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Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Ravok - living exo-skeleton battle armour

Have used these creatures a few times, as end the big-bad monsters at the end of the dungeon, hunting anyone that come inside their domain. Their tail is quite powerful and a source of known magic in a low magic world. They were inspired by the predator movies, an intelligent creature, that uses their hunting skill to inflict mayhem. Now, imagine them in a magical setting, and they did not choose to wear the hyper-magical suit but it was imposed on them due to trickery, forced to commit unspeakable actions that they cannot fully control.


Medium Winged Insectoids AC 21 (+6 Dex, +5 Natural)
HD 7d8 +14 (60 hp)

Saves Fort +7 Ref +12 Will +2
Init +7
Speed 50 ft

BAB +6 CMB +15 CMD +22
Melee +13 / +13 pinchers (1d10+5) +13 tail (1d12/15-20)
Range +16 (Spear 2-12 +8 dmg)
Special Attacks Tail acts as a +3 enchanted weapon
Special Defenses Immune to 3rd level and lower enchantment and illusion effects, Insectoid Telepathy 100 ft

Str 19       Con 15    Dex 24
Int 13       Wis 10    Cha 13
Skills Acrobatics, Climb, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth Survival +12, Jump + 24

Feats Imp Bull Rush, Power Attack, Cleave, Jumping Attack Focus (+3)
Tail Feats Only: Imp critical & Imp Disarm 

Climate/Terrain Any Remote / Night time on mission
Organization         Solitary, Pair or Order  (3-12)
Challenge Rating 6
Treasure               None
Alignment             Strongly Lawful (50% Neutral, 40% Evil)

The Ravok were initially adapted as an exo-skeleton for an insectoid race that were dying off due to the great winter.  The people were enclosed within dark gray armored skin, and their natural features were enhanced given huge pincer claws, mandibles, multi-sectioned eyes with an acutely sensitive antenna & large, extremely spiked tail. The pincers can open up for the wearer's hands to perform delicate actions for about 20% of them. Most use spears as their primary weapon but their tail is important due to its strength and in ceremonial rites. They cannot fully speak. but can scream in pain or if it brings terror to those it hunts.

They are known as an unmatched terror, long feared for their assassinations, and dark plots bringing destruction to individuals and groups alike. They are feared and watched for, but their history and their situation isn't. It's long been misunderstood why they attack groups within cities, but they are compelled to complete missions. Their vendettas are more subtle and very personal, often much less violent.

Many communities will attack the Ravok on sight because of their histories of devastating raids. Ravok have few battle scruples, they attack and maim weaker beings on sight. One favorite tactic is to rip the arms off an opponent to attack those who investigate the screams. Because these creatures attack at night or during storms, many places don`t places realize they are being threatened until too late. Small circles of them will sometimes take over castles or dungeons to plan long term actions.

Originally this insectoid race were called the Ryush, an intelligent, hard-working trading group found in hives through-out the North. When the endless winter came, the conditions caused their numbers to drop, and their leaders turned to the Chavok, the ruling elite for help. They hired the Doposylla, an infamous slug race known for their body modification magic, who promised life but did not reveal the entire truth of the transformation. The Ryush were transformed into the Ravok and were doomed to remain in the exo-suit as they cannot survive outside their armor. Their controls were held by the Chavok Lords, as they paid for the transformation. Ever since their rebirth, the Ravok cannot survive in the wilds and even worse they are bound to obey their Chavok Lords as was written into their contract. The Ryush have ever since despised the Chavok and work to bring ruin to them and their allies as well as to free their kin locked inside the armored skins.

Some groups of the Ryush remain hidden in secret locations, as a few frozen nests of unborn Ryush were kept safe until their new homes were created. They dedicate themselves to staying free from the influence of the Chavok or other would be Masters.  These are only a few hives that the non-armored Ryush can exist, and this is usually where they give birth to their young. The most talented or strongest are choosing to inherit the body armor of the champions who fall. These Ryush are fully aware beings, trying to both protect their kin, make connection with other races and to bring the Chavok to justice.

Ryush AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural armor), HD 1d8 +1 (5 hp), Saves Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +2, Init +1, Speed Fly 40, Attack: Pinchers +2 (1d4+1) or Tail +0 (1-3), Special Insectoid telepathy within 20 ft; Advance in any class. 

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Barbapapen - shape-shifting fey blobs with highly social and hedonistic tendencies

Was always a large fan of the Barbapapa TV show as a young child. It wasn't until I was much older I realized where they came from and the many books that came much before the show.

