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Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Hederak - Large furry herd animals

These are an awesome elephant-sized herd animal that is often sought out by traders but are difficult to train and even harder to capture.

XP 6,400
N Huge Animal
Init +2 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +9

AC 19 touch 5, flat-footed 17 (-4 Dex, -1 Size, +12 natural)
hp 85hp (9d8+45 con)
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +3
SQ Immune to Charm, Cold, Fear, Hold and Monster Summoning Spells

Speed 40 ft.Run, 20 ft standard pace
Melee Gore +13 (2d6+7) or 2 hooves +10 melee (1d10+5)
Special Attacks Trample and Charge

Str 25, Dex 7, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +6 CMB +13 CMD 21
Feats Improved Initiative,Endurance, Iron Will, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack,
Skills +9 Perception , +10 Swim
Languages None

Environment  Any Wilderness
Organization  Pack (3-18)
Treasure Value  None
Advancement: 10-17 HD

Charge (Ex): When charging a large or bigger creature, Hederak do double damage with their horn gore attack.

Trample (Ex): When a herd faces a threat, they will often charge towards it to begin a runaway tactic. They inflict 1d10 for every 3 members in the herd. Base save is DC 15+1 for every three additional charging hederaks.

These hulking beasts appear as heavily brown and white furred elephantine creatures without a trunk and three small horns in their nostril and forehead area similar to a rhino. They weigh three tons and stand fifteen feet tall, and quite happily spend their days grazing. They are among the powerful steeds known on Nyssa and are valued as pack animals that can haul wagons weighing five tons or more.

These fearsome creatures are fantastic at combat because of their strength and ability to coordinate with their pack mates. Their first action is to charge with their horns, then crush anything smaller than themselves with their hoofs. While they have animal intelligence, they still know enough to charge the legs of huge sized creatures, bringing them down in order to crush foes with their powerful hooves.

Naturally very docile and while they cannot be magically charmed into service, they may be trained through a long process of grooming. Their only natural enemies are dragons, giants and barbarian tribes who hunt these creatures for their meat, fur, blood and horns. For a fully intact carcass, hunters can retrieve up to 500 crowns (gold pieces) or more. A living specimen ranges from 1000 - 2000  crowns, but for a fully trained beast, it can be more than 5000 crowns. Most live to 50 years but can live much longer than a hundred years in parks or zoos.
This is the atypical stuffed animal that many children have. Many Nyssian children are fascinated by them, their gait and temperment.

Because of their size and appetites, as well as being difficult to charm them, it is quite difficult to bend them to your will. Individual trainers often have to work with one for many years in order to get them to accomplish basic tasks. Druids or rangers that have helped their herd have a much easier job to get them to do tasks for them.

Monday, 11 September 2017

Another Thirteen Questions

The Urban Thirteen Questions Deal in the city of Sharike, trading city of the northern Spirelands.

1. Tell me about a church, temple, ashram, etc. in this neighborhood

Obelisk of Words. An obelisk is type of stand-alone religious site that attracts followers for its special focus, very rarely to a specific or single deity. This is a twelve foot tall grey stone obelisk dedicated to words, knowledge and revelation. On the four edges it has inspirational script in Elven, Horn, Dwarven and Celestial. It inspires those near it to learn, especially by reading or paying very close attention. There is an 80% chance that anyone who spends 10 or more minutes in concentration will begin to babble in a foreign language (80% + 3% per point of intelligence above 15 but no more than once every 50 days.) 

2. Tell me about a shop that sells standard equipment and one of the shopkeeper's quirks

*Ni-Nack, an ugly pixie fey who sells little statues in a former masonry plot. When invoked the statue gives a +2 bonus to a specific type of physical activity (jumping, swimming, etc). He wants to give them out to almost every group he meets, and tells the groups that they can get another one if they return with stories about how and when the statue was used. 49% of the time the statue is used it will crumble to dust.

3. Tell me about someone who sells something illicit in this community

*Kasanno, an elderly Elven mortician that sells corpses, stolen from the city mausoleums. These corpses can be used for kindling, building material, decoration but usually its the secrets that they may know that motivates buyers. She usually sells the corpses for 5 crowns a piece, but will charge in the hundreds for the corpses of specific individuals or those with a specific background, history or occupation. She is a well known presence in the market at night but none of the lawful forces try to arrest or ever cause problems for her.

4. Tell me about a powerful wizard or warlock in this neighborhood

*Thakor D'Kosh, Dwarf Master of Stone. He has the ability to inhabit statues and get them to act independently for short periods of time for up to 1 minute. His spells revolve around stone, motion or protection. He has a small rolling ball (use stats of a small earth elemental) that follows him everywhere that is essentially a familiar and acts somewhat like a puppy. He can be hired, but will only go into the underearth for heavy price (300 crowns standard, 1000 crowns for underground missions.) He will not petrify sentient creatures, until they are dead, then he has no qualms about it.

5. Tell me about a feared warrior who lives in this neighborhood

*Vnresh, Corlth warrior from an unknown northern tribe. His people study the mindscape, and are
able to manifest a personal psychic weapon. Unresh was the first local warrior to master the whip. Has been accepted into a dozen or more dueling schools, and have been on a score of adventuring teams.  Strangely he doesn't seem motivated by this type of activity, he adventures until he has enough coin to whore about for a while. He feels he is destined for something great, but is unsure of what that will be, so he wants to keep himself open for destiny. His people praise him to his face, but many secretly despise him for his laziness.

