doesn't become a go to point for all their problems or questions.


NPC Class: 1st level NPC class, free; then two levels for every CC point used
Standard Class: +1 CC for every level NPC attained
Basic Race of the region: always free
Standard Player Race: normally free
Non-Standard Race: +1.5 cc point per HD
Monster Race: +3 cc point per HD
No more than one NPC contact should be more than two levels higher than level when created

Ranking Guild Member: normally free
Guild Member of Status: +2 cc points
Illegal Contact, Fence Regular: +2 cc points
Illegal Contact, Smuggler: + 4 cc points
Merchant, Standard: +1 cc points; willing to give 5-10% discounts
Merchant, Magical: +3 cc points; no price discounts
Nobility: low level, +1 cc points
Nobility: Mid Level, +2 cc points
Nobility: Upper level, +4 cc points
Outcast: +1 CC points
Outcast, Famous: + CC Points

Contact is of the same race: normally 0 CC points
Contact is of the same faith (for Clerics, Druids and Paladins): -1 CC points
Contact is of the same class (for Barbarian, Druid, Psion, and Ranger): -1 CC points
Contact is a family member: +1 CC points
Ad Hoc contact: +3 cc points
Fully Detailed NPC: -2 cc points, (No more than your half your level when you create them, as a fully written up detailed NPC; maximum of three. You give the NPC a name, short history and the reason they have a connection with your PC.)

New Feats Prominent: You gain a one time bonus to your contact points equivalent to your level

New Feat: Talkative: You make contacts easily, you are treated as if your charisma bonus is +4 higher for purposes of character points per level.

Friday, 27 July 2018

Simple Angelic Template

I have been tending towards these very simple templates to adjust creatures for environments or settings.

Angelic Template, Simple

Type Monstrous Humanoid (treat as before)
AC 19 (+5 Natural) Init +2
HD +5 HD
Saves Fort  +4 Ref +4 Will  +6
Speed Fly 40; 
BAB +5
Melee Increase by 1 attack/round
Special Attacks      Heavenly Blast (3d10 angelic energy blast)      
Special Defenses.   Elemental Resistance 20, +DR 10 / +2 weapons
Skills                      + 30 skill points or 4 Skills Maxed
Feats                       Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Damage, Weapon Focus
Str +8  Con +10  Dex +10 . Int +6. Wis +6. Cha +12
Environment         Garden, Spires, Church Complexes
Organization         Solitary
Treasure                Average (Coins or gems)
Advancement       None

The Simple Angel Template is to use any creature as a figure from the heavens, sent to defeat evil and protect the innocent. Many times I use these templates to boost a creature from an area to represent an ideal. Most have a golden aura around them, and most have golden wings.

Spells: Light, Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Detect Lie, Calm Emotions (as HD / level)
Cure Light Wounds (3/day, 2d6)

Heavenly Blast: Upon an utterance of a holy word, these angelic figures can release a blast of heavenly energy. It does 3d10 damage to any non-good creature in a 20 foot radius. They have this a number of times a day equal to either their HD or charisma divided by 3 whichever is higher. (Will DC 10+Cha) This does damage to any non-good creatures, Neutral aligned creatures gain +3 to their saves.

Radiate Good: At all times, these creatures radiate an aura of goodness. Paladins, cleric, and monks can auto-detect their alignments by speaking with them for one minute or more or by casting any alignment spell or effect.+

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Screek - Small pink brain with small appendages

I would say this is “inspired” by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comics but that is a lie, this is outright theft of the idea. I just love these brain-buggers. No copyright infringement intended.

Screek CR2
XP 400
N Small Aberration
Init -2 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5

AC 11 touch 9, flat-footed 11 (-2 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
hp 22hp (3d8+9 con)
Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Sticky Touch +4 on CMD

Speed 20 ft.
Melee Bite +6 (1d6+3)
Ranged Weapon +1 (1d4)

Str 17, Dex 7, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +2 CMB +4 CMD 16
Feats MindLink,
Skills (Any 3) +5 Knowledge (Magic, Artist, Religion, Geography, Technology), +5 Perception , +5 Spellcraft , +5 Stealth , +5 Survival, +7 Climb
Languages  Screek

Combat Gear 80% are likely to have body suit

Environment Urban
Organization Pod (2-4)
Treasure Value Double


Ability (Ex)  Stick Touch Adds +4 on to their CMD due to their sticky appendages

Screeks or Kraang are small sized pink brain creatures, with a small face, eyes, mouth and four tiny claws. These alien creatures come from a parallel dimension and travel to other worlds to seek slaves, riches and resources. The biggest challenge on a world like Nyssa, is that their high technology is inoperative, so they rely on clockwork metal frames. They ride in these frames, and utilize them very much the same as a suit, each having specialized functions, such as a strong fighter,  swimmer, spider runner, or winged flyer.

They usually reside in urban areas, where they make connections with the seedy criminals. many times their cohorts don't know what they are. They also make temporary bases in isolated areas that are connected to the outer-planes via an unused obelisk. While they cannot utilize divine energy, they are able to use it the same as a generator to power their experiments.

Sample Bases
Humanoid Base (Warrior) Str +6, Dex -2, Con +2; Speed 30; Attack +5 (punch or grab) Dmg: 1d8
Spider Base Runner: Dex +4, Speed 30 ft, Attack 1d4, Web 
Specialized Climber Base Climb +20, Move 60/day
Aquatic Base: Swim 50 ft, AC +3

Friday, 20 July 2018

Tunnels, Pools & Prisoners - Episode Ten


1 Virgil - Human Rogue (Steve)
2 Allfray – Human Cleric (Law)
3 Phlannel- Human Lumberjack-Ranger (Dave)

4 Bahlgrim – Dwarf fighter
5 Voshimma – Jackalla Warrior

Waiting at the blood pool, they realize there is a sluice gate directly above, where the liquid life drops, and they begin to question how they can get up there, or if they will need to. After a very short time before they see a black garbed woman, emanating strong evil, having five imp creatures, approach them. They identify her as a priestess of Keran, the Evil Lord of Night and Fears. She and Voshimma know each other. The evil priest is critical & condescending about their efforts, and while imposing she and her impish fiends don't seem to be threatening, they are keeping an eye on the same blood gate.

