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Friday, 19 February 2016

Bon Homme

Bon Homme  CR 8
NG Medium Elemental (Seven  Feet Tall)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 30 ft., low-light vision; Perception +7

AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural, +5 Dexterity)
HP  60 (8d8+24 con)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +2
Immune cold, Regenerate 5 hp / subzero temperatures
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire (Suffer -3 to all fire saves)

Speed 50 ft.
Melee 2 Fists + (2d6+6/X4)
Range Snowball +12 (1d10/ X 4) or 3 X Snowball Blitz +8 (1d8)

Str 21, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 15
Base Atk +10; CMB +10; CMD 25
Feats Weapon Focus (Snowball), Upgrade Weapon Damage, Increase Weapon Critical Range X 2

+9 Diplomacy, +7 Perception, +8 Performance (Dance, Sing and Instrument)+5 Knowledge (Elemental)+5 Track, +15 stealth (Bonus +8 on Stealth checks in winter)

SQ freeze

Environment any land (Quinois)
Organization solitary
Treasure Triple

Bon Homme est une créature de neige élémentaire des terres culturelles de l'élite . Leur tâche principale est de protéger les villages Quinois . Tandis habituellement jovial, ils peuvent être terrifiant si son de personnes sont menacées . Il aime se faire plaisir et de voir les autres avoir du plaisir aussi !

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Bon Homme is an elemental creature of ice from the cultural lands of the elite. Their main job is protecting the Quinois villages. while ordinarily jovial, they can be terrifying if his
people are threatened. He loves to enjoy himself and see others have fun too!

...pour mon petite fille!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Teddy Bear Golem (Candyland)

These Candyland favorites are not natives, as they reside principally in our own land of Mundania. They are children's defenders who have served a mortal child to adulthood, they can sleep-travel to Candyland to help visitors there. Most times they help one child for a night or two, then the child gets a good night sleep and no longer needs them.

Teddy Bear Golem

Size/Type:                  Tiny Construct
Hit Dice:                    2d10   (11 hp)
Initiative:                   +1
Speed:                        20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class:               15 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +2 / --
Attack:                        Bite +2 melee (1d2)
Special Qualities: Wielder immune to Fear & Charm effects, Sleepytime
Saves:                         Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1
Abilities:                    Str 7, Dex 13, Con 10*, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
Skills:                         Perception +5, Knowledge (Candyland & Fey) +6, Stealth +8
Feats:                         Improved Holding On
Alignment                    Neutral Good
Environment:              Candyland
Organization:              Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 1
Advancement:             3-8 HD (Small), 9-16 (Medium)

Immune to Magic - Similar to other golem types, Teddy Bears have immunities to mind affecting and other spells.

Sleepytime - Wielder gains the benefits of a full night of sleep as long as they rested for 2 hours (non-cumulative) during the preceding night

Immune to Fear and Charm effects: Those who hold on to the Teddy Bear are granted immunity to fear and charm spells. This bonus is only given to one person at a time, and usually for the smallest or weakest character in a group. This immunity is not granted if the wielder carries the Teddy Bear in a backpack - it must be visible. Also, if the person commits evil actions, the Teddy Bear will stop giving any kind of help.

New feat: Improved Holding: Gain +12 on skill checks or saving throws involved in physically holding on to their ward

It is said that when little kids grow up in the land of Mundania, many toys are misplaced, given away or worse, but there rare few are kept in special places that never stop defending the smallest. They often go missing in the nighttime in their native land, but Candyland residents have long known that Teddy Bears in fact are one of the primary defenders of the lost or accidental visitors in their demi-plane dream realm.

They go to well traveled spots where they believe visitors may be found. Children are the primary users of the Teddy bears but any mortal creatures may use them if they are found and carried around for safety. Teddy bears have weak voices, as they are only able to be heard within the same five foot square foot they are in. They will try to give advice if asked, but only when asked. Their primary concern is always the safety of their ward not of any other well intentioned goal

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Tin Man

Continuing with the creatures that are in my newly created Candyland, for an upcoming con adventure. Here is the consummate warden, the ever shiny and vigilant Tin Man. 

