Synast CR 7
NE Medium Humanoid
Init +1 Senses Perception +7
AC 13 touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 45hp (7d8+14 con)
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4
Defensive Abilities DR 10/magic
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Short Sword +6 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks Synaptic Blast
Spell Like Abilities (CL 7th - Psion)
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 7, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +5 CMB +6 CMD 17
Feats Synaptic Focus, Inquisitor, Opportunity Power
Skills Autohypnosis+10, Bluff +10, Disguise: +9, Diplomacy +12, Sense Motive +10, Knowledge (Psionics) +9, Knowledge (History)+9, Perception +7
Languages Dwarven, Giant, Elven, Common
Environment: Usually Urban (towers and libraries)
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Trio, Synod (5-9)
Treasure Value Double
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: By character class
Synaptic Blast: This psionic ray slows a creatures ability to maneuver and attack, inflicting a –2 attack penalty on attack capacity for the next three rounds. To avoid this effect, a victim must make a Will DC of 14. Unlike their other powers, this has no psp cost for a synast to manifest. Also, the three round duration begins when the first round the ray has stopped, so if a character is hit for four consecutive rounds, they will suffer a –8 for the three rounds.
Synasts are evil humanoids obsessed with obtaining great riches or powerful artifacts. While often seen alone, synasts always work in synods, teams loyal to each other and a particular goal. Death of an individual member doesn't deter them from their goals, and sometimes may motivate them to invite others into their group. Synod leaders are at least 5th level psions.
With sharp eyes and keen minds, they carefully study both problems and people before taking action. Synasts may work with other races or groups in an apparent subservient role but they usually control events behind their master’s back. Even without psionics, a synast can easily manipulate creatures, convincing others to do its dirty work. They are content to let things stream quietly if things are going as they need them to but if problems occur, synasts don't have a problem completely taking over.
A synast is a nasty combatant as they can control other creature’s synapses, able to paralyze, blind or turn some men temporarily insane with a touch. These cowards avoid danger whenever possible, preferring to manipulate events behind the scenes.
New Feat: Synaptic Focus: A Synast is considered always focused when it comes to its synaptic powers. They never need to make a focus check to activate or renew any synaptic power.
Psionic Powers* They manifest as a 7th level Psionic; DC 13+ power level; 56 PSPs
4th Level: Synaptic Shut-Down, Psychic Vampire
3rd Level: Synaptic Short, Hustle, Energy Retort
2nd Level Power: Synaptic Lock, Animal Affinity, Mental Disruption, Chameleon
1st level Power: Synaptic Manipulation, Synaptic Grapple, Call to Mind, Inertial Armor, Energy Ray
*These are the typical powers known by a synast, some may choose different powers per power level.
Synaptic Manipulation: This ability temporarily makes a ligament move in the direction the psion desires. It is for one round only Required Touch; Cost: Base 1 PSP, Save: SC11+1
Synaptic Lock: This ability temporarily locks a ligament so it cannot move. It is for three rounds. Required Touch; Cost: Base 2 PSP, Save: SC12+1
Synaptic Short: This ability shorts a ligament so it cannot move. The effect lasts for five rounds. Even if the victim makes their saving throw on the first round, they must make it again every round to be free. Cost: Base 2 PSP, Save: SC12+1