When the evil priest hears about the Ice Sword, she sends one of the imps away. She offers the team help, at first they politely dismiss, but she tells them that she is no ally to the Ice Queen...Voshimma confirms this and says that the Knights of Keran are always willing to help take down undead or other enemies. The dark cleric tells them that they are heading in the wrong direction, the blood pool may potentially weaken creatures or items, but there are no divine items here, they should be
looking elsewhere, somewhere with a potential for hidden magic. Both Allfray and Virgil have the same thought at once - the vile pool above in the main chamber, they make their way back. Almost the same time, one of the imps she sent way comes back and drops a medallion near their feet. When they examine it, the see a snowflake emblem, the unholy symbol of Rowenna, goddess of the ice and lady mistress of undeath. When Virgil takes it his hand freezes, but Alfray casts a spell to shield him
from any further debilitating effects.

They head up, then out to the well, the only spot that hasn't been poisoned or harmed to investigate. While not holy, it is certainly clean, Bahlgrim descends, and the pool itself while clean, there is no connecting passageway to the pool in the building. They go into the main chamber, and decide it is best to heal the bathing pool, and determine the water from the well is the best plan. They decide to distract the large snake like creature while dumping buckets and wineskins of the well water into the pool. The plan somewhat works, the water does heal the poisoned water to a limited effect, but the creature doesn't need to be distracted, it notices them, but ignores them and sinks back into the water. The poison of the pool cannot be fully cured, but they can see a set of descending stairs.

The team decides to head down the stairs, as Virgil goes into the poisoned water, the unholy symbol congeals the pool's water very similar to it freezing solid, as it settles, it allows easy passage down into a connecting room below. The room smells of death and vile substances, they head to the connecting passage right they do they come into a much longer area, filled with many carved metal plaques placed on both the floor and walls. Both the cleric and Bahlgrim recognize this as a place where dwarves are interned. As they make their way further into the room, they see a group of shambling humanoid figures move towards them, Alfray shouts – ghouls!

Allfray raises his holy symbol and commands the undead to depart, but their connection to the mortal realm, here in the crypts is far too strong, and he fails in the attempt. The undead are the first to slam their claws into both Phlannel and Allfray, and they both fail in their first round to connect. Voshimma – their undead hunting Jackalla companion steps up into the fore. On the second round, the Jackalla and the Lumberjack take claws, as they both tear into the undead, as the hunter's blade and the lumberjack's axe connects, at the same moment, the cleric takes a step back, calling forth a spiritual weapon to slam into one of the undead, as the cleric begins to heal his comrades. As each round steps up, slowly the team takes down the evil undead, taking limited damage as they co-ordinate their attempts. At the end, the cleric has used much of his spells, but had used only limited turning success. Virgil searches the body, finds some coins, keys and insignia of ranger militia. The cleric makes sure to bury them permanently with his Holy Sand.

They move forward once again, and enter a new much larger room, this one more than one hundred feet wide, with eight prison cells along the sides. Most of them are filled with, a humanoid with leafs skin, a Construct, a female with a snake lower half, a minotaur with massive horns, an old wrinkled woman, and a three headed puppy dog. There is also a large statue of a fifthteen foot tall human in very impressive armor, holding a sword and a lance spear.  The Minotaur demands to be let out,  promises rewards if they group releases him, the cleric asks why he is imprisoned, the minotaur says bluntly he went on a killing spree – then rages at himself for admitting the truth. These cells,  Voshimma explains the prison compels the prisoners not to lie.

Above the cells of the Leafy-humanoid, the Snaky female, an empty cell, and the three headed dog a black rose flower emblem of the Dark Lord Keran, showing that they are their responsibility.  Voshimma explains that the varying prisoners are technically guarded by their different jailers...

The cleric asks the leafy woman her story, and she explains that her name is Azania, and she was caught looking for a magical device, a seeder staff of her people, needed to help them move podlings (children) to a safe spot, she was caught looking in some of the prison cells. The cleric is moved by her story, but the Jackalla Knight warns them not to judge the prisoners, they are not responsible for the prisoners and she will not help them if they unlawfully release anyone. Azania explains her goal is not personal, it is to help her people, and she would be willing to do anything to help her podlings. Allfray feels her imprisonment is wrong, but Voshimma explains that they cannot violate the prison, there is a process, and they simply cannot break someone out. He is not convinced, but goes to the next prisoner marked by the black rose.

The snake lady, Osa, explains that she she is a creature from the celestial heavens, come to help Knights in a part of the world called Tharon, a notorious human nation in the South. She was framed for a crime she did not commit, but she accepted a punishment here on the mortal plane rather than be banished and unable to return. She has the means to be freed legally, she needs for them to contact any obelisk of the Chai-Nall, they will arrange to provide the restitution, so she can be freed. None of the team recognize the divinity, but Allfray agrres to contact them to assist.

Voshimma and the cleric begin a conversation about the rightness on their plan of action, to free the prisoners, anyone that's good, but Alfray objects seeing the system is corrupt and many of them shouldn't be in here. She reminds him that there are individuals of various beliefs and ethics, everyone could be seen from a certain perspective to be innocent or at least not guilty enough to be in a place like this. But it was a lack of proper courts and process, that some of these people were in a place like this...

During their heated conversation, the Mechanoid speaks up, he tells them that he can probably help them as he has significant knowledge of the prison. When asked what he was doing in the cell, he explains that he was imprisoned for failure of completing his tasks. Although guilty, he did not believe the sentence was fair but it had run it's course, he should have been freed if his original jailers, his clockwork brothers were still the prison guardians. He asks them to look at his prison door, there is no lock, he stayed in the prison out of respect of the institution, not because the site could physically detain him, but he would not open the door. If they could free him, he would help them complete their mission. After conferring with his colleagues, they agree and open the door allowing prisoner,  Z1-774 to walk out.

It explains that his mechanoid kin were once the keepers of these jails, after the Hunter's failure to keep their Holding cells safe, they took it over for a long while. Others, especially, Keranic Knights and the Phaetox have stepped in, but in return keep their own prisoners here, those they find especially troublesome, here in the Core. He knows the place very well, not all of it's secrets, but most of them. They begin to ask each other some questions, but it is Voshimma that mentions it is best not to speak here in front of the others, so they retreat to the previous room.

Phlannel believes he might know where Azania's staff is, and tries to knock the staff out of the statues left hand, but with help from the others the staff is the same metal as the rest of the statue.