Tin Man (Lesser Golem) CR 3
LN (G)  Medium Sized construct
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +3

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
HP  36 (3d10+20)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
DR 1/-;  Immune construct traits, magic

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +6 Sharpened Wood Axe (1d6+2/18-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 14, Dex 13, Con 10*, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 16
Feats Weapon Focus (Axe), Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills +4 Survival, +4 Perception, +5 Knowledge (Candyland or Forest),

Environment Candyland
Organization solitary or gang (2–4)
Treasure none

Special Attacks: Sharp Axe - Increase critical range by 2 after three days of sharpening
Special Weakness: Heavy rain or water spells will inflict rusting, causing them to lose full motion. If they are at half hit points due to water damage, they move at 50% speed, if they are at 5% of hit points due to water damage, they lose all physical motion until they are oiled up again.

Tin Men were created long ago by The Great Wizard to help protect Candyland for the times when he was away from his post They were originally stationed at cross-roads, bridges and castles and all other places of high traffic to be gardeners and wardens, to alert the Candy Cane soldiers when problems appeared and assist when force had to be used. Though originally non-sentient like most other Golem types, they eventually became self-aware as the magical energies of the demi-plane soaked into them. Most are not overly smart or wise or highly charismatic, but they certainly do their jobs quite well and are dedicated to the people, places and magic of Candyland.

Most Tin Men will return to their station posts after getting the authorities, but a rare few will engage in quests if they believe it is in the interest of Candyland or the inhabitants. They are uninterested in personal glory or wealth, they are happiest doing their task - alone or with others is meaningless for them as they seem to be uninterested in building personal relationships. Strangely, many citizens that reside near particular Tin Men grow very fond of them, and the citizens realize the Tin Men do not understand or can even appreciate as they often do not pick up on their positive emotional feelings for them.

Higher Level Advancement (HD)

4 HD +3 skill points, Feat, DR 3/Magic, Increase any 2 ability scores by +2
5 HD +3 skill points , Gain Natural AC +2
6 HD  +3 skill points, Track, Increase Wood Axe's Critical range (+1)
7 HD  +3 skill points, Feat, DR 5/Magic, Increase any 2 ability scores by +2
8 HD  +3 skill points, Gain Natural AC +2
9 HD  +9 skill points, Feat, DR 9/Magic, Increase Wood Axe's Critical range (+2), Increase any 3 ability scores by +2

Few Tin Men ever attain 9 HD as they need to adventure and this would mean venturing away from their post which they are highly unlikely to do. In theory, as free-willed constructs they could gain levels in Fighter, Ranger, Paladin or Rogue. It has not been recorded if a Tin Men has ever tried to achieve class levels before 10 HD / level.

Gain Natural AC - These are physical improvements and better quality metal used in their bodies.

DR - The damage reduction is for non-magic weapons only.

Weapon Critical Range - They can increase any axe or bladed weapon`s critical range. It takes one week per range increase. The Tin Man must continually sharpen it, otherwise it slowly loses its sharpness after one day being uncared for. It will lose one +1 for each successive day it is not sharpened.

Construct Constitution - In my games constructs have 10 on their constitution. They do not gain or lose hit points, it always remains at this point and it cannot be drained.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Winged Monkeys

Another one of the Candyland Monsters that will make an appearance at a local con I am doing very soon. This is a winged pest, that once served evil masters but today is mostly a nuisance.  They make a great companion for evil druids or witches.

Winged Monkeys
Small Sized Magical Beast

Init +1      
Senses low-light vision; Perception +3

AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 natural, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
HP 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +0 DR 1/cold iron

Speed 30 ft. Fly 50 (Average)
Melee 2 claws +4 (1d3+1), Bite +4 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks Swoop

Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +3; CMD 15

Feats Weapon Focus (claw),Multi-Attack
Skills Fly+10 , Perception+3 Survival +4, Stealth+3; Bonus +8 on Fly

Alignment: Neutral (Evil)
Environment Candyland
Organization Small Flock (3-12) o Large Flock (30 - 120)
Treasure Quarter 
Advancement 4-6 HD (Medium); 7-10 HD (Large)

Swoop: Gain a +3 bonus on a single claw attack  if they are able swoop down ten feet down during combat. 

