Charity CR 10
An overweight lady whose exuberance hides her determination and magical prowess is somehow continually surrounded by colourful butterflies
N Medium Outsider (Good)
Init +13 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
hp 90hp (12d10 + 24 con)
Fort +12, Ref +17, Will +9
Defensive Abilities DR 5/evil
Immune Persuasion, Charm Spells and Effects, electricity, petrification; SR 20
Melee Light Mace or Dagger +12 (1d6)
Ranged One-Handed Crossbow +21 (1d6)
Special Attacks Aura, Charismatic Boon, Spells, Turn Undead (as 20th level)
Spell Like Abilities (CL 10th)
At will—aid, continual Light, detect evil
Spells Prepared (CL Cleric 10th)4th—dismissal (DC 19), Holy Smite, neutralize poison (DC 19), spell immunity
3rd—cure serious wounds, daylight, invisibility purge, protection from energy, Remove Curse
2nd—consecrate, cure moderate wounds (2), Delay Poison, Enthrall
1st—cure light wounds, divine favor, Obscuring mist, sanctuary (DC 16), shield of faith
Str 10, Dex 28, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 21Base Atk +12 CMB +12 CMD 31
Feats Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Persuasive
Skills Bluff +12, Craft (Alcohol) +10, Perform (Any 4 Instruments) +12, Knowledge (Nature) +12, Knowledge (Geography) +10, Knowledge (Planes) +10 Perception , +12 Sense Motive , +18
Languages Celestial, Common, Elf, Faerie, Dwarf
Environment Any (Tends towards Urban Landscapes)
Organization Solitary, Duet or Trio
Treasure Value Quarter of Standard Wealth
Divine Music: Can turn undead as twice their effective level when playing an instrument
Aura of Bliss:All creatures within 100 ft must save vs Will DC 21 of fall into a bliss like state
Charismatic Boon; Kiss bestows 1d3 Charisma Bonus
Ever-Full Goblet: Limitless alcohol or eight vials of any type of magical potion every day
Summon Hope: Summon 2-8 spirits of protection 1/day
Charities appear as cheerful, rotund human females who regardless of season, are surrounded by 3-18 brilliantly colored butterflies. They are comic figures, famous for their boisterous laugh, playful demeanor, clumsiness and unending generosity. They are often accompanied by a coterie of followers, good aligned creatures and sycophants seemingly there to enjoy the Charities gifts and hospitality. Their giddiness is only one side to these figures, as they are also incredibly dedicated to the causes of good, justice and kindness. They spend their lives travelling, making contacts and giving favours to weaker or trying to convince others to do the same. Children and animals flock to Charities instinctively sensing their goodness.
Few realize a Charities size is not an indication of personal indulgence rather of their generosity, as they share their gifts they increase in size. The reverse is true, as they see greed and selfishness, their gloom drains them, both spiritually and physically. Charities are among the most graceful and dexterous beings in existence; few can tell by their playful and seemingly clumsy demeanor outside of combat.
A Charities aura of calm puts everyone around them in a joyous mood, few creatures could contemplate attacking these charismatic celestials (or anyone else) when near a Charity. They often travel with a contingent of followers so few foes can get close enough to them to have a real chance of hurting them. If they were ever pressed, charities could call upon their spells and spirits of protection (see below) until the tide was turned.
Aura of Bliss: All creatures with a 100 ft radius of a charity must make a will check DC 24 or fall into a state of joy, losing all violent tendencies. This does not make them laughing idiots, as they are still able to think and react normally even able to defend themselves; however, they are unable to make the first aggressive move. Barbarians can not rage in this radius, and all creatures receive a +8 bonus to mind or emotion affecting spells while in the aura. The aura is a continuous effect, beings within the radius must make a saving throw every round to avoid the bliss.
Charismatic Boon: their kiss bestows a temporary bonus to charisma (1d3) for the next 24 hours. Once a month, charities may bestow this blessing for a one week period. They usually only do this for eye-pleasing male paladins who they see doing an act of kindness. They can do this once a day.
Everfull Goblet: With her magical goblet, a charity can summon a limitless supply of food or drink. She shares this with anyone in the aura of bliss not causing disruptions. The goblet will run dry for anyone who tries to drink to excess. It can summon 8 draughts of any type of potion once a day.
Divine Music: While playing their musical instrument, Charities can turn undead as a cleric of twice their effective level. They turn as clerics of their HD if unable to use their divine music.
Hopes or Spirits of Protection
Diminutive Size FeyHit Dice: 1/6 HD (1 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft Fly (Great)
AC: 30 (+6 dexterity, +4 size, +10 natural)
Attacks: nil
Damage: nil
Special Attacks: Aura
Special Qualities: As fey, Detect Evil, Improved Evasion
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +16, Will +1
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 22, Con 11, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 16
Alignment: Always Neutral Good
CR 1/4
Spirits of protection are fey butterflies that seemingly exist only to fly around celestials. Their favorite leads are Charities, delighting in the celestial’s bliss aura. Children adore these fey insects, and may spend hours chasing them around but never actually catching them. Charities often give these fickle fey to good aligned adventurers, to give them a brief enhancement to their skills.
They never fight, as they merely flutter around good-aligned adventurers, using their beneficial aura for their protector. These butterflies, constantly whiz in the region of their protector, never more than two feet away and never obstructing their charge’s vision. They may momentarily land on their protector, but it does not in any way hinder their protector. Their innate detect evil ability enables them to shun all forms of evil.
These spirits are rarely seen away from a Charity. Adventurers would like to find and use these creatures, as their powerful protection auras are amazingly useful, and have often been called “living ioun stones” by good aligned adventurers. Since they will not abide the presence of evil, they are called “crunchy snacks” by anyone unable to use their charms.
Hopes never survive for no more than a day. They die every night, dissipating into faerie dust before hitting the ground. The next morning, Charities seem to have a full assortment of hopes with them once again. Their colour determines their aura's abilities.
Red: Adds + 4 to strength
Orange: Neutralize Poison (Range: touch*, No more than 7 times a day)
Yellow: Adds +4 to dexterity
Green: Adds +1 competence bonus to all attacks, saves and checks
Blue: Improved Alertness (+4 listen and spot; stacks with standard feat)
Purple: True Sight Spell
Crystal: Non-Detection Spell
Pink: Adds +4 to charisma
Scarlet: Adds +3 to spellcasting levels for non-evil or non-necromantic spells
White: Speak with Animal, Plant or Fey (Range: Touch*; 7/day)
Grey: Adds +7 psionic power points
Black: Adds +5 to necromantic spell saves (7/day)
Brown: Absorbs up to one 4th level spell. (Only one spell can be absorbed, targets discretion. All excess is wasted.)
* Those indicating a touch range, the protector and not the butterfly must touch the intended target.