The cleric speaks a little more with the Mechanoid, the Clockwork figure, renown for their durability and faithfulness, while not attuned to devotions, they were free thinking and could decide things on their own, unlike others of their spring-kin. If one looked at the metal figure, it looked very similar to any humanoid, but upon closer inspection, one could see the metal bindings and screws that made up their individual parts. As Z1-774 answered his questions about where it would be best to secured items, they realized that the hidden Central Prison Room was the most protected locale in the prison. They went back into the room and looked around, the large statue stood out the most, and they went behind it, and started searching, eventually they find a hidden set of stairs heading down beneath the statue. They find a secret room, and three items of note: a staff with a nest of seeds, a helmet radiating nasty evil, and a sword box covered with three black roses, which is the Sword of Ice that they were quested to find. They take the Sword box and the Staff.

Phlannel goes to the staff, and sees that it has rooted itself to the wall, many small vines growing out. He removes the vines, and it immediately straightens up. It is not emanating magic but when he grabs it, a greenish energy covers his arm, and slowly starts to change his body colour. He lets go of it, and the magic, the life-energy slowly drains from him. He wonders, is this safe? Both the cleric and slayer ally believe it is. As he seizes it, his body continues the change, and after a few minutes he stops breathing, but he is alive but more as a plant now than a human.

The cleric and Jackalla look upon the black box, they both sense the evil  magic inside it. They are unsure if they are able to open it, but the cleric realizes this is perhaps the way around it, if the box is removed without opening it, will the undead protector still be summoned? Voshimma confirms she thinks this should work, it would be a way to get it out of the prison  but she says, that is what she needs, that is what she wants. Allfray says that it is better for them to remove it without Savro finding it. Their Mechanoid ally is surprised at this, he knows of the faun, Savro, this ally of the fey is someone they can trust on missions, he has connections to the heavens. He may not be lawfully bound, but he is someone who helps, always. Allfray is surprised, after being warned by the paladins, now he is unsure...but Z1-774 reiterates, his people may not have trust him with secrets, but he was an ally especially if it weakened evil.

They emerge from the storage, and they immediately see the exclamation of Azania, the leafy humanoid, as her staff is found. The cleric tells her that they will return the item to her people and will do everything they can to free her from prison. They are unable to hide the box holding the sword...can they get it out of the prison without being spotted by undead or anything else. They are soon being hailed by a group of paladins, requesting them to join them back to Knight's Grove. They see a familiar face, Savro, their fey contact. He pulls them aside and explains that his contacts requested for him to be here at the abandoned Mathai prison as soon as he could. Allfray is unsure, but uses one of his detection spells to determine that Savro isn't evil, and while he is certainly not someone liked by the paladins, he is someone they should learn to trust.

Each day going back to the Fortress, they realize they are being followed by a group of Dark Keranic Knights, but every day they are joined by more Paladins and fey into their convoy, helping their logistics. They arrive safely, and the cleric arranges a meeting with Vessi, high cleric of Japeth, leader of the community. Allfray explains that they have found the ice Sword but even more, that Savro is exactly who and what he says he is, a fey, and a strong ally. Vessi expresses her disbelief but will leave him (Savro) as there is no proof, and he does always seem to come through for them. Vessi tells him if his team is willing, that she will provide some missions for them.

On the first evening, the team along with Savro gathers at the obelisk, and they witness a simple but powerful ritual. Savro's words open the gate, allowing a portal to another world to appear, and out from it a large Lion Humanoid along with eight bright skinned angelic figures. They are unable to directly handle the box, so they use binding chains of light to seize the box and carry it into the portal. The Lion gives Savro four elixirs as payment. When they have departed, Savro gives each of the party members one of the celestial elixirs, explaining they can either gain a permanent once a day spell (3rd level or lower) or have a permanent +4 to one their ability scores.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   * 

The rogue Virgil has plenty of fun drinking, gaming and taking little things from many of the visitors in the camps. His parties actions have increased their visibility but also their trust, enabling him access to much more than before. He learns of the scandals of many of the Nobles, as most of them are unhappy about serving here, but being dutiful Knights, they are bound to obey. Yet, there are others, who like him, are with teams, he learns of their missions, and their stories, gleaming about the legends of magic devices.

The cleric Allfray is bound to the Obelisk, to study, pray and learn. He too makes connections, as many of the Knights and soldiers look to him for wisdom, but so too, many fey. He learns of the forest, its inhabitants, and its hidden trails, this is why the Knights are here, the trails lead to many lairs in the forest, and the Rangers no longer have the numbers to protect. Vessi offers him a role at
the Obelisk, but he turns it down, his road for now is still on the path.

Lumberjack Phlannel stays as little as possible in the fortress, he prefers to be in the wilds now more than before. He feels pulled as he hears the forest in a new way, being apart of its spirit. Yet, he knows he can walk away, put the Spear down and be himself. Yet, he knows he is bound to help them. The woodlings, as most call the plant-people, need help and he feels he knows the path to go...he starts asking questions, to learn more about his new task.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Order of the Griffon

This is the most basic knightly order in my campaign world, they are an elite group of griffon riders that protect their homeland. Many of them live in the spirelands, mile high mountain plateau which are very similar to islands in terms of personality and needs. These are defenders, but also messengers and an early warning system. Many of the griffons have specific coloured feathers, as they are groomed to match the colours of their paladin riders.

Order of the Griffon

Description  The Order of the Griffon is a group devout members of the Church of Japeth who work as the military arm of the Church found in the spirelands. Most members are clerics or paladins, but fighters and rangers join as well. 

Responsibilities They are responsible for protection of holy sites and devout petitioners in remote sites, primarily in the Spirelands. They protect the Quadrane (4 High Holy Good Aligned Gods) followers but they have many allies, not just those within these groups.

Mount Many paladins choose a griffon as their steed in the spirelands, but members of the Griffon Order welcomes anyone that meets their requirements. The hardest is to find a griffon willing to serve. The creatures cannot be enspelled or tricked; they must choose to serve.


Base attack bonus: +3
Skills: Knowledge (religion): 5 ranks; Ride: 5 ranks
Oath: Loyalty to the Order of Griffon
Alignment: Any non-chaotic and non-evil
Quest: Find a griffon who agrees to serve 

Class Skills: Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (history, planes, religion), Ride & Spellcraft (Int).

Skill points per level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

Hit die: d10

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Members of the Order of the Griffon are proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons and medium and light armor but not shields. They do not lose proficiency if they already had them.

