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Saturday, 16 March 2013

A two for 1 special; spawning creatures and their never lonely mistresses

A two for 1 special; spawns and the spawning maiden mistresses!

Again what I looked for and not finding what I wanted in any d20 type material. Spawned creatures, that are fairly common in video games, yet, nothing really usable in the core material. The threat of these creatures should be enough to put the fear into your players, or make them never want to leave the dungeon until they max out!.


Template: Spawn

Spawn are a horrid abomination that arise due to magical plants which mutates other creatures into lesser versions of the original. The spawning maiden or one of its spawn slaves usually takes a wounded creature and takes it back to Maiden`s lair and is then buried in the soil around the spawn-maiden.  After twenty hours, the Spawning Mother can release a monstrous replications of the specimen host. They can copy the beast again by taking two hours for every base HD of the copied beast.  All spawn-children are telepathically controlled.

The original creature is unharmed in the process and must be alive at the end of the twenty hour process. Once the first copy is made, the original host may be killed, released or just ignored by the spawn's monstrous replications depending upon the need of the spawn clan.  While these replications are much weaker than the original host, the spawning rift is able to replicate at an incredibly fast rate.  A specimen host can provide spawn no more than once per point of constitution, so the spawning rift must always be careful in its tactics. It can use its own created spawn as a new specimen host, but all of the penalties are increased and they do not gain the benefit of a higher constitution.

Spawn are mind weakened creatures that exist to serve the spawning maiden that created it. They know nothing more than battle or any other task as they are commanded. These abominations are unable to reproduce and have no emotions or memories of their own.

“Spawn” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (other than an undead or other aberrations).

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to aberration. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. They appear the same as the base creature, except their colouring and odor seems off in some small ways; survival DC 11+HD to notice something wrong.

Hit Dice: Spawn lower than 3 HD, lose 1 HD, but never have less than 1 HD. Spawn lose 2 HD if greater than 4 HD, they lose 3 HD if lower than 9 HD, and 4 HD if their base is higher than 10 HD. It is extremely rare for spawn to gain levels or grow in size or HD, but if they do, they advance as a fighter regardless of what their base creature’s advancement rules.

Speed: Remains unchanged.

Armor Class: Natural armor bonus is unchanged.

Attacks: A spawn retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature, adjusted for their lower strength.  However, often these spawn do not have access to equipment – so they are forced to use slam attacks.

Damage: Natural and manufactured weapons deal damage normally.

Special Attacks: A spawn retains all of the base creature’s special attacks.

Special Qualities: Spawn creatures retain any extraordinary special qualities and gain the following special qualities.

Hive Mind: All spawn are under telepathic domination from its Spawning Maiden when within 5 km of its creator and follow orders explicitly. If farther away from the rift, will follow its last orders, if the orders no longer make sense, they return to their lair to receive new orders. If the Spawning Maiden is killed, the spawn become free but will always act as one group, attempting to establish a territory of its own and continue to take prisoners.

Corporeal Instability: Spawn are made with instable material, once they are brought down to fewer than zero hit points they immediately lose form, collapsing into a puddle of icky, sticky, messy ooze.

Improved Formation fighting (Ex): Spawn can act as apart of a unit it fighting with their Spawning Maiden.  When fighting with their Spawning Maiden they gain +1 for every ally attacking the same foe.

Saves: Recalculate based on new ability scores and HD.

Abilities: A spawn’s strength and dexterity, decreases by -2, it’s intelligence and charisma drops by -4 (never lower than 3) and it’s constitution increases by +4.

Skills: Spawn keep all skill points from its base creature, even if they should normally lose them from the drop in HD or ability points.

Feats: A spawn keeps any feats it has from its base nature (even if they should lose based on decreased HD.) and gains Improved Formation fighting.

Environment: Any, usually same as base creature.
Organization: Colony.
Treasure: None.
Alignment: Always neutral evil.
Advancement: As fighter.


