Lego d20 *
Lego entities are not a natural part of a fantasy ecosystem, they are most often brought to worlds as slaves or they come as refugees. They exist as a living block, some with sentience, others inert. Both are still considered fully Lego.
As far as experts can determine, Lego are alive and come from an existence that is distinct from our own. They can be found in virtually any dungeon environment, living their lives separate
from most other creatures, as they have a long history of outsiders taking advantage of them. There are some individuals, usually small sized humanoids like Halflings or Dwarves who have gained the Lego communities trust. Individual Lego will adventure, to learn about their neighbours and find ways to stop evil creatures from taking advantage of their kin.
For the most part, their society matches the non-Lego one, needing to eat, sleep, compete and co-operate. Since they are all Lego, they also have a bond with each other which helps define their existence, as they can uniquely feel and be bonded with everyone in their community. They are almost always aligned to the Neutral Good Alignment. Individuals who do not believe in the shared community are isolationists and are usually Neutral Evil, who seek power for themselves.
Lego generally do not believe in gods, or, for the most part they do not believe they are governed by gods. They respect other creatures beliefs and can co-operate with anyone that they share a connection with. Their clerics adhere to the One Brick, though they do not elaborate what this means with others.
Lastly, Lego strongly follow a shared network of ideas and actions. Outsiders can become a part of a community, as long as they are willing to share ideas, wealth and a commitment to the Lego-kin.
Strangely, it is their own people who have literally grown to a new size (at 7 HD) that seem to have outgrown their connection. These outsiders are needed as stalwart defenders yet do not fit, torn by their responsibility to their kin and their personal desires for wealth or other drivers.
Lego CR 1
NG Humanoid (Mountains & Desert)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 30 ft.
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 4 (1d8-2)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +0
Speed 20 ft.
Melee: Bow +3 (1d6+3)
Str 7 Dex 15 Con 8 Int 8 Wis 8 Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +-3; CMD 12
Feats Skill Power Attack, Improved Unarmed Strike (Combat)
Minor Skills: Acrobatics, Disable Device, Knowledge (Nature, Engineering, Local), Perception, Use Magic Device +2
Major Skills:Climb & Stealth +5
Typical Feat Choices: Agile Maneuvers, Alertness, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse
Languages: Lego-kin and pick one of Elven, Dwarven or Common
1 HD: No Part Alone, Bricks, Lego energy, Small Size, Vulnerable to Force
2 HD: Assemble 1, Absorb,Locked Lego, Gain +2 attribute points
3 HD: Disassemble, Lesser Bond
4 HD: Part of the Whole, Gain +2 attribute points
5 HD: Regular Bond
6 HD: Assemble 2, Gain +2 attribute points
7 HD: Full Absorb, Grow to Medium Size (Gain +2 in Strength and Constitution)
8 HD Assemble 3
9 HD Wholy Linked, Strong Bond, Gain +5 attribute points (no more than 2 in any specific ability score)
+1 HD Gain level in character class (Bard, Cleric, Monk, Psion, Ranger, Rogue & Fighter are preferred classes)
Lego-kin do not need to advance up this listed level chart. They can gain non-Lego levels at any time, however, if they ever gain non-Lego HD they are unable to further advance in their natural Lego
class levels again.
For example: A lego creature with 20 HP, they could convert 4 hp damage to brick damage. In this example, if they took 7 points of blunt force damage, they can convert 4 points to lose attachment to an arm, but the remainder of 3 points would be lost as HP damage. It would take four minutes to reabsorb a severed appendage.
No Part Alone: Lego-kin are individual entities free to chose and act, however they are bound mentally with others of their kind. Lego can communicate with all others of their kind, gaining base
empathy with any other lego they touch, including inert ones. (1st)
Lego Energy: As beings from another world, Lego bring an energy not usually found in physical, mortal worlds, as such they are vulnerable, as many evil beings convert Lego to spell energy. For every 1 HD of active Lego energy, spell casters can gain 1/2 spell level to a spell or enchantment. For every 10 HD of non-active Lego energy, evil spell casters can gain the same amount. Some higher level spell casters can likewise convert this Lego energy to temporarily boost their spells, but it is considered an evil action as the Lego will die (1st)
Vulnerable to Force: Lego suffer a -2 saving throw penalty to avoid Force effects
Assemble: Lego-kin are part of the infinite Lego-ness, being one with the infinite brick enables them to manipulate Lego in a way that others can not fanthom.
They do not need to roll an intelligence check to build a greater unit. (2nd)
Absorb: Lego entities are able to absorb other Lego to heal themselves. They can convert 1 pound of loose Lego to heal 1d3 damage. They can do this to heal themselves or other Lego creatures as a standard action up to their Charisma Bonus each day. (2nd)
Lesser Bond: Lego can form strong attachment bonds with their kin. It is a type of magical glue that unites a Lego with others of its kin. It takes DC 12 + Strength Bonus + Lego HD to separate Lego from Lego (3rd)
Disassemble: Most non-lego creatures that have interacted with Lego, know that Lego shapes can be taken part through brute force. However, non lego-kin can make an intelligence check (DC 14 + base) in order to take the pieces apart. Lego do not need to make this check, if they take time they can always disassemble a simple block. (3rd)
Part of the Whole: Lego-kin can communicate with other intelligent Lego through sight, sending messages to each other with subtle movements that no non-Lego can comprehend. treat as full
comprehension as long as the receiver can see some part of their Lego-Kin (4th)
Regular Bond: At this level, it takes DC 15 + Wis Bonus + Str Bonus + HD to separate Lego from Lego (5 HD)
Assemble 2: By touching Lego for one full round, they are able to unlock and free blocks from other Lego blocks. They do this in order to reassemble the block in a new formation or to travel past that point. Once they change the blocks arrangement, it is relocked (6 HD)
Full Absorb: They are able to absorb other Lego to heal themselves. They can convert 1 pound of loose Lego to heal 1d6 damage. They can do this to heal themselves or other creatures the same as a healing spell. They can do this once per their HD or level (7 HD)
Assemble 3: Lego-kin gain the ability to manipulate lego without touching it. As long as they are within twenty feet, they can manipulate blocks to lock or unblock by concentration alone. Anything that blocks or hinders Telepathy also blocks this capacity (8 HD)
Wholly Linked: Lego-kin at this level have made a deep connection with any other lego, able to communicate from any distance with one lego-kin per HD or level. These must be individuals the lego-kin has met and formed an attachment to. Once an individual is named, they are never removed from the list, even if the person is dead or is on another plane. (9 HD)
Strong Bond: At this point, it takes DC 20 + Wis Bonus + Str Bonus + Int or Cha Bonus + HD to separate Lego from Lego (9 HD)
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Other Lego Rules
Lego Beasts: In places where Lego entities are found, Lego Template creatures should also be found. These are animal or monster types that have the same square-block look that Lego Figures are famous for. Use the Brick rule from the above listing to enable Lego creatures to lose their arms or legs in the same manner.
Non-Lego characters can utilize a Knowledge (Engineering) for Lego Crafting Skills.
Lego Bricks are considered to have a Hardness 2 and Hit Points of 10/in. of thickness. Consider them to have a break DC of 30. Lego don`t usually decompose, unless they are affected by the equivalent of disintegration, they just fall into smaller and smaller pieces.
* This is all for the fun of gaming and combining stuff I loved as a kid and still have a fondness for. This should in no way be considered an infringement of any rights the Lego Corp has.