Special Mount: Beginning on their 1st level and every other level thereafter, a Member of the Order of the Griffon may add one level to calculating the abilities of their special mount if they have one. If no prior class gives them a special mount, they do not gain such an ability.

Spells: Beginning on their 2nd level and every other level thereafter, Members of the Order of the Griffon gain new spells per day as they would have in a divine spellcasting class that they belonged to before adding the prestige class. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning undead, special abilities of a paladin's mount, and so on).

Class    BAB  Fort      Ref  Will    Special 
1st           +1          +2       +0  +2    Griffon Mount 
2nd          +2          +3       +0  +3    Griffon-Back Combat
3rd           +3          +3       +1  +3    Dive, Divine Dispel
4th           +4          +4       +1  +4    Flyby Attack
5th           +5          +4       +1  +4    Special mount level Flyby Attack, Aura of Valor 

Special abilities

Griffon Mount: Upon joining the Order of the Griffon (or at some later point in time), you may choose to gain a Griffon Mount. Depending upon the services you have rendered for the order, you may gain up to 50% of a reduction compared to the costs given in the Monster Manual.

If you have a special mount or a familiar, you may choose to exchange it for a griffon with the proper rituals. For special mounts, you must dismiss the old mount in a ritual (typically including a night of fasting and appropriate sacrifices). For familiars, there is half the normal experience loss (100 xp, 50 xp on a successful save) and you must pay the cost for calling a familiar as normal. In both cases, it takes about one month for the character to bond with the griffon (though at GM's discretion it may be faster depending on the character's Charisma, Animal Empathy skill and piety).

If you have animal companions, you may add one griffon to your animal companions. The gp costs and hit dice limitations still apply as normal.

Divine Flame: By expending one of your turn undead attempts, you sheath your weapon with sacred flame, inflicting +1d6 divine damage agaisnt evil or undead opponents for one round per level. These flames do not give off heat or ignite flammable objects, though they give off light equal to a torch. 

Griffon-back Combat: When fighting from the back of her griffon, the character gains the Mounted Combat feat.

Divine Dispel: By spending one of your turn undead attempts, you can dispel or counter a magic spell by making a turning check as if turning an undead creature of the opposing spellcaster's level. You can only dispel spells with the 'evil' descriptor. A spell that is dispelled as it is being cast has no effect whatsoever; otherwise, it ends as if it's duration had run out. This power cannot affect spells immune to dispel magic.

Flyby Attack: When riding her griffon, the character and her griffon may use the Flyby Attack, as per the feat. If the partial action is used for an attack, both the griffon and rider may attack.

Aura of Valor: Allies within 300 feet of the character gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This is a supernatural ability.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Session Nine - Into the Crypts

The team awakens, and in their morning meet. Virgil explains to them, they have been hired by their fey contact, Savvo to find an Ice Sword, in an abandoned Mathai fortress, it should be either within or near a crypt. They gather supplies and make arrangements to travel with the Japeth Knights, as they have patrols going out daily to ensure the forest is safe. Their primary rule, this is the fey forest, so while the magical buggers may be annoying they are the rulers of the forest.

The forest is quite deep, and the patrols stick to the well-traveled roads. On the first day they encounter a hunting trio of ogres that the Paladins easily handle. On the second the team meets a group of dwarven traders, with many small, specialized kegs of alcohol; their comrade believes these dwarves have invisible protectors, which is why they are very carefree in this fey-filled forest. On the last day of their travel, the Knights run into a group of other-worldly creatures, red-scaly-skinned humanoid hunters with sharp black claws and horns called schir demons. This battle lasts far longer, and while the knights do emerge victorious, they took substantial losses. The cleric steps up to heal the injured knights, who is given 90 silver as tribute. It isn't long on their fourth day of travel that they encounter the fortress, that looks quite like a small church; Allfray tells the Knights their mission is inside, the Soldiers of Japeth retort that their teams pass by here every 2 or 3 days, they will make sure that others groups check on them.

The group scans the large two story building, it has two completed towers, and a third either incomplete or half destroyed. Virgil is determined to climb up the half finished tower. Before he gets to the top, realizes there are a few windows near the half-way mark and tries to go inside the nearest one to him. As he tries to open the window, Allfray and Bahlgrimm the Dwarf warrior spot a green skinned winged humanoid crawling towards him. The cleric responds with a thrown hammer at the creature - but misses. The rogue realizes something is wrong when he is cut by a claw, as he sees two more of these green skinned creatures crawling towards him, He immediately starts drops down, trying to get away from these goyle like beasts. The cleric casts spiritual weapon, hammering one of the creatures as the rogue dodges any other attacks. While difficult to spot, the group sees at least half a dozen of these creatures crawling over the roof. These are a gargoyle cross-breed, but more than this the group is unaware.

They decide to change their tactics, and approach the front doorway. The gates have long since been ripped away and they see patches of blue and green grass, on the far left an excellently maintained well, and on the other side, to Allfray's dismay, a destroyed obelisk. As the cleric approaches the stone monument, he notices that none of the debris is around, everything broken off is gone. As he steps closer to the betrayed he starts to feel his divine magic empty from him, his own symbol of light drain of energy. Shaken, he stays more than twenty feet away, far enough for the magic to slowly refill him; he is torn, he wants to know what happened to the obelisk, but is afraid of going too near again. What happened to the obelisk guardian - the angelic figure that protects the holy site? The well, unlike everything else here is full, and in good condition. The large wooden front doors are in terrible condition, and they can easily make their way through.

Going into the large open room, it has huge pillars on the sides, a large rectangular pool filled with abysmally dirty water and half-decayed corpses, and six cages, one filled with Carcass Undead and three with skeletal ones. The upper ceiling has beautiful art, but now much it is in very poor condition, some of it still stands out, showing the beauty of the forest and the many creatures within it. Allfray states that this was a place of worship, but probably not a temple.

Allfray the cleric bashes one of the undead in a cage, and after a moment it slowly regrows. This is what the cleric was afraid of, the undead would regenerate...they could release them from the cages, but it was better for now to keep them inside. Virgil knows the stories of pools often being the primary receptacle of offerings, where coins and gems often dropped in, payment to the spirits. He throws small marbles into the pool, as they land in the water, a large grey coloured tentacle breaks the surface, and sway along the top. The size of the tentacle betrays the pool size, it looks too large to be here, Virgil steps back.