Spawning Maiden  CR 10

NE Large Plant
Init +4;low-light vision,scent; Perception +17

AC 17  touch 7, flat-footed 17 (-1 Size, -2 Dex, +10 natural)
HP 102 (12d8+48 con)
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +8

Speed 10 ft.
Melee 2 tentacles +13 (2d6+6)
SA Natural Camoflage, Poison, Improved Formation fighting, Blindsight, Plant Qualities

Str 18, Dex 7, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +9 CMB +13 CMD 21
Feats: Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Imp Trip, Imp Sunder, Weapon Focus (tentacle)
Skills  Intimidate+8,  Knowledge ((Plant, Local, Dungeon)+12), Perception +17

Environment: Any Underground
Organization: Solitary
Treasure: Double

Alignment: Always neutral evil.
Advancement: 13 - 18 HD (Large), 19 - 32 HD (Huge)

A mottled tan coloured mushroom 6 ft tall, with splotches of brown and yellow spots cover the exterior, while odd looking it does not seem to be dangerous. It's tentacles look like regular roots except when in use strangling opponents.

Spawning Maidens on first glance tall mushrooms found in isolated locales surrounded by small mushrooms growing on the ground and possibly cave walls around it. But those who represent a threat will immediately see a hundred “eyes” appear where its eyes were as it co-ordinates the attacks of various spawn creatures that are all around it. These smaller mushrooms are the replicated which burst open once the spawned creatures are mature.

Long before ever directly facing a spawning shroom, the party will likely face encounters will be with dozens or hundreds of spawned beasties. While incredibly prolific in spawning, these Spawning Maidens carefully watch production, as they may not need nourishment, the replicated beasts do. Spawning Maidens may send their “children” to battle but will not willingly create creatures just to see them starve. They can only copy or spawn creatures that are smaller then they are. They are more likely to spawn lesser HD creatures (gnolls, goblins, etc) that they can order to come into the underground depths.

Spawning Maiden do not negotiate or even converse with other creatures, whenever a non-spawn is in it’s lair it will usually command it’s spawned offspring to attack. The only exception are those who may not recognize the Maiden for what it is and could potentially pass-by without causing difficulty.

Natural Camoflage: Unless an opponent recognizes the Maiden, (knowledge nature DC 22), it will appear to be a tall but innocuous plant.

Tentacles: It has 10 feet reach, and will use trip and sunder attacks to weaken enemies as appropriate.

Poison: Once per five rounds, Spawning Maidens can release poisonous spores which affects all non-spawned creatures in a 60 feet radius. (Fort DC 17, slow / 1d6 str)

Control Spawn: Spawning Maidens telepathically control all spawn within a five mile radius; this is a free action.  It cannot be stopped or usurped in any known way.

Improved Formation fighting (Ex): Spawning Maidens act as apart of the formation, so they gain +1 for every spawned ally attacking the same foe as them.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Medusa Elder

One of the buffed Master creatures that I have created to use to surprise players so they don't get complacent. These Medusa are not evil, they do not seek to cause suffering unless you enter into their courts uninvited, try and steal from them or you fail to entertain them. They have no desire to harm song-boys or artists or those obviously weaker under their care. They can be bargained with, and keep true to their word, if you can get them to make an agreement.

Medusa Elder

CR10 LN Medium monstrous humanoid
Init+6; Senses all-around vision,darkvision 60 ft.; Perception+17

AC 18,touch15, flat-footed 13 ( +5 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 105 (10d10+50)
For +8 Ref +12, Will+9

Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger+13/+8 (1d4/19–20), (four) snake bite +13 (1d4 plus poison)
Range: mwk longbow +14/+9 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks gaze attacks

Str 13, Dex 21, Con 20, Int 14, Wis13, Cha 17
Base Atk +15; CMB+11;CMD 26
Feats Improved Initiative Point-Blank Shot Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +12, Disguise +12, Intimidate +15, Perception +17, Stealth +16;
Racial Modifier +4 Perception
Languages Common

Medusa Tyrants or Elder Medusa appear the same as mythlogical Medusa, except they have magical snakes in their hair, far greater then the legendary ability to turn creatures to stone. Some scholars believe they are either an advanced form or are descendants of the primal Medusa creature.

They enjoy music and stories and grand displays of arrogance, they always seem to be lonesome figures and always want to be entertained over acquiring more wealth. If pleased, they reward their jesters lavish though non-magical gifts. Their favorite pets are bards, who are well treated, often staying with their patron for days until getting close enough to realize what their mistresses are.

