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Saturday, 30 December 2017

Astyral Swarm - Ghost fishes found in dungeons

An Astyral Swarm is a silvery ghost fish, they swim in a misty otherworldly fog, that comes from nowhere and goes to more of the same. They are creepily calming, and some dungeon walkers seek them out to either watch their ethereal displays or to feed on their famed succulence.

Astyral Swarm 

N Tiny Magical Beast (Aquatic) (Incorporeal)
Init +7; Senses blindsense 30 ft., keen scent, low-light vision; Perception +3

AC 18 touch 18, flat-footed 13 (+1 deflection, +5 Dex, +2 size)
hp 30hp (4d10+8 con), Individual hp 7
Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +2
Defensive Abilities swarm traits

Speed swim 30 ft.
Melee Individual Prime Bite +11 (1d3 dmg)
Melee Astyral swarm (3d6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Str 3, Dex 21, Con 15, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +4 CMB +2 CMD 17

Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills +17 Stealth , +16 Swim; +8 Bonus to Swim Score

Environment Dungeon and Astyral
Organization Shoal (2–5 swarms), or school (6–10 swarms)
Treasure none

Astyral Flippers are an otherworldly fish that can exist in multiple planes. They are small, thin, and silvery fish with a colourful stripe on their bellies. They swim in the Astyral, a fog like mist that while exists primarily in the Astral plane, seeps into everywhere that magic exists. For mortals, they appear like ghost fishes swimming in a mist coming from literally nowhere going to the same, strangely a calming presence.

Most times the swarm swims through an area, and if a party simply waits a few minutes, the swarm will pass back into the Astral. If the party attempts to interact with the fishes, and attacks the fish, there is a 25% cumulative chance per round the swarm will swim closer to the prime world, and then use the swarm attack damage. Once fully in the prime, they have a 10% chance (non-cumulative) of leaving. every round

The Astyral Flipper is an incredible, indescribable taste, and many foodies are willing to pay small sums (250+ gp) for the chance of trying it as it's taste is legendary. There is no known way of cultivating them, they must be caught individually and in the wild.

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Ice Hag often called Ice Crone

This is the default hag on my world, as icy conditions predominate. They are usually found in icy caves, found throughout the realm in virtually every location.

Night Crone
NE  Large Humanoid
Init +1 Sense Perception +9, Nightvision 120 ft
A C 19 touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +9 natural, -1 size)
hp 76hp (9d8+36 con)
Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +4
Dmg Reduction 9/Blunt, Darkvision, Spell Resistance 18
Speed 40 ft., Climb 40 ft.
Melee 2 Claws +12 (1d6+7), Bite +8 (1d8+2)
Ranged Icy Staff +6 (1d10+12)
Special Attacks Charming Gaze (DC 18)

Spell Like Abilities (CL 11th)
At will: Meld with Ice, Chill metal, Pass without Trace, Icy Sheen (+4 to AC) 
Snowball swarm (5/day, 3d8 dmg), Wall of ice (3/day).

Str 25, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +6 CMB +14 CMD 25
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Dodge, Mobility, Vital Strike
Skills +5 Climb, +5 Perception, +2 Survival, +10 Craft (Ice)
Languages  Local Dialect, Giant, Dwarf, Elf

Environment Icy Wastes
Organization  Solitary or Covey (3-9)
Treasure Value  Double

Charming Gaze (Ability Ex) Anytime a victim meets an ice hag’s gaze, they must resist their powerful trance. The will save is Will DC 18. (The save DC is Charisma based.) The hag must continually look at the victim to keep up the gaze, if the gaze is broken, so too is the powerful charming effect.

A frozen, withered crone looks at you and crackles, you know you are in deep shit.

Horrible creature found throughout the cold wastes of Nyssa, who seek to feed on the living and use the dead as zombies under their command. Hags prefer to attack lone travelers or small groups, when this is not possible, they use their ice manipulation to create scenarios to isolate individuals.

While hags live in communal cave lairs, they work together only for mutual defense. They sometimes share meals in good times, however treasure and magic are always kept hidden from the other covey members. Often one hag’s jealousy can lead to infighting. Once they have fed, an ice hag can easily be bribed with coin or magic.

Hags are similar to undead in that they are created by victims from other races. They trap victims in an icy pit, ice block or similar area, and after years of imprisonment, with both their minds and physical bodies decimated by ice - they emerge as new Ice Crones with a hunger for inflicting horror and carnage on others.

An ice hag uses their spells to weaken and separate groups before entering melee.  What many travelers in the ice often fail to reckon is the horrible, twisted crone they sometimes must face in the wild, can be a sweet, even kind elderly folk that they know. It is not a different personality but a split spirit, in some ways, something like a lycanthrope.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Tinker Faerie (Advanced Pixie)

While I was watching Peter Pan recently, I thought how great it would be for a Tinkerbell companion. I looked at the Pixie creature and wanted to buff it up a bit. I would use these as companion creatures for PCs gaining experience at half the points their companion gains.

Tinker Faerie (Advanced Pixie)

Personality: These fickle beings want to see and experience everything they can. They have a wonderful sense of humour, loving to laugh or make others do the same. While typically not loyal to anything or anyone, the few things that do earn their trust have an ally that will never abandon them. Their size means they care little about possessions, and have a fondness for beings with the same traits. Many have a fascination with children, animals or magic users. They avoid anyone that shows cruelty, regardless of the reason.

Physical Description: They are 12 inches tall and weigh around 2 pounds, smaller than the typical pixie cousins. Most have pale skin, bright blue eyes, with gossamer wings, but pixies from other lands have other skin colours. They usually wear light or green coloured clothing. Most have either tiny rapiers or bows, but tend to rarely use them. They often wear a magical ring as a belt, as this is typically the only type of magic item they can use.

Relations: They get along with other fey and children of any race with a sense of wonder or adventure. They generally shun larger mortal creatures. Some magic users, elves or rangers can earn their trust.

Alignment: Like many fae, they tend towards chaos, shunning rules and order to simply do what they want. Rarely do they desire to hurt other creatures, unless the others represent a threat to them or their fae kin.

Lands: They are found in any fae lands or mortal lands which border these areas, which can be either city or rural areas. They have never actually ruled any lands as they do not care about such things.

Religion: Their devotion is to the the fae realm. Few of them worship the gods and they do not have clerics among their own kind. Many mortal philosophers believe they do not have the intellect for such faith, this is not true, they simply do not feel the need to follow any specific one. If killed, their bodies are transformed into pixie dust and their spirit, like many other faeries, is usually reborn.

Language: Fae & the common tongue. At higher HD they learn to speak with plants, animals and any mortals

Adventurers: For Tinker Faeries they tend to zip around looking for things that capture their interests. They align themselves with mortal creatures who have similar personalities or interests. These are the ony ones who gain HD / levels.

Tinker Faerie (Advanced Pixie)
• -8 Strength, +12 Dexterity
• Tiny size: +4 bonus to Armor Class, +2 bonus on attack rolls, +8 bonus on Stealth checks, -2 penalty on CMB, lifting and carrying limits ½ those of Medium characters.
• A pixie's base land speed is 20 feet. has a base fly speed of 30 feet (Average); Fly +10
• Low-light vision.
• Racial hit dice: 1d4 ; they start with 2 hp
• +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
• +1 natural armor bonus.
• Start with 10 skill points at 1 HD
• Gain a +1 bonus at 1 HD  if they chose any skills from the following list: Bluff, Escape Artist, Knowledge (Any 1 listed), Perception,

Special Qualities

Damage Reduction 5 plus 1 per HD /cold iron.

Spell Resistance equal to 10 + 3 X HD.

Light (Ex) : A Tinker Faerie is continuously surrounded by a 1 ft radius of light. At 3 HD they can expand it to a five foot radius, at 6 HD to ten foot radius. If their effect is dispelled, it takes 3 rounds for them to reactivate as a full round action.

Skill Selection: Acrobatics, Bluff, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Heal, Knowledge (geography, nature, local, magic), Perception, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Use Magic Device

HD Advancement
2 HD +1 AC; +5 skill points; New Feat; Minor Invisibility (3/day);  Know Alignment (at will)
3 HD +1 AC; +5 skill points; Fly 40 ft; Speak with Plants; See Invisibility
4 HD +1 AC; +5 skill points; New Feat; Fairy Dust (3 doses a day + 2/ additional HD)
5 HD +1 AC; +5 skill points; Fly 50 ft (Good); Speak with Animals; Minor Invisibility (at will)
6 HD +1 AC; +5 skill points; New Feat; Summon Insects (2/day)
7 HD +1 AC; +5 skill points; Fly 60 ft; Speak with Other; Summon Fey (1 / day)
8 HD +1 AC; +5 skill points; New Feat; Greater Invisibility (2 / Day + 1 per charisma)
9 HD +3 AC; +15 skill points; New Feat; Teleport Home (1/week)

Tinker Faeries cannot take standard classes. They always advance as per this table. They only gain hit points, skills and feats after 9 HD

Minor Invisibility: As per the invisibility spell in the PHB. At 5 HD, they can activate the spell at will. If their spell is dispelled, it takes 3 rounds for them to reactivate as a full round action.