It is believed these creatures were an experiment in cross-breeding by one of Candyland's former Witch Mistresses. They have since escaped and bred wild. 

At one time, their flocks numbered in the hundreds, and they could turn the bright pink sky black as they descended to attack creatures or travelers. But when their masters lost access to the huge revell (corn) fields, they could not be controlled and the flocks broke apart to look for food on their own. Now they mostly survive by raiding or harassing farmlands or sniping travelers.. They can be quite cunning, using their stealth to sneak in and take small objects but they usually just us their numbers to take what they want by strength.

This is the typical specimen, there are more advanced versions that sometimes advance HD in fighter, rogue or druid levels. Some evil druids select these creatures as minions but only if they have been to Candyland previously.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Eggston (Egg Man)

I was preparing a fairy tale adventure and needed some storybook monsters. Didn't really find any monsters that fit the Egg-type mold and was inspired to create my Eggston. A bit serious but a kind-hearted fey, they hold important positions in Candyland, a demi-plane of sweet delight.

Eggston    (Egg Man)
Medium Sized Fey

Hit Dice: 11 hp (2d6+4 con)
Initiative: +2 (dexterity)
Speed: 30 ft

AC: 13 (+2, dexterity, +1 natural)
Base Atk +1 CMB +3 CMD 15 (Trip 18)
Melee Attacks: +0 Cudgel (1d6)
Range Attacks: +3 Small Crossbow (1d4)
Special Attacks: Rolling Attack +6 (Trip)
Special Qualities: Rolling, DR 1 / Blades and Missiles

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
Skills: +5 Acrobatics , +5 Climb , +4 Diplomacy, +4 Knowledge (local & Fey) +5 Perception
Feats: Weapon Focus (Roll)

Climate/Terrain: Candyland or any Neutral Planar World
Organization: Solitary, Pair or by Pack (3-10)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral (tends towards LN)
Advancement Range: 3-7 HD (Medium)

Disadvantage: Suffer a -4 on saving throws versus crushing & blunt falling damage
Rolling Attack: Dropping to their side as an instant action, they gain a +6 to their rolling attacks in an attempt to trip up their foes. They roll back to their feet in the same round of an attack. They must be able to roll between ten to twenty feet. If the Eggston succeeds on their CMD check, the opponent is knocked down. If they fail by ten or more vs the opponent's CMD, they end their turn on the prone.

A famous humanoid race found throughout Candyland. Appear as a five foot tall egg with short legs and arms. Most wear clothing to fit in with humanoids they interact with but in their own shell-towns they normally only wear their bare white or brown egg shell.

There are many races and creatures found in Candyland, some as travelers or adventurers, but the Egg-shaped Eggston is one of the few true native inhabitants. They are looked to for advice and often given minor positions of authority as they have an intelligence that is thoroughly respected though sometimes misplaced. They are keen to help visitors, and in some instances their advice will actually help. Many times their apparent sophistication is for naught, as they rarely admit that they do not know, and can give false information and not even realize it. Because of their dutiful nature, they rarely turn away from tasks that help defend their posts. The rare Eggston above 7 HD gain levels in bard, rogue, or fighter.

Higher Level HD

3 HD Acrobatics & Climb (Add 3 X HD to Jump and Climb Skill Scores), See Invisible, +1 Natural AC, +6 Skills Points
4 HD Gain +2 to any two ability scores, Immunity to Charm Spells, +1 Natural AC, Feat, +6 Skills Points
5 HD Immunity to Natural Poison, DR 3/Blades and Missiles, Gain +4 on Fae & Bard reaction checks, +6 Skill Points
6 HD Gain +2 to any two ability scores, +1 Natural AC, Feat, +6 Skill Points 
7 HD Gain +2 to any two ability scores, SR 15, DR 5/Blades and Missiles , Feat, +6 Skill Points

See Invisible (Su): Due to their keen senses, they have a 85% chance, before rolling a perception check to determine if there are invisible creatures in their line of sight. This increases to 95% if the creature is within twenty feet of them.

