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Monday, 6 July 2015

Sharavan (Pleasure Genie)

The original idea was a kind of sex genie, kept as a servant, primarily in dungeoms where the male to female ratio was low. They could be kept in places like walls or wells, and were apart of the dungeon but not the environment. But when I actually used them, they were less a concubine than a side-power in the throne room, not someone trying to control the whole game but someone who had a corner to herself and used her contacts to advance her causes. This is not too uncommon in my games, as the main power figures clashes and there are interesting parts playimg their role in the shadows.

Sharavan  CR 2
N (NG, NE, LN or CN) Medium monstrous humanoid (Elemental Water)
Init +2 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8


AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 25 (3d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1; DR 12


Speed 30 ft.
Melee: dagger  +1 (1d4)


Str 9 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 19
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Elemental Channel (Water)
Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge:Any 2 (Magic, Religion, Plane, Local), Sense Motive +4 Perception  +8,
Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Elemntal Water, Phastian, Jackalla,

3 HD   +2 to any ability score; +6 in skills; First Stage Spells, +2 Dmg Reduction,
4 HD  +1 in Natural AC; Extra Feat, Recognize Portal
5 HD +2 to any ability score; +6 in skills; Second Stage Spells, +2 Dmg Reduction,
6 HD +1 in Natural AC; Extra Feat, Portal History
7 HD +2 to any ability score; +6 in skills; Spell: Irresistible, +2 Dmg Reduction,
8 HD +1 in Natural AC; Gain  Extra Feat, Create Portal Pass
9 HD +2 to any ability score; +6 in skills; Third Stage Spells, +2 Dmg Reduction,
10 HD +4 Dex & Cha; +3 in Natural AC, +9 in skills,  Extra Feat,  2 Dmg Reduction,


First Stage Spells: (Calm Person, Lullabye, Create Food and Water): as 2nd level Cleric
Second Stage Spells:(Minor Creation, Open Portal, Resist Energy): as 4th level Cleric
Third Stage Spells: (Bestow Curse, Charm Monster, Dispel Magic): as 6th level Cleric

Irresistible (Su) They project a charisma of 25 for ten minutes as long as the subject is not defensive about the Sharavan or her activities. They use this effect to ask for favours on humanoids they 
interact with. They can cast this spell-effect three times a day.DC.

Few mortal beings on the mortal plane of Nyssa are as attractive as these genies. They seemingly exist to serve others as servants by bringing all kinds of pleasure to humanoids.  Depending upon who you are they may be known as ladies of intrigue, legendary lovers, women of splendid contacts or a deadly rival. They use their bodies the way fighters use their swords, always to advance their cause.

While many mortals have heard of these Genies very few actually understand that these Genie's have secret agendas very different than their traditional tasks. They are continually searching for "sources of soft power" either by pursuing political power, wealth, or a network of contacts that they can call upon when needed. For a Sharavan, it is about having a connection so favours can be used or provided when requested. Caravans in both the desert and the spirelands rely on Sharavan and their networks of contacts.

Other Genies show disdain for these lesser kin, vieing them as non pure strain of genie as as other elemental figures.  Yet, many Genies and other outer planar beings, use these courtesans to make connections and deals that few others could not arrange otherwise.

Some prime Sharavan are bound to a magic device that they cannot be more than a mile away from. In many cases, they have ownership of this device, in other cases, someone has possession, thus they can greatly control their servant's movement. They usually use portals, very often the Church Obelisks found in every town, to travel to exotic or remote locations.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Tame Harpy

This is an idea I don't think I've ever used in game. It's a type of good Harpy, that doesn't share anything with the other creature of the same name except for their name and a set of wings. They have an appreciation of music and art but are hesitant to interact with other intelligent beings because they are often attacked.

Tame Harpy CR 5
N (G) Medium Sized humanoid
Init +2; Perception +7


AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, Leather armor)
hp 53   (7d10+14)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6


Speed Fly 40 ft. (Average)
Melee  Sword +3 (1d6)
Melee Crossbow +5 (1d6)
Melee Talons +5 (1d4)


Str 10 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 9 Wis 13 Cha 15
Base Atk +4; CMB 14; CMD 16
Feats: Dodge, Flyby Attack, Weapon Focus (Spear or Bow)
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Perception +9, Perform +7 / +7 , Knowledge (Any One +7)
Languages  Common, Avian, Aerial, Elf, Dwarf, Minotaur


3 HD: Affinity to Neutrality: The Tame gain a +4 on attempts to make peace with other creatures that are neutral in alignment (NG, NE, LN, CN). They gain +3 on saves to avoid Harpy magic.

4 HD: Gain +2 / +2 to any two ability scores; +9 on skills; Gain +1d6 dmg for talon damage

5 HD: Peaceful Zone Song (DC 13, +1/2 additional singer): When their affinity does not make accord, their song puts intelligent beings at ease, so they can make some sort of deal with them.

6 HD: Gain +2 / +2 to any two ability scores; +9 on skills; Plus one feat; Gain +1d8 dmg for talon damage

7 HD Tactical Strike (+4 to hit; X4 dmg) When they are able to dive more that twenty feet down, usable every ten minutes. They gain immunity to charm effects, including the Harpies songs.

8 HD: Gain +2 / +2 to any two ability scores; +9 on skills; Plus one feat

9 HD: Charming Song: This is a powerful tool that the Tame Elders use. Need three rounds of uninterrupted singing and their targets must make a saving throw (Will DC 22) or fall into a sleep-like slumber for 12 hours. It can affect up to 12 targets.  