NG Medium Fey
Init +1 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +3

AC 15 touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 Dodge)
hp 13hp (3d6+3 con)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3
Defensive Abilities    Shapechange, Reach

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Mace +0 (1d6-1)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4)

Str 9, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +1 CMB +0 CMD 11 (+4 on trip attacks) 
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Bouncing Dodge*
Skills +3 Knowledge (nature) ,+2 Survival, +3 Perception, +3 Climb,  +3 Acrobatics, +3 Perform or Craft, +7 Escape Artist; (+4 on Escape Artist Checks due to slippery skin)
Languages Faerie, Elf

Environment Usually Forest
Organization  Solitary or Family (2-9)
Treasure Value Standard (50% in goods over wealth)
Advancement: As Monster HD or Class: Rogue, Ranger, Druid Bard or Sorcerer up to 12th level


Partial Shapechange (EX): A Barbapapen has a partial shapechange ability three times a day that they mostly use to see and experience the world around them, by increasing their height by a foot, parachute to avoid falling, or add fins to assist swimming. The Barbapapen still looks like their own self, melded with the adaption (may have blue, rough pebbly skin just like their arch-form.) They can add +6 to a skill check for their adaption.

Abilities by HD

4 HD Speak with Animals or Plants (3 / day plus 1 / cha bonus)

5 HD - Special Skill Focus: At 5th HD, they gain +5 on one social skill focus for their innate nature. Perform (arts, instrument or dancing), Craft (Building), swimming or climbing are the most typical choosen. This is apart of their defining nature, they do not pick this.

6 HD - Healing Blob, At this level they often spend long time away from their families and communities, and on of the ways they have adapted is to go back to their essential blob shape. In this form they heal +2 hp / minute. They can maintain this form for ten minutes up to their HD.

7 HD Reach:  Brabrakin can reach out or up to 10 feet away. This is a full round action. They are unable to directly attack another creature, but can be used to assist their kin (holding a foe, trying to trip, etc). At 10th HD or higher, by taking an additional feat - enables them to reach out another ten feet.

8 HD - Match Mentor Skill - By copying a master in their physical movements for up to one minute in a non-threatening environment, they gain a temporary boost, If a Brabapapen imitates their mentor, they can add half a master's skill score to their own skill ability. For example if an expert has +12 on their swimming skill, a barbrpapen can add +6 on their own swimming skill. They can mimic this movement skill for up to 24 hours later. They need to have at least +1 in any skill to be able to learn from a mentor in these ways.

9 HD Full Shapechange: Similar to a druid's shapechange, except it fully inhabits the shape and colour and all other features if they used the 5th level polymorph self spell. They can add +10 to a skill check directly related to their adaption.

A Barbrapapen is an intelligent fey blob that is home in most rural locations, living in harmony with the nature and most other creatures around them. They are highly social beings that builds strong social connections with the plants, animals and all other sentient creatures. They try not to offend other creatures and use their social connections to avoid all kinds of trouble. They can tolerate social deviance just not aggressive action to their friends and allies or innocents.

They appear as a roughly humanoid blob, roughly the same height and weight of a person, with small arms and a roundish bottom that rolls along the ground for movement instead of legs. They can appear as almost any colour and many have features similar to local animals, avians, fish or even simple mechanical devices. They seem to feed off the structure and personalities they like, and then grow to resemble those features. At maturity, or late teen years they are usually a little over six feet in height but grow through-out their lives, an old Barbapapen is usually eight to ten feet tall.

A Brabapapen has the natural ability to shape change. Small changes, such as extending an arm take a few seconds, others can take a round or more to complete. They change shape to better move themselves in the environment. While their basic shape is that of an ooze, they take humanoid shape to better fit in with outsiders, even many of their friends are surprised of their natural form. Among their own, they are happy to get back to their shapeless form, mixing with others of their kin.

Brabapapen are social hedonists, enjoying everything around them and helping others do the same. They enjoy having visitors, to share ideas, food, dress, music almost any other cultural exchange, as they enjoy learning and sharing. Most sinful pleasure can be found in their small villages often located outside larger elven, human or jahlen towns.

While not aggressive in nature, they can be stirred to take action to help allies or to help fey or protect their friends from being harmed. They have been involved in many battles that help their neighbours, but they prefer peace and solitude. Many times after a war has been won they will move away to quieter locations.