6. Tell me about someone who is wealthy in this neighborhood

*Gulgani D'Gannor, Acolyte of Tears, is a Phaetox, whose people reside high above in the cloud-isles. A collector of art and other objects of mystery, she has the uncanny ability to buy things before they explode in value,which is where her incredible wealth comes from. When she is moved to tears, she is inspired to take incredible acts of danger or charity to assist those downtrodden. As a Phaetox, she is physically unable to lie or deceive anyone at any time. Most of her people have golden flame wings to enable them to fly for short periods of time. Her wings are white fire, an ominous omen among her kin. She resides in her own Tower of Birds, a wonderous and very tall aviary, where both her people and any visitors to the city can stay for up to three days, as long as they do not lie to or hurt any other visitor, but after those days they must depart.

7. Tell me about someone you can go to for help in this neighborhood

*City Swords of the Orange Zelth. The honour-bound colour of the Lord of Honour (Japeth - High God of Courage), these members listen to tales of intrigue, and then agree to go on quests to complete your mission. They don't accept payment, except they want you to fly their banner for 41 days. They are seen as bullies by many official military groups, especially the Knights of Japeth, yet they are respected by the poor for their help. Most known for the boisterous parties when they complete a mission.

8. Tell me about someone you can go to for information in this neighborhood

*Weeping Statue of Annanasa. The only known statue to this demi-goddess, that is widely believed not to permit artistic portrayal. The stories go that if you go to the statue and sing a song of tragedy, you will be given a powerful and unquestionable truth in your dreams. If your song is not moving, you may be cursed in going bald, losing your voice for two days, or hiccuping anytime you drink., etc. Those who dare try to damage the statue or cause dishonor to the Weeping Statue are cursed into blindness, as their eyes rot out in two days time.  (Will DC 25 to avoid.)

9. Tell me about a gang or criminal organization operating in this neighborhood
*Graylenne Swords, a supposed hobby club that encourages honorable dueling. Has long been suspected that this is merely the front for a cult that is dedicated to killing for a dark purpose. They only accept those who have failed or kicked out of military service. Their entry fee is very high (100 crowns or gold pieces / year.) but in return they get access to the club's arsenal, training and more. 

10. Tell me about a pub, club, cabaret, gymnasium, bathhouse, etc. where adventurers hang
*Bubblarium House - Duk'sheeth, a lizardith took over an illegal brothel, and turned it into a bathhouse, where land-walkers can pay to bathe with reptiles, snakes and other things that hiss. Though still quite new, stories abound of the patrons being overwhelmed by urges to complete tasks that they never knew about, or have temporary skill points in areas that the individual had no particular knowledge in. Dark rumors are bubbling of males being impregnated after bathing in the waters, but this is unsubstantiated.

11. Tell me about an ongoing problem in this neighborhood
*Dropping Heads. During the Day of Screams (local festival) tying small, ugly or scary paper-mache heads onto the eaves of homes is a tradition to encourage games, songs and scares by the younglings. Until a group of green gremlins saw the festivities and misunderstood and started hiding actual heads into some of the older houses of the neighbourhood.

12. Tell me about a popular form of entertainment or a popular entertainer in this neighborhood
*Bazanno, a spinning wheel game, formerly popularized by immigrants from the Phastian Desert.
During play, small items of wealth or personal worth are placed in small covered boxes at the end of the wheel by no fewer than five patrons, and then the wheel is spun. When the wheel stops, patrons MUST retrieve the object from the box that comes in front of them. Sometimes a gem, a weapon or a vial of poison or a scorpion. Many times, none of the retrieved objects come from any of the current players. What you get is in comparable value to what you paid out or so it is assumed. Stories go that every Bazanno in play at the same time, all around the world are somehow mysteriously connected. Since only five boxes can be opened at once, no one is quite sure how this works.

13. Tell me about a food or drink that is popular in this neighborhood
*Kiisrk - A highly acidic and fermented drink from the Kissik, an purple-orange hanging pulpy fruit grown in dark alleyways. The fruit must be inseminated by the Frass Fly and then kept cold for at least three months. The drink not only intoxicates, it gives some imbibers a short time capacity to understand Frass, a local fey language. It must be eaten raw from the fruit or drank when crushed and mixed with liquid. It has an incredibly short span before it becomes highly poisonous, (DC 15 to avoid unconsciousness for up to one week) and addictive (DC 23 to avoid physical urging.) Because of these side-affects, it is not widely grown and usually destroyed on sight. 

Again, thanks to Jack Shear!

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Quillians - humanoid porcupine with isolationist tendencies


A humanoid porcupine, with one to three-inch quills that covers their entire body that lays flat on their skin. Larger quills from five to eight inches are found on their chest and back, and on top of their head, from a distance appearing as long straight hair. Their quills prick upwards when excited or agitated; a few allies can even read their emotions in this fashion. Their unexposed skin colour is brown. Most have blue or green eyes but those with unique destinies may have different colours.

Personality: Quillians are isolationists, preferring not to interact with others. In their own group, they have a range of emotions, but are little shown outside of their immediate friends and allies.

Physical Description: Five feet tall humanoids with quills of various sizes covering their bodies. Most tend not to wear armor, but warriors will wear chain mail or a chain shirt.

Relations: They tend to avoid conflict, and can live in harmony with nature, elves and other fey beings. They will often get into territorial disputes with Minotaur, Giants, evil Naga, Ettercap and any evil creatures that attempt to control territory in forest. While they do not provoke trouble, they won’t back down either.

