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Thursday, 26 October 2017

Dream Riders (Horsemen or Lords of the Apocalypse)

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse in my campaign-verse defend the deep Ethereal, where according to the Appocrypa, something sinister waits End Times. These riders protect the gates and prevent Apocrphal Monsters from escaping. They are feared due to their awesome combat and spell-casting.

Dream Riders

Large Sized Outsider

Hit Dice: 199hp (21d8+105 con)
Initiative: +7 (+3 dex, +4 imp initiative)
Speed: 60 ft (on Steed); Fly 80 ft (perfect)
AC 44 touch 13, flat-footed 41 (+3 Dex, +26 natural, +5 Full Plate)

Base Atk +15 CMB +24 CMD 37
Attack: By Weapon +40 / +30 / +23 (1d10+14)  (See Below)
Space/Reach: 10 ft by 10 ft
Special Attacks: Spells and By Weapon or  Horn
Special Qualities: Astral Jaunt, Immunities: alignment, charm, elemental, mind, 6th level and lower spells; Dmg Reduction 15/Holy, SR 25; Command Undead as 25th level Cleric

Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +20
Abilities: Str 28, Dex: 17, Con: 21, Int: 14, Wis: 22, Cha: 20
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Improved Initiative

Skill +23 Acrobatics , +19 Diplomacy, +23 Fly , +25 Intimidate , +20 Knowledge (Magic, Religion) , +26 Perception , +26 Spellcraft , +13 Stealth , +26 Survival, +30 Ride

Environment: Deep Ethereal (Dream Realm or Apocalypse)
Organization: Solitary (Only 4 are known to exist)
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: None
Alignment: Radiate Neutral Evil

These foreboding figures are the Protectors of the Dream Realm, both it’s inhabitants and legitimate visitors. They appear as armoured skeletal figures riding 15 HD Cauchemar Nightmare with their unique Dream Horns ready .

They travel the deep ethereal plane in the realm bordering dreams. Whenever a threat appears, they appear to destroy it within minutes. They do not negotiate or warn, they come at full throttle to eliminate the creatures. There are some legends of them meeting travelers and warning them to stay way from the Dreamlands, but this hasn't happened in hundreds of years.

They radiate a powerful evil, yet they are immune to spells and effects that target evil creatures. Some clerics say they are in fact powerful lawful forces but their weapons and armor radiate evil which they control to better defend their homeland. 

Stories tell of individual Horseman being defeated in battle, yet they always reappear. Others believe the victorious will take the place of the defeated Horseman in the Deep Ethereal as any time they are properly called (with an 8th level individual summoning ritual) one will appear to serve a just or holy cause.

Green Horseman
+4 Trident of Puncturing +40 / +30 / +20 (Dmg: 2-20 +14; 1d6 points of con drain)
Horn of Ultimate Fear (DC 26, -8 to saves, no immunities, Range 1 mile)
Spells of 13th level cleric / 11th level Sorcerer
Regenerate 15 hp / rnd

Ultimate Fear causes a -8 penalty to attacks, saves, checks and damage rolls for a period of 24 hours. It cannot be dispelled, and saving from the effect does not prevent new checks each time the Horseman blows their horn.

Black Horseman
+4 Mace of Shattering +40 / +30 / +20 (Dmg 2-16+14) drain 1-4 permanent hit points each strike / inflicts 2d6+14 item damage each strike to the armor or items of it’s target
Horn of Everlasting Hunger (DC 26, -8 to saves, no immunities, Range 1 mile)
Spells of 13th level cleric / 11th level Sorcerer
Regenerate 15 hp / rnd

Everlasting Hunger is an effect where creatures must consume whatever food they can for a period of 16 hours. It cannot be dispelled, and saving from the effect does not prevent new checks each time the Horseman blows their horn.

White Horseman
+4 Bow of True Striking +40 / +30 / +20 (2-16 +10)
Horn of Rage (DC 26, -6 to magical adjustments, Range 1 mile)
Spells of a 17th level Druid
8 Named Arrows of Slaying (Adjust arrow’s slaying properties as its knocked)
Regenerate 15 hp / rnd

Unending Rage is a powerful celestial spell that immediately bypasses any magical resistance. Those who fail the saving throw must combat any creature they share an alignment with in preference to any other. The effect lasts for one hour and cannot be stopped with magic less than a Wish Spell. Any actions that a creature takes while under this affect is immune to potentially alignment changing actions.

Red Horseman
+4 Vorpal, Thundering Bastard Sword +40 / +30 / +20 (2-24 +18)
Horn of Unceasing Death (DC 26, -6 to magical adjustments, Range 1 mile)
Spells of a 17th level Wizards
Regenerate 15 hp / rnd

Unceasing Death is a powerful celestial spell that prevents all creatures in the area from using healing spells or undead affecting magic, even regeneration magic from spells or magic items will not be effective. Natural effects such as a paladin's or monk's healing touch on oneself works but not spells, such as when druids change into creatures with regeneration properties.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Questions for New Players

Questions for New Players:

1. Are you from this world?

2. Do you belong to this military unit?
   b. How Long have you been apart of the unit? Short (2-4), Medium (5-12), Long 13-70 months)

3. Do you belong to a faith? Name the god or basic belief.

4. Do you belong to a Tower / Organization? (Union of, Order of, Knights of...)

5. What are your 3 core character tenets? - Any time you defend / quote a core tenet, you get a base +2 bonus. You can only utilize a core tenet once per day or story.