10 HD: Gain +2 / +2 to any two ability scores; +9 on skills; Plus one feat; Gain 1d10 for talon damage

Called the Tame by their allies and contacts, often called Tame Harpy by strangers. Appear as falcon or hawk-headed humanoid with great feathery wings and taloned claws for feet. They must use their wings for movement as their feet is ill-disposed to land transportation. They are often hunted by humanoids for their resemblance to "true harpies," which is a term the Tame despise. This is a non-evil subset that prefers lonely peaks and isolation, but because of their resemblance to their distantly related kin, are rarely gifted with peace. 

They are not specifically enemies with standard Harpies, but they don't agree with them on their tactics. The Tame are always trying to negotiate non-violent actions for everyone. .More than once they make amends by freeing prisoners that Harpies take hostage.

Have a great affection of physical art, but because of their hawk wings have little capacity for it. They have sometimes hired bards to play music in a valley or other locations. When they sing they can charm foes into putting down their weapons but they do not eat flesh, they lead foes away. The worst they will do is lead charmed foes into an area trapped or otherwise inhabited by a strong foe that will punish if the creature takes its natural or instinctual actions. Their preferred lairs are remote Gothic temples that they can watch the visitors and fly undisturbed at night.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Tenderfeet (Nyssian Halflings)

The Halflings found in my world are much the same as the standard ones but they are highly focused on their herbalism and connection to the natural world. For their level abilities, I gave them communication skills, as I wanted them to be the connector between the wild and communities.  It also significantly help in the druid and thieving skills, able to find out useful information even before the adventure starts.

I also prefer the term Tenderfoot over Halfling as they don't believe they are half of anything, It's also a better descriptor of who they are.

Tenderfoot CR 1
NG Small Sized humanoid
Init +3; Perception +5


AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, Leather armor)
hp 6   (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0


Speed 20 ft.
Melee  Knife +3 (1d3)
Melee Crossbow +3 (1d6)


Str 7, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 13
Base Atk -1; CMB -3; CMD 10
Typical Feat:  Combat Reflexes
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +6, Profession (Farming)+4, Knowledge (Nature)+2
Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth, +2 Perception, +2 Knowledge (Nature)
Languages  Tenderfoot, Common Any bonus languages for high intelligence (Elf, Dwarf, Minotaur)


Halfling Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Halflings are nimble and strong-willed, but their small stature makes them weaker than other races.

Small: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Slow Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 20 feet.
Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear.
Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Green Thumb: +4 Bonus to Farming / Agriculture checks; Knowledge (Nature) +2
Weapon Familiarity: Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Common and Halfling. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin.

Level Abilities
3rd level: Gain +4 on reaction rolls w/Plants; Speak with Plants (cast 1+ charisma bonus every day)
5th level: Gain +4 on reaction rolls with Fey; Speak with Fey (cast 1+ charisma bonus every day)
7th level: Cast Expeditious Retreat on oneself (cast 2/day)
9th level: Gain +4 on reaction rolls with Animals and Vermin; Speak with Animals or Vermin (cast 1+ charisma bonus every day)

These are well known diminutive humanoids that resemble human children. Many humans refer to them as Halflings, but they prefer the term Tenderfeet for themselves.

A majority of them reside among other race`s settlements though there are some that live in secretive valleys and other little known locations. Viewed as the best gardeners of the domain, having an affinity for raising crops both in and out of Garden Towers. This is one reason why many people believe that Tenderfeet are inherently lucky, they assure the survival of many communities - many common folk refuse to harm them believing it will bring about a curse to the land. Their skills also deems them useful to evil-aligned groups who often enslaved them to grow their crops. When equal members of a community, they prefer to live in burrows surrounding a garden, farm or Ever-Green Tower.

Their lives revolve around the plant`s cycle, including hibernating during the winter and giving birth in the spring.  Their elders often act as ambassadors to animal and plant spirits at least unofficially, speaking on behalf of a community even without the official leaders knowing about it. They are a harmonious people but they do have opinions and they speak out for themselves and others.

Many of their villages have abundant fey, plant and animal protectors that freely come and go, always willing to protect the Tenderfeet and their ways. Tenderfeet are rarely outwardly religious, they appreciate the powers and knowledge of a druid and their connection with the land's spirits but avoid the formal rituals and prayers of the priestly class. Similarly, while wizards are not unknown among their kind, their lack of Spell Towers means most who want to learn spells need to leave for the human cities, few ever return. These industrious hard working kin have a deep appreciation for the works of the vine, enjoying the fruits of their labors as often as they can.

It has often been believed by many that Tenderfeet rarely adventure, this is not true. Many feel the urge to travel and see wondrous sights, such as the Sea of Stones or the forest valley on the Isle of Oromos. Freeing their own kin from the bounds of slavery prompts many into action - especially as rogue and rangers

Druid, Ranger and Rogue are their preferred classes having no class limitation.
Warrior, Bard, Cleric and Wizard all have a 10th level maximum class potential.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Elder World - Local Outer Plane

Long ago for my gaming, I decided the planar stuff was a little convoluted. I liked the ideas though, and came up with a linked outer planar world that would be the base of most planar excursions. Essentially, this was home to my own version of the Titans or Elders, who were like little gods. They each had their own realm and were in between everything. Mortals came seeking knowledge and equipment, gods came for recruits and magic, and the dead came both as free and bound petitioners.
Each Elder realm was independent with specific rules and rites.