Alignment: They tend towards neutral good. Individuals within tribes do exist, and these tend towards chaotic good more than other lawful tendencies. They expel anyone who breaks tribal law or tradition.

Lands: Nomads that wander several of the largest untouched forests through-out Nyssa.

Religion: Quillians have a long druidic tradition; clerics and gods are mostly a foreign concept to them. As fey, these humanoids have a strong connection with forest spirits, and do their best to live peacefully with them.

Language: They understand Faerie, and their own tongue – Quillian. Most adventuring Quillian also usually speak common or elven.

Adventurers: Quillians often leave the tribe to discover the world or to be able to add to the tribe’s collective knowledge. They usually adventure as rangers or fighters, and do their best to succeed in societies they little understand, always preferring rural or even wastelands to civilizations. Those who succeed away, can take on other classes.

Quillian Racial Traits
No ability score adjustments
+2 to survival checks & +2 to knowledge (nature)

Base 20 skill points, more if they have exceptional intelligence, to be used on core skills only (Rogues gain an extra +16 points when creating their character.)

Core Racial Skills: Climb, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (local, nature, and religion), Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Survival

Spiky Defense: If not wearing armor, their quills provide a +3 AC bonus if an attacker is weaponless or using a touch attack.

Throw Quills
: Range: 20/40/-, Dmg: 1d4+str dmg

Preferred Classes
: Ranger

Possible Classes
: Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Rogue, Sorcerer or Psion

Quill Master-ThrowerPrestige Class
Requirements: +5 BAB; Survival 7 ranks; Precise Shot (Quills), Weapon Focus (Quills)

BAB, saves, skills points & feats as ranger for every new level.
1st level: Quill damage increase to 1d6 + Str
2nd Level Double base Range
3rd Level: Fire 2 shots / round; must be at the same target
4th Level Quill damage increase to 1d8 + Str
5th Level: Independent targets; triple base range

Monday, 17 July 2017

Agypt – An Alternatity, mixture of Desert, Urban & Jungle Land.

This idea stems from a misspelling of the country in the north of Africa. I left the spelling in my monster description, as I thought it kinda fit. Eventually I realized that I wanted that name to be the one in game and then started thinking up an Egyptian themed area of my game world. This is a simple listing of my game ideas, for threads to be built up.

Agypt – often called "Land between the two rivers"
  • Small cities built along the rivers, they hold the wealth and power
  • Outside the cities are desert lands and jungle, the Middle Ocean is impenetrable
  • People are part of guilds, based on family memberships. Clerics rule over all.
  • Humans, Elves, Bastet (Cat-Kin), Tenderfeet, Jackalla & Phaetox are the main races
  • Elves are people of the jungle, green skinned and linked to elemental magic
  • Bastet are my cat-kin, very urban, highly magical many are spies, monks, ninjas
  • Tenderfeet are halflings, tied to oasis, many are druids. Many are prisoners in the cities
  • Jackalla are Jackal-Headed humanoids that protect crypts and ruthlessly hunt undead
  • Phaetox are dedicated to serving the sun cults, have flame wings, Cannot lie, Very Lawful  
  • Crafted Constructs are found in ancient temples, haven't been created in hundreds of years. some active ones still remain in remote regions (why???)
  • Dwarves are well known but not from the Agyptian lands, trading partners
  • Goblins, Gnolls, Giants are seen as enemies, because they cannot be trusted to keep their word
  • Minotaurs are well known from the Beastlands, act as high-end bodyguards
  • Multiple gods that both work together and very distinct, Mix of Nyssian and trad Egyptian ones
  • Every celestial object has an associated deity (Sun, Moons, Stars, Comets)
  • Astrology shows which of the gods have force...power...prestige...
  • Worship is open, most cities are devoted to one deity and have few temples
  • Every god is acceptable, some are only worshiped at specific times of the year
  • Everyone is pagan, worshiping more than one god, especially priests
  • Temples are rarely associated with just one deity, unless its the city Temple
  • Many Obelisks are dedicated to Ideals, not exactly godly overseers but similar
  • The afterlife is important concept, reached through specific actions and specific rituals. Different people needed to do different rituals. Thieving, sacrifice, murder, for some are holy rites. Often it is an art like sculpture, dancing or singing.
  • If you do not complete these rites, then you needed to give lots of coins
  • Temples always use obelisks to gather mana (magic), it is not a finite amount unlike most regions, so depending upon Astrology, certain temples will have more or less access
  • Clerics run the cities via culture, laws and followers
  • Knights ensure laws are kept, they are very rarely involved in political wars

