N Medium Aberration
Init +1 Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 12 touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)hp 13hp (2d8+4 con)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft., Swim 40 ft.Melee Tentacle +4 (1d4+1)
Ranged Spear +4 (d6)
Hindrance: -1 on constitution checks / saves if they do not bathe once a day
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9Base Atk +1 CMB +2 CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Escape Artist +6, Swim +12, Climb +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Escape Artist, +4 Swim
Languages Lizardith
Other Gear Net, Spear or other hunting items
Environment Any non desertOrganization Pool (2-4) or Pod (20-80)
Treasure Value Average (Coins or gems)
The Dexopus is a cunning creature capable of using complex tactics. It appears the same as their water-based, animal kin the octopus, except it has ten tentacles and is either red, pink or orange in colour. Their tentacles are approximately ten feet in length, but they use most of it for their height which mirrors a five foot tall humanoid.
Like their ocean kin they are incredible swimmers, most are just as good on land and many have fantastic climbing abilities. Enemies often believe they are solely water-based, but this is not true, they only need to soak themselves in water for one hour a day, and many pods are in the mountains or forests, so they are not actually bound to oceans.
Just the same as many creatures, they desire wealth and magic, if they can do so through peaceful means, like commerce. If not, they are willing to take any risks necessary. They make allies with like-minded creatures, equally willing to partner with humanoids or monsters for mutual defense. Though not violent, they are aggressive beings, as they look for ways to increase their influence. Since much magic and money are found underground, that's where the dexopus tends to settle down. They sometimes welcome other aberrations into their communities - especially those gifted with magic.
Lizardith is one of the most utilized languages in my game world. Lizard Men are highly intelligent and virtually control large portions of the under-earth caverns, sharing and competing with Dwarf for food & resources. The Dexopus often have small pod towns in warm caverns, but are more likely to be competitors than allies with the Lizard Men.
HD Advancement
3 HD +5 in skills; Gain 1 Feat; +1 in Natural AC
4 HD +2 to any attribute; +5 in skills, Multiattack
5 HD Gain 1 Feat; +5 in skills; +1 in Natural AC, Increase Tentacle Damage
6 HD +2 to any attribute; +5 in skills; Perfect Climb
7 HD +1 in Natural AC; Gain 1 Feat, Gain additional tentacle attack (3rd attack using tentacle)
8 HD +2 to any attribute, Increase Tentacle Damage
9 HD +1 in Natural AC; +5 in skills; Gain 1 Feat, Increase Tentacle Damage
10 HD +4 to any two attributes; +10 in skills, +3 in Natural AC, Gain additional tentacle attack (4th tentacle attack), Gain 2 Feat
A Dex-o-Pus normally advances through this table. If they take a level in any class, they are unable to advance any further on this table. Most members of their pod advance using the HD table below, but some members pick rogue, ranger or sorcerer class. Most of their leaders are usually sorcerers who have gained 2-4 levels.
Ink Cloud A dex-o-pus can emit a 10-foot-radius sphere of ink once per hour as a free action. The ink provides total concealment for one round and a 50% chance of missing with aimed attacks and a 25% chance with physical attacks for another two rounds. Some Dexopusi specialize with ink clouds, they are able to increase either the length of time the cloud will increase vision.
Sticky Tentacles (Ex): Their tentacles have small suckers that enable a powerful sticky capacity if it is able to latch on to someone or something. Add +6 bonus on CMD if holding on to someone.
Increase Tentacle Dmg: 1-4 HD: 1d4 dmg; 5-7 HD 1d6 dmg, 8 HD 1d8 dmg, 9 HD 1d10 dmg, 10 HD 2d12 dmg