Speak with plants, animals and other:  They must either be touching or within a five foot radius to activate these abilities. They can use each of these abilities any number of times a day but each use on a particular creature lasts no more than ten rounds.

Fairy Dust: A Tinker learns the secrets to make magical fairy dust and store them in a faerie pouch. They must have one free hand to utilize and this is a free action. These are the most popular dusts a Tinker Faerie makes, but others are possible. If they lose the pouch, the dusts will dissipate in four hours. It takes a week for the Tinker to make a new pouch. They know how to make 2 types of fairy dust at 4 HD plus another type per HD gained.

Levitate (Yellow) 1 dose for medium sized creature;
Fly (Pink): 2 doses for medium sized creatures,
Minor Healing (Blue) 1 dose @ 1d6 healing, creatures can be only healed their charisma bonus each day;
Dispel magic (Red) 2 doses as a druid at 10+their HD;
Friendship (Orange) 1 dose for chaotic alignments (DC 13); 2 doses for other alignments
Slow (DC 14) (Green) 2 doses;
Dancing lights (DC 14) (Purple) 2 doses;
Entangle (DC 15) (Silver) 3 doses
Web (DC 14) (Grey) 2 doses

Teleport Home: Their highest spell invocation. They are able to select one locale they have been to previously as a home base, and once per week they can teleport themselves and up to five others back. It is a full round action to teleport. Once they select a home base, they cannot change the location.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Reduce Injury - Alt Damage Reduction Process

Reduce Injury: Similar to Damage Reduction except it minimizes only after basic injury is inflicted, reducing damage on a one-to-one basis until its limit. I'm kinda tired of lesser scrapes being ignored, I do like players getting less damage from a big hit, but not ignoring it completely. In my Paladin, Monk and fighter alt-classes, this is one of their features.

For example a creature with 1 RI would be affected as follows:

One damage Inflicted = One HP Dmg Taken
Two damage Inflicted = One HP Dmg Taken
Three damage Inflicted = Two HP Dmg Taken, etc

A creature with three RI is affected like this:

One damage Inflicted = One HP Dmg Taken
Two damage Inflicted = One HP Dmg Taken
Three damage Inflicted = Two HP Dmg Taken
Four damage Inflicted = Two HP Dmg Taken
Five damage Inflicted = Three HP Dmg Taken
Six damage Inflicted = Three HP Dmg Taken
Seven damage Inflicted = Four HP Dmg Taken
Eight damage Inflicted = Five HP Dmg Taken

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Even more City Questions

Was unexpectedly waiting around and played with these city formation questions again. Just love creating these city gaming snapshots.

Even more of those Thirteen Questions

1. Tell me about a church, temple, ashram, etc. in this neighborhood
Obelisk of the Egg. An obelisk is type of stand-alone religious site that attracts followers for its special focus. This obelisk is dedicated to eggs of many kinds of creatures, and every cranny of thsi small square has decorations either carved or solidified ones of various beasts. This is an ashram for birth, wellness and health, as pregnant women of every race can come here both for practical and mystical reasons. A large number of men come here to give an offering as do women to try and influence delivery. Those who need help and have no monetary support can join the Egg-Cult, they can serve either until they deliver or for many years later. Surprisingly to outsiders, it is not a place to give birth. Men cannot join this cult nor can barren women, although their spells can reverse this condition in women. Their service fees are quite low, but many give large donations in hopes to better their chances of giving birth to the "perfect" child they desire.

2. Tell me about a shop that sells standard equipment and one of the shopkeeper's quirks
*Euvonnah's Patches: An old, crippled-looking adventuring lady who has earned high praise for her ability to gauge the value of gems and weapons. Though slow in getting around, she, her grand-daughters and nieces are through, and surprisingly cheap in selling re-used equipment. They usually get the equipment from the bodies of fallen soldiers and do their work in finding and fixing the items. They have found magical trinkets, but Euvannah sells them off at a deep discount. She keeps an eye on her family to make sure they do not go out looking for work in the slumps or the spires. She would prefer them to wed officers or merchants. They have a lovely warehouse, decorated with house-plants, small statutes and art easels everywhere.

3. Tell me about someone who sells something illicit in this neighborhood
*Kasatta, is a Vanara or Monkey-folk that has connections with many of the caravans that come through the city. His creed is anything you want, they already have it, somewhere. He specializes in Saapa, a spice that enables non-spell-casters to swallow a low-level spell, as a type of living scroll. It is strangely addictive and causes violent withdrawal. Few users willingly take it, but lots of dirty prison guards like to get lower level street scum to transport spells before selling them. Kasatta is tolerated because he is the only one who seems to know where to get more Saapa and in much larger quantities than anyone else ever has.

4. Tell me about a powerful wizard or warlock in this neighborhood
*Mimmo: A medium sized winged Fae who was captured and abused by an evil sorcerer, but slowly learned to capture mana (magical energy) and then release it like spells. Usually looks very similar to an elf, but when excited, her wings burst out. When happy, colour sprays blasts out. When sad, clouds of rain surround her. Never seems interested in going on adventures but can be moved by sad stories. She doesn't study her spells, instead she collects borrowed objects from others, which can potentially give her energy for 2-8 days.

5. Tell me about a feared warrior who lives in this neighborhood
*Custen, Ogre batalion leader. A slave, that escaped his city roots, and dedicated to bringing down the dwarven military establishment. But after thirty years,left his cave, his empire to simply live in the city. His strength and temper are feared, yet he causes no problems to innocents. He drinks to excess, has many lovers but is respected by many military men who appreciate his simple but effective methods. He has no obvious hoard, yet he always has coins to buy what he wants. Has open bounties against him but everyone that has tried to arrest him, he has taken down. He doesn't parlay if there's no point, he doesn't hesitate to crush his enemies.

6. Tell me about someone who is wealthy in this neighborhood
*So-Shantu, Kitsune. A legendary adventurer who has been to the Vaar and back. An old, respected rogue that has been on dozens of Tyrant raids, and has her hand in maybe 100 more. For a long time her presence in the city was a rumour, but now it is understood her jump-gate is in the district. She is here perhaps 50% of the time, and drops her coins like raindrops. She meets with high priests when they request and pay for her advice. She has at least one visible admantium golem with her at all times and is well known for her use of spell gems.

7. Tell me about someone you can go to for help in this neighborhood
*Vicars, mostly a group of failed paladins (a few rangers or clerics) that seek out the weak or downtrodden in order to re-prove their worth. Many are outright failures for personal reasons but some are dedicated to their task and need to find a way to get back on track. Most work out of the Vicar Tower, and they come together when needed. Their one significant advantage is their huge numbers, when they come together for a task, potentially hundreds of individuals (2nd-7th level) that are not in orders or under military obligations. Many are also very old, tired, cursed, drunkards or damn unlucky, some don't actually want action they just want to talk about their Glory Days.

8. Tell me about someone you can go to for information in this neighborhood
Tuorno D'Veni - A Mercane that has long been established in this region. This mercurial race is well known for travelling into an area, and then leaving days or weeks later after selling trinkets and buying major or rare items. But not Tuorno, he has been in the high-society scene for more than a hundred years. He is well known for his raucous and bad humour. But what few understand is that he will tell you anything about someone you want if you have gossip that he can use. He doesn't need weapons or magic but gossip has power for him. And he has so many wealthy, city bureacrats and wizards that owe him, he fears nothing in this city. Those who seek to learn the dark of his past understand he did not chose or want to come here and may actually be unable to leave.

9. Tell me about a gang or criminal organization operating in this neighborhood
Noor Members (usually just referred to as Members) what was once a small, local gang has been growing and expanding their membership. They are mostly about theft but anything they can make a profit on, they are willing to try. Have a fair number of clerics dedicated to the god of greed. They actively ensure members do not steal or attack each other. They are organized by corners, so each one has a specific range. Those who talk about them are kidnapped for sacrifice.

10. Tell me about a pub, club, cabaret, gymnasium, bathhouse, etc. where adventurers hang out
The Scarred Point, an exercise club run by Inkora, a beautiful and well-liked human trainer.  Most of the time, large numbers of warriors come here for free training, to learn non-lethal martial arts. What few realize is that their trainer, is a Morda (psionic human that specializes in  poisons). She can emit a pheromone to cause bloody rage, so a peaceful session can become lethal in seconds. She is very selective in when she tries this, but tests and secretively programs assassins in front of the entire city, then hires them out for missions.

11. Tell me about an ongoing problem in this neighborhood
Fets are small, slug-like and nearly invisible leaches. They can be found in any sewer or place of garbage. Those exposed, must make a DC 8 check, otherwise it will stick to any surface skin.  Once attached to a victim, they drain 1-2 points of either constitution or strength every three days. After draining six points, it gives birth to 2-8 pods of more leaches. Goblins are immune to these leaches, thus they ferment them to cause problems in civilized communities, but the city wardens generally don't know the goblins role.