Bonus to Jump and Climb skills: Eggston are very adept at quickly moving around, getting a bonus equal to three times current HD to their base skill before rolling d20. They get these adjustments 2 + Cha bonus

Immunity to Natural Poison: Immunity to natural poisons found in the woods - usually from animals or reptiles and those directly from plants. This gives a +4 to  manufactured poison saving throws.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Cupid - small angelic figures

These small angelic figures inhabit temples and places that serve alcohol. Their main task is to find people willing to take on holy tasks, but they have a weakness for supporting lonely hearts into finding mates. While not confirmed, many believe that children can see them, even if they invisible.

Cupid                CR 4
CG* Small outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision; Perception +16

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 Natural, +3 Dex, +1 size)
HP 32hp (5d8+10 con)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
DR 10/magic;

Speed 20 ft., Fly 50 ft. (Good)
Melee: Unarmed
Ranged +3 shortbow +10  (1d4)

Str 8, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 17
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Point-Blank, Precise shot, weapon focus (short bow)
Skills: Bluff +11, Fly +25, Knowledge (Religion)+15, Perception +16, Sense motive +14

Languages Common, Elven, Faerie.

Environment Obelisk (Non-Evil)
Organization solitary, pair, heart (4-7)
Treasure Usually Silver Coins or chocolate hearts


Bonus to Emotion Based Spells: Gain +1 per their HD to any spells that affect emotions

Invisibility (Sp) Can turn invisible five times a day. Each time they shoot an arrow, they become visible until they re-use this ability.

Possess Other (Sp) A cupid's official task is to seek mortals to do missions for their heavenly patrons. They determine which of the faithful can best accomplish a task and then try to steer them back to their patron's temple. The most used method is to possess them for short periods of time (10-20 minutes.)

Enchanted Arrows (Sp)  They are armed with magical short bows that shoot arrows that can either damage the flesh or the heart.  A cupid can utilize 2+Cha Bonus magic arrows every day, created when the arrow is knocked.  Those struck by a cupid’s arrow are struck as if by a spell-like ability at a caster level equal to the cupid’s Hit Dice. All saves are Charisma based.

Some of the varieties of cupid’s magic arrows are:

Dream - Fall into a deep slumber for 10-60 minutes, Will DC 14

Love - Fall for the nearest person they are looking at, having a -5 to suggestions (or polite requests) made by the same person for the next 24 hours, Will DC 17

Misery - Lose all interest in any positive interaction, wishing to imbibe alcohol or similar substances for the next 20-200 minutes, Will DC 15

Cupids are small angelic spirits best known for helping lovers find their mates but they have many magical skills.  They are found in many temples or small pubs looking to help the faithful in tasks. When flirting about a city, they will often use their magic to help out various causes.  They are rumored to have many other arrows with emotion affecting magics. While their primary job is not to make mortals fall romantically for each other, they have a weakness for lonely people and try to make them happy.

They have a very strong affection for children and will usually take time to play with or inspire them to engage in artistic endeavors. It is often said that children can see through a Cupid's invisibility.

Oddly, they have a changing alignment, it teeters between neutral and good, dedicated and free. Despite this they have free reign in many good temples as they are rarely seen as a misaligned force.  

Saturday, 13 February 2016


Have used these a few times in my games, usually as slave labor in a dark twisted dungeon. These are mystical candy-makers, often found in factories anywhere in the Prime or Outer Planes.


Small Sized Humanoid
Hit Dice:                    2d8 (9 hp)
Initiative:                    +2
Speed:                        20 feet (4 squares)
Armor Class:               13 (+2 Dex +1 size), touch 12, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-3
Attack:                        Slam +2 melee (cudgel 1d3)
Special Qualities: low-light vision, teamwork
Saves:                         Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Abilities:                    Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills:                         Craft (any) +3, Perform (Any) +5, Profession (Chocolatier) +5
Feats:                          Skill Focus (Any Candymaking Skill)
Environment:              Any (Loompaland or candy Factory)
Organization:              Usually in a Workteam (5-8)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure:                    Standard, items
Alignment:                  Usually Lawful Neutral
Level Adjustment: Most Gain Levels as Craftsman (Rogue or Bard 10th level Max)

Skill Focus (Candy creation): They have a long history of working with confectionery, gaining +3 in any related profession.

