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Thursday, 25 June 2015

Tame Harpy

This is an idea I don't think I've ever used in game. It's a type of good Harpy, that doesn't share anything with the other creature of the same name except for their name and a set of wings. They have an appreciation of music and art but are hesitant to interact with other intelligent beings because they are often attacked.

Tame Harpy CR 5
N (G) Medium Sized humanoid
Init +2; Perception +7


AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, Leather armor)
hp 53   (7d10+14)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6


Speed Fly 40 ft. (Average)
Melee  Sword +3 (1d6)
Melee Crossbow +5 (1d6)
Melee Talons +5 (1d4)


Str 10 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 9 Wis 13 Cha 15
Base Atk +4; CMB 14; CMD 16
Feats: Dodge, Flyby Attack, Weapon Focus (Spear or Bow)
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Perception +9, Perform +7 / +7 , Knowledge (Any One +7)
Languages  Common, Avian, Aerial, Elf, Dwarf, Minotaur


3 HD: Affinity to Neutrality: The Tame gain a +4 on attempts to make peace with other creatures that are neutral in alignment (NG, NE, LN, CN). They gain +3 on saves to avoid Harpy magic.

4 HD: Gain +2 / +2 to any two ability scores; +9 on skills; Gain +1d6 dmg for talon damage

5 HD: Peaceful Zone Song (DC 13, +1/2 additional singer): When their affinity does not make accord, their song puts intelligent beings at ease, so they can make some sort of deal with them.

6 HD: Gain +2 / +2 to any two ability scores; +9 on skills; Plus one feat; Gain +1d8 dmg for talon damage

7 HD Tactical Strike (+4 to hit; X4 dmg) When they are able to dive more that twenty feet down, usable every ten minutes. They gain immunity to charm effects, including the Harpies songs.

8 HD: Gain +2 / +2 to any two ability scores; +9 on skills; Plus one feat

9 HD: Charming Song: This is a powerful tool that the Tame Elders use. Need three rounds of uninterrupted singing and their targets must make a saving throw (Will DC 22) or fall into a sleep-like slumber for 12 hours. It can affect up to 12 targets.  

10 HD: Gain +2 / +2 to any two ability scores; +9 on skills; Plus one feat; Gain 1d10 for talon damage

Called the Tame by their allies and contacts, often called Tame Harpy by strangers. Appear as falcon or hawk-headed humanoid with great feathery wings and taloned claws for feet. They must use their wings for movement as their feet is ill-disposed to land transportation. They are often hunted by humanoids for their resemblance to "true harpies," which is a term the Tame despise. This is a non-evil subset that prefers lonely peaks and isolation, but because of their resemblance to their distantly related kin, are rarely gifted with peace. 

They are not specifically enemies with standard Harpies, but they don't agree with them on their tactics. The Tame are always trying to negotiate non-violent actions for everyone. .More than once they make amends by freeing prisoners that Harpies take hostage.

Have a great affection of physical art, but because of their hawk wings have little capacity for it. They have sometimes hired bards to play music in a valley or other locations. When they sing they can charm foes into putting down their weapons but they do not eat flesh, they lead foes away. The worst they will do is lead charmed foes into an area trapped or otherwise inhabited by a strong foe that will punish if the creature takes its natural or instinctual actions. Their preferred lairs are remote Gothic temples that they can watch the visitors and fly undisturbed at night.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Tenderfeet (Nyssian Halflings)

The Halflings found in my world are much the same as the standard ones but they are highly focused on their herbalism and connection to the natural world. For their level abilities, I gave them communication skills, as I wanted them to be the connector between the wild and communities.  It also significantly help in the druid and thieving skills, able to find out useful information even before the adventure starts.

I also prefer the term Tenderfoot over Halfling as they don't believe they are half of anything, It's also a better descriptor of who they are.

Tenderfoot CR 1
NG Small Sized humanoid
Init +3; Perception +5


AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, Leather armor)
hp 6   (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0


Speed 20 ft.
Melee  Knife +3 (1d3)
Melee Crossbow +3 (1d6)


Str 7, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 13
Base Atk -1; CMB -3; CMD 10
Typical Feat:  Combat Reflexes
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +6, Profession (Farming)+4, Knowledge (Nature)+2
Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth, +2 Perception, +2 Knowledge (Nature)
Languages  Tenderfoot, Common Any bonus languages for high intelligence (Elf, Dwarf, Minotaur)


Halfling Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Halflings are nimble and strong-willed, but their small stature makes them weaker than other races.

Small: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Slow Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 20 feet.
Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear.
Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Green Thumb: +4 Bonus to Farming / Agriculture checks; Knowledge (Nature) +2
Weapon Familiarity: Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Common and Halfling. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin.

Level Abilities
3rd level: Gain +4 on reaction rolls w/Plants; Speak with Plants (cast 1+ charisma bonus every day)
5th level: Gain +4 on reaction rolls with Fey; Speak with Fey (cast 1+ charisma bonus every day)
7th level: Cast Expeditious Retreat on oneself (cast 2/day)
9th level: Gain +4 on reaction rolls with Animals and Vermin; Speak with Animals or Vermin (cast 1+ charisma bonus every day)

These are well known diminutive humanoids that resemble human children. Many humans refer to them as Halflings, but they prefer the term Tenderfeet for themselves.

A majority of them reside among other race`s settlements though there are some that live in secretive valleys and other little known locations. Viewed as the best gardeners of the domain, having an affinity for raising crops both in and out of Garden Towers. This is one reason why many people believe that Tenderfeet are inherently lucky, they assure the survival of many communities - many common folk refuse to harm them believing it will bring about a curse to the land. Their skills also deems them useful to evil-aligned groups who often enslaved them to grow their crops. When equal members of a community, they prefer to live in burrows surrounding a garden, farm or Ever-Green Tower.

