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Saturday, 29 April 2017

Holy Sufferers - Prestige Class of Non-Violence

"According to our scripture - there is a finite amount of hurt in the world. When I take on an once more pain, then someone else's burden is lessened." Anonymous Holy Sufferer

Holy Sufferers

For most people, the idea of suffering for others is a strange concept, but the holy sufferers believe they do good by being a target of pain in replacement of others. Blessed sufferers take up the vow of non-violence, and swear an oath to never again pick up a weapon to use it on a living creature. They can still attack non-living entities such as undead, constructs elemental- types or any creatures that do not display intelligence.

They are often involved in quests to banish or destroy evil or chaotic beings. They use their abilities to get around, avoid and help their friends accomplish great deeds. They may be a distraction in physical combat, but out of combat they can help in any way their spells, skills or abilities can enable them to.

Feats: Iron Will, Great Fortitude
Oath: Non-Violence   (Nyssian Oaths)
Alignment: Any non-evil
Spells: Must have the capability of casting the Sanctuary spell.

Hit Dice: d6
Skill Points: Int +4/level
Class Skills: Climb, Diplomacy, Fly, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Any), Perform, Ride, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device

Level   BAB   Fort     Ref      Will     Special                                    Spell Level
1st         +0       +2       +2        +2        Blessed Sanctuary, Aura              --
2nd        +0       +2       +2        +2       Circle of Sanctuary                      +1
3rd         +0       +3       +3        +3       Eye for an Eye I                          +1
4th         +1       +3       +3        +3       Greater Circle of Sanctuary        +1 
5th         +1       +4       +4        +4       Eye for an Eye II                         +1
6th         +1       +4       +4        +4       Eye for an Eye III                        +1
7th         +2       +5       +5        +5       Higher Circle of Sanctuary           --
8th         +2       +5       +5        +5       Eye for an Eye IV                        +1
9th         +2       +6       +6        +6       Peaceful Blessing                        +1

Class features:
Spell Level: A sufferer gains additional spell casting capacity as they increase in their suffering levels; they do not gain any additional abilities: turning, feats, etc.

Blessed Sanctuary: A sufferer is under the constant effects of a Sanctuary spell as long as they do not actively attack through any means (physical, spell or psionic powers) mortal creatures. Undead and constructs are the only exceptions. This spell is continuously active, so, even if an attacker manages to beat the DC in one round, they must continue to save every round to overcome this defence. The benefits on this spell also encompass a sufferer one’s mount or anyone who they may carry in their arms (such as a child or an injured person) The save DC is based on the sufferer’s charisma and wisdom bonuses. (Will DC 10 + HS level + charisma bonus + wisdom bonus)

If a foe bypasses the sanctuary field more than twice in a given combat, most Sufferers do not maintain it and use physical or magical means to help defeat the enemy.

Circle of Sanctuary: As per the spell sanctuary, except any allies of the sufferer ones within a 20 ft radius of them gain the benefits of this spell. One ally per level of the sufferer can also be protected. However, once an enemy bypasses the effect on an ally, the spell ends, and the ally can act normally. If an ally attacks an enemy, the sanctuary effect ends. The Will DC for Blessed Sanctuary is Will DC 10 + HS level + Wisdom bonus.

Greater Circle of Sanctuary: As per Circle of Sanctuary except it can protect two allies per level of
the Sufferer at a range of 30 ft. 

Eye for an Eye I: Whenever someone manages to bypass their sanctuary spell, and use a melee attack on a sufferer, this effect will enable the spell to strike retributively. Eye for an eye will inflict the same damage on the attacker, as the sufferer themselves suffered. There is a save for half damage. DC 10+caster level+Wisdom modifier.

Higher Circle of Sanctuary: As circle of sanctuary except three allies per the Suffers HD within a 50 ft are protected. This is a full round action to call upon the Sanctuary but the radius must be free of enemies to start the effect. So, they often create smaller circles if the full 50 ft radius is not available. Usable 5 + class level / day.

Eye for an Eye II: As per Eye for an Eye I; except, when sufferers receive an injury, whether from melee, missile, spell or psionic effect, the attacker will instantly receive retributive damage. There is a save for half damage. DC 10+caster level+Wisdom modifier

Eye for an Eye III: Similar to Eye for an Eye II except there is no saving throw to avoid the damage. It affects undead as EfE2.