Towards the back of the room, a large ripped curtain still barely holds up, with two doors near the back corners. They take one of the doors, which has a small hallway heading towards half a dozen, tiny private rooms, similar to the priestly rooms Allfray lived in at his complex. All of them were stripped of anything personal, but everything was carefully removed, remarkably clean. It strikes the team, that the entire area is very clean, no dust, no debris a very sterile environment. Some of the other items found was a set of stairs heading down, another set heading up along with a Knight-like statue holding a purple sword and shield (purple is associated with Casna, god of Order.)

They eventually find a fresco, a carpet painting, with a background of an obelisk with many wonderous creatures on it, behind it is a blue metal door, but no apparent key-hole or other opening latch. Virgil tries to open it, but as he does a vaguely humanoid face appears within it, asking him what he wants. No answer he gives placates the door guardian but it is more receptive to Allfray the cleric's request to open. The door opens and the group sees a small room with a two foot tall obelisk, a small pool and a hooded humanoid - who grabs a weapon at their sudden appearance.

The two sides speak, tersely at first, as the lone figure is unsure of them. After a moment he removes the hood to show her jackal headed face, she is a Jackalla, a figure renown for keeping ritualistic burials in the city within the mortuaries known as the Towers of Silence. In wilder areas they are respected for their undead hunts, for destroying the vile beasts. She explains that she like others of her kin are waiting for the presence of the Aspect of Unliving, to destroy. Others of her kin are nearby, and will help. When asked what they are doing in the Burial Crypts, Virgil tells her they are seeking a Sword of Ice. The Jackalla explains they are far from the first group to seek it, but they like the others will probably fail, as it is hidden within the crypts, but even her kin are unable to find it. When asked what will happen, she explains that this is the warning that many of her kin believe will release the Aspect into this world, and when that happens, she will take it down.

The cleric vows that they won't provide the Ice Sword to Savvo their patron, but they still want to find the item. When asked if the has any proof that could implicate Savvo, with the Japethian Knights, she doubts it, as she doesn't have enough proof for a legal court but the Anubian Knights generally don't bother with courts, as they simply find and execute their quarry. But if they could get him arrested, her kin would be very happy as they have long suspected him of dark dealings. So too the Casnian Knights of Order, but they are strict disciples of law, great allies of both the Quannian and Anubian Knights. When asked why the fey would work with such a figure, the undead hunter laughs, the fickle fey care little about honour or law, while not evil, they are chaotic and self-centered, useful allies but only for a task or two, they have their own intentions.

Allfray asks if she can go with them, to find the Ice Sword. She agrees, introducing herself as Voshimma, Guardian of the Zare.  Since nighttime is approaching, she recommends them staying in her room, as the more powerful spirits are active at night, but the physical ones are roaming all day long.  She leads them to the set of stairs which goes down into a series of crypts and mass burials. Periodically she explains some will have undead emerge, while her people are unsure of which, some of the crypts have tunnels that lead out of the building. 

They first make a circle around the lower area, Voshimma explains that this was originally a crypt for animals, but it was eventually changed to a humanoid burial due to ongoing battles. None of the crypts are permanent, as the bodies as per custom are laid to rest for twenty-five to fifty years, then sealed within a longer internment spot. Her people didn't begin the process, but are maintaining it, as custom is so important. Virgil mentions about the subtle temperature changes, which Voshimma is unsure about, he takes the team back to the stairs heading down, poking around, finding a false panel...opening up into a small, tight passageway. (after I had prepped the dungeon maps, grrr.)

Opening the area up, they go through, the Jackalla is quite surprised, all of the secret areas should have been sealed. In a few moments they find a ladder tree, and make their way down. Even before getting down, they see the movement of soldiers, four skeletal figures heading towards them. The cleric shows their holy symbol calling upon his faith to return the undead to eternal sleep, as the bright light emerges, two of the skeletons are held at bay. Voshimma runs forward, their black scimitar already out, smashing the two other undead abominations, this was her people's calling, this was what they lived for, this was what she had trained for and there were no one better at this task than her kin. Once there are no other active undead mobile, the cleric relaxes, and concentrates, and takes back the turning energy, regaining the used turning. At the same time, the rest of the party demolishes the two previously turned undead.

The tunnels are rough, and cut out of the natural stone, very unlike the crypt they came from. The passageway heads in both directions, they choose to go east and head towards a curve in the passage. As the rogue and jackalla head thru, they must immediately dodge as sharp, rock-like beings are dropping down, trying to pin them. They get through, and see the upper corner is filled with these rock beasts. Though injured, they can smash the piercer rocks to ensure safe passageway. They go around and see what is on the other side of the corridor, except they pay more attention to the sides, and walk slowly, carefully along the walls to not disturb the natural rock beasts that are again at the top of the roof. As they move past they see the passageway loops around, and on the other side, a large red pool, both the rogue and Jackalla realize this is a pool of blood, thirty feet across, about ten feet wide.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Cat-Kin Humanoid (Cheetarah, Juagarinth, Panthera & z'Rathe)

A long-time ago, I used these in one of my first campaigns. They were probably one of the first things I fully wrote up, because one of the players always took them and pushed my buttons - always stretching what my descriptions described of what they could and couldn't do. Written clarification is good, especially in a game that requires quick thinking and player-DM interaction.

These humanoid cats are humble yet savage, natural hunters who live in small tribes in connection with the land and spirits within. Perfectionists of their arts, they are welcoming and keen in their dedications, but quick to release their inner animal if needed. Devout to their animal spirits who guide and protect them. Often make strong allies with neighboring communities and share in defense and patrols.

Panthera, Cat-Kin CR 2
N Large Humanoid
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 21 (2d10+10)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -1
DR 1 Resist cold 5, fire 5
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity

Speed 30 ft., (on 2 feet), 40 ft when on four paws
Melee 2 Claws +3 (1d10+5/17-20)

Str 17, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 9
Base Atk +2; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Natural Two Claw Attack, Power Attack, Improved Overrun
Skills Perception +4, Survival +5

Languages Cat-Kin Tongue, Common
SQ Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Scent, Thick Fur, Natural Claw Weapons
Climate/Terrain: Plains, Grasslands or Spires
Organization: Patrol (3-8), Tribe (21-120)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral (60% True, 30% Good, 10 % evil)

Advancement Range: By Character Class or by HD.  The default for Cat-Kin is to advance on their HD listing until 9th HD. Individuals can deviate, but if they take non HD levels, they are unable to take additional cat-kins HD levels. NPCs never take class HD levels.