12. Tell me about a popular form of entertainment or a popular entertainer in this neighborhood
Zammo Knives, weapons that don't do damage. Once used for plays, the ones used in many games have the shape and feel of real weapons, the blood people bleed is their own real, but seconds after the play or action, the victim is unharmed. They were banned for awhile, but the most recent resolution is giving them a blue handle. One popular activity is Zammo, hunting down victims in a fake assination game.

13. Tell me about a food or drink that is popular in this neighborhood
Grunnick is a horrible tasting gruel made from dried guanno-balls. It was recently discovered that those who are able to tolerate this vile concoction (Constitution DC 14) gain the ability to go for five to ten days without food. It is becoming a staple for the poor, prisoners and for many who go on long trips. Those who cannot afford basic necessities are given this to subsist on, though it cannot work for more than a month at a time. Those who fail the saving throw spew for between 1-4 hours and temporarily lose 1d2 consitution, but have the same ability to withstand hunger for 2 to 4 days.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Out of the Pits (Pt B)

Atropa Belladonna, Elven Ranger
Bahlgrimm, a Dwarf warrior
Solauder, Drow Sorceror
Fuantos, Dwarf Soldier (NPC)
Vierna, Human Cleric of Darras (NPC)

The team starts where they left off, at the plant ensconced room. They consider going further in but the trees are so packed tightly in, they hesitate. They can tell it's a fairly small room, but are unsure of anything else within the room because of the heavy leafy presence.

They move ahead in the passageway, and see another locked padded door and leave it alone as it appears to be a locked funerary room. As they go forward, they see a side passageway, with plenty of tracks coming and going, since this is the only place with lots of movement they want to check it out.

As they head into the side passage, a heavy iron portcullis comes down and and they hear the screeching laughs, then see the small yellow eyes of goblins. Bahlgrimm pulls the gate up, just enough for the second dwarf warrior to roll underneath. He rushes forward to take on the pitiful, as Atropa pings away with her bow. Quick enough, they take down some of the goblins as the other ones dart away. Fuantos finds the lever to open the and the rest of the party goes through.

They slowly make their way ahead, being careful not to set off any similar traps. They find a deep pit that covers most of the cave passageway. At the bottom of the sixty foot pit, are sharp spikes and a multitude of snakes crawling around. The team takes quite a bit of time to attack the snakes with missile weapons. After much debate, they decide against going down. They tie ropes to each other to get past the narrow ledges on the side.

They don't have much time before the hear the clanging of boots onto the floor, a small contingent of skeletal soldiers, clad in breast-plate with shields and spears, all marching in formation. The Drow casts a spell of energy, as the two dwarves run in formation up to their foes, bashing them down. All the while the Elven ranger pierces the undead with her arrows. The cleric raises her holy symbol but cries out in pain, she is losing her connection to the divine here. Even with their perfect formation, the skeletons are quickly overpowered and brought down in a flash.

Going further ahead, they see several heavy wooden doors, all well established and enamoured door on the right, no obvious trap or lock., no sign any of them have been entered unlawfully. After the fourth door in a row, they see a heavy wooden bulwark, it covers the full passage width. As they investigate it, the see the tiny flickers of blood everywhere, Atropa believes this is where the skeletons came from, and even worse, where lots of people died trying to get through. But how...where. She goes into a deep trance, she sees in her mind the solution, she sees visions of her walking peacefully through the bushes. If she remains true to the path...she believes she can pass through them. But she hesitates, can it be so easy?

The cleric rips a shred from her bodice and covers her eyes, then simply walks calmly ahead, through the thorny bulwark. When she reaches the end, she hands back blindfold and she reminds them to stay calm, stay true; then, one by one each of her teammates does the same. But Bahlgrimm hesitates, he starts thinking about drowning in the thorns. As he does, the bulwark closes around him, piercing him a dozen times...he struggles to get out. His hesitancy (and rolling number one on the dice.) caused the bulwark to close in on him. Vierna immediately helps the injured dwarf out.

They see a vile pit of blackish bubbling putrescence just pass the bulwark. When they investigate
they see the small bits from previous sacrifices, plus small chairs all around the pit. They almost immediately pass the scene but they eventually look up, they see a three prong rack, used to drop the prisoners into the the black bile, and one body hanging above. Soulauder casts an energy spell, destroying the body. But just a few moments later the see three new, bodies in the rack, while weak they are obviously still alive. The group debates about on whether they should rescue, and come to the conclusion that they could not keep any of the freed prisoners safe, better to rescue them another way.

Moving forward and reach a side door to a much smaller room. This door is open, with a set for three holy symbols. The top, showing the symbol for Lord of Laws (LN - Casna), and the bottom one showing , Lord of Destruction. (CN - Faval) The middle one has a symbol for the Earth Mother (N Holon) has all been torn out. The Ranger looks in and is confused...something about the room is disorienting. She walks out unsure of her next steps. Bahlgrimm steps in to find out on his own and is fascinated, he looks up, and sees a swirling mass of light, and energy and...power! His eyes open wider, as he scans around the small balcony he is on, is there anything that can get him up there. He sees the roots are hanging upside down, hanging up. He starts to climb, but he feels pressure, more pressure with each foot upward, so much so it slams him down to the balcony. He looks up again, thinking about how to get up there, but the calls from his colleagues catches him once again, and he goes back to his group as much as be is tempted to find out what the magical swirl is.

Going further in, they come to an elegant set of wide stairs, culminating in an impressive and very elaborately decorated door. The group approaches, with the ranger taking lead. With some scanning, Atropa notices there is a trap, a false floor. She sets it off, and the see the floor drops...meaning anyone that attempted to open the lock from the stair-top would be dropped into the deep pit. The cleric advises that she has no mana or spell energy left, something near-by is draining her, stopping her ability to cast spells. They carefully search the pit, and find a small control box, which opens the door.

As they go inside, they are surprised at the brightness of the large temple room. Five prisoners, chained to the left and right side. Four huge columns reaching sixty feet up. A large panoramic curtain with a symbol of Keran at the centre fore of the alter 100 feet ahead. Three large, well armed skeletal figures approaching with impressive spears. As the team spreads out, Vierna is walking slowly, painfully. She is in tremendous pain. Atropa spends some time to carefully scan the room, and she determines the curtain, with the evil unholy symbol is causing problems for their cleric. At the same time, in the centre of the room, there is something else, a large presence, an evil otherworldly, figure, stuck in a black pool of goo. It is struggling to get out, to get into this realm. Atropa yells out that she believes it is the curtain that is the source of danger.

The dwarves clash with the skeletal figures, bashing them back. The skeletons have the advantage with reach, but the two dwarves stay strong as rocks – cutting the undead down. Atropa starts to climb, wanting a better shot at getting the curtain. Soulader concentrates on the skeletons he launches some of his energy spells.

At the same time the Drow sees Vierna in a daze, she has dropped her holy symbol and weapon, and has started walking listlessly towards the evil, invisible presence. Wanting to protect their ally, Soulader casts sleep on her which brings the cleric down to the ground. (Player Gaining advantage for quick thinking, to be used at a later time.)

Atropa having reached the near top, fires an arrow at the curtain's binder. It connects, bringing two binding rings down. As it does, a bright light emerges from behind the curtain. The light hits the invisible figure which roars in pain, at the same moment a flash of energy emerges from the creature which rebinds one of the binders.

At almost the same moment, Fuantos drops from a massive blow inflected by the skeletons. Bahlgrimm stays planted, defending his team by making sure none of the skeletons came too close to the spell-casters. Atropa releases another arrow, which cuts down the last few bindings, causing the curtain to drop. (Player Advantage) As it does, everyone sees a huge mirror emanating a heavenly light that for a moment covers the room, blinding everything. It then quickly starts to fade. The light, sign of the Heavenly Queen, purifies everything, banishing the evil presence in the room, both the otherworldly figure and the skeletons.

The team awakens the cleric and they release the prisoners. They determine the cult was using the mirror's magic plus the blood of the prisoners to attempt to release the demonic creature... They needed the mirror to weaken his goo prison, but not the direct light. Once the cleric has her spells, she casts bless on the large curtain, enabling them to destroy it.

Returning to their employers they are rewarded with 250 crowns (gp) a piece for their efforts. The dwarven contingent are saddened at their comrade's loss but they will be welcomed as rock-brothers into their camp for mourning and nourishment.

Exp Points:
portcullis opening – 150 ex points
four goblins - 200 exp points
snake pit – 250 exp points
4 skeletons - 400 exp points
bulwark - 250 exp points
Stairs Trap – 250 exp points
skeletons - 300 exp points
Curtain & Unholy Symbol - 300 ex points
Mission Completion - 400 exp points
                                  =2500 ex points
                                   600 exp points per player       
+2 bump on dwarven etiquette rolls or tunnel / cave rolls 

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

The first mission - Into the Pits

Three members - a Drow Sorceror, an Elven Ranger and a Dwarf warrior.

Solauder, is a Drow Sorceror from another world, bereft of his connection to the radiance he has long studied. He remembers waking up in this world but not how he got here. Instead of contempt, he is treated with respect from elves, humans and others he meets. The black-skinned elves in this world, the Dral, are honourable musicians and historians. Lost, he knows there must be something here, otherwise, how would he have spells.