Teamwork: Gain +1 bonus on manual skills performed with their kin. They can gain a bonus up to the number of their kin working with them, normally five for projects.

Oompa-Loompae are known for their small size, colourful hair, orange skin, and white pants with loud boisterous voices. They are mischievous, love good-nature practical jokes, and singing. While not actually fey, they have a personality that fits in with them. They also get along with dwarves and halflings as well. While not always keen for humans, they do appreciate craftsmen who dedicate themselves to an art form.

The few of their kin who do not specialize in candy making usually become rogues and help take care of their factory home. Rogues take care of security, setting up traps to stop intruders. Bards to encourage the workers and but occasionally to help stop misfits that have found their way into the factory. They also accept small sized humanoids to assist them in their homes - such as halflings, fey or dwarves if they show talent in confectionery or magic.

Though it has never been proven, many believe the Oompa-Loompa are heavy drinkers. There are many unsubstantiated stories of balooshes (beer bashes) that happen at night when the factory is closed, as the fey from Santa's workshop and rabbits from the High Bunny's Warren come over for events.

Friday, 5 February 2016

Dral (Shadow Elves)

As much as I adored the Dark Elf stories, that's not really the type of elf I like to use. These forest elves are intelligent, hard-working and very social. They are unlikely to back down from an honorable duel. Their numbers are low but they have many allies willing to come to their aid - though they have never actually needed it.

Dral (Shadow Elves)

NG Medium Humanoid
Init +3 Senses Perception +4

AC 16 touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Leafy Armour)
hp 9 hp (2d8)
Fort +3, Ref +3,Will +1


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Scimitar +5 (1d6)
Ranged Long Bow +5 (1d6)


Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int13, Wis 11, Cha 15
Base Atk +1 CMB +2 CMD 15
Feats Point Blank Shot or Weapon Finesse
Skills: Craft (Any) +3, Perform (Any) +3, Knowledge (History) +3, Diplomacy: +3 Perception +4

Languages: Fey, Dral, Common
Location: Primarily Oromos Wood (Only known Homeland)
Organization: Pair, Patrol (3-9) or Tribe (600+)
Treasure: Standard

A dark hued elf with black hair, wearing dark green leafy armor and armed with a scimitar approaches.

Dral or sometimes Tree-Shadow Elves are dark-skinned elves with a deep interest in music, lore and all things fey. They collect books, scrolls and scrying devices, but pay most handsomely for diaries or other pieces of historical antiquity. Honorable to a fault, and have kept a 1,000-year pact with the Oromian monarchy. They resent intrusion into their forest-homes and repay it with deadly action. They sometimes invite bards, clerics or wizards into their homes to share or trade information. These elves are wonderful musicians – but they rarely perform for others.

Some humans who are unaware of Dral society and their honour-bound oaths sometimes get them mixed up with strange Fey stories of underground, evil savages living in huge cities. Drow society has never existed on Nyssa, although individual Dral may be evil.

Scimitar and bow are their primary weapons but they have the ability to manipulate sound. Due to their hiding skills, nobody can truly threaten a Dral in a forest if they want to remain hidden.

As Characters
+2 Dexterity, +1 Charisma, -1 Strength
+1 Scimitar or bow
Other abilities per standard elf

Preferred Classes: Bard, Druid, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard (Enchanter)

Dral usually have twelve levels in any one preferred class. If they deviate or take dual class, they are limited to 10th level.

