1. Implore the tent of Darras for permission to enter the Tower in one of their patrols? (DC 12) +4 Roll # 1 - Required DC 12 (+4) = 8 = Result Fail
2. Can they find a way to sneak into the tunnels or Tower? (DC 15 / 18) +3 Roll # 2 - Required DC 15 / 18 (+3) = 5 = 8 = Result Fail
3. Can they make a connection in one of the pubs? (DC 18) +2 Roll # 3 - Required DC 18 (+5) = 22 = Result success
4. Any other suggestions?
The night went quiet, only the lone bugle of formation broke the otherwise silence. All of them, focused on their goal, did not go out until early morning, all intending to get sleep.
The spell caster and his ally went out before the screech of the cochin, the early morning soldier ritual. They wanted to scan the Tower in different light, to see if there was any not-so obvious way into the Tower or tunnels. A group of early morning clerics, from an assortment of the churches made their way round the Tower, stopping at designated points to do both shared and quiet prayers. Unnos, the Sorceror and Ènnoss, went with them. Their path was obvious so the two could hop out of line easily enough, do their scans and head back into order without raising too many questions. Again, like their previous scans, nothing in the Tower or the path grabbed their attention, nothing sparkled with magic or energy or possibility. This was a closed point. People, not magic or energy came from the Tower. Both of them were perturbed, neither had seen anything like this in any of the town or dungeons they had been to in their career. By the time the prayer circle was over, both were even more determined to investigate the Tower from within. (Roll 2, failed)
Just before the two returned to their tent, the cleric Vassano made his way back to the stables of Darras, hoping to make a connection to get into Tower soon. Again, fairly quickly he was greeted by Lei-Lanna. She explained that she had not found a suitable group for them to accompany into the Tower. There were soldier squads they could join, but they all had missions away from the Tower. She assured Vassano she had connections, but it would take a few more days. He noticed there were many more followers there today, many of them in brown cloaks or tunics, but others as well, many in military uniforms. Most were there to arrange transportation of items to or from the location, he tried to weigh everything in his mind, could he come up with a deal that could help his party out. (Roll 1, failed)
Rillo and Caventh went to some of the large feeding tables, group meals for some of the poorest assigned to the Tower. While many of them were sponsored by the churches or militia groups, others were much smaller, and this one with a purple circle surrounding a tower, distinctly different then the Tower here. Purple represented the colour of Casna, Lord of Laws, the strictest church with ever-exacting laws, rarely known for forgiveness. These were convicted criminals...not the best sort for most things, but, perhaps for what the group wanted, a chance to get inside.
Caventh asked around, and found that one of them, a convicted warlord by the name of Vorrecknos, was looking for some volunteers. Asking around, he saw the brute of a Minotaur, a grey skinned beast, bulging muscles, who looked like he could tear a human apart...except for the glowing purple tattoos that proclaimed him a criminal, he would want to share an ale with him. When asked what the job was, the monster smiled and said delivery inside the Tower tonight, the pay was 100 crowns. (Roll 3, Success)
The ranger and rogue didn't entirely trust Vorrecknos, but did any of the others have a better chance at getting them inside? They returned to their team, and they each explained their findings. At least right now they felt the grey Minotaur offered the best chance. Caventh explained what most of them already knew, his people, the Jahlen were blood-kin to Minotaurs, not exactly allies, but not blood enemies either. His people were of the spires, tall mountains in the north. He didn't recognize this type, if it were a true type. The standard Knothian type had red flesh and many of them lived near the Western Seas or High Forest, nowhere near here. They all seemed to be willing to meet Vorrecknos to hear what the job was and could it help them get inside?
Roll 1 - Required DC 15 (+6) = Getting to Vorrecknos
Roll 2 - Required DC 20 (+4) = Dice Games
Roll 3 - Any other suggestions?