Bahlgrimm, a Dwarf warrior with some connection to the militias of the area. His family were former noblemen, alas he remembers little of their former life as they lost their position when he was quite young. Raised by an uncle and aunt, who has some wealth but no noble rights. He has been on local missions, and has a few connections but he needs to prove himself if he is to regain his position of high authority.

Atropa Belladonna, an Elven ranger, far from her forest spire home, she left when her older sister returned from a vision-quest with a winged-snake companion, and then dared her to do the same for the tribe. She headed south with the Oromian merchants in their flying seaships until she found a large forest. There she met distant elf-kin who reside just outside a larger multi-racial community. These settled people have much more wealth and magic then her own people.

The team is apart of a larger unit, the Quarnik Maces, who are mostly usually asked to accompany the travelling caravans going North. This time it is a mission very close to their home base, asked to investigate the training pits of Tartinn, a well known stomping ground for lower skilled combatants - especially warriors and rogues. While being hired they make a connection with another member, Vierna, a human female cleric of Darras, who is tasked to accompany them.

A little over a ten-day ago, some merchants from Chiventuss didn't report in as expected. Even stranger, some of their goods were starting to be seen around the lower areas, especially the training pits. Investigators started hearing stories of a wagon and their workers being smuggled into the pits, nothing could be proven and even less found, but the stories were horrifying. The Maces are asked to find the Chiventuss team.

They approach the pits and see the huge numbers of trainees there: human, elf, dwarf and the golden horned ram humanoids - Jahlen. Most practicing their militia skills with virtually every type of imaginable weapon. They see an immaculately dressed human figure, with a regal presence giving orders heeded by almost everyone. Solauder goes over and waits his turn. They begin talking about the events of last week and the missing soldiers. The talk turns terse, as they disagree on details. When questioned, the speaker gets irate at being questioned, unfurls his flame wings, declares himself a Phaetox, who are physically incapable of telling falsehoods, he expects the Solauder and everyone else to listen to his every command.

Unsure of where to go next, Bahlgrimm challenges anyone to face him. At least one of each defender's race steps forward, the fighter selects the minotaur-kin, one of the Jahlen. The ram starts with a running horn butt, which almost shakes the human down. He stays up, and slices into his newfound foe.

At almost the same time, Atropa is touched by a root on her shin, as it snakes up her leg she is contacted in her mind by her kin. The voice asks why the group is there and Atropa explains their quest, to find the lost group who disappeared near the pits a little over a week ago. The soft elven voice says they are unsure, but the fourth pit, farthest from the town is the best place to begin.

The human fighter though injured, is much stronger and faster than his combatant and in a few rounds takes him down enough so when offered a way out, the young jahlen agrees, and the audience cheers in triumph and comraderie.

The group approaches the 4th pit but are stopped from entering by a group of heavily armed dwarves, who block their path with raised axes. They have words, and the Dwarves are unwilling to move. Solauder again is insulting to one of the Dwarf commanders, challenging him to accompany them. The Dwarf then leaves the pack and returns a few moments later, holding his axe out, telling them his name, Fuantos, and asking to accompany the party, which they hesitantly agree to.

These pits, unlike the others, have stone stairs, with protective glyphs near the top. As they descend, every one and half curve, there is a small winged statuesque figure opposite the stairs, very similar to a mini-gargoyle....these smaller ones seem to watch anyone that descends the stairs, the team carefully monitor the statues for any movement.

As they reach the bottom, they see it split, two doors heading south that the dwarves are constantly patrolling and the other going north has limited reach, there is a blocked passageway. They go towards the blocked door where they find in a large room filled with debris. Solauder picks up some coins among the debris. They see the 12 ft tall gothic door, sealed by three locks spread out and large bolts spread out in a unrecognizable pattern. The ranger eventually sees the pattern on the door, the lower lock, already opened, is showing the symbol of Keran (LE God of the Fright), the middle one showing the symbol of Casna (LN - Lord of Laws) and the upper one bearing the symbol of Quanna (LG Lady of Light.) Their newly found Dwarven partner has the symbol of Casna, which easily opens at the touch. As they don't have a holy symbol to Quanna, but the party puts some pressure on Vierna to use hers, as the deities are closely associated, apart of the Quadrane, the holy alliance of the four High Good Gods. Her symbol does open the lock, but she is shocked by a strange white lightning. Hurt, lightly burnt and dazed, her party members help her with some healing and they continue on.

Fuantos, the accompaning dwarf is amazed, the party has quickly been able to open the area his group has been trying for quite a while. As they go through, they find themselves in a wide room, which has a 15 ft tall minotaur statue, in physical armor carrying a two handed polearm; a small pool of blue liquid, two standard doors and a spiked metal door which has no keyhole or opening apparatus. The warriors realize the statue's edge is Anthril one of the strongest known magical metals in this world. Bahlgrimm is tempted by the anthril, but is dissuaded by the party, they all feel that it wouldn't be wise to possibly awaken the statue.

Bahlgrimm then looks at the simple pool. Just looking at it brings him to a state of ease, he puts his hand in and finds that every nick, cut and bruise is gone when he takes it out of the water. Atropa takes a pouch of the blue healing water.

The spiked door grabs their attention, when Solauder nears it, he realizes that the spikes subtlety changes shape depending upon who is nearest the door. Each tries their hand, but the group is unsure of what action is best.  They move away, then head towards the largest of the door, as they do the pathway is lit by torches along the walls every forty feet.

Fairly quickly, a swarm of stirges fly out, pecking their bloody noses for feed. Yet, the swarm does not linger, a few grab their bite of blood, but many more are brought down by bite of axe and bow of the party. The group is careful but make their way to the first door. No apparent traps, and when they open the door they are surprised by the smell and sight of plants, healthy, vibrant leafy plants in an apparently small room. Atropa doesn't even need to hold out her hand before a plant unfurls to caress her. It snaps off its root to curl around her. The room is small, and they decide to move past it.

As they do, they hear a rumble down the hallway, they look up to see three snarling undead hounds, nearly torn out of their skins, come running towards them. Vierna touches her holy symbol and one is kept at bay. The others face the party, the two dwarves plants his feet down to face off as the Atropa pierces them with arrows along with the Solauder's spells. They quickly take the two down. Meanwhile Vierna continues slowly walking towards the undead beast, chanting she comes to within 20 feet, the turning rips the unliving beast apart, as bits of meat and bones are slowly devoured by the ground itself. As she turns back to face the group, there is no reminder that anything was there moments before.

She hands them a small pouch of sand, and instructs them to sprinkle some dust on the fallen foes, as it does, the ground swallows the corpses, providing a final resting place. This is Nyssian dungeon custom, bury the dead as quick as you can.

Resting for a moment, the crew looks towards the passageway, still a long way to go to find the missing caravaneers.

Experience Rewards
Dwarf Fighter RP & Solution                 100
Elf Ranger - RP                                       100
Drow RP                                               100
Finding Way Down                                  20 100/5
Stirge 25 * 8                                             40 200/5
Skeleton 3 * 100                                      40 200/5
Opening Sealed Door -                            40 200/5

Rewards                                                 240 ex points for each player

***It was a fun first game. We are still getting used to each other, and for the first few games I think they will be picking up on a lot of the story background of my world. (Gods, magic, etc)

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Random Urban Tables

These are the quick urban tables that I use in my cities when I need a roll to determine something. My only problem is that I am continually updating it. Is there anything I should add?

Basic City Encounter Table - Assume the same as primary race in the community
01-02: Hanging or Executed Man
03-04: Beggar or Poor Man (#1-3) 
05-06: Press Gang (# 5-20 - 1st/2nd HD)
07-08: Labourer #1d6
09-10: Untouchable (1st-2nd, # 1d4) - Social or Physical Impairment
11-12: Street Preacher (Cleric 2nd - 5th)
13-14: Pickpocket (Rogue 3rd-5th)
15-16: Pile of Refuse/Garbage
17-18: Wild Animals (Swarm, Rats, Insects)
19-20: Pet or Trained Animals (Dogs, Horses, Parrots)
21-22: Drunk (Roll 1d6 - Soldier, Citizen, Worker, Older, Teen, Visitor)
23-24: Funeral procession (3-10 mourners)
26-28: Wealthy Gentleman or Rogue in disguise (3rd-6th)
29-34: Guild Member or Craftsmen (4th-8th, Roll Below) 
35-36: City Guard, Lower (1st-2nd Soldier, 1d6)
37-38: Alchemist (Alchemist, Wizard or Rogue 2-5th)
39-40: Dancer, Musician or Harlot (Bard or Rogue 3rd-6th)
41-42: Chained Prisoners or being escorted
43-45: Farmers with Food Stuff
46-55: City Worker (2nd-5th, Roll Below)
56-57: Dealer (Spice, Drugs, Alcohol - Rogue, Warrior or Cleric 2nd-5th))
58-62: Merchant Stall
63-65: Cleric Procession (11-20, plus cleric 3rd-5th)
66-68: Nobleman (3rd - 5th lev Aristocrat)
69-70: Busker or Bard (2nd - 5th Bard or Rogue)
71-72: Animal Handler or Stabler
73-74: Sailor, Dockhand or Labourer (1st - 3rd Rogue)
75-76: Small Unofficial Market (3-5 stalls)
77: Bounty Hunter (50% Ranger or Rogue, 2nd-5th)
78: Town Crier
79-80: Knight or Paladin (3rd - 6th)
80: Visitors or Pilgrims (1st - 3rd)
81: Psychic
82: Street Performer (1st-3rd Bard)
83: Clocksmith 
84: Artist
85: Sorcerer (3rd - 5th)
86: Child or Apprentice
87: Prisoner - Marked (not chained, able to move around, cannot leave the city)
88: Slave - Marked  (not chained, able to move around, cannot leave the city)
89: Spy or Agent (1st-3rd Rogue or Ranger)
90: Guild Officer (1st - 4th)
91: Disguised (Roll again)
92: Messenger
93: Statue (50% Normal, 50% Fossilized)
94: Crown Agent (4th-6th level Rogue or Ranger)
95: Shapechanger (Lycanthrope, Doppleganger, Rakshasa, etc)
96: Small Obelisk to Lesser Faith
97: Seer (6th to 10th Cleric or Rogue)
98: City Guard, Middle (3rd-6th)
99+: DM's Choice

