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Friday, 19 January 2018

Swamp Swimmer (Dianoga)

Every now and then I am hit by a sudden blast of nostalgia and think of an old toy or game or song that I want to use in my game inspired write-ups. This was definitely one of them. I was looking for the trash monster (Dianoga) from the original Star Wars movie, didn't see it quickly online, and decided to write it up.

Swamp Swimmer (Dianoga)

CN Large aberration
Init +6; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +5

AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (-1 Size, +3 Dex, +8 natural)
hp 60hp (8d8+24 con)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +6
Defensive Abilities freedom of movement

Speed 20 ft., Swim 40 ft.
Melee bite +11 (1d8+5), 3 tentacles +8 (1d4+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Str 21, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 7
Base Atk +11; CMB +11; CMD 24
Feats Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack
Skills Swim +15, Perception +5, Stealth +17 (Bonus +10 Stealth and Swim in water or swampy environments)
Languages None spoken (some may understand lizardith or common)
SQ Change colour (add +10 to stealth checks for up to 10 minutes)

Environment Swamp or forest (prefers a wet environment)
Organization solitary
Treasure Incidental
Advancement Large (9 - 15 HD), Huge (16-24 HD)

This creature appears to be a large green-grey slug with at least five ten foot long tentacles and a single eye on a stalk that it can subtly raise out of the water to view everything around it.  It hunts in watery or swampy areas, using it's camouflage abilities to sneak up to their prey. While it can survive on oozes and small creatures that reside in swampy areas, it prefers to hunt larger more intelligent things. Some Swamp Swimmers learn to drown their opponents then store the carcases underwater to feed on them later.

They are equally as active during the day or night. They are solitary creatures, budding one or two tadpole offspring every four to five years, that swim off to survive on their own without need of nurturing.

Many lizardith bards, druids & rangers prefer a Swamp Swimmer to accompany them in their tasks. Unless compelled to, Swamp Swimmers prefer to stick to watery areas, but it can survive for weeks away from its natural habitat. 

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