Cat-Kin are a collection of humanoid cat creatures, that split the difference between savagery and civilization. There are four main types, and most exist in combined pride-communities, but the two largest species in both size and physical numbers have smaller communities of only their type. They shun the advanced society trappings such as buildings, metal working, and learned wizardry to live a more natural existence, but individuals often leave to work and learn in cosmopolitan societies. All cat-kin share features, as well as having their own unique traits.

Most non-adventurous cats are crafters, working on one product, then trading with other humanoid communities for items they can chose to not produce themselves. At any time perhaps 10% of the population are in merchant caravans, being away for months at a time. Another large component of their societies are hunters, while cat-kin are omnivores, they prefer to eat freshly hunted meat. All but the elderly try to participate in a monthly hunt, both as an act of survival, companionship and ritual.

Every week a different group will cascade across their territory looking for fresh meat. They do not shun non-cat-kin in their lands, unless they over-hunt, establish permanent communities or commit other unbalancing actions. Cat-Kin’s society tends towards neutral in alignment, and slightly more are good as opposed to evil. While there are some very nasty evil cat-kin, they are the exception, and there are no known evil communities.

Many cat-kin who leave their communities end up destitute in larger human cities. They end up squatting in abandoned buildings, and are treated as scoundrels and unable to find regular employment. This is where many non-adventuring citizens know of the cat-kin people.

Generally Cat-Kin make excellent allies, living and hunting in a large wilderness areas, disdaining raiding from other civilized species and trading with others around them. They can be quite protective of shared sites and willing to do their part in hunting down shared threats. Rangers and druids always have excellent co-operation with them.

Their native communities have beautifully carved mounds (treat as tents), with individual buildings for families and shared ones for group purposes. These mounds are semi-permanent, they can be moved but are often lived in for years at a time. They welcome travelers of any species, both to trade and discuss shared political matters. They never hesitate to help injured people.

Druids and sorcerers are the two most common types of spell-casters in their communities, but their numbers are quite small. They prefer spells to enhance allies over directly hurting or killing foes. Cat-kin as a whole are communal in nature, and readily share what they have with their communities. While they are happy to compete, cat-kin rarely hesitate to help an ally. Greed is very rare in their communities, and those who are caught are banished for theft or other antisocial actions. Theft from others, even allies, is acceptable - just don't get caught, if the community needs something, do whatever you need.

Common house cats are seen as a kindred spirits, and most cat-kin have these as part of their community. Though they are rarely kept directly as owned pets, but exist as a welcomed animal, free to go into and out of the community. They have the same laws protecting them, as a full-bodied cat-kin.

Shared Traits

Darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision

Scent: All cat-kin have terrific senses, and they are able to recognize when other creatures are near them. (As per the monster ability)

Running on four paws: Cat-kin are upright humanoids by default, however, if they are not carrying medium or heavier armor, and no large weapons or are at no more than their medium encumbrance, cat-kin can start to run on all four paws, granting a +10 to their base movement.

Thick Fur: Except to assist in carrying items, cat-kin do not need to wear clothing, as their thick fur provides them all the protection they need in their normal habitat. This fur is the equivalent of hide armor (+2 to natural AC), and also grants a +5 vs. non-magical cold (+1 vs. magical cold.) Gain +1 AC bonus to natural AC every 3 additional HD or levels gained if not wearing bulky armors.

Claw Weapons: Most adventuring cat-kin do not cut their natural claws, thus they are considered to be naturally clawed, and have a natural attack doing 1d3 dmg. These cat-kin can gain more damage if they learn to better utilize this natural attack.

Ability Boost: Gain +2 to any ability score up to 20

Cheetarah: Slender, five foot tall with white fur with small black splotches. They are the smallest but quickest of the cat-kin. They are always part of ambush teams, stalking foes until they can make a quick back-stab. Rogue or ranger are their preferred classes. They are never found in unique communities, always part of mixed prides.
Gain 8 skill points by HD; Skill selection as Rogue, feats every second level.
+2 to dexterity, +2 to intelligence
Typical Feats:Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadly Aim, Rapid Shot
3 HD – Natural Claw Attacks 1d6 dmg; Ability Boost
4 HD - Sprint X 4 base movement, can take this action once every hour.
5 HD – Cat Reflexes (Add +4 to initiative checks)
6 HD - Base Speed +10 ft; Ability Boost
7 HD – Sprint X 6 base movement; Can take this action once every hour.
8 HD – Natural Claw Attacks 1d8 dmg; Ability Boost
9 HD – Sprint X 10 base movement, Can take this action once every hour.

Juagarinth: Slender, well built purple furred cat humanoids. Have great agility, and prefer to hunt from the upper levels of mountains or trees. They are hunting specialists, lurking to pounce down on their foes. In terms of population, their number is lowest, so they are always found in mixed prides.
Gain 8 skill points by HD; Skill selection as Rogue or Ranger
+2 on strength & dexterity
+2 on acrobatics & survival
Typical Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadly Aim, Rapid Shot

3 HD – Natural Claw Attacks 1d6 dmg; Ability Boost
4 HD +3 on attack if able to jump down more than ten feet
5 HD – Claw Attacks 1d8 dmg; Ability Boost
6 HD – Jumping Bonus +10
7 HD – +5 on attack if able to jump down more than twenty feet
8 HD – Claw Attacks 1d10 dmg; Ability Boost
9 HD – Soaring Jump +20 on acrobatic checks

Panthera: large white tiger humanoids, standing a minimum of seven feet tall with terrific strength, speed and stamina. These are the brutes of the cat-kin society, as they are master hunters who ferociously patrol and go on week long hunts. Many gain proficiencies to enhance their claw attacks.
Gain 6 skill points by HD Skill selection as Ranger
+2 Strength & +2 Constitution
+2 Intimidate & Survival
Typical Feats Point Blank Shot;  Rapid Shot; Power Attack, Improved Overrun

