Tiny Sized Fey CR 1
AC 16 (+2 Dex, +2 Natural, Size +6), Touch 13, Flat 13
HD 1D6+1
(4 hp)
Saves Fort +1 Ref +4 Will
Str 5 Con 12 Dex 15. Int 10. Wis 11. Cha 13
Base Atk +3 CMB -4 CMD 8
+3 weapon (Hammer or Slingshot 1d3)
Attacks Joined Attack
Defenses. Reduce Injury 3 / -, Playful Demeanor
Craft (Any One)+ 3, Climb or Swim +4,
Perception +3; Perform (Dance) +10*,
Stealth +6
Weapon Finesse or Skill Focus (Any Craft)
Garden or Candyland
Gathering (50-400)
Half (gems, coins or potions)
Alignment Any Good ("Bad" Smurflings are Neutral aligned)
Alignment Any Good ("Bad" Smurflings are Neutral aligned)
By class (Expert, Rogue, Druid or Ranger most common)
every additional HD achieved: +2 in Reduce Injury and +1/+1 in ability score
adjustments. They also increase +1 in natural AC for every 2 HD gained.
Reduce Injury: Similar to Damage Reduction except it minimizes only after basic injury is inflicted, reducing damage on a one-to-one basis until its limit. For example a 1 HD Smurf would be affected:
One damage Inflicted = One HP Dmg Taken
Two damage Inflicted = One HP Dmg Taken
Three damage Inflicted = Two HP Dmg Taken
Attack: The few times Smurflings cannot use their charm or escape an encounter through wit, they are able to attack en masse. For every four that attack the
same foe, increase both the base calculation and damage dice. (1d3 --
1d4 -- 1d6 -- 1d8 - 1d10).
Demeanour Smurflings gain +8 on social skills due to their
playfulness. Fey and good aligned outsiders would never consider hurting a Smurfling.
are one and a half foot tall fey that have blue skin. They reside in
mushroom homes within their forest villages, living in balance with
the environment around them. Friendly and helpful, they are keen on
making new allies but prefer to avoid strangers as they have been
hurt in the past.
These magical creatures are at one with the animals, plants and fey beings around them. Most of their allies believe they arise spontaneously during blue moon months, a new Smurfling is born inside a blossoming flower. Smurflings are a male species, while there are crazy rumours of females being hatched, this has never been proven.
These magical creatures are at one with the animals, plants and fey beings around them. Most of their allies believe they arise spontaneously during blue moon months, a new Smurfling is born inside a blossoming flower. Smurflings are a male species, while there are crazy rumours of females being hatched, this has never been proven.
of their kind focuses on one type of craft to specialize in, not for
profit but for the benefits it brings to their village. Smurflings sometimes gain Rogue or Ranger classes to defend their kin and friends from the
dangers of the forest. Druid is the most common spell-caster, though Bards just as respected.
a magically enriched fey race, Smurflings are living spell
components, they do not need components for spells of less than 5th
level. In addition, they can create spells that typically fit into
another casters area of specialty, but the Smurfling casters can
still cast. If working in conjunction with others, they can enhance
spells or reduce saving throws beyond comprehension by dance or
musical accompaniment. For this reason many evil spell casters seek
them out, waiting to use them to buff their castings. While their
allies are always concerned, these fey always finds a way to
overcome threats.
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I am leaning towards using Reduce Injury to replace simple Damage reduction.
I am leaning towards using Reduce Injury to replace simple Damage reduction.