  • Lots of underground passageways in cities, at times of death the people seek shelter below
  • No one is quite sure why the deadly famines happen, but people seek the dark passageways during these troubled times
  • Sacrifices happen during these times, of art, money and children
  • Very rarely do sacrifices happen of adults, but if it happens their faces MUST be covered
  • There are no official city libraries & no spell towers. Sorcery is a little known art, usually taught secretly in city temples, quietly. Many times they say they worship a different god, often referred to as a cult. When caught practicing magic, they are usually banished.
  • Wizards form small cults to study magic at an obelisk during specific times. They are often misunderstood as a religious groups, and many use this to avoid trouble. They use cosmology to cast ALL their spells, this is their spell components, They are sometimes unable to cast specific spells, if the alignment (need another word...) is off 
  • Anyone worshiping a non-recognized god is essentially assumed to be in a cult. A non-recognized cult can be seen as a heresy which calls for banishment
  • Adventurers have many ways to gain riches. Wars, arena combat, defeating cults, battling monsters and undead, trade caravans
  • Rogues have many ways, as they are an integral part of many cults or faiths. Every religion have these quiet hands to ensure their traditions are followed.
  • Theft is rarely wrong in any religion, what is more important is who you are stealing from
  • Poisoning is an art form, many thieving guilds have their own specific poison. For them it is not against their laws to poison as long as there is a bounty,
  • Undead are an ancient tradition, first used to protect wealth, now usually to secure sites
  • Originally cults, evil churches and necromancers started using them;
  • Good groups do use them, but only from the willing and the faithful to be bound 
  • Danger from not doing specific rituals, most people feel like the victim is to blame not the undead. Certain undead (wraiths) are accepted in many buildings, they hurt those who break the rituals, laws, customs, etc
  • Mummies come in many forms, always in the mastabas but elsewhere
  • Pyramids are dedicated to protecting wealth, power, knowledge,
  • Constructs were once very common, now less so
  • Lots of statues were deactivated, some seek the Activation Globes
  • Stories abound of Clock-Work Oasi in the desert 
  • Many believe they are connection points to LAWFUL outer planes
  • Cities and the nobility are always at war with each other
  • Trade & caravaning very popular way to earn favour and wealth

Monsters are based on Eqyptian mythology and desert lands, tables to be defined soon

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Ravok - living exo-skeleton battle armour

Have used these creatures a few times, as end the big-bad monsters at the end of the dungeon, hunting anyone that come inside their domain. Their tail is quite powerful and a source of known magic in a low magic world. They were inspired by the predator movies, an intelligent creature, that uses their hunting skill to inflict mayhem. Now, imagine them in a magical setting, and they did not choose to wear the hyper-magical suit but it was imposed on them due to trickery, forced to commit unspeakable actions that they cannot fully control.


Medium Winged Insectoids AC 21 (+6 Dex, +5 Natural)
HD 7d8 +14 (60 hp)

Saves Fort +7 Ref +12 Will +2
Init +7
Speed 50 ft

BAB +6 CMB +15 CMD +22
Melee +13 / +13 pinchers (1d10+5) +13 tail (1d12/15-20)
Range +16 (Spear 2-12 +8 dmg)
Special Attacks Tail acts as a +3 enchanted weapon
Special Defenses Immune to 3rd level and lower enchantment and illusion effects, Insectoid Telepathy 100 ft

Str 19       Con 15    Dex 24
Int 13       Wis 10    Cha 13
Skills Acrobatics, Climb, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth Survival +12, Jump + 24

Feats Imp Bull Rush, Power Attack, Cleave, Jumping Attack Focus (+3)
Tail Feats Only: Imp critical & Imp Disarm 

Climate/Terrain Any Remote / Night time on mission
Organization         Solitary, Pair or Order  (3-12)
Challenge Rating 6
Treasure               None
Alignment             Strongly Lawful (50% Neutral, 40% Evil)

The Ravok were initially adapted as an exo-skeleton for an insectoid race that were dying off due to the great winter.  The people were enclosed within dark gray armored skin, and their natural features were enhanced given huge pincer claws, mandibles, multi-sectioned eyes with an acutely sensitive antenna & large, extremely spiked tail. The pincers can open up for the wearer's hands to perform delicate actions for about 20% of them. Most use spears as their primary weapon but their tail is important due to its strength and in ceremonial rites. They cannot fully speak. but can scream in pain or if it brings terror to those it hunts.

They are known as an unmatched terror, long feared for their assassinations, and dark plots bringing destruction to individuals and groups alike. They are feared and watched for, but their history and their situation isn't. It's long been misunderstood why they attack groups within cities, but they are compelled to complete missions. Their vendettas are more subtle and very personal, often much less violent.

Many communities will attack the Ravok on sight because of their histories of devastating raids. Ravok have few battle scruples, they attack and maim weaker beings on sight. One favorite tactic is to rip the arms off an opponent to attack those who investigate the screams. Because these creatures attack at night or during storms, many places don`t places realize they are being threatened until too late. Small circles of them will sometimes take over castles or dungeons to plan long term actions.

Originally this insectoid race were called the Ryush, an intelligent, hard-working trading group found in hives through-out the North. When the endless winter came, the conditions caused their numbers to drop, and their leaders turned to the Chavok, the ruling elite for help. They hired the Doposylla, an infamous slug race known for their body modification magic, who promised life but did not reveal the entire truth of the transformation. The Ryush were transformed into the Ravok and were doomed to remain in the exo-suit as they cannot survive outside their armor. Their controls were held by the Chavok Lords, as they paid for the transformation. Ever since their rebirth, the Ravok cannot survive in the wilds and even worse they are bound to obey their Chavok Lords as was written into their contract. The Ryush have ever since despised the Chavok and work to bring ruin to them and their allies as well as to free their kin locked inside the armored skins.

Some groups of the Ryush remain hidden in secret locations, as a few frozen nests of unborn Ryush were kept safe until their new homes were created. They dedicate themselves to staying free from the influence of the Chavok or other would be Masters.  These are only a few hives that the non-armored Ryush can exist, and this is usually where they give birth to their young. The most talented or strongest are choosing to inherit the body armor of the champions who fall. These Ryush are fully aware beings, trying to both protect their kin, make connection with other races and to bring the Chavok to justice.

Ryush AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural armor), HD 1d8 +1 (5 hp), Saves Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +2, Init +1, Speed Fly 40, Attack: Pinchers +2 (1d4+1) or Tail +0 (1-3), Special Insectoid telepathy within 20 ft; Advance in any class. 