6. How firmly do you believe in the Law? (Very Strongly, Strong, Medium, By context, Bollocks)

7. How do you best learn? Action, Exercise, Practice, Books, Belief, Artistic Endeveours

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Avatar (Simple Template) plus Ogre Avatar

Most times when I create something, I am a little tedious about both the playing details and technical ones. I have dozens of tables, monsters and other things kinda ready to release, but I don't. I tend to go over it again and again until it feels ready. I gotta get better at letting go.

Anyway, this is what I do for most holy servants, an Avatar adjustment to the central creature that best represents them.

Avatar (Simple Template)

Type Monstrous Humanoid (treat as before)
AC                         +10 Natural AC
HD                         +10 HD
Saves                       Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +8 
Init                          +5
Speed                      50 (Base Land)  
Melee                       Increase by 2 attacks or by two-fold
Special Attacks        Turn or Control Undead at 10th HD bonus      
Special Defenses.     Elemental Resistance 25, +DR 10 / +2 weapons
Skills                       +10 HD (60 skill points) or Six Skills Maxed
Feats                         Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Damage, Weapon Focus (or 4 new feats)
Str +10  Con +10  Dex +10 . Int +6. Wis +6. Cha +12
Environment            Garden, Temple, Any Holy Site
Organization            Solitary
Treasure Triple        Triple (Coins or gems)
Advancement           None

An Avatar is a divinely boosted servant to do the biding of the faithful. Every deity has one of these to serve their purposes, some in their heavenly abode or one of their earthly one. For those who come to the mortal world, they must be called via a ritual, so it is very rare for one to be present outside the heavenly location. For a entity like Razzgurk at least 500 sacrifices be given in one night to appease the Ogre gods to enable this powerful servant to come down to the mortal realm in order to serve.


Razzgurk - Ogre Avatar of Rampage

CE Large humanoid (giant)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +15

AC 27, touch 18, flat-footed 27 (+4 armor, –1 Dex, +15 natural, –1 size)
161hp (14d8+98 con)
Fort +19, Ref +12, Will +14

Speed 40 ft. (40 ft. base)
Melee 3 X greatclub +13 (2d8+10)
Ranged javelin +8 (1d8+5)
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.

Str 31, Dex 18, Con 25, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 19
Base Atk +10; CMB +21; CMD 35
Feats Iron Will, Toughness, Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Damage, Weapon Focus
Skills Climb +17, Perception +15, Knowledge (Religion) +10,
Languages Giant

Environment temperate or cold hills
Organization solitary
Treasure standard (hide armor, greatclub, 4 javelins, other treasure)

Friday, 13 October 2017

Tennianos (Tentacle Man)

I have a whole bunch of creatures that I have statted up as exercise, as in how would I do this? This was one of the first, an octopus man that gains multiple tentacle. A dark figure in the cities, trying to take apart of the structures that bind and control others.

Tentacle Man        (Tennianos)                                      CR 2
N Medium Humanoid
Init +1 Senses Perception +X
AC 14 touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +2 leather armor)
hp 11hp (2d8+2 con)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1
Defensive Abilities    DR    Immune    Resist
Speed 30 ft.
Melee  Hammer or Swort Sword +2 (1d6+1 )
Special Attacks 2 Talons +2 (1d6+1)
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +1 CMB +2 CMD 13
Feats Multi-attack (tentacles)
Skills +2 Climb , +2 Survival, +3 Stealth
Languages Any Local
*Strength for their tentacles is +4 higher for the purposes of grapple checks
Environment  Usually Urban
Organization  Solitary  (Part of a Cult)
Treasure Value Average (Coins or gems)
Advancement HD Progression below

Appear to be a nondescript person with simple work items & clothing often reside in poor and urban locations. They are usually part of a secret cult dedicated to bringing down the structures of lawful authority.

Normally just called the tentacled man, they have long been known to exist in cities but they are extremely secretive. These cultists are involved in terrible rituals, intent on warping kidnapped victims to do their testing on. The Tentacled Man is just the muscle, a shadowy figure in the night.

While not exceptionally strong, their augmentation enables them to hold on to their victim quite well. At low HD, they are usually single saboteurs, assigned to cause confusion or backup when needed by their commanders. At mid or higher tier levels they are the leaders of small groups of warriors whether they be fighters, thieves or just common riff-raff. They always have a  minimum of six tentacles, however they can only utilize a certain number of them at any given time. Assume at 6 HD and lower they have six tentacles, at higher levels they have twice the number of tentacles as compared to their maximum number of attacks. Their tentacles regenerate quite quickly when severed, taking a week to regrow any losses from battle. It's rumored that the tentacles separate
upon the death of the Tennianos but their fate from that point is unknown.