1st level: Envelope in Shadow (+5 to Hide in Forest Shadows)
3rd level: Audible Glamour (1+cha bonus/day)
5th level: Audible Repetition  (1+cha bonus/day)
7th level: Audible Damper   (1+cha bonus/day)
9th level: Freedom of Movement

Audible Glamour: Create Sound; DC 12 to recognize fake sound
Audible Repetition: Repeat one word to create an Enthrall effect; DC 15 to avoid
Audible Damper: Reduce sound range by half; +10 on an opponent’s perception check DCs
Freedom of Movement: As per the spell of the same name in their natural terrain

Monday, 1 February 2016

Time Lord (Fantasy) Prestige Class

There are stories told of a Madman with a box that travels across time and space, visiting, learning and helping others. The Time Lord is a class to capture the whimsy and skills of a character that I have followed for so very long. Since my preferred game style is fantasy, I've had to tweak it to fit within that vision instead of the standard sci-fi universe thing.

Time Lord 

Requirement: Int 20
Skills: Any three knowledge skills at 10+
Special: Must have traveled to at least three Outer Planes

Oath: Membership to the Time Lord's Circle
Alignment: Any non-chaotic or non-evil

Typical Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Perception, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Use Magic Device

Hit Points: Gain 1d3 every level
Gain 6 skill points every level.
If they were spellcasters before becoming a time lord, they gain spells at the levels indicated

Level 1  Gain Time Lords Spells, Tardis Access, Gain one spell level
Level 2  1st Dimension Access; Gain any one Tardis power
Level 3  Gain 6 Knowledge Skill Points, +2, Greater Regeneration, Gain one spell level
Level 4  2nd Dimension Access; Gain any one Tardis power
Level 5  Gain 6 Knowledge Skill Points, +2, Greater Dispel Magic, Gain one spell level
Level 6  3rd Dimension Access; Gain any one Tardis power
Level 7  Gain 6 Knowledge Skill Points, +2, Call Upon Allies, Gain one spell level
Level 8  4th Dimension Access; Gain any one Tardis power
Level 9  Gain 6 Knowledge Skill Points, +2, Reroll any skill check (once), Gain one spell level
Level 10  Access any Dimension or Tardis Power, Gain additional spell level

Time Lords Spells: Has unlimited casting of these spells every day, no components are required
Speak Other - Speak any one creature's spoken language at a time.
Summon Common Item - Summon any item worth less than 5 gold pieces
Object Reading - Learn about an objects history, composition and other details
Heal Other - Can heal other living creatures (+3d6) once per their wisdom modifier a day. Creatures can only be healed once a week in this fashion.

Knowledge Skill Bump: Time Lords are well traveled and highly knowledgeable about many things, they gain additional knowledge skills as they adventure. The can add +6 knowledge skill points per the levels listed to any areas. the typical chosen are Arcana, Engineering, and Planes. Regardless of which they choose, no more than 2 free knowledge skill points at any level to any individual skill.

Tardis Powers
Identify Portals: DC30 to determine destination location of the portal; DC40 to identify exact location
Open Portals: Roll versus portal lock DC to open the portal
Disable Portals - Roll versus portal lock DC to open the portal
Change Portals - Can change a portals final destination for the next immediate trip, Must be a location that the Time Lord has been to before
Remove Portals: Roll vs Portals to either close or destroy a travel gate
Create Portal: They are able to create a temporary travel gate, to be able to come out of any portal. It must be on the same material plane

Dimensional Access: A dimension is a portal, that has an access to all reality. All worlds fall into a perspective, and once you gain access, you can travel there. Unlike with regular portals, once you get access, you can, in theory, triangulate to travel to any point you want. Once you travel to a plane, you cannot redirect. For example if you travel to the Beast Plane, you cannot skip to a different point in the same plane. Roll 1d000, for the percentage you are to your exact goal.

Material Plane - All Material Planes are Zero Dimensional, meaning any Tardis can access them
Transitive Planes - 2nd Dimension
Inner -  1st Dimension
Upper -  1st Dimension
Balance - 2nd Dimension Access
Lawful - 2nd Dimension Access
Chaotic - 2nd Dimension Access
Time 1-10 years - 2nd level Access
Time 100 years - 3rd level Access (requires Time 1-10 Access)
Time 1000+ years - 4th level Access (requires Time 10-100 Access)

Greater Regeneration - Death does not stop Time Lord, at this point, either your body will regenerate you or the mortal world will regenerate an entirely new physical body. It will take one week to fully regenerate. You can only regenerate a number of times equal to your original constitution score when you first became a Time Lord.