From Scroll Vitae Laenum Nem Xl IIV  -  Elderworld History

The home plane of the Elders (once referred to as Titans) the original offspring of the gods. These immortal beings are feared for being able to tap directly into mystical energies found in every plane. Some scholars call these energies arcane or even divine sources, but for the Elders it is all the same, and is used to power their personal abilities. Even more than the gods, these creatures are spurred by their own personal direction - not a particular idea, religion, faith or view. Thus it is incredibly difficult to gauge them except as individuals. Like the gods, their alignment varies, but, they usually don't interfere with each others plans unless they directly contradict.

It is believed humans were their spawn, and originally lived on the Elderworld. How long mortals were underlings is unknown, but how it changed is recognised due to the actions of one person, a human named Hamja. While perhaps not the first one to discover how to escape, he was the first known individual that left via the magical planar travel to the lower mortal worlds. Upon realising they could escape, many mortals began the treacherous act of running away from their cruel masters. This enraged the Elders, many began limiting their servant's activities as well as hunting down and destroying the rebellious offspring in the mortal world.

Knowing he was to blame for their suffering, Hamja returned to the Elderworld, demanding to be put on trial for his actions. The Elders tried to immediately attack him, but couldn't, as he was protected by the gods, a singularly rare event on the Elderworld. Agreeing to terms, a trial was held, witnessed by Casna, Lord of Justice.

The trial was quick. Hamja was found guilty of sedition but not for escaping. The humans who escaped were free and the Elders couldn't, by divine decree, recapture them by using force. The gods essentially shut down the planar gates, so the Elders couldn't travel to the lower world. This had a treacherous side-affect,while the knowledge was now recognised, the mortals lost their chance to escape.  (*For Hamja`s fate see Scroll Vitae Laenum Nem XX V ven Q*)

The Elders didn't realise the gods were intending to use the mortals as free and willing servants instead of the slaves as the Elders were using them. Within less than a century after their escape, the humans numbers had exploded and they had found a magical energy that they could utilise, that of the divine faith in the gods.

For their part, Elders, never organised a mass retrieval of the mortals. Some clamped down on their personal servants, others put up more elaborate traps to keep their servants in line and just as many to keep others out. A few learned other lessons, and begin to give their mortal children more freedoms to serve both themselves and their masters equally.

(Linked to Scroll Vitae Laenum Nem OV ven ii*) Most scholars know the Elder World as the mid-level between the Heavens and Mortal Planes. It is now understood that all mortal souls must return to this realm for a mere moment, as they travel to their final destination to the heavens or hells. What is not fully understood is the small number of souls that don`t leave the Elder World but are reborn as petitioners, destined to live a new life here in service to the plane and its needs without memories of their previous mortal existence.

Each individual Elder rules their own realm. Most are the size of a small mortal town; the largest are enormous counties with various races and beasts from across the planes. The spaces between the Elder Realms are wild, with shifting physical features causing near constant danger - while physical travel is possible, usually it is done via linked portals, indirectly from realm to another, often using multiple linked portals,

Many of these communities trade with Outer Planar groups, contact with the mortal realms is rare but a few have connections with High Level Wizards or Clerics. Portals to the High Planes are common and often permanent in the Elders communities. Those to the Lower Mortal Planes are rarer and seemingly uncontrolled, when they appear it is usually in remote areas and are open for short periods of time.

Elder World Random Encounter Table

02  High Petitioner (8th level or higher)
03  Githzen
04  Kyton
05  Reave
06  Yugoloth (Usually Mezzoloth or Nycaloth)
07  Nightmare
08  Night Hag
09  Astral Giant
10  Mortal Travellers (3-18, Levels 3+)
11  Imp (# 2-12)
12  Nightmare
13  Bladeling
14  Einheriar
15  Jackalla
16  Angel
17  Lower Level Elder Petitioner (1-3)
18   Quashi
19  Maelephant
20  Manticore
21  Yeth Hounds
22  Sphinx
23  Lillend
24  Coatl

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Skin Devils - Ability Score Thieves

Humanoids with light grey skin, large-sized hands, feet and ears - they can usually pass for human in the distance, bad weather or when wearing a cowl. Stronger than average in strength and speed, they don't look particularly threatening. Their palms have small sticky bulbs that instantly attach to any other living flesh in comes in contact with, While this appendage immediately releases, but when it does, they tear away some of their victim's abilities. This body theft is their primary skill focus; they seem to master physical attacks and strategies in order to better steal abilities from their victims.

Because of their reputation as body thiefs, Gleshialis or Skin Devils as they are usually called, spend their lives as highway brigands trying to stay ahead of lawful forces that hunt them down, They often lurk outside dungeons in small groups, scouting for potential victims who are about to go inside or leave- but they rarely go inside dungeons themselves. Most are evil and greedy but not particularly bloodthirsty despite their reputations. They will sometimes use the threat of permanently stealing a creature's abilities in order to extract information. They are notorious drunks, few of them are able to handle strong alcohol, and get addicted quickly to almost any foreign substance which is one of many reasons why their leaders avoid cities if they can make their profits in raiding or on the road.

Skin Devils
CR 2
NE         Humanoid
Init +0; Perception +5

AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 Armor, +1 natural)
hp 15 (2d10+4)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Long sword +3 (1d8+3)
Special Absorb Touch +14 vs CMD

Skin devils are masters of melee combat, and quickly attempt to tear down their foes. Usually found in small groups, they disdain range combat with intelligent creatures, as they need to be able to touch an opponent in order to temporarily absorb a feature or ability the creature has.

Morale 15 (As the default save, if they are inflicted in the middle of a group.)

Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB 13 CMD 21
Feats Weapon Focus (Long sword), Combat Expertise
Skills Perception +5, Craft (Armor or Weapons) +5, Acrobatics +5, Survival +5
Languages Common, Dwarven or Minotaur
SQ Absorb 1 Feature

Absorb: Skin Devils have the unique ability to absorb other creature's abilities, ability scores, specific skills, class features or even spells. In order to do this they must touch the creature they wish to absorb the feature. While some believe that this absorption steals the feature, this is not true, it enables the skin devil to borrow it temporarily. They are able to steal from any physical ability score (strength, constitution, dexterity or charisma), Their victim must make a fortitude save to suffer half the absorption, their ability score loss returns in 24 hours. Once a victim has an ability score stolen from them, they are immune to other thefts of the same ability score for the next twelve hours.

Absorb:  Gain 1d6 at 2 HD, lasts one hour
               Gain 1d8 at 5 HD or 1 Spell Level (2/day), lasts six hours
               Gain 1d6 X 2 at 8HD or 2 Spell Levels or 1 Class Feature (3/day), lasts 12 hours
               Gain 1d6 X 3 at 12HD or 4 Spell Levels or 1 Class Feature or 1 Racial Feature (5/day) lasts                                 24 hours

By Racial Levels
2 HD  Absorb 1 feature, +2 Str, +2 Con, + 2 Dex; +1 AC
3 HD SR 5, Immune to Poison, Resist 5 cold, acid & Electricity
4 HD +2 str, + 2 Con, + 2 Dex; Gain 1 Feat; +1 AC
5 HD Absorb 2 feature, Immune to Polymorph, Resist 5 cold, acid & Electricity
6 HD SR 10, Uncanny defence; +1 AC
7 HD +2 str, + 2 Con, + 2 Dex; Gain 1 Feat
8 HD Absorb 3 features,  ; +1 AC
9 HD SR 15, Immune to Petrification, Resist 10 cold, acid & Electricity
10 HD +2 str, + 2 Con, + 2 Dex; Gain 1 Feat; +1 AC
11 HD Gain 1 Feat; +1 AC
12 HD Absorb 4 features, SR 20; +1 AC
+1 HD or Level: Gain +1 on SR by HD or level   

Skin Devils can veer away from these racial levels by taking a standard class, but if they do they cannot increase in their natural humanoid racial levels.

Side Note: Unlike a lot of other humanoids I post, I wouldn't really want this as something available for players. It makes a great threat, but nothing that works as a player character, at least a regular character but possible for a short term game sessions.

Thursday, 14 May 2015


A horror monster from the 80's, which I have used as a creepy-crawler many times in my games. Often seen as genie-like beings, tempting players with favours and rewards until they risk calling them too many times or are seen as vulnerable, then these figures will turn the table and try to capture one of the party members inside the box.

One idea, if some of your gaming party is away, instead of cancelling a game, players may find themselves inside the Cenob Box, to do missions of rescuing or finding treasures.


Lawful Evil     Medium Outsider
Init +6 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12

AC 19 touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +7 natural)
hp 110hp (13d10+39 con)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +6

Defensive Abilities  
DR  10/+1  Immune: Fear, Pain, Blindness, Paralyzation, Petrification  
Resistance: All Elemental 20  

Speed Fly 50 ft.
Melee Scythe or Whip +16/+11 (1d10+3)
Special Attacks: Hooks of Pain

Spell Like Abilities: Cast as 13th level Necromancer. They are able to use each of their spell-effects once a day. Every time one of their Hooks of Pain contacts, they are able to recast any one of their spells again.

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 9
Base Atk +13 CMB +16 CMD 28
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack
Skill: +9 Bluff , +12 Craft (Armor and Chains) , +15 Knowledge (arcana, planes, religion) , +12 Perception , +10 Sense Motive , +12 Stealth
Languages Dwarf, Minotaur, Kyton, Elf, Common

Environment                             Any Mortal Plane (Always found near a Cenob Box)
Organization                              Small Units (1-3)
Treasure Value                          Half Normal  (Small bits of treasure and magic that can be worn)

Spell Like Abilities: Cast as 13th level Priest; Saving Throw (DC 13 + spell level)

Detect: Magic, Invisibility, Illusion (Constant)
Rays of: enfeeblement, paralyze, rusting & fear (all usable 1 / day)
Touches of: Silence, Confusion, Blindness, Polymorph, Electricity (11-20) (all usable 1 / day)

Field of Mercy: Cenobites radiate a 25 foot radius of empathy towards outer-planar beings. Any non-natives that approach a Cenobite on a mortal plane must beat a Will DC 24 to break the field and act normally. However, they are unable to take physical actions or cast spells against a Cenobite until the second round. This effect likewise prevents a Cenobite to take any counter action on planars until the third round. Meaning, on the second round they are totally defenseless against a creature in their field who has made their saving throw. This is a constant effect that they cannot evade. This effects only the Cenobites, not the Cenob Box or their mortal servant.

The Cenobites are outer-planar beings that seek to cause suffering to mortals.  Most were former mortals themselves who manipulated an arcane device called the Cenob Box, which is often used to give physical pleasures, but its main purpose can be used to summon these horrific beings that brings mortals to their world. Most forced into the device, endlessly suffer, but a few are transformed into beings who serve the device, these are the Cenobites. They appear as pale skin humanoids often with visual signs of torture on their bodies, wearing deep-black leather armor. They seem to lack emotion, except for when their sadistic side comes out when interrogating or attacking mortals. Most use scythes or whips, but a small number use other types of weapons.