Their lives revolve around the plant`s cycle, including hibernating during the winter and giving birth in the spring.  Their elders often act as ambassadors to animal and plant spirits at least unofficially, speaking on behalf of a community even without the official leaders knowing about it. They are a harmonious people but they do have opinions and they speak out for themselves and others.

Many of their villages have abundant fey, plant and animal protectors that freely come and go, always willing to protect the Tenderfeet and their ways. Tenderfeet are rarely outwardly religious, they appreciate the powers and knowledge of a druid and their connection with the land's spirits but avoid the formal rituals and prayers of the priestly class. Similarly, while wizards are not unknown among their kind, their lack of Spell Towers means most who want to learn spells need to leave for the human cities, few ever return. These industrious hard working kin have a deep appreciation for the works of the vine, enjoying the fruits of their labors as often as they can.

It has often been believed by many that Tenderfeet rarely adventure, this is not true. Many feel the urge to travel and see wondrous sights, such as the Sea of Stones or the forest valley on the Isle of Oromos. Freeing their own kin from the bounds of slavery prompts many into action - especially as rogue and rangers

Druid, Ranger and Rogue are their preferred classes having no class limitation.
Warrior, Bard, Cleric and Wizard all have a 10th level maximum class potential.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Elder World - Local Outer Plane

Long ago for my gaming, I decided the planar stuff was a little convoluted. I liked the ideas though, and came up with a linked outer planar world that would be the base of most planar excursions. Essentially, this was home to my own version of the Titans or Elders, who were like little gods. They each had their own realm and were in between everything. Mortals came seeking knowledge and equipment, gods came for recruits and magic, and the dead came both as free and bound petitioners.
Each Elder realm was independent with specific rules and rites.

From Scroll Vitae Laenum Nem Xl IIV  -  Elderworld History

The home plane of the Elders (once referred to as Titans) the original offspring of the gods. These immortal beings are feared for being able to tap directly into mystical energies found in every plane. Some scholars call these energies arcane or even divine sources, but for the Elders it is all the same, and is used to power their personal abilities. Even more than the gods, these creatures are spurred by their own personal direction - not a particular idea, religion, faith or view. Thus it is incredibly difficult to gauge them except as individuals. Like the gods, their alignment varies, but, they usually don't interfere with each others plans unless they directly contradict.

It is believed humans were their spawn, and originally lived on the Elderworld. How long mortals were underlings is unknown, but how it changed is recognised due to the actions of one person, a human named Hamja. While perhaps not the first one to discover how to escape, he was the first known individual that left via the magical planar travel to the lower mortal worlds. Upon realising they could escape, many mortals began the treacherous act of running away from their cruel masters. This enraged the Elders, many began limiting their servant's activities as well as hunting down and destroying the rebellious offspring in the mortal world.

Knowing he was to blame for their suffering, Hamja returned to the Elderworld, demanding to be put on trial for his actions. The Elders tried to immediately attack him, but couldn't, as he was protected by the gods, a singularly rare event on the Elderworld. Agreeing to terms, a trial was held, witnessed by Casna, Lord of Justice.

The trial was quick. Hamja was found guilty of sedition but not for escaping. The humans who escaped were free and the Elders couldn't, by divine decree, recapture them by using force. The gods essentially shut down the planar gates, so the Elders couldn't travel to the lower world. This had a treacherous side-affect,while the knowledge was now recognised, the mortals lost their chance to escape.  (*For Hamja`s fate see Scroll Vitae Laenum Nem XX V ven Q*)

The Elders didn't realise the gods were intending to use the mortals as free and willing servants instead of the slaves as the Elders were using them. Within less than a century after their escape, the humans numbers had exploded and they had found a magical energy that they could utilise, that of the divine faith in the gods.

For their part, Elders, never organised a mass retrieval of the mortals. Some clamped down on their personal servants, others put up more elaborate traps to keep their servants in line and just as many to keep others out. A few learned other lessons, and begin to give their mortal children more freedoms to serve both themselves and their masters equally.

(Linked to Scroll Vitae Laenum Nem OV ven ii*) Most scholars know the Elder World as the mid-level between the Heavens and Mortal Planes. It is now understood that all mortal souls must return to this realm for a mere moment, as they travel to their final destination to the heavens or hells. What is not fully understood is the small number of souls that don`t leave the Elder World but are reborn as petitioners, destined to live a new life here in service to the plane and its needs without memories of their previous mortal existence.

Each individual Elder rules their own realm. Most are the size of a small mortal town; the largest are enormous counties with various races and beasts from across the planes. The spaces between the Elder Realms are wild, with shifting physical features causing near constant danger - while physical travel is possible, usually it is done via linked portals, indirectly from realm to another, often using multiple linked portals,

Many of these communities trade with Outer Planar groups, contact with the mortal realms is rare but a few have connections with High Level Wizards or Clerics. Portals to the High Planes are common and often permanent in the Elders communities. Those to the Lower Mortal Planes are rarer and seemingly uncontrolled, when they appear it is usually in remote areas and are open for short periods of time.

Elder World Random Encounter Table

02  High Petitioner (8th level or higher)
03  Githzen
04  Kyton
05  Reave
06  Yugoloth (Usually Mezzoloth or Nycaloth)
07  Nightmare
08  Night Hag
09  Astral Giant
10  Mortal Travellers (3-18, Levels 3+)
11  Imp (# 2-12)
12  Nightmare
13  Bladeling
14  Einheriar
15  Jackalla
16  Angel
17  Lower Level Elder Petitioner (1-3)
18   Quashi
19  Maelephant
20  Manticore
21  Yeth Hounds
22  Sphinx
23  Lillend
24  Coatl