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Showing posts with label Non-Magical. Show all posts

Friday, 29 August 2014

Gammorec - green-skinned, heavy-set, brutish pig-like thugs

Gammorec - green-skinned, heavy-set, brutish pig-like thugs

My fantasy version of the piggish Gammorean Guard from Star Wars, though originally in a desert environment, are found virtually everywhere. Though dangerous they are too lazy too be too much of a menace, kept around to do the dirty duties that few other creatures dare to do. These have been my default orc creatures for a long time.

Gammorec CR 2
CN Monstrous humanoid (Desert)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.


AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+ 1 natural, +3 Studded Leather)
hp 13 (2d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0


Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Battle Axe +5 (1d8+3)


Str 15 Dex 9 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 9 Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Skill Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Axes)
Minor Skills: Handle Animal, Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Profession, Survival +2
Major Skills:Intimidation +5
Feat Choices: Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot (Range Feats always With Throwing Axe), Power Attack, Cleave, Imp Bull Rush, Overrun, Imp Sunder, Weapon Specialization
Languages Orc, Dwarven or Common

Environment: Desert or Spire
Organization: Guarding Group (1-4) or Scouting Party (5-12)
Treasure Half


Magical Rejection: Gain 10 + Bonuses as Magical Resistance (MR). Roll agaisnt this even for positive magical spells or affects such as healing spells. Gammorec cannot lower their resistance, but it is still effective even if they are asleep or unaware.

Advancement as Fighter for Saving Throws, and BAB
3 HD +3 in skills; Gain 1 Feat; +1 in Natural AC; Gain +1 in MR
4 HD +2 to Str or Con score; +3 in skills; +1 in MR Bonus; Gain +1 in MR
5 HD Gain 1 Feat; +3 in skills; +1 in Natural AC; Gain +1 in MR
6 HD +2 to Str or Con score; +3 in skills; Intimidating Presence; Gain +1 in MR
7 HD +1 in Natural AC; Gain 1 Feat; +1 in MR Bonus; Gain Gain +1 in MR
8 HD +2 to Str or Con score; Gain 1 Feat, Gain Desert Adaption; Gain +1 in MR
9 HD +1 in Natural AC; +3 in skills; Gain 1 Feat; Gain +1 in MR
10 HD +4 to Str and Con score; +5 in skills, +3 in Natural AC; Gain 1 Feat; Gain +3 in MR

Intimidating Presence: Gain a bonus to intimidation checks equivalent to their HD if they are either physically taller (medium or smaller) or have higher strength score (more than +3 ranks or higher) to creatures that are 4 HD or fewer.

The Gammorec are heavy-set, green-skinned, brutes that naturally reside in desert areas. While they can scavenge with fair success, they have long utilized brute strength to force their way into uneasy pacts with reluctant allies. In a cosmopolitan fantasy society, few dare turn these creatures away, as you might not like them but your armies could always use extra arms to wield another weapon. One of the primary reasons for being accepted into many societies is their utter lack of magical finesse thus they may make adequate warriors. Under a strong, decisive leaders they can become fair at their duties. Under sloppy or mean ones, they tend to match in those tendencies.

Having low morale and quick to flee is matched by their boorish, mean tempered attitudes almost everywhere else. They make poor workers in non-combat fields, as they tend to shirk duties to go drinking or gambling or even just falling asleep. If they have a strong leader that is involved with them on a daily basis they can be motivated to be a tolerable military force. Because of their resistance to magic, rogues are a bigger threat to them as opposed to spells.

Eighty percent of their population is male. Females enter fertile stages around a half dozen times in their lives; when they give birth to litters of five to ten births are common. Otherwise the females are barely better then slaves, kept as servants and birthing conduits. Not all tribes are this brutal, some have fairly equal partnerships.

Oddly they have fairly stable relationships with each other, as long as the clan leaders are obviously dominant and successful. Challenge for position is uncommon but happens when failure brings potential hardship to the clan.

While generally seen as savage, there is a very small number in stable, harmonious relationships with both nature and each other. These are essentially druids that reside in remote areas and in small numbers.