Prefer not to raid or attack other humanoid lairs. Will lure their guests first to a dungeon complex, and then eventually to a mini-palace, where the Medusa is holding court, to a mix of lower level good, neutral and chaotic creatures. These Ladies rule the court, but few realize just who or what she is as she always keeps her snake-hair well hidden. She will often challenge adventurers to a Gaunlet or Challenge, and in the middle of the challenge this is when the Medusa and her retinue will attack. Most often, the adventurers will perish without ever knowing their Lady is also the mysterious Medusa that attacked them suddenly.

Their inner lair is completely light-less cave, that has only one secret entrance. Few creatures that are ever invited, return. 

Most Medusa have three gaze attacks, roll below to determine type. Once a creature saves agaisnt that gaze, they are immune to it for the next week.  Thirty foot Gaze Attacks: As a 12th level spellcaster, DC 18; 

Roll 2d6 to determine gaze type
2. ESP
3. Hold Person
4. Charm Person
5-8 Petrifying Gaze
9. Freezing Gaze (as stone, except it lasts for 1d12 hours)
10. Paralyzation Gaze  (as stone, except it lasts for 10d12 minutes) 
11. Polymorph Gaze (rat or rodent)
12. Feeblemind Gaze

Thursday, 28 February 2013

The gaming word I hate to use... (weird rant warning)

I guess in every hobby or even or in organization there are key or tag words  that are synonymous with the people involved.  For me the gaming word I despise is campaign.

What is a campaign?

How do you set-up a campaign?

I cringe when I hear (or read on a blog) oh, I am setting up a campaign for next week, you want to join us for the night?

Arrrghhh!!!!! NO! NO! NO! Come here, I have a log I want to beat you with, and it was never involved in any campaign, I just killed pretend things with it.

You set-up a game world.
You devise missions or quests or adventures.
You run sessions, game sessions.

None of those things are a campaign. A campaign is Hannibal crossing the Alps to get to Rome. The efforts of eliminating TB. Defeating the Nazi's in World War 2. LoTR wasn't even a campaign, epic yes, but they were all over the place, it was a quest at the start, then a mission, then a battle.  A campaign in gaming terms, would be to look back over a (minimum of a) year of missions, all related to a particular task and see the steps to complete. It is and grand and majestic and glorious and memorable.

I swear to you, it means something for me, so when you cavalierly use it, it feels like arrows have pierced into my flesh. I think about the so called games that didn't happen again because of real life priorities, or people moved away, for all the out-of-game fights during sessions because of rules arguments, NEVER even say the word alignment, for all the promises of sessions that fell apart and there was so much disappointment of wanting to capture a style or feeling of a game ambiance or lack of a rulebook or supplement. These things have hurt me, too much, too many times.

Don't say that word, it breaks my heart, as games always fall short one more time of everything that I thought it could be.

I play pretend games, individual sessions that sometimes come together like a string of pearls, covered in sea-swine, fake blood, and man-tears but with moments of fun-awesomeness.  I've promised myself, one last time...its just a game, don't let it bother me ever again. enjoy the moment, enjoy the friends, enjoy the minis and the strategy. But when I hear that word...grrr..

Friday, 22 February 2013

Quick Simple House Rules

Quick Simple House Rules / Adjustments

Active vs Passive Skill Checks: If the player asks to do something, that is an active roll, and done as normal. At any time, I can roll at a half chance check to determine if they notice or realize something that just jumps into their heads.

Roll vs Role Playing: Yes we use the dice to determine success, but how they do is more important then what they do. For example with trap finding: If a player tells me what they are going to do or how they are going to check, if it works in the scenario, I give them a bonus to the skill check roll. If a player tells me look for traps, without any detail or description, they just roll the dice.

Low Magic; My world is a low magic item world, every dweomered item essentially decays over weeks or months or years, so going into a dungeon or long-lost Tower, they might find info, scrolls and coins, but all the 'Real Magic' has long since faded back into the Ether. Only items found on an outer-plane or at last partially stuck in the Ether can avoid this, but then once on Nyssa, the decay starts to happen.

No penalty for changing characters: outside of a dungeon.  Go ahead, play what you want. Getting killed imposes a three level drop for starting a new character.

All players are proficient with a rapier. Lots of duels happen; this is the weapon of choice for Aristocrats or city folk. You can carry this weapon anywhere as most cities do not restrict these unlike most other weapons.

Firearms (non-advanced ones) are in theory available. They cannot be enchanted; ammunition can be, but is very rare for this to happen.

Spells or spell-like affects are not affected by critical or fumble rolls.