Eye for an Eye IV: Similar to Eye for an Eye III except physical attackers must make a saving throw for any time they attack the sufferer they suffer double damage automatically. Magical or psionic effects are not doubled, but as per EYE III, they do suffer the same damage they inflicted on the Sufferer. It affects undead, constructs and any other non-labelled creatures as EfE3.

Peaceful Blessing: Brings 24 hours uninterrupted sanctuary to any one other creature touched but otherwise as EfE IV. If the protected person does for any reason suffer damage, the spellcaster can will the damage onto themselves for the duration of the spell. The Holy Sufferer can be anywhere on the same plane as the creature the Peaceful Blessing has been cast upon and enact the share damage effect.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Oxylla - Silver scaled lizard-humanoids that dissolve metals

For a while I wasn't using many common creatures, I farted around to create weird combos.  These replaced the rust monster in my dungeons. Weird, mysterious insect-lizardmen that kind of worshiped and used silver for all sorts of arcane/cultish designs. This was one of those that I really liked and kept using, even after switching back to the core book of creatures.


XP 1,600
N Medium Aberration
Init +3 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 18 touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 37hp (5d8+15 con)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Fists X2  +4 (1d6+1), Tail  +6 (1d3+1)
Special Attacks Glue, Dissolve metal

Str 12, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 9
Base Atk +3 CMB +4 CMD 17
Feats Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Weapon Finesse
Skills  +8 Acrobatics , +4 Climb , +7 Escape Artist , +7 Perception , +8 Stealth , +6 Survival
Languages Oxylla, Dwarven

Environment  Temperate Forests, Non-Cold Environments
Organization  Circle (2-5), Ring (3-18)
Treasure Value  Standard (gems)
Advancement: Large (6-12 HD)

Dissolving Touch: Excluding silver, their touch dissolves up to 200 pounds of metals instantly; mundane items do not get a saving throw. Magical items can save vs Fort DC 18 to avoid this affect. Silver can be dissolved, but they must touch the item for one minute. However, the silvery liquid when applied to wounds acts as a healing salve. For every ten coins (10 onces) of silver, an Oxylla can heal 1d10 points of damage. If kept in a secure container, others can use the salve for up to a week later before it fully re-solidifies.

Glue: From their palm orifice they can release a colorless and odorless glue, which takes one round to smear on an object and another round to activate as it dries. This substance bonds any two physical objects for up to one hour. It is incredibly difficult to remove, requiring a Strength Check vs DC 30.

Silver scaled lizard-humanoids that combine the features of lizards, insects and men. These slim humanoids mix silver scales of a dragon, the eyes, antennae and legs of an insect along with a lizard-men’s large strong tail. They have a narrow elongated head. At the end of their long arms, four clawed fingers emerge with a small sticky black circle in the middle of their palm. This orifice is both the equivalent of their nose and an organ to release a glue-like substance upon touch. Oxylla are metal eaters, despised for their ability to absorb and digest metals.

Little is known about the habits or society of these beings. While they sometimes survive by stealing scraps of refuse metal, they often raid traveling merchants or scavenge battle sites to get the needed metals. Metals are food, clothing and elixir; each has a unique taste to an Oxylla, and they can identify the purity or composition of a metal simply by smelling it. Silver is needed in medicinal, religious and reproductive purposes. They speak their own language and dwarven but can speak any if exposed to it or trained.

Although they survive through raiding, Oxylla use their stealth abilities to take whatever they need without confrontation. While their main tactic is pummeling enemies with their fists, their strongest abilities come from using their long tail to both knock weapons out of opponent’s hands or to trip their enemies.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Iron Hearted Clock and Tick Tock Golem

Iron Hearted Clock

In some cities, especially the Old South or in the Phastian Desert, a site can be found in old quarters or other little noticed locations, an enormous four faced clock. Out of place, as an elaborate Gothic style architecture with lithe horrific statutes of naked, demonic figures hidden in the many nooks. Though clocks are not an unknown technology, these Iron Hearted Clocks versions are very different from standard timepieces with other non-time pieces.

A majority of these clocks have four face plates – most common is the clock variety, telling time in the repeated Pernic 12 hour fashion facing in whatever direction that is most likely to have viewers. Clock-towers have at least one clock face, the other faces can be a weather predictor, magic (frequency) predictor, summoner tale or emotional responder. For the common citizen, ignorant of their purposes, it seems like each clock face is showing a different zones time, the truth is a little more obscure.

