the Best for Last: Alternative
Saving Throw Mechanism
saving throws are used throughout one game or one scenarios and
represent the entire number of possible saves to be made through the
game by an individual character. Unlike regular saves the individual
chooses which one they use regardless of the effect. Most of these
are their base or primary save plus an ability score modifier. They
can only be used once per saving throw or game cycle.
saves for example call for a distinct type of save for a given
effect. But using these alternative saves the character can decide
which to use and when. The benefit is that they can better manage the
disadvantage is not knowing when to use their best saving throw.
class, except for the Monk, have a preferred Top or Primary Save and
a secondary save. Always use the Top save as the base save and add
the modifier as noted in the name of the saving throw.
are two major differences between regular saves and alternative
saves, the first is that like luck, it can run out. Once a preferred
saves is used up, they have fewer options until only their Doom Save
remains. Because of their limited nature, Alt Saves are much more
shared among the whole group, and they can function in exactly the
same way. When an individual is required to make a save, they can use
another player's specific save. For example a Rogue with a high
dexterity can use another players Save of Speed, but if the other
player offers or agrees, then it is gone. This is only an option if a
single character needs to make a save, players cannot cherry pick
their best save every time a saving throw is required for the whole
of New Saving Throw
of the Insightful Mind: Primary Save plus Intelligence Modifier
of Bravery: Primary Save plus Strength Modifier
of Esoteric Knowledge: Use Primary Save plus Wisdom Modifier
of the Inner Self: Use Primary Save plus Charisma Modifier
of Speed: Use Primary Save plus Dexterity Modifier
of Pure Power: Use Primary Save plus Constitution Modifier
of the Wild: Use d6+d20 but do not add the base saving throw
Save: Use Primary Save + any Ability Score Modifier
vs Doom: Use Primary Save but no other adjustment or ability modifier
of the challenges of using Alt Saves is knowing what is the best
refresh point, this depends upon the style of game you run. If you go
through 3 to 5 combats a typical game session, then refresh every
session. For more dangerous gaming, refresh by dungeon regardless of
how many saves the characters need to make or how many games.
your class, race or feat selection gives a bonus to a save, gain the
adjustment to one saving throw once a save cycle, i.e. until the
saving throw refresh.