Random Building / Sites: Most have 5-16 typical workers inside with quarter the number in customers

01-02: Artisan's Community (Artist, Bard, Busker or Entertainers)
03-04: Herbalist or Apthecary
05-07  Small Monastery (2nd-4th level Monks)
08-09: Sewer plus Gate (1d3 City Workers or Soldiers)
10-11: Bakery 
12-13: Builders Tower (Mason, Construction or Wood Worker)
14-15: Tower of Law (Advocate, Alderman or City Councillor)
16-17: Sewing House (Weaver, Tailor, or Leather-Worker)
18-19: Tomb or Cemetery
20-21: Hospital (Doctor or Masseuse)
22-24: Tower of Pleasure (Shantal/Prostitute) with standard bodyguards at door
25-26: Animal House (Pet-Master, Animal Handler or Taxidermist)
27-28: Stables 
29-30: Lock House (Locksmith, Clocksmith or Tinkersmith)
31-32: Jewelry Store
33-34: School (Master, Lecturer or Teacher plus 5 X for students)
35-36: Pits 1d10 feet (Refuse, dead, plus 1d3 City Workers or Soldiers)
37-40: Obelisk* or open street Mission
41-42: Dock (Sailor, Dockworker or Labourer) or Delivery Station on Landlocked Locations
43-44: Stockade (1-10 Prisoners) with 2d5 1st to 3rd level Guards
45-46: Library, (Librarian, Scribe or Cartographer)
47-48: Open Square (double base number filled with a few of anything)
49-50: Psychic or Astrologer (75% Fake)
51-52: Salon (Salonist, Barber, Stylist or Cosmetician)
53: Abandoned Building (20% Store, 20% Squatters, 25% Cult, 25% Illegal Operations, 10% Empty)
54: Undertaker
55-56: Barrel Shop (Hooper)
57-58: Elegance Shop  (Major Domo, Secretary, Butler) 
59-60: Laborer's Union
61-65: Tavern or restaurant (Double or Triple Base)
66-67: Smithy (Blacksmith or Armourer)
68-77: Residences (Apartment Buildings)
78: Moneylender or Pawn Smith
79: Tobacconist or Perfumer
80: Charcoal, Burning Oil or Fireworks
81: Collectibles (1d4 Hired Hands)
82: Brassworker 
83-85: Garden (Farmer or Gardener)
86-87: Servicing Industry
88-90: Wyvern Tower - Pseudo Dragon Familiars and Pets
91-92: Trader - Arrange Deals and Trades for 3rd Parties 
93-94: Vault (Double Guard Numbers)
95-98: Auction House (Double Guard Numbers)
99+: DM's Choice

Moat major sites such as Mercenary Houses, Temples, Prisons, Wizard Towers, Thief Safe Houses shouldn't be random events. Typically they are specifically located in the city near 2-3 other places that you've planned. Pick any of these for a neighborhood before rolling any random site.

Tower has the same meaning as a guild in my world in cities. Any union or a group of wealth & influence will use this term to indicate their importance. Most cities are considered Towerocracies, rule by vote by each Tower. Trade Towers have one vote each, military, magical and clerics groups often have more than one.

Obelisks are religious meeting places in my world as they are the primary sources of magical energy. Most are 10-50 ft high, in a square dedicated to a particular deity or ideal. The ones in this listing have no permanent buildings and may hold a meeting only once every month or so. Larger ones are in dedicated squares, many have roofs covering them and staff. Most cities will have 2-4 larger obelisks that serve the same functions as a temple.

Random Race and number usually appearing together.
01-70 Human 1d6
71-74 Dwarf (90% - Fighter) 2d10
75-78 Cat-Kin (Humanoid Cats) Fighter or Rogue 2d8
79-81 Elf (Any) 2+1d12
82-84 Lizardith (Lizardmen) 2+1d12
85-87 Gobber (Goblins) 2d6
88 Tenderfoot (Halfling) 2d6
89 Sylph (Thin Winged Humanoids) 1d3
90- Ogren (Mostly civilized Ogres) 1d3
91- Thorne-Kin (Sentient & Mobile Plant Species) 2+1d6
92- Charr (Blind Psionicists with access to psychic weapon) 2+1d6
93 Quillian (Humanoid Purcupines that can throw their quills) 2+1d6
94 Jahlen (Golden Horned Ram Humanoid) 2+1d10
95 Corlth (Core) (Blind, Pale skinned humanoids with psionic augments) 2d3
96 Gargoyle (Stone figures that haunt towers) 1d4+1
97 Minotaur (Horned Brutes very lawful) 1d3+1
97 Jackalla (furred jackal humanoids that hunt undead and cannot lie) 1d4+1
98 Phaetox (Flame winged humanoids that cannot tell untruths) 1d4+1
99 Clockwork (Sentient Mechanoid with freewill) # 1d2
00 DM's Choice

*The first five selections in the race table can be replaced with each other. So if in a Dwarf city, they take the top choice, and humans go to the next tier.

Level: 01-50 - One or Two Levels Lower
            51-70 - Same Level
            71-5 - One Level Higher
            76-80 - Two Levels Higher
             81-85- Three Levels Higher
             86-90 - Four Levels Higher
             91 +   +1 more level higher

01-10  Cleric
11-30  Rogue
31-60  Fighter
61-70  Ranger
71-80  Bard
81-90  Paladin
91+     Wizard or Sorceror

For level, I roll to determine the leader's level in comparison. Then all others in the party will be 1 to 3 levels lower than the leader.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Dream Riders (Horsemen or Lords of the Apocalypse)

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse in my campaign-verse defend the deep Ethereal, where according to the Appocrypa, something sinister waits End Times. These riders protect the gates and prevent Apocrphal Monsters from escaping. They are feared due to their awesome combat and spell-casting.

Dream Riders

Large Sized Outsider

Hit Dice: 199hp (21d8+105 con)
Initiative: +7 (+3 dex, +4 imp initiative)
Speed: 60 ft (on Steed); Fly 80 ft (perfect)
AC 44 touch 13, flat-footed 41 (+3 Dex, +26 natural, +5 Full Plate)

Base Atk +15 CMB +24 CMD 37
Attack: By Weapon +40 / +30 / +23 (1d10+14)  (See Below)
Space/Reach: 10 ft by 10 ft
Special Attacks: Spells and By Weapon or  Horn
Special Qualities: Astral Jaunt, Immunities: alignment, charm, elemental, mind, 6th level and lower spells; Dmg Reduction 15/Holy, SR 25; Command Undead as 25th level Cleric

Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +20
Abilities: Str 28, Dex: 17, Con: 21, Int: 14, Wis: 22, Cha: 20
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Improved Initiative

Skill +23 Acrobatics , +19 Diplomacy, +23 Fly , +25 Intimidate , +20 Knowledge (Magic, Religion) , +26 Perception , +26 Spellcraft , +13 Stealth , +26 Survival, +30 Ride

Environment: Deep Ethereal (Dream Realm or Apocalypse)
Organization: Solitary (Only 4 are known to exist)
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: None
Alignment: Radiate Neutral Evil

These foreboding figures are the Protectors of the Dream Realm, both it’s inhabitants and legitimate visitors. They appear as armoured skeletal figures riding 15 HD Cauchemar Nightmare with their unique Dream Horns ready .

They travel the deep ethereal plane in the realm bordering dreams. Whenever a threat appears, they appear to destroy it within minutes. They do not negotiate or warn, they come at full throttle to eliminate the creatures. There are some legends of them meeting travelers and warning them to stay way from the Dreamlands, but this hasn't happened in hundreds of years.

They radiate a powerful evil, yet they are immune to spells and effects that target evil creatures. Some clerics say they are in fact powerful lawful forces but their weapons and armor radiate evil which they control to better defend their homeland. 