3 HD – Natural Claw Attacks 1d6 dmg; Ability Boost
4 HD - Fearsome Presence +5 on intimidation checks;
5 HD – Natural Claw Attacks 1d8 dmg; Ability Boost
6 HD – Two Claw Style: Gain two weapon attacks with claw weapons
7 HD - Roar: +15 to intimidate checks as per fearsome presence (1+cha bonus / day)
8 HD – Natural Claw Attacks 1d10 dmg; Ability Boost
9 HD – Add +3 on critical hit range for natural claw attacks

z'Rathe: Large lion humanoids, with golden or white fur. They stake larger territories to hunt, but are charismatic and honourable creatures, known for making allies with non-cat-kin. They are incredibly fast to react, being able to sense traps or deception, they make excellent rangers. Least likely to be found in other humanoid territories.
Gain +6 skill points by HD Skill selection as Ranger
+2 to strength and dexterity
+2 on survival and perception checks.
3 HD – Natural Claw Attacks 1d6 dmg; Ability Boost
4 HD - Faster Reactions: Receive double dexterity bonus on initiative checks
5 HD – Natural Claw Attacks 1d8 dmg; Ability Boost
6 HD – Gain +6 Bonus on Sense Motive Check
7 HD - Danger sense: + 10 on perception checks
8 HD – Natural Claw Attacks 1d10 dmg; Ability Boost
9 HD - Gain +12 Bonus on Survival checks

These are the natural HD bumps for the four sub-species. These are the defaults, but players can pick to go a traditional class but if they deviate they are unable to gain new HD levels.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Forested - Game Eight

Virgil, rogue of no particular importance
Allfray, Cleric of Lady Quanna
Phlannel, the Lumberjack, killer of trees and planty type stuff

You've been on the path for more than a hundred days, stopping in or passing by many spires, your mundane duty of drover though has been slowing down, as you are reaching the end of the spirelands and fewer settled towns. For a few days you hit the swarming cold and ice, and you know fear...true fear, as the deep cold affects you, affects your movement and even your spells. 

But then you pass thru, and see a magnificent forest, with huge beaming trees, almost glowing green. You can see the vigor of the animals scurrying and avians flying everywhere – a place with a different feel than the stoic distant spires. The team have been told to search out the Knight's Grove, from here you will meet Savvo, a contact for your next mission.

Allfray's holy symbol starts to glow yellow and then orange as you near the forest; yellow, like gold is associated with Quanna, but it is a calmer reflective purpose, not as passionate as Gold. Orange is most associated with the God of Courage, Japeth. Phlannel, the Lumberjack searches around and finds a trail going both directions, staying just abreast of the forest; they take the busier route.

Within two hours they find a fairly significant wood and stone bridge that stretches into the forest.  Each side has three flags - the middle one of Japeth, Paladin Lord; the lessers being local political figures. At the end of the bridge is a knight-like figure,  though they call out to him, there is no response. They cross, slowly, carefully but once clear pick up their pace.

Less than 30 minutes from the bridge, they notice a heavy vine growth crossing the pathway, they slow down to investigate.  Phlannel, the lumberjack moves up to take the lead and as he does he notices the wagon just off the road, demolished, as he moves in to get a better look, four vines are scrawling across the forest ground, BATTLE!

Phlannel plants his foot down, rooting himself then swings his heavy axe, dissecting the first vine, then with a swing back around, connecting and tearing apart the next one, certainly living up to his reputation as a lumberjack!  Virgil not having surprise, reaches out with but fails to connect with the vine and the plant is unable to wrap around him. Much the same with the cleric, as Allfray hesitates with a spell, but tries to bash down with his mace, he misses, but fortunately so does the vine. The Lumberjack, moves over, flipping his large axe into the third vine, tearing it apart; he sees the last vine slinking away, he rushes forward, his axe ripping through it!

Virgil looks over to the beat up wagon, and already the heavy vines are starting to recede. He looks it over...and sees a part of the axle undamaged, approaching he gets under it, and sees a small hidden cache. The wagon wasn't here for too long, maybe a day, no more than three, there is certainly a lot of damage but this area could be reached. He opens the area, and removes a small metallic box, three small linked silver chains, one is broken. The rogue, carefully with exquisite timing, breaks the chains at the same time, then opens the box, revealing a small anthril (magical silver) dagger and a coin purse. He shares the coins with his teammates, 33 crowns each....but moments later, it fills itself, and as before they each get 33 more crowns. An ever-filling coin-purse!

About forty minutes away from the vines, they see two knights standing at attention, as per military positioning rules. They copy the formation then move up to greet the primary officers. The group meets Left Hand Vankre of  House Melland, an officer to the Knightly Guard, but the group is unsure of what military or nation. A Left Hand, as they understand it, is usually a non-commissioned officer, a non-soldier hired to do specialized tasks, but as far as they see it, this patrol duty is exactly what  a soldier should be doing. He welcomes them to the Varre Forest, a fey homeland, just as they are guests here, so too are the soldiers. When the team asks about the Knight's Grove, where their contact is, Vankre tells them it is their home around two hours north of here.

The characters tell them about the vines and the wagons, which elicits a question about the markings on the wagon, did they see signs of the High Families...(this causes a huge discussion among the players, did they check the wagon, did they steal something, some out-of-character discussion as the DM leaves the room to let them discuss it among themselves.) Ultimately the the trio does not confirm anything as they do not remember seeing any obvious signs, the knights look at each other, remind them of the bounty on bogards or other evil dangerous fey, then head off.

The party continues forward and in a few hours see a 15 ft high white-golden fence, surrounding an alabaster obelisk and a few other tall buildings. There are a few small vendors outside the gates, selling their wares. There are no soldiers outside, something unexpected. They head inside and see the beautiful and intricate obelisk, dominating everything around it. When they ask for Savvo, but he doesn't seem to be around.

The group and their merchant allies settle in, after a meal they join perhaps 500 people, almost the entire village around the town obelisk for evening prayers. The group sees five priestesses leading the service, four young hairless maidens and an elderly matron.  The evening service is lead by the humble acolytes, singing wonderful peaceful harmony. At the end of the service, the matron is kind and patient, in her accepting of pleas for prayers and solace from the many parishioners, she helps put them at ease, and each walks away with a blessing, and a golden glow within them, showing their state of peace.

Allfray greets the Cleric, introducing himself and lets her know that he is in a party that has come to town, being sought to complete a challenge, indirectly hired by Savvo. She is Vessi, humble cleric of the High Paladin, she tells him that she does not trust Savvo, he doesn't hire local soldiers, which could help them, financially but she believes he doesn't want the soldiers to know his business. When Allfray asks why the Japeth's obelisk is here, Vessi asks if she can see his hand, then casts a spell onto him, then looks down and says no, she cannot answer that query. Moments later, she then asks him to inform her if Savro's requests border on treason or unhealthy activity, to remember their vows – and Allfray solemnly promises to relay any information, any break to her. When they talk about connections, Vessi turns her holy symbol over, revealing a second holy symbol, this one to Mathai, Lord of the Hunt – their number is weakened, Vessi reveals, this is why Japeth took over the care of the obelisk, in time they will happily turn the fortress back to the followers of the forest.