Greater Dispel Magic- Gain a Greater Dispel Magic, Spell or Enchantment - 3/day; Gain +20 on spell checks to dispel or cancel opposition rolls

Call Upon Allies: Once a day, a Time Lord can reach out to any ally for aid or advice. This can be anyone that is not an enemy met in their adventures. Either use NPCs or allow Time Lords to have a retinue equal to their charisma score.

Re-roll any Dice Roll: Re-roll any failed non-combat related skill roll - once regardless of the normal consequence for failure, If in the middle of combat, they may have to make other rolls first,

Tardis Access: Few non Time Lords understand what this mystical item that enables the Lords to travel as its a Universal Gate Key, usable to open any Portal Gate. They travel through known and virtually unknown gates that are scattered throughout every mortal world. A small number have access to portal device so they can create a portal, but most use their gate key to travel through cleric or wizard dimensional portals.  For most Time Lords, their gate key is a simple non-descript item, that is bonded to them. For the rare few, it will be a device that they can travel inside (such as a car or even a phone booth.)  They are the only group known to fully understand how to create a Tardis but there are a few non time lords that have access to a Tardis usually by stealing them from a dead Time Lord.

Time Lord's Circle: This is a select group of intellectuals who travel in order to learn about the past, as well as other races, magic and tradition. Originally they came from a singular world, but as their prominence grew, others learned their secrets, Time Lords from other world's eventually appeared. By Oath, they are not supposed to change or interfere with other cultures - and while they claim not to, history has proven otherwise. According to their own records, when they were first created they could travel the planes, but eventually they learned to travel in time as well. They have dedicated records and means to determine if time events have been changed. For the most part, they are invisible and unknown, but some experts do claim that they leave a subtle trail if you know how to look for them.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Novarin - Dungeon Caretakers

The core idea for these creatures is kind of like petitioners for dungeons.  These are dungeon inhabitants, not monsters, not adventurers but people who look after the dungeon...picking up things, cleaning up the messes, etc. They should be neutral to both sides of the adventuring game, neither to help the creatures or the adventurers. Fun to use when the major scene is over and they come in to do some clean-up, see the adventuring party on spot, then have them make an awkward exit.


N Medium Humanoid
Init +2 Senses Low-Light Vision, Perception +4

AC 14 touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 11hp (2d8+2 con)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Defensive Abilities   Dmg Rebound +1 / 2 levels for native creatures; +1/level for outsiders  

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Short Sword +3 (1d6+1)
Ranged Short Bow+3 (1d6)

Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +1 CMB +2 CMD 14
Feats Weapon Focus
Skills Acrobatics, Knowledge (Dungeon), Perception, Stealth, +4
Languages Dwarf, or Common
Typical Gear: Hammer, Bucket, Pitons, Rope, Lantern

Environment      Always Dungeon or outside of a dungeon entrance
Organization      Group (3-6) or Clan (21-40)
Treasure Value  Poor, Quarter of the stated wealth of adventurers

Novarin are an odd group, humanoids whose job is to work at the most infamous dungeons in the land but not as raiders or even protectors but caretakers. They clean up messes, instruct visitors of the etiquette, clear bodies when they begin to reek, and try to keep vermin under control. They remain neutral in terms of the dungeon process as they are are not permitted inside of sealed or locked doors nor take treasure.

Only accidents or mortal creatures harm them in the dungeons that they care for as they have a damage rebound - the dungeon itself is taking care of them, harming those that hurt the Novarin. Evil creatures are fully aware of them and most just ignore them. Some try to torment the caretakers but the Novarin try to to be vigilant for illusions or other tricks that the monsters use. These evil creatures may get local mortal creatures to attack the Novarin, knowing they suffer less rebound damage. While threatened or ridiculed, the wisest of the Novarin understand that their job is not to serve the monsters but the dungeon itself as a living entity, so they refuse many orders that the monster inhabitants may try to impose on them.

