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Monday, 5 November 2018


Frush, are weird tentacled creatures that reside in the ships and many temples mostly in and around the Isle of Oromos. They can telepathically move things, and best known for their capacity to move ships, skimming across the top of the shiven, While they are fully cognizant of the prime world much of their energies exist on the astral, so they are creatures stuck between the different planes and realities.

City, D&D, D20, Nyssa, Pathfinder, Electronic

CR 5
N Medium Aberration
Init +0 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8

AC 17 touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+5 natural)
hp 26 hp (4d8+8 con)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5

Speed 20 ft., Climb 20 ft, Swim 20 ft
Melee Grapple +4 (1d8+3)
Special Attacks  Psionics, Constrict (1d4+3), Imp Grab
Special Qualities: All Around sight

Str 7, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +3 CMB +6 CMD 16
Feats Mind-Link
Skills +9 Perception , +9 Survival, +9 Deception
Languages Understand basic common but speak via Mindlink

Environment  Underground or City Tunnels and Jammers
Organization  Solitary
Treasure Value Double
Advancement By HD 5 - 8 (Medium), 9-16 (Large)
Alignment: Neutral (50% tend towards LN)

Frush are medium sized collections of sentient pink plazene - appearing as frazzled strings emerging from a core glowing spiked ball. It has all the functions and features of other mortal creatures such as eyes and ears, yet they mostly ignore these as they highly prefer to touch through their plazene, their nerve tentacles. When they move, they blast new tentacles to new location, then pull themselves towards that direction and the other planted tentacles drop. It seems to take considerable effort and co-ordination, so it is obvious that there is a centralized intelligence controlling the motion. The challenge is most of the time they are inanimate, blobs on a wall or ceiling, almost invisible except to those that are already aware of them.

Who or how they were discovered was lost long ago, but they have a presence in many cities where they are relied on for their unnerving capacity to monitor and control. Light, sound, even motion can be tracked, simply by having a frush view an area. When they are placed they subtlely control for the betterment of their masters. They take over any area, mechanically controlling any object or device with movement in a 90 foot radius. Many parks and jails in Oromos among many other places have a Frush in a central location, controlling and commanding the physical structure.

Oromians around 500 hundred years ago learned to plant a Frush inside a ship to enable movement. The creature needs to settle and once it does enables the ship to move through the First Ether Plane - physically moving the ship, usually a few feet above the ground. Eventually they realized with higher level specialized wizards to pilot the ship, they could travel into and out of the astral enabling travel between known portals in hours, instead of the days it used to take. These ships are called Jammers, and enable movement through-out the domains, but only by the Oromians, who control and manipulate the ships for trade purposes.

Psionics: PSP: 25; DC 14+ (1d12); Manifests as a 5th level Psionic
Powers: Biocurrent, Control Movement, Create Sound, Levitate, Sense Presence

Mind-Link is my basic psionic telepathy. Any creature with the psionic feat and a current reserve of 1 PSP, can contact an Open Mind, free of PSP charge and send or receive a short message within a 1 mile radius. They can do this any round, but it is an action to send information, except on the first round of mental transmission.

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