The Cenob Box is actually a portal to the Demi-Plane of Pain. Cenobites can only come to mortal worlds when summoned through this device. Most who use the devise seek physical pleasure until that sensation is lost - and they are driven to seek the suffering of others. Eventually those who uses the device, can summon the Cenobites, once every 24 hours. While they come to serve the wielder, they always require a "pound of flesh" before they return to the Box. Wielders instinctively know the Cennobites obey the holder of the Cenob Box by attacking, capturing or otherwise destroying an
enemy. When they are able to incapacitate a victim, they drag them into the Cenob Portal and in return the wielder is given a permanent boon 1-3 hp. What few wielders realize is that if they are unsuccessful at finding a victim at least once every ten days, the Cenobites may punish the wielder by permanently draining the wielder 2-5 hp.

While outer-planar, Cenobites prefer the company of mortal beings. They are sometimes seen in medical houses or places or torture, just to hear the screams of victims. They have a deep fear of other Outer planar beings, even those they should have some connection to. They emanate a Field of Mercy which enables them to re-enter the Cenob Box to avoid confrontation. They understand though, if the current mortal wielder is unable to escape, the Cenob box might be found by those they are unable to manipulate.

Hooks of Pain (Su) Cenobites can summon chained hooks to attack a singular victim at +13 to touch attack, inflicting a cumulative 1d6 dmg and a -2 on all rolls (second hook inflicts 2d6 dmg and -4 to rolls, etc.) Each time a chain attaches to a victim, it connects to the nearest hard surface; if the hook does not hit a victim, it disintegrates the next round. When at least three chained hooks are on a victim, the Cenobites can call the victim into the Cenob Box, or whenever they leave. Each of the first three hooks add 20% chance, additional hooks adds +5%. If the victim fails this roll, they are sucked into the Cenob Box. The only way to free the victim is to defeat the Cenobite or destroy the chains holding the victim (AC 30, Requires a +3 weapon, 50 hp).  What many don't realize is that a Cenobite may summon the Hooks even without a Cenob Box, but then it is done merely to inflict suffering.

Cenob Box: A small, intricately carved wooden, bone or metal box with small sliding pieces that when re-positioned change the carvings on the device.  While believed to be a singular artifact, they are in fact several versions in any given mortal plane. These boxes are portals to the Demi-Plane of Pain. By manipulating the pictures, wielders receive happy sensations. The first few times, it is always positive (24 hour +4 bonus to their preferred ability score, rush of happy memories or feelings, etc) but by the fourth time, these leave the wielder wanting something else - usually to inflict pain on others.

Box wielders must then call out the Cenobites at least once every ten days, these beings appear for their sacrifice, and if no one else is there, the Cenobites take their sacrifice from the wielder.  If a wielder is able to go more than 99 days without providing a sacrifice, the Cenobites will either teleport the Box away or begin to tempt another would-be wielder to take it from the current wielder. Once the Cenob Box summons the Cenobite back, it cannot be used again for 24 hours, if they were not successful in having a sacrifice, they must wait 48 hours.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Abandoned (Lost Dabus)

I  love the planescape rules, the ideas of being able to travel and adventure in other worlds and face demons or angels. Here is something I borrowed and used a few times, a lost figure that could represent a pathway for some of your players.

Abandoned  (Lost Dabus)

Size/Type:                 Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice:                   3d8-3 (14 hp)
Initiative:                  +1
Speed:                       30ft.
Armor Class:              13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+4
Attack:                      Masterwok Tool +3 (1d6)
Special Qualities: Hover
Saves:                        Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities:                   Str 11, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Skills:         Craft +13, Disable Device +10, Perception +12, Knowledge (The Planes) +8, Climb +10
Feats:                        Skill Focus (Craft), Endurance
Environment:             Any isolated location
Organization:             Solitary
Challenge Rating:       3
Treasure:                   Masterwork Tools
Alignment:                 Chaotic Neutral (30%), Lawful Neutral (50%)
Advancement:            By HD, those higher than 10 have class levels

Tall, slender humanoids, usually dark grey or light yellow in skin colour, with short horns at their side. Many wear faded work uniforms from their previous existence, along with tools or other personal artefacts. Dabus are best known as workers who maintain the Great Portal city, these outcasts are individuals, usually called Abandoned who were banished from their homes, and in their absence are becoming something else entirely. Reknown for the riddle picture flow or rebus that floats above their heads as this is how they communicate with other creatures. When asked about how they came to be Abandoned, they usually show a picture of a circular tube tearing apart.

Abandoned are solitary beings found in virtually any remote place, usually mortal worlds, rarely found with others of their kind. Many collect debris they find, and construct odd physical replicas of places they once knew well. Their absence from their home both makes them sad but it also inspires them to learn to be more than they ever were. The first thing most Abandoned learn is to use their rebus to imitate a physical mouth and imitate the most common language they hear.  They are often seen as local experts, and help to trade or make connections with beings who would otherwise not get along or trade, acting as a middle-man to distinct parties. They seem to have goals that are little understood, collecting items of indecipherable purpose that will help in tasks later on in their or their allies lived.

The Abandoned are not combative creatures but they find and fit into the roles they have found outside their worker existence. They go on adventures both to build up alliances and to find the unseemingly odd objects that they are bound to collect. They fight with weapons they summon, being fully proficient even if they have never touched the weapon before.