Highly associated with evil cults, but they are not always the same alignment. They as a group desire the break-up of formalized structures and rules, and over half of them work with evil cults, but a large portion of them work agaisnt lawful systems put in place by evil groups and tend towards good instead of evil. The Tennianos are not a separate species but an aberrational growth. There are human, elf, halfling versions of them - dedicated to the same goals.

3 HD Non-Magic Venom Immunity; Reach + 5 feet; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
4 HD Gain + 2 to any 2 Ability Scores; Tentacle + 1d6 dmg; +1 to AC; +5 skill points
5 HD Attack with three tentacles; +5 skill points; Gain new feat, Dmg Reduction 5 /Silver
6 HD Reach + 10 feet;+1 to AC; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
7 HD Gain + 2 to any 2 Ability Scores; Imp Grapple; Tentacle 1d8; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
8 HD Rage (1/day); +1 to AC; +5 skill points; Dmg Reduction 5 /+1
9 HD Attack with four tentacles (-2 to BAB, d4 dmg); +5 skill points; Tentacle 1d10
10 HD Reach +15 ft; +1 to AC; +5 skill points; Dmg Reduction 10 /+1 ft; Gain new feat
11 HD Rage (3/day); Attack with five tentacles(-3 to BAB, d6 dmg); +1 to AC; +5 skill points
12 HD Gain + 2 to any Ability Scores; Tentacle 2d6; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
13 HD +1 to AC; +5 skill points, Dmg Reduction 10 /+2
14 HD Attack with six tentacles (-4 to BAB, d8 dmg);+5 skill points; Gain new feat
15 HD Gain + 3 to any 2 Ability Scores; +3 to AC; +12 skill points; Tentacle (3d6)

If a Tennianos attacks purely for damage, use the damage listed according to their HD.

If they attack multiple targets, use the BAB adjustment and damage listed for their HD in brackets.

When a Tennianos grapples an opponent they use grapple rules to seize their foe. At the start of their next turn, they can apply any number of free tentacles (number of attacks by tentacle). For each additional tentacle that they could attack with add +2 to the CMD the foe needs to beat to escape the grapple. The foe only needs to beat this once to escape from the Tennianos - not multiple times.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Hederak - Large furry herd animals

These are an awesome elephant-sized herd animal that is often sought out by traders but are difficult to train and even harder to capture.

XP 6,400
N Huge Animal
Init +2 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +9

AC 19 touch 5, flat-footed 17 (-4 Dex, -1 Size, +12 natural)
hp 85hp (9d8+45 con)
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +3
SQ Immune to Charm, Cold, Fear, Hold and Monster Summoning Spells

Speed 40 ft.Run, 20 ft standard pace
Melee Gore +13 (2d6+7) or 2 hooves +10 melee (1d10+5)
Special Attacks Trample and Charge

Str 25, Dex 7, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +6 CMB +13 CMD 21
Feats Improved Initiative,Endurance, Iron Will, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack,
Skills +9 Perception , +10 Swim
Languages None

Environment  Any Wilderness
Organization  Pack (3-18)
Treasure Value  None
Advancement: 10-17 HD

Charge (Ex): When charging a large or bigger creature, Hederak do double damage with their horn gore attack.

Trample (Ex): When a herd faces a threat, they will often charge towards it to begin a runaway tactic. They inflict 1d10 for every 3 members in the herd. Base save is DC 15+1 for every three additional charging hederaks.

These hulking beasts appear as heavily brown and white furred elephantine creatures without a trunk and three small horns in their nostril and forehead area similar to a rhino. They weigh three tons and stand fifteen feet tall, and quite happily spend their days grazing. They are among the powerful steeds known on Nyssa and are valued as pack animals that can haul wagons weighing five tons or more.

These fearsome creatures are fantastic at combat because of their strength and ability to coordinate with their pack mates. Their first action is to charge with their horns, then crush anything smaller than themselves with their hoofs. While they have animal intelligence, they still know enough to charge the legs of huge sized creatures, bringing them down in order to crush foes with their powerful hooves.

Naturally very docile and while they cannot be magically charmed into service, they may be trained through a long process of grooming. Their only natural enemies are dragons, giants and barbarian tribes who hunt these creatures for their meat, fur, blood and horns. For a fully intact carcass, hunters can retrieve up to 500 crowns (gold pieces) or more. A living specimen ranges from 1000 - 2000  crowns, but for a fully trained beast, it can be more than 5000 crowns. Most live to 50 years but can live much longer than a hundred years in parks or zoos.
This is the atypical stuffed animal that many children have. Many Nyssian children are fascinated by them, their gait and temperment.

Because of their size and appetites, as well as being difficult to charm them, it is quite difficult to bend them to your will. Individual trainers often have to work with one for many years in order to get them to accomplish basic tasks. Druids or rangers that have helped their herd have a much easier job to get them to do tasks for them.