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Showing posts with label Flesh Ghoul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flesh Ghoul. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Flesh Ghoul (Living Humanoid with Transparent Skin)

Flesh Ghouls are a scourge in the Spirelands, feared for both their transparent skin and their cannibalistic tendencies. Many believe they are true undead ghouls, but this is untrue - they have twisted ghoulish tendencies but are very much alive with many bad habits and traits.

They are raiders and have little need of trading or adventurous allies. They prefer to attack trading caravans or stealing from smaller Spireland communities. When they attack, they kill what they can and then take anything they need to fill up their larder. Most prisoners are locked up in cages, and half the time they are feasted upon within weeks, the other half they die from ignorance.

Most Flesh Ghouls believe in whoever is the strongest (or smartest or fastest) can lead, but they do so only until their cupboard is bare. While there are sometimes outright revolt, that is not their typical style, most that are unhappy, just leave.

Flesh Ghouls have much the same relationship with their kin, the strongest male usually leads their household, yet some of their matings are equal and more balanced between the partners. Their children are born with some colour in their flesh, but gradually lose it before they reach ten years.

While the overwhelming majority of Flesh Ghouls have twisted habits but like most species, there are variants, but these non-evil versions have few options except to escape.

Flesh Ghoul  

CR 3
NE Humanoid Init +2
Senses detect life, low-light vision; Perception +5

AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 from Dodge)
hp 13 (3d8)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1
Opponents gain -2 to hit them in melee, -4 to hit if using missile weapons

Speed 30 ft.
Melee short sword +3 (1d6+2)
Ranged short bow +4 (1d6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

STATISTICS Str 13, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats: Dodge & Mobility
Skills Escape Artist +5, Perception +5, Stealth +7
Languages Common, Goblin

Environment Remote Locations
Organization Gangs (3-12)
Treasure Half
Advancement: By HD or class

Transparent Skin provides significant advantage, as long as they do not wear armor, opponents gain a -2 if they attack them using melee weapons. If they are using missile weapons within 30 ft, they take a similar -2 disadvantage. If more than 30 ft away this increases to -4 disadvantage. If their opponent is more than 30 feet away, they take -6.

High Level Abilities
4 HD Gain + 2 to any 2 Ability Scores; +1 to AC; +5 skill points
5 HD Rage (1/day); +5 skill points; Gain new feat, Dmg Reduction 2 /Silver
6 HD +1 to AC; +5 skill points; Poisonous Touch
7 HD Gain + 2 to any 2 Ability Scores; +5 skill points; Gain new feat
8 HD Rage (2/day); +1 to AC; +5 skill points; Dmg Reduction 5 /+1
9 HD +5 skill points; Immunity to Poison; Poisonous Touch (DC 18)
10 HD Gain + 2 to any 3 Ability Scores; Rage (3/day); +1 to AC; +10 skill points; Dmg Red 10 /+1

Flesh Ghouls rarely deviate from this HD schedule before 11th Level. If they do take non-core HD then they cannot take further levels from this schedule. Their most often choices are: Rouge, Fighter, Ranger, Cleric & Sorcerer.

Poisonous Touch: By touching an opponent, they inflict a weakening effect, causing a -1 to physical attacks for up to one hour. The opponent must beat a DC 15 to avoid this poison. If their opponent makes this save, they are immune to further attacks for the next 24 hours. If they roll a natural one on the saving throw, the effect is doubled and lasts for six hours. They can do this three times a day.

Inspired by the Nehwonian Ghoul from Fritz Lieber's Fahrd and the Grey Mouser Series.