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Barbapapen - shape-shifting fey blobs with highly social and hedonistic tendencies

Was always a large fan of the Barbapapa TV show as a young child. It wasn't until I was much older I realized where they came from and the many books that came much before the show.

NG Medium Fey
Init +1 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +3

AC 15 touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 Dodge)
hp 13hp (3d6+3 con)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3
Defensive Abilities    Shapechange, Reach

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Mace +0 (1d6-1)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4)

Str 9, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +1 CMB +0 CMD 11 (+4 on trip attacks) 
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Bouncing Dodge*
Skills +3 Knowledge (nature) ,+2 Survival, +3 Perception, +3 Climb,  +3 Acrobatics, +3 Perform or Craft, +7 Escape Artist; (+4 on Escape Artist Checks due to slippery skin)
Languages Faerie, Elf

Environment Usually Forest
Organization  Solitary or Family (2-9)
Treasure Value Standard (50% in goods over wealth)
Advancement: As Monster HD or Class: Rogue, Ranger, Druid Bard or Sorcerer up to 12th level


Partial Shapechange (EX): A Barbapapen has a partial shapechange ability three times a day that they mostly use to see and experience the world around them, by increasing their height by a foot, parachute to avoid falling, or add fins to assist swimming. The Barbapapen still looks like their own self, melded with the adaption (may have blue, rough pebbly skin just like their arch-form.) They can add +6 to a skill check for their adaption.

Abilities by HD

4 HD Speak with Animals or Plants (3 / day plus 1 / cha bonus)

5 HD - Special Skill Focus: At 5th HD, they gain +5 on one social skill focus for their innate nature. Perform (arts, instrument or dancing), Craft (Building), swimming or climbing are the most typical choosen. This is apart of their defining nature, they do not pick this.

6 HD - Healing Blob, At this level they often spend long time away from their families and communities, and on of the ways they have adapted is to go back to their essential blob shape. In this form they heal +2 hp / minute. They can maintain this form for ten minutes up to their HD.

7 HD Reach:  Brabrakin can reach out or up to 10 feet away. This is a full round action. They are unable to directly attack another creature, but can be used to assist their kin (holding a foe, trying to trip, etc). At 10th HD or higher, by taking an additional feat - enables them to reach out another ten feet.

8 HD - Match Mentor Skill - By copying a master in their physical movements for up to one minute in a non-threatening environment, they gain a temporary boost, If a Brabapapen imitates their mentor, they can add half a master's skill score to their own skill ability. For example if an expert has +12 on their swimming skill, a barbrpapen can add +6 on their own swimming skill. They can mimic this movement skill for up to 24 hours later. They need to have at least +1 in any skill to be able to learn from a mentor in these ways.

9 HD Full Shapechange: Similar to a druid's shapechange, except it fully inhabits the shape and colour and all other features if they used the 5th level polymorph self spell. They can add +10 to a skill check directly related to their adaption.

A Barbrapapen is an intelligent fey blob that is home in most rural locations, living in harmony with the nature and most other creatures around them. They are highly social beings that builds strong social connections with the plants, animals and all other sentient creatures. They try not to offend other creatures and use their social connections to avoid all kinds of trouble. They can tolerate social deviance just not aggressive action to their friends and allies or innocents.

They appear as a roughly humanoid blob, roughly the same height and weight of a person, with small arms and a roundish bottom that rolls along the ground for movement instead of legs. They can appear as almost any colour and many have features similar to local animals, avians, fish or even simple mechanical devices. They seem to feed off the structure and personalities they like, and then grow to resemble those features. At maturity, or late teen years they are usually a little over six feet in height but grow through-out their lives, an old Barbapapen is usually eight to ten feet tall.

A Brabapapen has the natural ability to shape change. Small changes, such as extending an arm take a few seconds, others can take a round or more to complete. They change shape to better move themselves in the environment. While their basic shape is that of an ooze, they take humanoid shape to better fit in with outsiders, even many of their friends are surprised of their natural form. Among their own, they are happy to get back to their shapeless form, mixing with others of their kin.

Brabapapen are social hedonists, enjoying everything around them and helping others do the same. They enjoy having visitors, to share ideas, food, dress, music almost any other cultural exchange, as they enjoy learning and sharing. Most sinful pleasure can be found in their small villages often located outside larger elven, human or jahlen towns.

While not aggressive in nature, they can be stirred to take action to help allies or to help fey or protect their friends from being harmed. They have been involved in many battles that help their neighbours, but they prefer peace and solitude. Many times after a war has been won they will move away to quieter locations.

Even their allies are unsure of what gender a Barbrapapen actually are. While many assume gender based on their physical appearance or even personality, this is not always true or consistent with this kind. Barbrpapen can take lovers from any species, and can change their partners or their preference on either a whim or cycle that leaves others amused and often confused.A Barbrapapen understands that since they control their physical gender, just like others change their clothes, they need not be limited by others conceptions, they change shape and accept others for whatever they may happen to be. They get bored by rigidity, they don't want their allies or lovers to limit themselves or to limit their own creativity.

Always they are an openly welcoming being faithful, never fearful and open to almost any experience.

Advancement: Racial Class
Gain +2 on attributes every HD up to 10 HD
+6 skill points every HD,
New feat every 2HD
+1 to AC every 2 HD

New Feat: Bouncing Dodge: If a Barbrapapen has a five foot free square adjacent to them, they have a jumping bounce dodge, which gives a +2 instead of the normal +1 dodge bonus. 