Sorcerers can switch spells freely; they do this between sessions by concentrating or studying, going on a retreat, or however we want to frame the game events for one week per spell level.

Clerics except for a few specific spells only need their holy symbol as the divine focus for their spells. All cleric spells need V, S & M regardless of what is stated in the rulebooks.

Teleport Spell (5th level) can only be done from one teleport pad to another. You must know the exact location of the second pad. If it is blocked (a simple cloth covering it) you cannot teleport through. It takes one hour to carve a temporary teleport pad which can be done on any substantial substance. The Greater Teleport (7th level) does not need a teleport pad to begin; but it always needs a teleport pad to go to.

A hoard of gold (especially coins) act as a blocker, which is one reasons why kings and dragons cannot be scryed
A hoard of silver (especially coins) acts as an enhancer to many spell & spell effects.

Possible Change

I'm also considering ditching the formal cleric class and allowing sorcerers to use either the wizard or cleric spell list. All the other cleric functions can be feats that they can choose.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Backward Engineering OSR to Pathfinder

I need to thank and curse Rafael Chandler, as I need to figure out a way to backward engineer a lot of his terrific monsters from the Teratic Tome from OSR to fit my Pathfinder game. Not so worried about the feats, but I'm thinking about the best way to auto add such skills as perception & stealth. At first thought, I'm thinking about double their HD for a number of skills equal to their HD. So, a 3+3 HD would get +6 to three skills; simple and easy to remember.

Why do I have to do so much effort? Oh right, awesome monsters with so many twisted ideas ready for me to sic on my players.

Don't want to spoil the surprises with an actual review, but it's a great book at a great price. And it just shows how much, regardless of edition, a good book with good ideas and sticky usable features can be used to inspire your game!    

Friday, 15 February 2013

Phaetox - Player Character Race

Many times in my game, I use creatures that are not really appropriate in other worlds. This is one of those, it probably wouldn't be a big deal in most other worlds, but fill a unique niche in my setting. As its the only thing in my world that has any use of magical fire. 

These were based on the Dragonlance setting creatures of nearly same name, and am pretty sure they were lawful beings that could fly and couldn't or didn't tell any lies. Been so long that I forget...since this was loosely based on the Phaeton myth from Greek, wanted to add some religious flavour, I certainly think their devotion to the phoenix as a patron fits for them.

Phaetox - Player Character Race

These pale humanoids appear the same as a human, except on concentration they can sprout blue flame wings as part of their devotion to their heavenly patron – the phoenix. 

Personality: They are great believers in law, order and discipline but others describe them as sour and serious. Most are peaceful, spending most of their lives in simple work and simple pleasures. They are wonderful artists who perpetually practice their craft.

Physical Description: Phaetox appear as pale humans with white, blond or red hair; though they can grow it long, few do. Most wear simple tunics; if armed they use a dagger or staff.

Relations: Phaetox view elves, jahlen, and halflings with suspicion, as these races often bring disruption to Phaetox society. They see the dwarves as a potential ally but rarely have formalized relations. They have no pre-set opinion on humans. 

Alignment: They tend towards both law and neutrality. These peaceful people are highly organized and have followed ceremonial laws for millenia.

Lands: Their territory are mountain regions, spires and the cloud isles; preferring cities to rural areas.

Religion: Their devotion is unique to the Phoenix but clerics are unknown, monks reside as a center of the faith. Though rare, Paladins do exist, but always dual classed, as they start off as another class and find a way to transition into the holy warrior archetype.

Language: Phaetox, Avian & the common tongue.

Adventurers: Most Phaetox that adventure, do so to learn more about the world around the spirelands. The most common reason is for those who fail the ritual of ascension, which normally binds a Phaetox to a lesser phoenix and grants them use of their flame wings. They depart to learn of their true purpose. Thankfully, well over half of those who depart return, and do so with their faith reinvigorated and ready to ascend into unity with the phoenix.

Phaetox Racial Traits
Flame Wings for 1 minutes per point of constitution (18 con = 18 minutes)
+2 wisdom, -2 strength
+2 diplomacy, +2 knowledge (religion), Fly +2 (every racial HD)
Speed: Fly 30 (Clumsy)
Racial Hit Dice: 2d6 
Attack and saving throws as Cleric; + 4 skill points per racial HD
Natural Attack: Flame Wings as a touch attack (1d4 dmg), does not gain bonuses for high strength. If creatures are immune to flame, take only one point of spiritual damage.  