4 HD Speak Other, Gain +2 on Ability Scores
5 HD Summon Dagger
6 HD Magic Circle 10 ft, Gain +2 on Ability Scores
7 HD Summon Whip
8 HD Object Reading, Summon Small Objects, Gain +2 on Ability Scores
9 HD Summon Cage
10 HD Summon Sword, Gain +2 on Ability Scores
11 HD Open Travel Portal (30% chance)

Hover (Ex): A dabus floats off the ground, in a manner similar to flight, save that it cannot hover higher than it's natural reach. They are unimpeded by terrain of any type but they are not considered as flying for effects that interact with that (like wind effects).

Speak Other: Can communicate with any one creature using that creature's native language via a small mouth they project. Their rebus copies the speech words, so everyone can understand what is being said.

Summon Weapon (Dagger, Whip or Sword): Weapons are summoned within two feet of the Abandoned. They attack as if proficient with these summoned weapons. If they lose the weapon (such as being disarmed) they are able to revisualize the weapon automatically the next round.

Magic Circle 10 ft: They can project a ten foot circle, gaining a +2 to attacks versus one specific type of creature. It is a ten minute ritual to change the creature their magic circle affects.

Summon Small Objects: They can visualize any item that is worth less than 100 GP and weighs less than 50 pounds, they can then materialize the item out of their picture flow to use the same as their weapons.

Summon Cage: Can summon a 20 X 10 ft cage within fifty feet of themselves. The cage has standard dimensions and weight, and lasts for ten minutes per HD of the summoner. They can summon it once a day.  Once active, anyone inside the cage cannot summon other items or beings. An abandoned can enter the cage, but if they do, they cannot leave unless they end the spell effect.

Open Travel Portal: The Abandoned can automatically open any portal that they are within fifty feet and direct to any known location. They do not need portal keys, they can open them at will.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Giff - Heavy Hippopotamus Humanoid

Spell-Jammer is a great setting and I miss the zaniness. I love the idea of crazy stuff flying to differing worlds and battling things and getting space-pirate treasure. But some of it, well, some of it isn't just goofy fun but when I looked at it, it just kind of fits my game world. The Giff, magicless but brutally strong enforcers is a nice idea. Sort of updated, so I can use them at higher levels. They tend to congregate in cities where there are teleport gates. There's a reason why they are there, but they generally don't know the full story.

Nyssian Giff

Medium Sized Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d10 + 2 (14 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 25 ft
AC: 16 (+2 natural, -1 dexterity, +5 chain mail)
Attacks: +5 (melee)
Damage: By weapon (Mace, Halberd, Long Sword)
Special Attacks: Headbutt (1d6+3)
Special Qualities: SR 13, Darkvision 60ft, +5 on saves to avoid being stunned
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8
Skills: Knowledge (History) +4, Craft (Armor or Weapons) +4, Perception +4
Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Any 1: Mace, Halberd, Long Sword)
Climate/Terrain: Any Land
Organization: Unit (2-8) or Platoon (21-40)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral

The Giff are a race of well-muscled, six-foot tall hippopotamus-like humanoids that naturally disdain magic. Their legs and arms are short and stocky. Their chest is broad, and it's head flat - very good for smashing into things and people. They range in skin colour from pale, gray, light green or gold.

Their strength has always pushed them to a life of military activity working as a team rather than the spoils of exploration or magic. They understood rules and order and follow them to the letter.  Often found in large cities, where they hire themselves to forces of order. Because they do not utilize magic are often used by temples as guards, or raiding mercenaries or enforcers to caravans.

Giff mate for life and usually give birth to small liters every 4 or 5 years. Non-Giff rarely can tell male from females apart, but to Giff, almost everything from voice, dress, attitude and the way they carry their weapons is distinct. They can live up to 150 years, but are fully mature at ten years of age. When two Giff first meet each other will boast of its military achievements then will want to go share a pint. Giff never attack their own kind unless it is personal.

Giffs pride themselves both with their weapon skils and their knowledge of military history. Many wear tattoos to display their personal history of combat, to lament comrades lost in combat as well as their rank or insignia.

There are some stories that speak of Giff sailing in ships that sail through the Aether - Giff just laugh at these jubetales and leave the bards alone to tell their stories.

They gain the skills, HP, feats and saves of a fighter as they increase in HD.

3 HD +1 to Strength, +1 on AC
4 HD +1 to Strength, +2 to any Other Ability Score
5 HD SR Add +5, Running Headbutt (1d8+ / X3)
6 HD +1 to Strength, +1 on AC
7 HD +1 to Strength, +2 to any Other Ability Score
8 HD Grow to Large Size, Gain +1 to Strength, +1 on AC
9 HD SR Add +5, Running Headbutt (1d10 + double strength / X4)
10 HD  +3 to Strength, +4 to any Other Two Ability Scores, +3 on AC

Running Headbutt: They need at least ten feet of running space, but otherwise treated like a charge

Friday, 17 April 2015

Charity and Hopes

One of my oldest original creatures, that I have used in my games for a long time. Unlike many others, their appearance of a happy woman never really grabbed attention, she was just there usually in towns acting as a conduit, often leading players to another quest or to shield them from the evil-doers in town. I often use them as a source of connectionss...they are the ones indirectly who help good-aligned adventurers find employment or a contact.