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Claw Steed - Wild equine beasts, tooth maw and sharp claws instead of hooves

One of the oldest creatures I ever statted, as the preferred steed in wild regions of my world.

Claw Steed   CR 5
XP 1,600
N Large Animal
Init +4 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +8

AC 17 touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+8 natural, -1 size)
hp 47hp (5d8+25 con)
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +1
Defensive Abilities    Immune to Charm & Hold Spells, +4 on cold or ice spell saving throws

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 Claws +7 (1d8+5/18-20),  Bite +4 (d6+2) or Tail +4 (1d4)
Special Attacks: Tail +7 - Back Attack only 1d4 dmg, Stampede

Str 20, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +3 CMB +9 CMD 19
Feats Improved Initiative, Multi-Attack, Imp Critical (18+ double dmg with claw)
Skills +8 Climb, +8 Perception , +5 Swim, +5 Survival, +16 Jump
Other Gear Lone Claw Steeds may have barding

Environment      Grasslands
Organization      Herd (15 - 90)
Treasure Value   None
Advancement     6-12 HD (Large)

Wild equine beasts, whose natural environment are on the Kazurn plains, but they roam throughout the domain. They have a tooth filled maw; a long whip like tail and short heavy fur allows them to survive extremely cold temperatures. Their coats mimic the same as horses but it is much thicker and harder to work with. Their wickedly sharp claws enable travel in rocky terrain, capable of them climbing vertical surfaces, graze thru ice & seize medium sized and smaller creatures.

These steeds are the preferred mounts for those who shun air travel or hunt on the wasteland. Their unique features enable these creatures to thrive in environments that leave most creatures defenseless. Much better in combat than flying animals and able to withstand the cold. But they cannot be breed in captivity, thus only adventurers are ever able to find one to be their steed.

Tribal druids may sometimes beseech these creatures into service, but only if the tasks helps both the tribe and the claw steed herd. Many of these same tribes hunt these beasts for meat, fur, bones and blood, not out of disrespect, but desperation. Upon success, the tribe always thanks the spirit totem for the sacrifice.

Claw Steeds raise their front claws and attack in a claw, claw bite format, using their tail to eliminate sneak attacks. They have incredibly sharp claws (improved critical), which can seize foes or rip them to shreds. When these wild beasts have a rider, they will follow their master’s attack to compliment the combat style.

Stampede (Attack): This attack is determined by herd size, at least 15 claw steeds must be present to form a stampede.For every three members add +1 to the base attack, +1d6 to damage and +1 on the DC for reflex saving throw.  Herds with 90 or more members have the following combat stats: +37 Attack, 30d6 damage, DC 40, Ref save for half damage. They usually do this only once per attack sequence- stampeding a foe then running off.

Tail Attack  Claw Steeds are always aware of creatures at its backside, getting an attack with their razor sharp tail - lashing anything behind them. This is a free attack, it does not count towards the creatures maximum allowed with their claw and bite routine. Their tail is a thick black whip with small sharp shards, it is constantly swaying back and forth.

The herd is the only society for claw steeds. They run with their herd and follow the oldest and strongest member. Individual claw steeds can part from the herd for a variety of reasons. The most obvious is during a stampede, an individual may have lost footing or wounded and are unable to keep up to the herd. Some hear the call of the divine and leave to become the personal mount for a devout paladin, ranger or druid.

Hunted endlessly, lone members become targets for those seeking a strong and unforgettable mount. Due to their wild natures, a claw steed is immune to all charm and hold spells. A handle animal (DC 40) skill check is required once the creature is subdued but not injured. As a wild, magical beast, claw steeds cannot mate in captivity.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

City of Terraxxia, in the Human nation of Mandos


Nation: Mandos
Location: Eastern Section, near the Great Tay Forest

Population: 200,000

Distribution: Human (75%), Dwarf (10%), Minotaur (5%), Tenderfoot (5%), Lizardith (5%)

Major Products: Cay Leaves, Poultice, Tea, Spice, Liqour
Blood Stone, North Stone, Ringing Stone
Weapons (harpoon, javelin and halberd)
Trained Ferrets, war hounds and griffons
Potions (Warmth, Burning, Chimera & Griffon)

City Features:

Obelisks: Keran, Cush, Orelleo, Japeth, Rosetti, Faval, Casna, Fatanus, Crayos
Shrines: Mathai, Fenris, Rowena, Stradamia (while not illegal, all are hidden)
Temples: Keran, Darras, Pains, Father Stone (Dwarf)
Towers: Sash Knights, Camber Knight, Stradamia, Wyvern, Defense, Slave, Guild, Silence, Law, Coin (Casino), Alchemy, Sorrow, Smoke
Gardens: Piercer, Blood & Cay Fields
Arena, Kennel, Aviary, Stables, Museum, Barracks, Mausoleum Graveyard (Silence Tower)
Red Stone Bridge, Hanging Bridge, Tyrant (Dragon) Bridge

City Entry:  All items registered, Tax 5% on all items,  Any non appropriate items confiscated
Unlimited entry up until next Tower-Day (once every ten-day.)
Unofficial races are taxed at 10%. Non-Recognized races at 50%.

