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Monday, 27 June 2016

Jann - Genie-Kin

The least powerful Genie are found through-out in both the cold and the desert wastelands of Nyssa, building relationships with savage and adventurer alike. They are a key group with their trade and social connections.

 Jann: Genie-Kin

CR 2
N         Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Perception +5

AC 16, touch 18, flat-footed 18 (+2 natural AC, +2 dexterity)
hp 11 (2d8+4)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1

Speed 30 ft, Flight 20 ft (1/day)
Melee Short sword +3 (1d6)
Special Elemental Blast (1d6, 3/day)

Jann are quiet, reclusive people that watch dangerous foes and magical sites. When they do approach an enemy, they are usually well prepared and ready to make a sacrifice but they do this only if absolutely required. 

Morale 11 (Skittish, they are easy to break ranks and run for cover)

Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +1 CMD 13
Feats Combat Reflexes
Skills Appraise +3, Perception +5, Craft (Armor or Weapons) +4, Diplomacy +5, Survival +6, Fly +6
Languages Base Elemental, Common & Giant
SQ Favored Element, Resist Element (10), Telepathy 10 ft

Languages: Phastian & Phaetox; Common, Elven, Giant & Dwarf  ae also often spoken
Location: Primarily Oromos Wood, Spirelands or Northern Reaches
Organization: Pair, Patrol (3-9) or Tribe (15 – 100)

Class Options: By Racial HD or Class

Jann are the descendants of genies, considered lesser elementals by their kin, due to their need to reside on the prime planes and they lack permanent protection from the elements at lower HD levels. Not typical adventurers - they usually seek both knowledge and allies, to maintain their place in both their adopted home and the elemental planes. Looked down upon by genies and humanoids for their weaker abilities, yet they often become brokers, using their knowledge, connections and expertise for a price. 

They often disguise themselves, trying not to openly promote who they are as they can be sometimes forced into providing services. Appear as a dark skinned humanoid, their eyes radiate brightly, and their hands often sparkle with the colour of one of the elements. They always try to build allegiances especially to clerics and wizards but any high ranking soldier or thief can also be quite useful,

A Jann will sell their services for favors when needed. Many times when reached out to for help, the Jann call upon friends upon friends, they will often know someone that can help for a reasonable price. Tend to stay away from most cities, as they can be caught for servitude by both primal and planar adversaries. Get along very well with Phaetox, many wealthy Jann seek to buy nobility or title in these quiet, safe, lawfully-bound communities. Many Elven lords have strong alliances with them, not necessarily for trade but to share information.

Every Jann has a favored element, usually their parental type, with it they are able to use to inflict extra damage. They have no problems working with any type of elemental regardless of the type, it is only the higher HD genie-kin with prejudices. They stay away from summoning creatures, Jann have seen a lifetime of forced servitude - they seek allies not servants, to their cause.

By Racial Levels: All levels gain +5 skill points, Gain new Feat every 2 levels 

3 HD +2 to any ability, Invisibility to Animals, Create Food and Water (2/day); +1 AC
4 HD +2 to any ability, Change Size (2/day) & Element Blast (2d6 - 3/day)
5 HD +2 to any ability, Speak with Animals and Elements, Flight 50 ft (3/day); +1 AC
6 HD +2 to any ability, Telepathy 100 ft, Resist Elements (20)
7 HD +2 to any ability, Invisibility (3/day), Element Blast (3d8 dmg 2 / day); +1 AC
8 HD +2 to any ability, Enter Ethereal Plane (2/day), SR 15, Flight (Good) at will
9 HD +2 to any ability, Full Elemental Resistance, +1 AC
10 HD + 4 Dex & +2 to three others; Gain +2 AC, Element Blast (4d10, 5 /day)
11 HD Plane Shift (3/day), SR 25
+1 HD or Level: Gain +1 on SR by HD or level

Jann usually stay on this advancement path but if they choose to take other classes, they are unable to return to improve their HD any further.

Typical Skills: Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Heal, Knowledge (nature, geography, religion), Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Stealth, Survival

Elemental Blast: DC 10+ Con Bonus + HD (+2 for favored element) - Half Damage; Range 60 ft
2 HD – 1d6 dmg; 1/HD, until 5 HD and then at will (Any Element)
4 HD – 2d6 dmg; 3/ Day (Any Element); Range 100 ft
7 HD – 3d8 dmg; 2/Day (Any Element)
10 HD – 4d10 dmg; 5/day (Favored Element only); Changed to Elemental Blast, Range 150 ft

2 HD: Gain Flight 20 ft (Clumsy) 1 / day plus 1 for HD; +6 on Fly Skill
5 HD: Gain  Flight 40 ft (Average) 3/day; gain +6 on Fly skill
8 HD: Gain Flight 80 ft (Good) at will; gain +6 on fly skill

Note: Elementals in my game world are sentient. While not incredibly wise, they know a few things about what is around them and the things they interact with. If summoned they must obey the Summoner. If not summoned, they cam be reasoned with to follow instructions. Assume their intelligence, wisdom and charisma is equal to their HD number up until 16 HD unless the stat for the actual beast is higher in the standard rules.