Charity                                                                               CR 10
An overweight lady whose exuberance hides her determination and magical prowess is somehow continually surrounded by colourful butterflies 

N Medium Outsider (Good)
Init +13 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12

AC 24 touch 19, flat-footed 15 (+9 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 90hp (12d10 + 24 con)
Fort +12, Ref +17, Will +9
Defensive Abilities    DR 5/evil
Immune  Persuasion, Charm Spells and Effects, electricity, petrification; SR 20

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Light Mace or Dagger +12 (1d6)
Ranged One-Handed Crossbow +21 (1d6)
Special Attacks Aura, Charismatic Boon, Spells, Turn Undead (as 20th level)
Spell Like Abilities (CL 10th)
At will—aid, continual Light, detect evil
Spells Prepared (CL Cleric 10th)
        4th—dismissal (DC 19), Holy Smite, neutralize poison (DC 19), spell immunity
        3rd—cure serious wounds, daylight, invisibility purge, protection from energy, Remove Curse
        2nd—consecrate, cure moderate wounds (2), Delay Poison, Enthrall
        1st—cure light wounds, divine favor, Obscuring mist, sanctuary (DC 16), shield of faith

Str 10, Dex 28, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 21
Base Atk +12 CMB +12 CMD 31
Feats Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,  Persuasive
Skills Bluff +12, Craft (Alcohol) +10, Perform (Any 4 Instruments) +12,  Knowledge (Nature) +12, Knowledge (Geography) +10, Knowledge (Planes) +10 Perception , +12 Sense Motive , +18
Languages Celestial, Common, Elf, Faerie, Dwarf

Environment          Any (Tends towards Urban Landscapes)
Organization          Solitary, Duet or Trio
Treasure Value      Quarter of Standard Wealth

Divine Music: Can turn undead as twice their effective level when playing an instrument
Aura of Bliss:All creatures within 100 ft must save vs Will DC 21 of fall into a bliss like state 
Charismatic Boon; Kiss bestows 1d3 Charisma Bonus 
Ever-Full Goblet: Limitless alcohol or eight vials of any type of magical potion every day
Summon Hope: Summon 2-8 spirits of protection 1/day

Charities appear as cheerful, rotund human females who regardless of season, are surrounded by 3-18 brilliantly colored butterflies. They are comic figures, famous for their boisterous laugh, playful demeanor, clumsiness and unending generosity. They are often accompanied by a coterie of followers, good aligned creatures and sycophants seemingly there to enjoy the Charities gifts and hospitality. Their giddiness is only one side to these figures, as they are also incredibly dedicated to the causes of good, justice and kindness. They spend their lives travelling, making contacts and giving favours to weaker or trying to convince others to do the same. Children and animals flock to Charities instinctively sensing their goodness.

Few realize a Charities size is not an indication of personal indulgence rather of their generosity, as they share their gifts they increase in size. The reverse is true, as they see greed and selfishness, their gloom drains them, both spiritually and physically. Charities are among the most graceful and dexterous beings in existence; few can tell by their playful and seemingly clumsy demeanor outside of combat.

A Charities aura of calm puts everyone around them in a joyous mood, few creatures could contemplate attacking these charismatic celestials (or anyone else) when near a Charity. They often travel with a contingent of followers so few foes can get close enough to them to have a real chance of hurting them. If they were ever pressed, charities could call upon their spells and spirits of protection (see below) until the tide was turned.

Aura of Bliss: All creatures with a 100 ft radius of a charity must make a will check DC 24 or fall into a state of joy, losing all violent tendencies. This does not make them laughing idiots, as they are still able to think and react normally even able to defend themselves; however, they are unable to make the first aggressive move. Barbarians can not rage in this radius, and all creatures receive a +8 bonus to mind or emotion affecting spells while in the aura. The aura is a continuous effect, beings within the radius must make a saving throw every round to avoid the bliss.

Charismatic Boon: their kiss bestows a temporary bonus to charisma (1d3) for the next 24 hours. Once a month, charities may bestow this blessing for a one week period. They usually only do this for eye-pleasing male paladins who they see doing an act of kindness. They can do this once a day.

Everfull Goblet: With her magical goblet, a charity can summon a limitless supply of food or drink. She shares this with anyone in the aura of bliss not causing disruptions. The goblet will run dry for anyone who tries to drink to excess. It can summon 8 draughts of any type of potion once a day.

Divine Music: While playing their musical instrument, Charities can turn undead as a cleric of twice their effective level. They turn as clerics of their HD if unable to use their divine music.

Hopes or Spirits of Protection

Diminutive Size Fey
Hit Dice:                                1/6 HD            (1 hp)
Initiative:                               +6
Speed:                                    30 ft Fly (Great)
AC:                                        30 (+6 dexterity, +4 size, +10 natural)
Attacks:                                 nil 
Damage:                                nil
Special Attacks:                    Aura
Special Qualities:                  As fey, Detect Evil, Improved Evasion
Saves:                                    Fort +0, Ref +16, Will +1
Abilities:                               Str 1, Dex 22, Con 11, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 16
Alignment:                            Always Neutral Good
CR                                         1/4

Spirits of protection are fey butterflies that seemingly exist only to fly around celestials. Their favorite leads are Charities, delighting in the celestial’s bliss aura.  Children adore these fey insects, and may spend hours chasing them around but never actually catching them.  Charities often give these fickle fey to good aligned adventurers, to give them a brief enhancement to their skills.

They never fight, as they merely flutter around good-aligned adventurers, using their beneficial aura for their protector. These butterflies, constantly whiz in the region of their protector, never more than two feet away and never obstructing their charge’s vision. They may momentarily land on their protector, but it does not in any way hinder their protector. Their innate detect evil ability enables them to shun all forms of evil.

These spirits are rarely seen away from a Charity. Adventurers would like to find and use these creatures, as their powerful protection auras are amazingly useful, and have often been called “living ioun stones” by good aligned adventurers. Since they will not abide the presence of evil, they are called “crunchy snacks” by anyone unable to use their charms. 