All church donations, guild business, gambling wins and training taxed at a standard 20% rate. This is lower than the official Mandorrian rate of between 25 - 35%

Rule: As a Mandorrian city, Terraxxia is ruled by a war counsel, led by Battle Lord Rethnor di Jine leader of the city, armies and Keranic Temple. Rethnor is am honest but brutal master who uses his personality and well trained soldiers to enforce the rules. He has few friends, but even his enemies know his word is his absolute bond. This does not mean he is above trickery, he merely uses deceptive practices to trick both allies and enemies as to his next actions would be. What is surprising is his compassion especially for someone in his position. If halfling slaves escape, he does not send soldiers to pursue as long as they don't return or cause problems from afar. Likewise he allows addicts a chance to clean themselves up, despite official Mandorrian policies on drug or alcohol abuse. He even tolerates soldiers to venerate non lawful deities - he doesn't promote it but doesn't punish it either. However what he never accepts are failure, incompetence or disloyalty among his soldiers. He is married, but most believe his wife and any children do not reside in the city.

There is an abundance of trade going on in the city, as cay is grown both in the wild and domestically. The cay is particularly strong, and many harvesters risk the thorns to harvest the strong spice. The soldiers press strangers to make sure contraband isn't brought into the city proper. Unlike other Mandorrian cities, the soldiers are more likely to kill smugglers then to capture them. Patrols are constant, but are more worried about Tyrants (dragons) and giants then smugglers.

The citizens are relatively content as revolt seems far from their minds. They have heard of attacks and abuses in other Mandorrian cities and believe Rethnor and the counsel keeps things fairly open. The dwarves are compliant and do all that they can to keep their own people in line as they are getting rich and drunk. Tenderfeet are tolerated much more here, and while they are slaves they are left alone as long as cay production is maintained. Unlike a lot of places, they are called citizens and have some rights; they just can't leave nor have a vote on the Tower counsels. Lizardith and Minotaur are mercenaries not citizens- they have jobs in small groups but do not really socialize with their own kin at least not in large groups. Minotaurs keep quiet as they maintain their bloody gladitorial games - these are religious rites for these brutes. Both these groups go on long hunts, which also service the patrols which is very helpful to the soldiers.

As elsewhere in Mandos, Elves and faerie are hunted down and killed on sight. Some believe there is an Elven Sanctuary within the cay forest, but city rangers dispute this. Like common Mandorrian custom, there is an open bounty on Elves, and they seek the fae folk for their dark ceremonies.

Obelisks are the standard places of worship on Nyssa. The faithful visit usually once (or twice) a week; though priests and other adventuring faithful can come every day during the tenday / weekly cycle. Few obelisks have official overseers, but many old clerics reside near them and will service for payments. Offerings are usually made by dropping coins down to the ground, very rarely to an individual that are physically absorbed by the soil. Shrines are usually obelisks in buildings that do not have official members. Temples are only found in large cities, and are much more elaborate with official members and clergy. These are the only places where scrolls or spell services can be oficially purchased in Mandos. All clerics cast spells at +1 casting level near obelisks of opposing views, +2 if aligned, and +3 at obelisks of their specific faith or religion.

Local Product
Cay is a small, round, green-red leaf that wildly grows among thorny vines. It naturally and very quickly absorbs any exposed blood. It can be used to make a huge variety of products, including alcohol, tea and poultices. Traditionally only Tenderfoot farmers could tease the leaf out and make its products, but the Teraxxian Cay is large enough for others to prune them off. Spending one minute in cay vines, will do one point of damage if the skin is unprotected. Pruners get 10 crowns (gp) for a pound of leaves.

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Holy Sufferers - Prestige Class of Non-Violence

"According to our scripture - there is a finite amount of hurt in the world. When I take on an once more pain, then someone else's burden is lessened." Anonymous Holy Sufferer

Holy Sufferers

For most people, the idea of suffering for others is a strange concept, but the holy sufferers believe they do good by being a target of pain in replacement of others. Blessed sufferers take up the vow of non-violence, and swear an oath to never again pick up a weapon to use it on a living creature. They can still attack non-living entities such as undead, constructs elemental- types or any creatures that do not display intelligence.

They are often involved in quests to banish or destroy evil or chaotic beings. They use their abilities to get around, avoid and help their friends accomplish great deeds. They may be a distraction in physical combat, but out of combat they can help in any way their spells, skills or abilities can enable them to.

Feats: Iron Will, Great Fortitude
Oath: Non-Violence   (Nyssian Oaths)
Alignment: Any non-evil
Spells: Must have the capability of casting the Sanctuary spell.

Hit Dice: d6
Skill Points: Int +4/level
Class Skills: Climb, Diplomacy, Fly, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Any), Perform, Ride, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device

Level   BAB   Fort     Ref      Will     Special                                    Spell Level
1st         +0       +2       +2        +2        Blessed Sanctuary, Aura              --
2nd        +0       +2       +2        +2       Circle of Sanctuary                      +1
3rd         +0       +3       +3        +3       Eye for an Eye I                          +1
4th         +1       +3       +3        +3       Greater Circle of Sanctuary        +1 
5th         +1       +4       +4        +4       Eye for an Eye II                         +1
6th         +1       +4       +4        +4       Eye for an Eye III                        +1
7th         +2       +5       +5        +5       Higher Circle of Sanctuary           --
8th         +2       +5       +5        +5       Eye for an Eye IV                        +1
9th         +2       +6       +6        +6       Peaceful Blessing                        +1

Class features:
Spell Level: A sufferer gains additional spell casting capacity as they increase in their suffering levels; they do not gain any additional abilities: turning, feats, etc.