For most citizens these Iron Hearted Clock-towers run simply due to the magic of the gods. However other folk realize that it is also due to a small group of overseers that maintain operations. The most common protectors are dwarves, usually of the most common type in the region, but they do not generally interact with the citizens. Others, that work here include phaetox, gnomes & dwarves. They may not be open to conducting tours, but they certainly try to help explain what these clocks are and how the common citizenry can utilize the information.

The main thing that holds these mortal beings apart being is that they are extremely lawful in alignment and are deeply dedicated to strict adherence to their codes. What is little recognized is that most clock tower workers have died but have returned due to the help of a lawful force or god. Their dedication to the Iron Heart Tower is how they repay their gratitude. Many of these individuals never leave the clock, and live to serve the never stopping hands. If ever asked, they talk about the unending gears that sway in the eternal-lands, they owe fealty to these clock hands and want to ensure they run in the prime worlds.

During the day, the piece appears generally empty, except for a few followers of gears, mechanics or golems. At night, others come to learn secrets by staring at the mysteries of the clock.

Yet as odd as these things appear, the truth about these objects is even more outrageous. They are not built as much as assembled from clockwork creatures that were previously destroyed. Some of the faithful or fancied bring metal and other working pieces to the Iron-Hearted Clock, and the overseers always find a way to incorporate them into the piece as a whole. Many adventurers know little about this clock except that the inhabitants pay good coin for pieces of the metal dead.

Most of the protectors know little about machinery workings, yet they always find a way to add to the pieces which seems to have a “life” of its own. This is uniquely true as the clock-piece is in fact a sentient being, and exists to serve forces of law and the clock-work order. There are often priests of time, order, and precision that serve the clock, and maintains the pieces.

Lore: Gain +2 on research to Law based magic; Requirement: Lawful Alignment, or Knowledge (Religion) +5 or more. No more than once every day

Lore: Gain +5 on research to Clock, Clockwork or Time based magic. Requirement:  Knowledge (Religion, Clockwork) +9 or more. No more than once every day

Boon (Lawful): Gain a +4 in summoning a lawful aligned creature if the summoning master also has a lawful component in their alignment.

Typical Caretaker
1. Abandoned, no obvious caretaker
2 – 3 Clock Golem also known as Tick Tocks
4 – 5 Tenderfoot
6 – 8 Imp
9 – 10 Dwarf
11 – 12. Mortal Clock Experts, local inhabitants, 2 or 3 HD

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

Tick Tock Golems
CR 3
N (LN) Small construct
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0

 AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 26 (+1 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 60 (5d10+10)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
DR 3/adamantine; Immune construct traits, magic
Speed 20 ft.
Melee 2 slams +4 (1d6 plus grab)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Perfect Timing, Mechanic Integration

Str 13, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +15; CMD 12
Environment  Clock Towers
Organization Solitary or Winding (3-6)
Treasure: None
 *Nyssian Golems have a base constitution scores of 10, meaning they have no inherent bonus or penalty

Appear as a four foot tall mechnical humanoid, with metal skin, small bolts and hinged limbs connecting appendages to the main body. Most have a clock-face in their chest or equivalent humanoid face appears as a clock. While it has clock hands, they do not move. Certain events may make the clock hands appear in specific places on the clock face. (Sad=8:20, Angry=8:45, etc).

They are fully intelligent and loyal to the cause of time, order and most importantly, ensuring the Iron Hearted Clock is maintained.


Perfect Timing: As a creature that measures and maintains time, it can be an ideal partner to perform exacting actions. Can add +3 on attempts to timed actions if they wait for three or more rounds. Higher HD Tick Tock Golems can add another +1 for their additional HD, so a 6 HD Tick tock can add +6 if they are able to wait six or more rounds.

 Mechanic Integration (Ex) A Tick Tock Golem is a specific creature created to service the basic functions of a clock or other large mechanical device. It can merge itself with any device and remain as apart of the device for an indefinite period of time. They gain a +1 on the Knowledge (Construct or Machine) check for every ten minutes spent inside the device / machine.

 Immunity to Magic (Ex)  A Tick Tock golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against a Tick Tock golem, as noted below.

 A grease spell cast on the golem causes it to move quickly for 1d6 rounds, as if under the effects of haste.

 A rusting grasp spell deals damage to the golem normally, and makes the golem staggered for 1d6 rounds (no save).

Tick Tock Golems have all other construct traits as per the Monster Manual