Hopes never survive for no more than a day. They die every night, dissipating into faerie dust before hitting the ground. The next morning, Charities seem to have a full assortment of hopes with them once again. Their colour determines their aura's abilities.

Red:              Adds + 4 to strength
Orange:         Neutralize Poison (Range: touch*, No more than 7 times a day)
Yellow:         Adds +4 to dexterity
Green:           Adds +1 competence bonus to all attacks, saves and checks
Blue:             Improved Alertness (+4 listen and spot; stacks with standard feat)
Purple:           True Sight Spell    
Crystal:          Non-Detection Spell
Pink:              Adds +4 to charisma
Scarlet:          Adds +3 to spellcasting levels for non-evil or non-necromantic spells
White:           Speak with Animal, Plant or Fey (Range: Touch*; 7/day)
Grey:            Adds +7 psionic power points
Black:           Adds +5 to necromantic spell saves (7/day)
Brown:         Absorbs up to one 4th level spell. (Only one spell can be absorbed, targets discretion.  All excess is wasted.)

* Those indicating a touch range, the protector and not the butterfly must touch the intended target.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Elemental Options - Pick Your Own: Plug and Play Beasts

Have long liked the idea of heroes facing elemental threats...not just a blob of  the elemental. This enables you to face any variant of elemental, an animal, a four legged beast or even a humanoid
made of the element. This is mix and match, enabling the DM to create on the fly.


AC           14 (+1 / 3 additional HD)
Base Int: 6, Con 14, Wis 10, Str 16, Dex 14, Cha 6
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Base Damage: 1d6 / 1d8 / 1d12 / 2d8/ 2d12
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility
Traits: Darkvision 60 ft., Elemental Traits
Skill Points 16 points at base, 4 points per HD higher than 2nd*
Most common Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana, elemental, nature), Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival
Alignment               Neutral
*Gain Knowledge (Own elemental Type) free the same as their HD

Aether Gain Non-Detection, Gain Elemental Resistance to any one type for 24 hours
Air Gain Elemental Traits, Whirlwind
Earth Gain Elemental Traits, Forceful Blow
Fire Gain Elemental Traits, Enflame
Water Gain Elemental Traits, Whirlpool,

Small 2 HD +6 Int, +4 Con, +6 Wis, -2 Str, -2 Con, +8 Dex
Medium 6 HD +4 Int, +4 Con, +4 Wis, +2 Str, +2 Con, +6 Dex
Large 10 HD +0 Int, +4 Con, +2 Wis, +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Dex
Huge 14 HD -2 Int, +4 Con, +0 Wis, +6 Str, +6 Con, +-2 Dex
Gigantic 18 HD -4 Int, +4 Con, +0 Wis, +10 Str, +8 Con, -  4 Dex
Titanic 24 HD -6 Int, +8 Con,  +0 Wis, +16 Str, +10 Con, -6 Dex

Bestial         +2 Str, +4 Dex, Scent, Light "Fur"
Quadraped         +4 Con, +4 Wis; 4 legs, +20 movement, +2 HD, Heavy Fur
Multiple-Headed +4 Con, +4 Wis, -2 Cha, +1 HD / extra head (Rarely more than ten heads)
Avian         +4 Con,  + 6 Dex for thin body, Fly: Good (Never bigger than large)
Spider         +8 Dex, Climb & Balance+20, Spray Poison (Weakness DC 14 / Dc 16  / DC 20 /                                 DC 22  / DC 30)
Whale        +40 Swim, +8 Con, +4 Str, 10 HD (Min)

Watcher +4 Int, +4 Cha, Read Surface Thoughts, Distant Viewing, Mind-Link,  Mind-Blast
Basher + 4 Str, +4 Con,  Base Dmg, (+1d8 / +1d10 / +2d8 / +2d12 / +3d10)
Archer +4 Dex, +4 Wis, Gain two Elemental Arrow (Dmg 1d4 / 1d6 / 1d8/ 1d10 / 2d8)
Tripper         +4 Str, +4 Dex, Trip Attack DC (DC 14 / Dc 16  / DC 20 / DC 22  / DC 30)
Breath weapon +4 Cha, +4 Dex, +6 HD, (Dmg: 3d6 / 6d6 / 9d6 / 15d6 / 25d6) (As dragon for ranges)

Elementals are a variety of beings that have communities in pocket universes that border on both the elemental planes and the mortal worlds. Their existence is much the same as humans, creating products for external use, raising mindless livestock and flora as well as raising armies to defend themselves. Unlike other communities, they do not consider only humanoids intelligent - all elementals of a certain awareness are considered citizens. Generally elemental communities are
closed, they contain only creatures of the one shared elemental type. Individuals of other species may be found there if they have become allies with individuals elemental beings, but it is never of a another elemental type.

Water is the most commonly found element on prime worlds, deep in the ocean and little known by outsiders. Aether is the next most common, often found in cities with a native citizenry barely if at all aware of their existence; they often make allies in libraries and temples. Air and Earth elementals are uncommon but always there, there are a few on any given prime world, found by the experts in their fields.  The most rare is the Fire Pocket Universes, they are sometimes portals are created spontaneously during forest fires or other extraordinary events, but closed as soon as the fire closes.

What is the most understood by non-elementals is that elemental beings are not bound by one form. Individuals can switch between animal or humanoid forms when needed. It is not a quick or simple process, they can go to their Essence Temple and undergo a cerement to switch from forms. The only thing that doesn't change is their HD, feats and skills; their personality and memories always remain intact.