They appear very similar to the local human population, but their eyes are pupil-less. Their hair grows in small circular batches on their head, never growing very long. Their skins brightly shine, especially in darkness thus most wrap themselves tightly in bandages when inside dungeons. Unwrapping their facial bandages is a highly personal act of trust, never doing so in front of creatures they do not trust. Their skins cannot be permanently marked even by tattoos, as their skin always repairs itself within a few days of cutting or marking.

Novarin appear as full adults at the dungeon they are to serve, within small villages that often appear outside dungeon sites. They seem to know the general areas of the dungeon by instinct but not the secret or hidden places. They do not willingly discuss the dungeon or its features. They state only vague generalities such as the rumors around the dungeon or creatures within, never confirming anything. One of the dungeon services they do provide are supplies, outside an entrance site, selling various items. Some of these items may be useful, some are not, it is based on what a typical adventurer will bring – not what is actually needed. This is one of the ways they can earn their own limited funds. Few adventurers should ever realize these little recognized vendors outside the dungeon are also inside it, doing maintenance.

No children or youth of their kind have ever been seen. Some claim that they are the offspring of adventurers caught in the bowels of dungeons, raised by a lawful entity until ready to serve. Others believe they are the reincarnated adventurers who died in a dungeon, nobody is sure and since the Novarin have no knowledge of their predecessors it remains a mystery. There is no stratum or level among the Novarin, all are equal, all serve the dungeon and do not give orders to each other, instinctively knowing their task for the day.

These humanoids serve active dungeons with willing adventurers and inhabitants regardless of the alignment of either. When dungeons are cleared of both monsters and treasure, their numbers start to dwindle as they seem to be reassigned to other locations. Some believe this means there must be a divine power with a portfolio of dungeons that either rules or controls the Novarin.

The overwhelming number of Novarin serve their dungeon faithfully but a few take risks for personal gain. If caught by their kin, they can be stripped of their status as dungeon inhabitants. These forsaken individuals must turn away from dungeons as every door, trap or mechanism fails in their presence, not just their own but in every dungeon they enter.

2 HD Damage Rebound 1 / 2 HD; Open Door or Portal; +5 skill points; +2 to any ability score
3 HD Charm Person (3/day);+5 skill points; feat
4 HD Damage Rebound 1 / HD; +1 in Natural AC; +5 skill points; +2 to any ability score
5 HD Dimension Door (200 feet); +5 skill points; feat;  +1 in Natural AC
6 HD Double Rebound (2/day); +5 skill points;
7 HD Charm Monster (3/day); +1 in Natural AC; +5 skill points; feat; +2 to any ability score
8 HD Charm Fey (3/day); +5 skill points; +1 in Natural AC
9 HD Triple Rebound +3 dmg (3/day);  +5 skill points; feat
10 HD Charm Elemental or  (3/day); +3 in Natural AC; +10 skill points; ; +2 to any 3 ability scores

Novarin continue this racial ability chart when they gain levels. For the few that reach the highest HD, they can choose to gain new levels as fighter, rogues but bard, cleric or sorcerer is also possible. Except for the forsaken, no Novarin chose other classes until they complete this listing.

Open Door: When in their native Dungeon, Novarin can mentally open or close doors within 200 ft.

Damage Rebound: One of their main defenses is that the dungeon gives them a type of damage rebound, any time they are damaged (by spell or weapon), one half their HD level is reflected back onto their attacker each round. Foes only take this type damage once a round, regardless of how many Novarinn they hurt in any given round. At higher levels, they can temporarily increase the rebound damage inflicted (double at 6 HD, triple at 9 HD) for the same number of rounds as their HD. Outsiders automatically suffer an increased multiplier, so at 4 HD, they suffer two damage per HD instead of 1 damage, etc.

Charm Person (or Monster, Fey, Elemental): For the most part, they allow monster or animal or adventurer to do as they wish, however, if creatures interfere with their activities, they can use their magic charming to convince them to depart.

Dimension Door: As per the spell of the same name. They get another casting every two additional levels.