Stories tell of individual Horseman being defeated in battle, yet they always reappear. Others believe the victorious will take the place of the defeated Horseman in the Deep Ethereal as any time they are properly called (with an 8th level individual summoning ritual) one will appear to serve a just or holy cause.

Green Horseman
+4 Trident of Puncturing +40 / +30 / +20 (Dmg: 2-20 +14; 1d6 points of con drain)
Horn of Ultimate Fear (DC 26, -8 to saves, no immunities, Range 1 mile)
Spells of 13th level cleric / 11th level Sorcerer
Regenerate 15 hp / rnd

Ultimate Fear causes a -8 penalty to attacks, saves, checks and damage rolls for a period of 24 hours. It cannot be dispelled, and saving from the effect does not prevent new checks each time the Horseman blows their horn.

Black Horseman
+4 Mace of Shattering +40 / +30 / +20 (Dmg 2-16+14) drain 1-4 permanent hit points each strike / inflicts 2d6+14 item damage each strike to the armor or items of it’s target
Horn of Everlasting Hunger (DC 26, -8 to saves, no immunities, Range 1 mile)
Spells of 13th level cleric / 11th level Sorcerer
Regenerate 15 hp / rnd

Everlasting Hunger is an effect where creatures must consume whatever food they can for a period of 16 hours. It cannot be dispelled, and saving from the effect does not prevent new checks each time the Horseman blows their horn.

White Horseman
+4 Bow of True Striking +40 / +30 / +20 (2-16 +10)
Horn of Rage (DC 26, -6 to magical adjustments, Range 1 mile)
Spells of a 17th level Druid
8 Named Arrows of Slaying (Adjust arrow’s slaying properties as its knocked)
Regenerate 15 hp / rnd

Unending Rage is a powerful celestial spell that immediately bypasses any magical resistance. Those who fail the saving throw must combat any creature they share an alignment with in preference to any other. The effect lasts for one hour and cannot be stopped with magic less than a Wish Spell. Any actions that a creature takes while under this affect is immune to potentially alignment changing actions.

Red Horseman
+4 Vorpal, Thundering Bastard Sword +40 / +30 / +20 (2-24 +18)
Horn of Unceasing Death (DC 26, -6 to magical adjustments, Range 1 mile)
Spells of a 17th level Wizards
Regenerate 15 hp / rnd

Unceasing Death is a powerful celestial spell that prevents all creatures in the area from using healing spells or undead affecting magic, even regeneration magic from spells or magic items will not be effective. Natural effects such as a paladin's or monk's healing touch on oneself works but not spells, such as when druids change into creatures with regeneration properties.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Questions for New Players

Questions for New Players:

1. Are you from this world?

2. Do you belong to this military unit?
   b. How Long have you been apart of the unit? Short (2-4), Medium (5-12), Long 13-70 months)

3. Do you belong to a faith? Name the god or basic belief.

4. Do you belong to a Tower / Organization? (Union of, Order of, Knights of...)

5. What are your 3 core character tenets? - Any time you defend / quote a core tenet, you get a base +2 bonus. You can only utilize a core tenet once per day or story.

6. How firmly do you believe in the Law? (Very Strongly, Strong, Medium, By context, Bollocks)

7. How do you best learn? Action, Exercise, Practice, Books, Belief, Artistic Endeveours

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Avatar (Simple Template) plus Ogre Avatar

Most times when I create something, I am a little tedious about both the playing details and technical ones. I have dozens of tables, monsters and other things kinda ready to release, but I don't. I tend to go over it again and again until it feels ready. I gotta get better at letting go.

Anyway, this is what I do for most holy servants, an Avatar adjustment to the central creature that best represents them.

Avatar (Simple Template)

Type Monstrous Humanoid (treat as before)
AC                         +10 Natural AC
HD                         +10 HD
Saves                       Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +8 
Init                          +5
Speed                      50 (Base Land)  
Melee                       Increase by 2 attacks or by two-fold
Special Attacks        Turn or Control Undead at 10th HD bonus      
Special Defenses.     Elemental Resistance 25, +DR 10 / +2 weapons
Skills                       +10 HD (60 skill points) or Six Skills Maxed
Feats                         Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Damage, Weapon Focus (or 4 new feats)
Str +10  Con +10  Dex +10 . Int +6. Wis +6. Cha +12
Environment            Garden, Temple, Any Holy Site
Organization            Solitary
Treasure Triple        Triple (Coins or gems)
Advancement           None

An Avatar is a divinely boosted servant to do the biding of the faithful. Every deity has one of these to serve their purposes, some in their heavenly abode or one of their earthly one. For those who come to the mortal world, they must be called via a ritual, so it is very rare for one to be present outside the heavenly location. For a entity like Razzgurk at least 500 sacrifices be given in one night to appease the Ogre gods to enable this powerful servant to come down to the mortal realm in order to serve.


Razzgurk - Ogre Avatar of Rampage

CE Large humanoid (giant)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +15

AC 27, touch 18, flat-footed 27 (+4 armor, –1 Dex, +15 natural, –1 size)
161hp (14d8+98 con)
Fort +19, Ref +12, Will +14

Speed 40 ft. (40 ft. base)
Melee 3 X greatclub +13 (2d8+10)
Ranged javelin +8 (1d8+5)
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.

Str 31, Dex 18, Con 25, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 19
Base Atk +10; CMB +21; CMD 35
Feats Iron Will, Toughness, Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Damage, Weapon Focus
Skills Climb +17, Perception +15, Knowledge (Religion) +10,
Languages Giant

Environment temperate or cold hills
Organization solitary
Treasure standard (hide armor, greatclub, 4 javelins, other treasure)

Friday, 13 October 2017

Tennianos (Tentacle Man)

I have a whole bunch of creatures that I have statted up as exercise, as in how would I do this? This was one of the first, an octopus man that gains multiple tentacle. A dark figure in the cities, trying to take apart of the structures that bind and control others.

Tentacle Man        (Tennianos)                                      CR 2
N Medium Humanoid
Init +1 Senses Perception +X
AC 14 touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +2 leather armor)
hp 11hp (2d8+2 con)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1
Defensive Abilities    DR    Immune    Resist
Speed 30 ft.
Melee  Hammer or Swort Sword +2 (1d6+1 )
Special Attacks 2 Talons +2 (1d6+1)
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +1 CMB +2 CMD 13
Feats Multi-attack (tentacles)
Skills +2 Climb , +2 Survival, +3 Stealth
Languages Any Local
*Strength for their tentacles is +4 higher for the purposes of grapple checks
Environment  Usually Urban
Organization  Solitary  (Part of a Cult)
Treasure Value Average (Coins or gems)
Advancement HD Progression below

Appear to be a nondescript person with simple work items & clothing often reside in poor and urban locations. They are usually part of a secret cult dedicated to bringing down the structures of lawful authority.

Normally just called the tentacled man, they have long been known to exist in cities but they are extremely secretive. These cultists are involved in terrible rituals, intent on warping kidnapped victims to do their testing on. The Tentacled Man is just the muscle, a shadowy figure in the night.

While not exceptionally strong, their augmentation enables them to hold on to their victim quite well. At low HD, they are usually single saboteurs, assigned to cause confusion or backup when needed by their commanders. At mid or higher tier levels they are the leaders of small groups of warriors whether they be fighters, thieves or just common riff-raff. They always have a  minimum of six tentacles, however they can only utilize a certain number of them at any given time. Assume at 6 HD and lower they have six tentacles, at higher levels they have twice the number of tentacles as compared to their maximum number of attacks. Their tentacles regenerate quite quickly when severed, taking a week to regrow any losses from battle. It's rumored that the tentacles separate
upon the death of the Tennianos but their fate from that point is unknown.

Highly associated with evil cults, but they are not always the same alignment. They as a group desire the break-up of formalized structures and rules, and over half of them work with evil cults, but a large portion of them work agaisnt lawful systems put in place by evil groups and tend towards good instead of evil. The Tennianos are not a separate species but an aberrational growth. There are human, elf, halfling versions of them - dedicated to the same goals.

3 HD Non-Magic Venom Immunity; Reach + 5 feet; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
4 HD Gain + 2 to any 2 Ability Scores; Tentacle + 1d6 dmg; +1 to AC; +5 skill points
5 HD Attack with three tentacles; +5 skill points; Gain new feat, Dmg Reduction 5 /Silver
6 HD Reach + 10 feet;+1 to AC; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
7 HD Gain + 2 to any 2 Ability Scores; Imp Grapple; Tentacle 1d8; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
8 HD Rage (1/day); +1 to AC; +5 skill points; Dmg Reduction 5 /+1
9 HD Attack with four tentacles (-2 to BAB, d4 dmg); +5 skill points; Tentacle 1d10
10 HD Reach +15 ft; +1 to AC; +5 skill points; Dmg Reduction 10 /+1 ft; Gain new feat
11 HD Rage (3/day); Attack with five tentacles(-3 to BAB, d6 dmg); +1 to AC; +5 skill points
12 HD Gain + 2 to any Ability Scores; Tentacle 2d6; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
13 HD +1 to AC; +5 skill points, Dmg Reduction 10 /+2
14 HD Attack with six tentacles (-4 to BAB, d8 dmg);+5 skill points; Gain new feat
15 HD Gain + 3 to any 2 Ability Scores; +3 to AC; +12 skill points; Tentacle (3d6)

If a Tennianos attacks purely for damage, use the damage listed according to their HD.

