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Showing posts with label Wis-Ants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wis-Ants. Show all posts

Sunday, 24 March 2019


Size Small
# Appearing 50-80 
AC 12, Typical 
HD 1-3; 75% are 1 or 2 HD
Attack: Mandible +3 1d2+1 dmg 
Str 6    Con 10    Dex 12    Int 8    Wis 7     Cha 4    
Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +9 or Craft (Building)+8
Feats: Social Integration, Tracking
Environment: Any but water or cold
Treasure: Incidental
Alignment: Neutral

These are small sized ants but highly intelligent. Quite capable with their intricate crafting skills. Most reside far underground in armies that number in hundreds of individual ants that work together to complete tasks.

Social Integration: When groups of twenty or more Wis-Ants work together on a problem, add +1 on their collective intelligence, wisdom, attack or building skills for each ten Wis-Ants are involved. .