Disadvantage: Unable to lie or tell any falsehoods; can not take ranks in disguise or bluff

Optional Racial HD levels

2 HD Radiate Law, x +2 reaction bonus from lawful creatures; -4 from chaotic creatures
3 HD Resolve, Law Domain (1st)
4 HD Lawful strike (Aligned attack), Law Domain (2nd), + 2 wis & Con
5 HD Flame Wings, +2 to attacks, 1d6 Damage; Increase Duration (5 min / Con)
6 HD Protection from Chaos (Constant)
7 HD Greater Resolve;  + 2 wis & Con; Order's Wrath (4th level domain)
8 HD Flame Wings, 1d8 damage / wing; Max Duration (10 min / Con)
9 HD Protection from Chaos 30 ft Radius; dispel chaos (5th level domain) 
10 HD Absolute Resolve;  hold monster; + 2 wis & Con; Flame Wings, 1d10 damage

Resolve: Gain Wis or Cha bonus on saves vs illusions or falsehoods
Greater Resolve; Gain HD + Class Level + Wis & Cha bonus on saves vs illusions or falsehoods
Absolute Resolve: Immune to falsehoods  Illusions  

Core Racial Skills: Craft (any), Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (local, geography, history, religion), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Stealth, Survival (all class skills)

Level Adjustment: +1 CR

Preferred Classes: Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Sorcerer, 

Restricted Classes: Barbarian or Cleric

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Shal - Enhanced Lizard-Woman

This is one of the many creatures I created using inspiration sources that I forget. Most likely spell-jammer, but it's been so long that it blurs. This is a female kick-ass creature but has a sensitive side. I always though how interesting to see a reptilian mother on one hand, hand-nursing a human child yet able to pick up a weapon and destroy those who would threaten it. A slave to serve, but not a blind one.

Lizardith or Lizard Men are one of the most powerful species in my world, that runs the gamut of being both brutal and sophisticated, next only to humans for their noted variances. Doposylla is a reptilian creature that was inspired by Dr Who, silurrians if I recall correctly. Anyway, for your gaming enjoyment...

Shal CR 4
XP 1,200
LN Medium monstrous humanoid water)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3


AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 25 (5d10+15)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3


Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee +6 to hit, damage by weapon +4 (melee)


Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finese
Skills Acrobatic: +7, Perception +3, Swim +8, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +8 (+10 in jungle areas);
Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth, +4 swim

Languages Common, Lizardith, Dwarven
SQ Breathe Underwater

Enhanced lizardith, adapted to appear the same as a sleek, muscular human body, except for their leathery green skin. They have no tail, but they have a long forked tongue.  Created by the Doposylla to act as agents between the Quisith (Lizardith) and regular warm bodies humanoid society. They are most often created as a request and will serve the Master that paid for them to be created. Shal most often serve as either personal body-guards or as leaders of small contingents of elite soldiers.

Unlike lizardith, they are instilled with a strong sense of loyalty and duty. This need to serve a master is not simply a psychological one but a physiological, will get physically ill if forced to disobey an order. yet, they are competent and free-willed, as they can choose to leave if mistreated.  Most shal serve until their Master's death, then they are free and never again seek to directly serve another.

Only female shal have ever been seen outside a Lizardith community, although the Doposylla do claim the male Shalak were bred, but despite their lower strength and constitution, the females were far superior in combat and are the only ones still being utilized. Shal mate with either a warm-blooded humanoid or a lixardith; 80% of the time the offspring will be a shal, the rest of the time it matches the nature of the father. They always give birth to eggs, even if the child matches their father's heritage. As reptilian, they do not have mammary glands, thus they cannot nurse, but they are still excellent mothers, including to non-hatch-brood siblings (non-children.) Their martial instincts seem to lay dormant until ready to pick up their weapon once again. Shal never choose their Master as mate, and if they are forced to mate never conceive another shal.

Shal have no society of their own, they tend to blend as best they can in to either lizardith or whoever their current Master or mate is.

Preferred weapon: spear, harpoon, scimitar, trident or net
Preferred Class: Fighter, Ranger, Rogue or Monk

Monday, 4 February 2013

Nyssian Imp (Long-Tailed Imp)

When stating out a creature, I will often begin by writing it up as a class. The other fun thing is I can pick how powerful a version of the creature depending upon the situation or need. These things are not intended as a PC or even NPC class, but as a variable power beast.