If they attack multiple targets, use the BAB adjustment and damage listed for their HD in brackets.

When a Tennianos grapples an opponent they use grapple rules to seize their foe. At the start of their next turn, they can apply any number of free tentacles (number of attacks by tentacle). For each additional tentacle that they could attack with add +2 to the CMD the foe needs to beat to escape the grapple. The foe only needs to beat this once to escape from the Tennianos - not multiple times.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Hederak - Large furry herd animals

These are an awesome elephant-sized herd animal that is often sought out by traders but are difficult to train and even harder to capture.

XP 6,400
N Huge Animal
Init +2 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +9

AC 19 touch 5, flat-footed 17 (-4 Dex, -1 Size, +12 natural)
hp 85hp (9d8+45 con)
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +3
SQ Immune to Charm, Cold, Fear, Hold and Monster Summoning Spells

Speed 40 ft.Run, 20 ft standard pace
Melee Gore +13 (2d6+7) or 2 hooves +10 melee (1d10+5)
Special Attacks Trample and Charge

Str 25, Dex 7, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +6 CMB +13 CMD 21
Feats Improved Initiative,Endurance, Iron Will, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack,
Skills +9 Perception , +10 Swim
Languages None

Environment  Any Wilderness
Organization  Pack (3-18)
Treasure Value  None
Advancement: 10-17 HD

Charge (Ex): When charging a large or bigger creature, Hederak do double damage with their horn gore attack.

Trample (Ex): When a herd faces a threat, they will often charge towards it to begin a runaway tactic. They inflict 1d10 for every 3 members in the herd. Base save is DC 15+1 for every three additional charging hederaks.

These hulking beasts appear as heavily brown and white furred elephantine creatures without a trunk and three small horns in their nostril and forehead area similar to a rhino. They weigh three tons and stand fifteen feet tall, and quite happily spend their days grazing. They are among the powerful steeds known on Nyssa and are valued as pack animals that can haul wagons weighing five tons or more.

These fearsome creatures are fantastic at combat because of their strength and ability to coordinate with their pack mates. Their first action is to charge with their horns, then crush anything smaller than themselves with their hoofs. While they have animal intelligence, they still know enough to charge the legs of huge sized creatures, bringing them down in order to crush foes with their powerful hooves.

Naturally very docile and while they cannot be magically charmed into service, they may be trained through a long process of grooming. Their only natural enemies are dragons, giants and barbarian tribes who hunt these creatures for their meat, fur, blood and horns. For a fully intact carcass, hunters can retrieve up to 500 crowns (gold pieces) or more. A living specimen ranges from 1000 - 2000  crowns, but for a fully trained beast, it can be more than 5000 crowns. Most live to 50 years but can live much longer than a hundred years in parks or zoos.
This is the atypical stuffed animal that many children have. Many Nyssian children are fascinated by them, their gait and temperment.

Because of their size and appetites, as well as being difficult to charm them, it is quite difficult to bend them to your will. Individual trainers often have to work with one for many years in order to get them to accomplish basic tasks. Druids or rangers that have helped their herd have a much easier job to get them to do tasks for them.

Monday, 11 September 2017

Another Thirteen Questions

The Urban Thirteen Questions Deal in the city of Sharike, trading city of the northern Spirelands.

1. Tell me about a church, temple, ashram, etc. in this neighborhood

Obelisk of Words. An obelisk is type of stand-alone religious site that attracts followers for its special focus, very rarely to a specific or single deity. This is a twelve foot tall grey stone obelisk dedicated to words, knowledge and revelation. On the four edges it has inspirational script in Elven, Horn, Dwarven and Celestial. It inspires those near it to learn, especially by reading or paying very close attention. There is an 80% chance that anyone who spends 10 or more minutes in concentration will begin to babble in a foreign language (80% + 3% per point of intelligence above 15 but no more than once every 50 days.) 

2. Tell me about a shop that sells standard equipment and one of the shopkeeper's quirks

*Ni-Nack, an ugly pixie fey who sells little statues in a former masonry plot. When invoked the statue gives a +2 bonus to a specific type of physical activity (jumping, swimming, etc). He wants to give them out to almost every group he meets, and tells the groups that they can get another one if they return with stories about how and when the statue was used. 49% of the time the statue is used it will crumble to dust.

3. Tell me about someone who sells something illicit in this community

*Kasanno, an elderly Elven mortician that sells corpses, stolen from the city mausoleums. These corpses can be used for kindling, building material, decoration but usually its the secrets that they may know that motivates buyers. She usually sells the corpses for 5 crowns a piece, but will charge in the hundreds for the corpses of specific individuals or those with a specific background, history or occupation. She is a well known presence in the market at night but none of the lawful forces try to arrest or ever cause problems for her.

4. Tell me about a powerful wizard or warlock in this neighborhood

*Thakor D'Kosh, Dwarf Master of Stone. He has the ability to inhabit statues and get them to act independently for short periods of time for up to 1 minute. His spells revolve around stone, motion or protection. He has a small rolling ball (use stats of a small earth elemental) that follows him everywhere that is essentially a familiar and acts somewhat like a puppy. He can be hired, but will only go into the underearth for heavy price (300 crowns standard, 1000 crowns for underground missions.) He will not petrify sentient creatures, until they are dead, then he has no qualms about it.

5. Tell me about a feared warrior who lives in this neighborhood

*Vnresh, Corlth warrior from an unknown northern tribe. His people study the mindscape, and are
able to manifest a personal psychic weapon. Unresh was the first local warrior to master the whip. Has been accepted into a dozen or more dueling schools, and have been on a score of adventuring teams.  Strangely he doesn't seem motivated by this type of activity, he adventures until he has enough coin to whore about for a while. He feels he is destined for something great, but is unsure of what that will be, so he wants to keep himself open for destiny. His people praise him to his face, but many secretly despise him for his laziness.

6. Tell me about someone who is wealthy in this neighborhood

*Gulgani D'Gannor, Acolyte of Tears, is a Phaetox, whose people reside high above in the cloud-isles. A collector of art and other objects of mystery, she has the uncanny ability to buy things before they explode in value,which is where her incredible wealth comes from. When she is moved to tears, she is inspired to take incredible acts of danger or charity to assist those downtrodden. As a Phaetox, she is physically unable to lie or deceive anyone at any time. Most of her people have golden flame wings to enable them to fly for short periods of time. Her wings are white fire, an ominous omen among her kin. She resides in her own Tower of Birds, a wonderous and very tall aviary, where both her people and any visitors to the city can stay for up to three days, as long as they do not lie to or hurt any other visitor, but after those days they must depart.

7. Tell me about someone you can go to for help in this neighborhood

*City Swords of the Orange Zelth. The honour-bound colour of the Lord of Honour (Japeth - High God of Courage), these members listen to tales of intrigue, and then agree to go on quests to complete your mission. They don't accept payment, except they want you to fly their banner for 41 days. They are seen as bullies by many official military groups, especially the Knights of Japeth, yet they are respected by the poor for their help. Most known for the boisterous parties when they complete a mission.

8. Tell me about someone you can go to for information in this neighborhood

*Weeping Statue of Annanasa. The only known statue to this demi-goddess, that is widely believed not to permit artistic portrayal. The stories go that if you go to the statue and sing a song of tragedy, you will be given a powerful and unquestionable truth in your dreams. If your song is not moving, you may be cursed in going bald, losing your voice for two days, or hiccuping anytime you drink., etc. Those who dare try to damage the statue or cause dishonor to the Weeping Statue are cursed into blindness, as their eyes rot out in two days time.  (Will DC 25 to avoid.)

9. Tell me about a gang or criminal organization operating in this neighborhood
*Graylenne Swords, a supposed hobby club that encourages honorable dueling. Has long been suspected that this is merely the front for a cult that is dedicated to killing for a dark purpose. They only accept those who have failed or kicked out of military service. Their entry fee is very high (100 crowns or gold pieces / year.) but in return they get access to the club's arsenal, training and more. 

10. Tell me about a pub, club, cabaret, gymnasium, bathhouse, etc. where adventurers hang
*Bubblarium House - Duk'sheeth, a lizardith took over an illegal brothel, and turned it into a bathhouse, where land-walkers can pay to bathe with reptiles, snakes and other things that hiss. Though still quite new, stories abound of the patrons being overwhelmed by urges to complete tasks that they never knew about, or have temporary skill points in areas that the individual had no particular knowledge in. Dark rumors are bubbling of males being impregnated after bathing in the waters, but this is unsubstantiated.

11. Tell me about an ongoing problem in this neighborhood
*Dropping Heads. During the Day of Screams (local festival) tying small, ugly or scary paper-mache heads onto the eaves of homes is a tradition to encourage games, songs and scares by the younglings. Until a group of green gremlins saw the festivities and misunderstood and started hiding actual heads into some of the older houses of the neighbourhood.