Blessed Sanctuary: A sufferer is under the constant effects of a Sanctuary spell as long as they do not actively attack through any means (physical, spell or psionic powers) mortal creatures. Undead and constructs are the only exceptions. This spell is continuously active, so, even if an attacker manages to beat the DC in one round, they must continue to save every round to overcome this defence. The benefits on this spell also encompass a sufferer one’s mount or anyone who they may carry in their arms (such as a child or an injured person) The save DC is based on the sufferer’s charisma and wisdom bonuses. (Will DC 10 + HS level + charisma bonus + wisdom bonus)

If a foe bypasses the sanctuary field more than twice in a given combat, most Sufferers do not maintain it and use physical or magical means to help defeat the enemy.

Circle of Sanctuary: As per the spell sanctuary, except any allies of the sufferer ones within a 20 ft radius of them gain the benefits of this spell. One ally per level of the sufferer can also be protected. However, once an enemy bypasses the effect on an ally, the spell ends, and the ally can act normally. If an ally attacks an enemy, the sanctuary effect ends. The Will DC for Blessed Sanctuary is Will DC 10 + HS level + Wisdom bonus.

Greater Circle of Sanctuary: As per Circle of Sanctuary except it can protect two allies per level of
the Sufferer at a range of 30 ft. 

Eye for an Eye I: Whenever someone manages to bypass their sanctuary spell, and use a melee attack on a sufferer, this effect will enable the spell to strike retributively. Eye for an eye will inflict the same damage on the attacker, as the sufferer themselves suffered. There is a save for half damage. DC 10+caster level+Wisdom modifier.

Higher Circle of Sanctuary: As circle of sanctuary except three allies per the Suffers HD within a 50 ft are protected. This is a full round action to call upon the Sanctuary but the radius must be free of enemies to start the effect. So, they often create smaller circles if the full 50 ft radius is not available. Usable 5 + class level / day.

Eye for an Eye II: As per Eye for an Eye I; except, when sufferers receive an injury, whether from melee, missile, spell or psionic effect, the attacker will instantly receive retributive damage. There is a save for half damage. DC 10+caster level+Wisdom modifier

Eye for an Eye III: Similar to Eye for an Eye II except there is no saving throw to avoid the damage. It affects undead as EfE2.

Eye for an Eye IV: Similar to Eye for an Eye III except physical attackers must make a saving throw for any time they attack the sufferer they suffer double damage automatically. Magical or psionic effects are not doubled, but as per EYE III, they do suffer the same damage they inflicted on the Sufferer. It affects undead, constructs and any other non-labelled creatures as EfE3.

Peaceful Blessing: Brings 24 hours uninterrupted sanctuary to any one other creature touched but otherwise as EfE IV. If the protected person does for any reason suffer damage, the spellcaster can will the damage onto themselves for the duration of the spell. The Holy Sufferer can be anywhere on the same plane as the creature the Peaceful Blessing has been cast upon and enact the share damage effect.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Oxylla - Silver scaled lizard-humanoids that dissolve metals

For a while I wasn't using many common creatures, I farted around to create weird combos.  These replaced the rust monster in my dungeons. Weird, mysterious insect-lizardmen that kind of worshiped and used silver for all sorts of arcane/cultish designs. This was one of those that I really liked and kept using, even after switching back to the core book of creatures.


XP 1,600
N Medium Aberration
Init +3 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 18 touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 37hp (5d8+15 con)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Fists X2  +4 (1d6+1), Tail  +6 (1d3+1)
Special Attacks Glue, Dissolve metal

Str 12, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 9
Base Atk +3 CMB +4 CMD 17
Feats Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Weapon Finesse
Skills  +8 Acrobatics , +4 Climb , +7 Escape Artist , +7 Perception , +8 Stealth , +6 Survival
Languages Oxylla, Dwarven

Environment  Temperate Forests, Non-Cold Environments
Organization  Circle (2-5), Ring (3-18)
Treasure Value  Standard (gems)
Advancement: Large (6-12 HD)

Dissolving Touch: Excluding silver, their touch dissolves up to 200 pounds of metals instantly; mundane items do not get a saving throw. Magical items can save vs Fort DC 18 to avoid this affect. Silver can be dissolved, but they must touch the item for one minute. However, the silvery liquid when applied to wounds acts as a healing salve. For every ten coins (10 onces) of silver, an Oxylla can heal 1d10 points of damage. If kept in a secure container, others can use the salve for up to a week later before it fully re-solidifies.

Glue: From their palm orifice they can release a colorless and odorless glue, which takes one round to smear on an object and another round to activate as it dries. This substance bonds any two physical objects for up to one hour. It is incredibly difficult to remove, requiring a Strength Check vs DC 30.

Silver scaled lizard-humanoids that combine the features of lizards, insects and men. These slim humanoids mix silver scales of a dragon, the eyes, antennae and legs of an insect along with a lizard-men’s large strong tail. They have a narrow elongated head. At the end of their long arms, four clawed fingers emerge with a small sticky black circle in the middle of their palm. This orifice is both the equivalent of their nose and an organ to release a glue-like substance upon touch. Oxylla are metal eaters, despised for their ability to absorb and digest metals.

Little is known about the habits or society of these beings. While they sometimes survive by stealing scraps of refuse metal, they often raid traveling merchants or scavenge battle sites to get the needed metals. Metals are food, clothing and elixir; each has a unique taste to an Oxylla, and they can identify the purity or composition of a metal simply by smelling it. Silver is needed in medicinal, religious and reproductive purposes. They speak their own language and dwarven but can speak any if exposed to it or trained.

Although they survive through raiding, Oxylla use their stealth abilities to take whatever they need without confrontation. While their main tactic is pummeling enemies with their fists, their strongest abilities come from using their long tail to both knock weapons out of opponent’s hands or to trip their enemies.