This is one of evolved or adjusted creatures I use instead of what`s in the books. It is a combination of the Imp and Mephit in terms of abilities but the background makes it a whole lot more interesting I think. Instead of a pesk to kill, or a evil sidekick , these creatures have the potential to be a troublesome but useful pain in the butt. Everything else not mentioned below, I don`t really worry about. They might have treasure or work in pairs, but mostly they are a curious dungeon dweller who may be an uneasy partner with your PCs.

Nyssian Imp (Long-Tailed Imp)

There are many gray-beards who will tell you what something is without ever having to step outside their Tower. Imps are beings from other worlds and they are vile, disgusting things without honour or virtue yet many adventurers speak of these things with grudging respect having been places where the only thing to give aid is the lowly important. They despise beauty or the fey, yet they will often lend a hand for the right price or favour.

Description: As younglings, they start at 3 foot tall, gray or blackened skin, small wings, long tail, sharpened claws. They grow into gargoyle-like beings, the easiest way to discern the difference between is a longer prehensile tail ending with a stinger. Imps often wear robes or cloaks to hide their appearance. While they prefer dungeons they do sometimes interact with city-folk especially when hired as guides.

While they were descendant from outer world version, these Imps are more mischievous trouble-makers than malevolent purveyors of evil. Their aim seems to be to get what they want with as little effort as needed and to mock those who do harm to creatures smaller then themselves or anyone who would treat ugly creatures badly. They are often mistaken for evil by other creatures. Larger, much more powerful evil creatures seem to assume a Nyssian Imp will obey their orders, and indeed they often will until its no longer convenient for a long-tailed imp to do so.

2 HD: Invisibility 5 rounds, Poison Tail Dmg d3, DC 13 (Paralysis d3 rounds), Ignore Magical Wards or protections. Two claw attacks every round doing1d4 damage. Add skill points every level as a ranger.

Typical Ability Scores: Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 13

Skill Bonus: +8 to fly rolls, +4 to stealth

Racial Skills: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Planes), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

3HD Sneak Attack +d6, Shape Change (1 creature)
4HD +1 to natural AC, Radiate Non-Detection
5HD Poison DC +2; Breath Weapon 2d8 (acid, cold or dust) DC 13 for half dmg 3 / day
6HD +1 to natural AC, long-Tail, Improved Claws, Medium Size
7HD Improved Shape Change (Up to four distinct animals), Improved Invisibility (5 rounds)
8HD +1 to natural AC; Sneak Attack +2d6
9HD Longer-Tail, Enhanced Claws
10HD +1 to natural AC; Breath Weapon 4d8 (acid, cold or dust) 3 / day, DC 16 for half dmg
11HD Poison DC +4
12HD +1 to natural AC; Sneak Attack +4d6
13HD Greater Invisibility (10 rounds, 3 / day)

Invisibility: A Nyssian Imp can stay invisible for short non-consecutive up to a certain number of rounds.

Ignore Magical Wards: Imps can ignore magical protections without setting them off. They either bypass fully or they do not go through, no middle ground and do not try or test as they seem to have an instinct that they do not test. The avoidance property is only for themselves, they cannot retrieve items from behind a barrier or ward. Their ability is only for magical wards, they must still find a way to get around standard locks and barriers.

Radiate Non-Detection: Eventually Nyssian Imps cannot be detected by spells or spell-like abilities until they reveal themselves. Once they attack or otherwise make contact, then spells for creatures in the immediate vicinity have the capacity to discern their location.

Improved Claws: Improves to 1d6 damage
Enhanced Claws: Improves to 1d8 damage

Longer-Tail: They gain an effective 10 ft reach with their long tail.

Breath Weapon: They can blast off a breath weapon of a particular type, once this is chosen, does not change. It does damage in a ten foot wide range out to forty feet away. They cannot add breath weapon damage to their backstab rolls.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Chaonaos - Orb of Magical Chaos

I normally use a lot of lawful archetype creatures:  well organized, low-level, working together under a specified leader, and usually willing to work with the PCs towards a mutually shared goal. When I do chaos, its crazy and destructive, so players cannot plan. They might kill you, talk to you, transform you, let you go, make you do a dance or lead you to places that will warp your fragile little mind!