12. Tell me about a popular form of entertainment or a popular entertainer in this neighborhood
*Bazanno, a spinning wheel game, formerly popularized by immigrants from the Phastian Desert.
During play, small items of wealth or personal worth are placed in small covered boxes at the end of the wheel by no fewer than five patrons, and then the wheel is spun. When the wheel stops, patrons MUST retrieve the object from the box that comes in front of them. Sometimes a gem, a weapon or a vial of poison or a scorpion. Many times, none of the retrieved objects come from any of the current players. What you get is in comparable value to what you paid out or so it is assumed. Stories go that every Bazanno in play at the same time, all around the world are somehow mysteriously connected. Since only five boxes can be opened at once, no one is quite sure how this works.

13. Tell me about a food or drink that is popular in this neighborhood
*Kiisrk - A highly acidic and fermented drink from the Kissik, an purple-orange hanging pulpy fruit grown in dark alleyways. The fruit must be inseminated by the Frass Fly and then kept cold for at least three months. The drink not only intoxicates, it gives some imbibers a short time capacity to understand Frass, a local fey language. It must be eaten raw from the fruit or drank when crushed and mixed with liquid. It has an incredibly short span before it becomes highly poisonous, (DC 15 to avoid unconsciousness for up to one week) and addictive (DC 23 to avoid physical urging.) Because of these side-affects, it is not widely grown and usually destroyed on sight. 

Again, thanks to Jack Shear!

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Quillians - humanoid porcupine with isolationist tendencies


A humanoid porcupine, with one to three-inch quills that covers their entire body that lays flat on their skin. Larger quills from five to eight inches are found on their chest and back, and on top of their head, from a distance appearing as long straight hair. Their quills prick upwards when excited or agitated; a few allies can even read their emotions in this fashion. Their unexposed skin colour is brown. Most have blue or green eyes but those with unique destinies may have different colours.

Personality: Quillians are isolationists, preferring not to interact with others. In their own group, they have a range of emotions, but are little shown outside of their immediate friends and allies.

Physical Description: Five feet tall humanoids with quills of various sizes covering their bodies. Most tend not to wear armor, but warriors will wear chain mail or a chain shirt.

Relations: They tend to avoid conflict, and can live in harmony with nature, elves and other fey beings. They will often get into territorial disputes with Minotaur, Giants, evil Naga, Ettercap and any evil creatures that attempt to control territory in forest. While they do not provoke trouble, they won’t back down either.

Alignment: They tend towards neutral good. Individuals within tribes do exist, and these tend towards chaotic good more than other lawful tendencies. They expel anyone who breaks tribal law or tradition.

Lands: Nomads that wander several of the largest untouched forests through-out Nyssa.

Religion: Quillians have a long druidic tradition; clerics and gods are mostly a foreign concept to them. As fey, these humanoids have a strong connection with forest spirits, and do their best to live peacefully with them.

Language: They understand Faerie, and their own tongue – Quillian. Most adventuring Quillian also usually speak common or elven.

Adventurers: Quillians often leave the tribe to discover the world or to be able to add to the tribe’s collective knowledge. They usually adventure as rangers or fighters, and do their best to succeed in societies they little understand, always preferring rural or even wastelands to civilizations. Those who succeed away, can take on other classes.

Quillian Racial Traits
No ability score adjustments
+2 to survival checks & +2 to knowledge (nature)

Base 20 skill points, more if they have exceptional intelligence, to be used on core skills only (Rogues gain an extra +16 points when creating their character.)

Core Racial Skills: Climb, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (local, nature, and religion), Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Survival

Spiky Defense: If not wearing armor, their quills provide a +3 AC bonus if an attacker is weaponless or using a touch attack.

Throw Quills
: Range: 20/40/-, Dmg: 1d4+str dmg

Preferred Classes
: Ranger

Possible Classes
: Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Rogue, Sorcerer or Psion

Quill Master-ThrowerPrestige Class
Requirements: +5 BAB; Survival 7 ranks; Precise Shot (Quills), Weapon Focus (Quills)

BAB, saves, skills points & feats as ranger for every new level.
1st level: Quill damage increase to 1d6 + Str
2nd Level Double base Range
3rd Level: Fire 2 shots / round; must be at the same target
4th Level Quill damage increase to 1d8 + Str
5th Level: Independent targets; triple base range

Monday, 17 July 2017

Agypt – An Alternatity, mixture of Desert, Urban & Jungle Land.

This idea stems from a misspelling of the country in the north of Africa. I left the spelling in my monster description, as I thought it kinda fit. Eventually I realized that I wanted that name to be the one in game and then started thinking up an Egyptian themed area of my game world. This is a simple listing of my game ideas, for threads to be built up.

Agypt – often called "Land between the two rivers"
  • Small cities built along the rivers, they hold the wealth and power
  • Outside the cities are desert lands and jungle, the Middle Ocean is impenetrable
  • People are part of guilds, based on family memberships. Clerics rule over all.
  • Humans, Elves, Bastet (Cat-Kin), Tenderfeet, Jackalla & Phaetox are the main races
  • Elves are people of the jungle, green skinned and linked to elemental magic
  • Bastet are my cat-kin, very urban, highly magical many are spies, monks, ninjas
  • Tenderfeet are halflings, tied to oasis, many are druids. Many are prisoners in the cities
  • Jackalla are Jackal-Headed humanoids that protect crypts and ruthlessly hunt undead
  • Phaetox are dedicated to serving the sun cults, have flame wings, Cannot lie, Very Lawful  
  • Crafted Constructs are found in ancient temples, haven't been created in hundreds of years. some active ones still remain in remote regions (why???)
  • Dwarves are well known but not from the Agyptian lands, trading partners
  • Goblins, Gnolls, Giants are seen as enemies, because they cannot be trusted to keep their word
  • Minotaurs are well known from the Beastlands, act as high-end bodyguards
  • Multiple gods that both work together and very distinct, Mix of Nyssian and trad Egyptian ones
  • Every celestial object has an associated deity (Sun, Moons, Stars, Comets)
  • Astrology shows which of the gods have force...power...prestige...
  • Worship is open, most cities are devoted to one deity and have few temples
  • Every god is acceptable, some are only worshiped at specific times of the year
  • Everyone is pagan, worshiping more than one god, especially priests
  • Temples are rarely associated with just one deity, unless its the city Temple
  • Many Obelisks are dedicated to Ideals, not exactly godly overseers but similar
  • The afterlife is important concept, reached through specific actions and specific rituals. Different people needed to do different rituals. Thieving, sacrifice, murder, for some are holy rites. Often it is an art like sculpture, dancing or singing.
  • If you do not complete these rites, then you needed to give lots of coins
  • Temples always use obelisks to gather mana (magic), it is not a finite amount unlike most regions, so depending upon Astrology, certain temples will have more or less access
  • Clerics run the cities via culture, laws and followers
  • Knights ensure laws are kept, they are very rarely involved in political wars

  • Lots of underground passageways in cities, at times of death the people seek shelter below
  • No one is quite sure why the deadly famines happen, but people seek the dark passageways during these troubled times
  • Sacrifices happen during these times, of art, money and children
  • Very rarely do sacrifices happen of adults, but if it happens their faces MUST be covered
  • There are no official city libraries & no spell towers. Sorcery is a little known art, usually taught secretly in city temples, quietly. Many times they say they worship a different god, often referred to as a cult. When caught practicing magic, they are usually banished.
  • Wizards form small cults to study magic at an obelisk during specific times. They are often misunderstood as a religious groups, and many use this to avoid trouble. They use cosmology to cast ALL their spells, this is their spell components, They are sometimes unable to cast specific spells, if the alignment (need another word...) is off 
  • Anyone worshiping a non-recognized god is essentially assumed to be in a cult. A non-recognized cult can be seen as a heresy which calls for banishment
  • Adventurers have many ways to gain riches. Wars, arena combat, defeating cults, battling monsters and undead, trade caravans
  • Rogues have many ways, as they are an integral part of many cults or faiths. Every religion have these quiet hands to ensure their traditions are followed.
  • Theft is rarely wrong in any religion, what is more important is who you are stealing from
  • Poisoning is an art form, many thieving guilds have their own specific poison. For them it is not against their laws to poison as long as there is a bounty,
  • Undead are an ancient tradition, first used to protect wealth, now usually to secure sites
  • Originally cults, evil churches and necromancers started using them;
  • Good groups do use them, but only from the willing and the faithful to be bound 
  • Danger from not doing specific rituals, most people feel like the victim is to blame not the undead. Certain undead (wraiths) are accepted in many buildings, they hurt those who break the rituals, laws, customs, etc
  • Mummies come in many forms, always in the mastabas but elsewhere
  • Pyramids are dedicated to protecting wealth, power, knowledge,
  • Constructs were once very common, now less so
  • Lots of statues were deactivated, some seek the Activation Globes
  • Stories abound of Clock-Work Oasi in the desert 
  • Many believe they are connection points to LAWFUL outer planes
  • Cities and the nobility are always at war with each other
  • Trade & caravaning very popular way to earn favour and wealth

Monsters are based on Eqyptian mythology and desert lands, tables to be defined soon