At the same prayer-time, Virgil approaches a somewhat inebriated fey, a typical faun having small horns on his head, goat legs, and a very short tail. While respectful, he is not paying much attention, and is drinking swill as the service goes on. He asks if the faun knows who Savvo is – who then points at himself, then asks if they want to go for a drink after the service. The two head over and immediately down a stinking bottle and introduce themselves better.

The faun explains that he needs help, getting something removed from a nearby crypt, an item of value, but something that he doesn't want the paladins to know about. He has heard from the feyvine that the group may have connections that would be useful for a task. The challenge is that there are roaming undead inside a nearby tomb complex as it's little known so the knights don't actually patrol it, Savro believes something will awaken once the item, a liquid sword, is removed. The paladins may not stop them, but they won't like it, and he especially doesn't want to be fingered. He will pay well. He needs the job done in 10 days – 3 days travel each way, and no more than four days in the charnel pits, there will be undead, which is why he needed a team with a good cleric, one that doesn't have overt loyalties to either Japeth or Mathai.

Virgil says his team is open to the task, but is looking for a magical expert, someone that could identify an item without letting the knights know about it. Savvo says he will have an expert here in 10 days, the cost will be approximately 250 crowns, but only if his job is completed.

To be continued...

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Turning Table and Clerical Adjustments

This is the basic rule set on how undead are turned on Nyssa. There are three basic considerations: highest undead HD that you are facing (plus any class levels) + Turn Resistance + Number of Undead the cleric is facing. This is the calculated Undead HD on the table below.

Ex 1. A 1 HD Skeleton with 2 class levels with four of it's companions, would be a 7 HD turn (1 HD + 2 class + 4 companions) before any other adjustments shown below.

Level                                                               Undead HD

HD is the combined total of the creature's base HD and any class levels

If a cleric rolls the number listed +/- any adjustments, the undead is turned for one minute plus another round per either the cleric's wisdom or charisma bonus.

Rolling a "1" is always a failure, even if the player has a D or T listed. Players can use one of their turn affects and take the effects, but they must state they are using one of their turns. If they roll a failure, the undead is not turned.

Rolling a "20" is a success, treat the same as "D." They cannot turn an undead if a number is not listed on the table above.

When clerics try to turn undead they must present their holy symbol and command the undead to step away - it is not a meek act, but a show of faith. They must roll the number presented in the above chart or higher, plus / minus the adjustments shown below. If the undead are turned, they cannot face the cleric or the holy symbol.

T = Automatically Turned: A turned undead will not face a cleric or anyone in their party until the turning ends or the living party attacks them. If the undead is attacked by the cleric or anyone on the cleric's team, the turning ends and the cleric cannot retry to turn the undead for a minimum of five minutes. Undead of average intelligence may stalk the living, waiting at the edge of the effect for the turn to end, before they face the cleric again.

D = Damned: An undead damned is burned by the the holy presence of the holy symbol. This will inflict 5d6 plus 1d6 for every 2 HD the priest is higher than the undead. The undead cannot remain within 150 feet of the priest or holy symbol. Damned souls are treated as turned and can not attack the priest or any obvious allies.
On the second or subsequent rounds, if the priest is still actively turning the undead takes 5d6 damage. However, even if the cleric is not actively turning, as long as the undead are within range and the holy symbol is obvious, they take the additional damage (1d6 for every 2 HD) at the same rate. If the undead goes below zero hit points, they are destroyed and their ashes are either consumed by holy fire, buried in the ground or otherwise immediately and irrevocably vanquished. A damned soul is utterly destroyed, it is not reborn in the Outer or Lower Planes. Only a Wish or equivalent can return the undead to the mortal plane.

Ex 2: A 5th level cleric rolls a 18 when turning a wight (6 HD), there is a five point difference between the roll and the number required (13) and what was rolled (18), so the wight is turned for five minutes.

If anyone in the party attacks the undead, the turn effect is automatically nullified but after a three round rest the cleric can attempt to turn undead again.

Normally, clerics can turn undead a number equal to their Channel Divinity number plus either their charisma or their wisdom modifier. Often in large communities, where there is an active obelisk dedicated to either their god, an allied or equivalent deity, they get a chance to keep their turn. The cleric must roll on a 5 + undead HD turned on a D20.

The DM must calculate the total HD to be turned in the direction they are facing. Add the highest HD to the number of other undead they are facing.

Adjustments: Highest Undead HD + Turn Resistance + Number of Undead cleric is facing
Turn Resistance                      Add number to their equivalent HD (Usually +2 - +5) 
Number of undead                       -1 / HD**
Role Playing                                 +1*
Opposite Align (Good vs Evil)    +1
Not using Holy Symbol                -5
On Evil Ground                            -4
On Holy Ground                          +2
Within sight of holy site               +1
Near evil artefacts                         -3
Undead of same faith                   +2
Sprinkle Holy Water                    +1
Holy Water touches undead         +3
Personal Item                               +6
Touches Undead w/Symbol         +2
Already physically confronted     -4
Not in good standing with deity   -2

Turn Resistance: If a creature has turn resistance in the description, add it to the number required to turn it

Role Playing is how the turn is done, if in game mode players get a bonus. Difference between a player saying "I turn it" vs "By the power of the goddess' light, burn these creatures from this mortal plane, banish these evil creatures!!" 

On holy site and within site of holy site do not stack, the cleric can gain one or the other, even if it's a different holy ground from an allied church

Of the same Faith: Always assume regardless of how an undead was created, it wants release. So if a cleric is of the same faith and utilizing their holy symbol as the undead, give the cleric this bump

Sprinkle holy water assumes the holy water does not touch the undead. If touched, give the cleric the higher listed bonus

A cleric turns in a radius, so only those undead it faces should be counted in this calculation or can be turned. Add up all the undead a cleric faces. Use the highest undead then count up the number in the area

The first action a cleric should do is turn the undead, before anyone in their party engages the undead. If the DM believes the party unreasonably delays turning, they can give the cleric the -4 penalty. All of my clerics wear their holy symbols on chains hanging around their necks.