Here is a version of the Chaos Orb from Necromancer's Game's Tome of Horror books, that I loved the second I saw it. Perfectly fit what I thought a typical chaos acting creature should be. Hope you drive your players a little further towards madness.

Chaonaos (Chaos Drift or Chaos Orb)

NE Large Sized Aberration
Init variable; Senses darkvision 60 ft.,low-light vision, Perception +15


AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+7 Natural, +3 Dexterity)
hp 45 (10d8);
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7
Morale 19 (Fearless)


Speed 5 ft., Fly 40 ft
Melee +10 Bite (1d8+4), Pseudopod +13 (Varies)
SA Chaos strike


Str 18, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +12; CMD 25
Feats: Attack Focus (Pseudo-Pod), Skill Focus (Perception), Great Fortitude, Fly-By Attack, Spell Focus (Chaos Strike),
Skills Perception +15, Knowledge (Arcane) +15, Knowledge (Chaos) +15,Knowledge (Religion)+15, Fly +24
SQ  Spell Engine, Immune to mind spells, Resist 20 (all) elemental types, Damage Reduction 15/law


Environment mountains & underground
Organization solitary
Treasure Double standard
Advancement: Huge (11-18 HD)

At first glance, this creature appears as a ten foot large radius dull-gray skinned orb, without any visible organs of any kind. Its skin is constantly shifting, and flashes of colour and energy likewise skirt across its surface, at random intervals small obtrusions appear (pseudo-pods, eyes, tails, etc).  They have a capacity for capturing and throwing magical energy back at their opponents, using a chaos strike ability, but since they do not like to work with others or follow orders, little is known about their powers.

Little is known about the origins of a chaos drift but it is believed to originate on the outer planes, most likely in a chaotic domain. These beings usually end up on prime worlds either by being summoned or slipping through open portals. Their superb battlefield calculations indicate sentience but what if any goals it has on the prime worlds is little understood. Unlike lawful creatures, they do not serve Masters except when initially summoned, and never serve other agents of chaos.

They usually reside in remote locations, living solitary lives dedicated to a pursuits, usually one of an artistic or knowledge. They survive by using their pseudo-pods to kill small animals. Most care little about interaction with other creatures, especially other chaotic beings. When creatures invade "their space", they do their best to destroy them. They reproduce by splitting into four smaller versions of themselves when expiring naturally, these lessers act as a family uint for approximately three years until fully grown and separate from each other.


Every round is slightly different for a chaos drift, as it has differing possibilities that emerge, increasing its physical pseudopod attachs and increasing their chaos strike possibilities. It only needs to roll initiative every six rounds, on the first round it acts incredibly quick and then slows down.

It physically attacks via a pseudo-pod that emerges from its body – each round it inflicts different amount of damage. In addition, every round a spell is cast, a chaos strike is created, rolling on the table below for the effect. It can attack one creature in any cardinal direction (North, South, East, West, Above or Below).

Attack Mods: will not effect chaos strikes created by other spell casters (Roll)
1st round: +12 initiative, Slam 1d8, 100% chaos strike (roll d4 on chaos strike subtable)
2nd round: +8 initiative to original roll, Slam 1d12, 50% chaos strike (roll d6 on subtable)
3rd round: +4 initiative to original roll, Slam 2d10, 20% chaos strike (roll d8 on subtable)
4th round: +0 initiative to original roll, Slam 2d8, 100% chaos strike, 50% 2nd chaos strike (roll d10 on subtable)
5th round: -4 initiative to original roll, Slam 2d4, 100% chaos strike, 50% 2nd chaos strike, 50% 3rd chaos strike (roll d12 on subtable)
6th round: -8 initiative to original roll, Slam 5d10, 0% chaos strike (roll d12 on subtable)

Chaos Strike: Any round that a spell is cast within 100 ft of a Chaonaos (even if not directed towards the Orb) will have a 50% chance of generating a chaos strike.   This chaos strike appears as a sudden whirlwind of multi-colours, adjacent to the chaonaos, and will release the magical energy either towards the source generating the strike or as directed by the chaos drift. The other spell-caster must make a concentration check vs DC 19 to lose the spell if cast directly at the Orb. If the spell is not cast at or towards the Chaos Orb,the concentration check is only DC 12. This does not adjust the creature’s own chance for a chaos strike. Spell effects from magical items does not create a chaos strike.