Even their allies are unsure of what gender a Barbrapapen actually are. While many assume gender based on their physical appearance or even personality, this is not always true or consistent with this kind. Barbrpapen can take lovers from any species, and can change their partners or their preference on either a whim or cycle that leaves others amused and often confused.A Barbrapapen understands that since they control their physical gender, just like others change their clothes, they need not be limited by others conceptions, they change shape and accept others for whatever they may happen to be. They get bored by rigidity, they don't want their allies or lovers to limit themselves or to limit their own creativity.

Always they are an openly welcoming being faithful, never fearful and open to almost any experience.

Advancement: Racial Class
Gain +2 on attributes every HD up to 10 HD
+6 skill points every HD,
New feat every 2HD
+1 to AC every 2 HD

New Feat: Bouncing Dodge: If a Barbrapapen has a five foot free square adjacent to them, they have a jumping bounce dodge, which gives a +2 instead of the normal +1 dodge bonus. 

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Claw Steed - Wild equine beasts, tooth maw and sharp claws instead of hooves

One of the oldest creatures I ever statted, as the preferred steed in wild regions of my world.

Claw Steed   CR 5
XP 1,600
N Large Animal
Init +4 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +8

AC 17 touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+8 natural, -1 size)
hp 47hp (5d8+25 con)
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +1
Defensive Abilities    Immune to Charm & Hold Spells, +4 on cold or ice spell saving throws

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 Claws +7 (1d8+5/18-20),  Bite +4 (d6+2) or Tail +4 (1d4)
Special Attacks: Tail +7 - Back Attack only 1d4 dmg, Stampede

Str 20, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +3 CMB +9 CMD 19
Feats Improved Initiative, Multi-Attack, Imp Critical (18+ double dmg with claw)
Skills +8 Climb, +8 Perception , +5 Swim, +5 Survival, +16 Jump
Other Gear Lone Claw Steeds may have barding

Environment      Grasslands
Organization      Herd (15 - 90)
Treasure Value   None
Advancement     6-12 HD (Large)

Wild equine beasts, whose natural environment are on the Kazurn plains, but they roam throughout the domain. They have a tooth filled maw; a long whip like tail and short heavy fur allows them to survive extremely cold temperatures. Their coats mimic the same as horses but it is much thicker and harder to work with. Their wickedly sharp claws enable travel in rocky terrain, capable of them climbing vertical surfaces, graze thru ice & seize medium sized and smaller creatures.

These steeds are the preferred mounts for those who shun air travel or hunt on the wasteland. Their unique features enable these creatures to thrive in environments that leave most creatures defenseless. Much better in combat than flying animals and able to withstand the cold. But they cannot be breed in captivity, thus only adventurers are ever able to find one to be their steed.

Tribal druids may sometimes beseech these creatures into service, but only if the tasks helps both the tribe and the claw steed herd. Many of these same tribes hunt these beasts for meat, fur, bones and blood, not out of disrespect, but desperation. Upon success, the tribe always thanks the spirit totem for the sacrifice.

Claw Steeds raise their front claws and attack in a claw, claw bite format, using their tail to eliminate sneak attacks. They have incredibly sharp claws (improved critical), which can seize foes or rip them to shreds. When these wild beasts have a rider, they will follow their master’s attack to compliment the combat style.

Stampede (Attack): This attack is determined by herd size, at least 15 claw steeds must be present to form a stampede.For every three members add +1 to the base attack, +1d6 to damage and +1 on the DC for reflex saving throw.  Herds with 90 or more members have the following combat stats: +37 Attack, 30d6 damage, DC 40, Ref save for half damage. They usually do this only once per attack sequence- stampeding a foe then running off.

Tail Attack  Claw Steeds are always aware of creatures at its backside, getting an attack with their razor sharp tail - lashing anything behind them. This is a free attack, it does not count towards the creatures maximum allowed with their claw and bite routine. Their tail is a thick black whip with small sharp shards, it is constantly swaying back and forth.

The herd is the only society for claw steeds. They run with their herd and follow the oldest and strongest member. Individual claw steeds can part from the herd for a variety of reasons. The most obvious is during a stampede, an individual may have lost footing or wounded and are unable to keep up to the herd. Some hear the call of the divine and leave to become the personal mount for a devout paladin, ranger or druid.

Hunted endlessly, lone members become targets for those seeking a strong and unforgettable mount. Due to their wild natures, a claw steed is immune to all charm and hold spells. A handle animal (DC 40) skill check is required once the creature is subdued but not injured. As a wild, magical beast, claw steeds cannot mate in captivity.