Roll for each strike each time directed towards either the offending spellcaster or the largest deemed threat if generated by the orb itself. All spells are cast as a 12th level

1   Energy Rebound: spell energy returned to spell-caster, does not lose memorized spell; if fail concentration check cannot cast the spell anyway
2   Confusion (DC 16),  lasts 1d10 hours
3   3d10 blast as fireball, any elemental damage, (DC 16 to avoid)
4   Paralyzed (DC 16),  lasts 1d8 minutes
5   1d6 attribute drain (roll 1d6 to determine) DC 15 to avoid, lasts 1d10 hours
6   Lesser Confusion (DC 14),  lasts 1d12 minutes 
7   1d4 negative levels (DC 16) lasts 1d12 hours
8.  Blind (DC 14)  lasts 1d4 minutes
9.  3d10 sonic (include worn items)
10  5d10, any damage, DC 18
11  Petrifaction (DC 13) Permanent
12  Feeblemind (DC 18) lasts 1d12 hours

Note: This is a version of Chaos Orb which comes from one of the Necromancer Games Tome of Horror books, no copyright infringement intended, it's just a really cool idea for a creature that I love using in my dungeon games.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Nyssian Troll

Though not as strong as the standard trolls, these creatures represent a well-known threat to small villages and caravans of all size. Trolls are famous for two things in my game world, their capacity to regenerate and their horrible smell which never seems to get off an adventurers clothes. While this has been my default troll in my games for a long while, I am still not totally happy with it, I should find better feats or skills to suit it to my version of this beastie.

Nyssian Troll

A hunched humanoid covered in black-grayish scales, with small patches of green hair poking outside. It's over-sized yellow eyes glare at you as the creature drools an never-ending hunger. Even before you see it, the horrendous smell gives the creature away.

Nyssian Troll CR 5
N Medium Humanoid
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.,low-light vision,scent; Perception +11


AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+4 Natural, -1 Dexterity)
hp 58 (4d8 + 40); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Fort +14, Ref +0, Will +3
Morale 19 (Fearless)


Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +7 (d8+4), Bite +3 (d4+3)
SA Locked Jaw (acts as an improved grapple on a critical hit)


Str 19, Dex 8, Con 30, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 16
Feats: Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Stealth +13, Perception +11
SQ  Horrific Odor


Environment cold mountains, underground or isolated forests
Organization solitary, pair or gang (3–6)
Treasure ¼ standard
Advancement: Large (5-10 HD), Huge (11-18 HD)

This creature is a hideous monstrous biped with a revolting smell and a legendary appetite. These repugnant beings have small tufts of brown fur growing up through their green scales, small sharp claws, and horrible mouth of misshapen fangs. Their large yellow eyes shine in darkness. If standing erect, they would be close to seven tall, but they are usually crouched over, hiding or waiting to attack their next victim.

These creatures have little society, gathering in groups merely to increase the effectiveness of combat. Their vile and unending appetites make it difficult for a troll to look upon anything else as something more than a potential meal. They are sexless beings, reproducing by budding on an infrequent and unknown time schedule. Though hideous and a never-ending source of combat, nyssian trolls are not actually evil, but their insidious hunger means that they attack most creatures they encounter. Due to their renown constitution many wizards seek out a trolls black congealed blood for use in their magical spells or items of regeneration.


Trolls throw themselves into combat without hesitation, trying to incapacitate foes and drag them off to devour. These trolls attack anything they believe they can kill and eat. Trolls always use their full attacks on the same creature, even if their first attack brings an opponent down, they are just not smart enough to realize it right away.

Regeneration: Trolls regenerate 5 hp per round except damage by fire and acid damage. They regenerate severed limbs in 1d2 minutes, or they may instantly reattach the appendage by holding the stump close to its body.

Locked Jaw: When they achieve a critical success with their bite, they lock their jaws onto their victim, grappling their opponent, automatically inflicting bite damage each round. In order to escape, an opponent must make a successful CMD check or a successful escape artist check. Trolls gain a +20 CMB on their grapple checks once they have locked their jaw.

Horrific Odor: A loathsome odor emanates from nyssian trolls that gives these creature a -3 charisma penalty to all of their charisma based skill checks. Even worse, it makes them incredibly easy to notice, as creatures within 150 feet can make a perception roll vs DC 12, to notice the horrific smell.