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Saturday, 7 April 2018

Absinthinia - The Green Fairy

These fickle beings are a little twisted and like to see others squirm if not squeal in pain. They are chaotic but not exactly evil fey that reside in taverns and city hovels, helping but causing pain where they can.

Green Faerie (Advanced Pixie)

Personality: . Unlike some of their fairy-kin, Green Fairies enjoy bringing discomfort to others, either physically or socially, as long as someone else is feeling awkward, they are content. These creatures have no loyalty or honor, they have a twisted sense of humor and like to inflict suffering, especially on those who are strong-willed or mean.

Physical Description: They are 24 inches tall and weigh around 12 pounds. They have pale green skin, very light green wings,and most wear dark green clothing. Most use tiny but very sharp rapiers. They often wear a magical ring as a belt, as this is typically the only type of magic item they can use.

Relations: They get along with anyone that can hold their liquor and can laugh at the world around them.

Alignment: Like many fae, they tend towards chaos, shunning rules and order to simply do what they want. Rarely do they desire to hurt other creatures, unless the others represent a threat to them or their fae kin. But they do enjoy seeing others suffer, that makes them smile.

Lands: They are found in mortal lands, usually cities, and most often in taverns, using their abilities to influence mortals in both committing evil or just doing stupid things.

Religion: Their devotion is not to the the fae realm, unlike others of their kind, but to human or other "civilized" gods of drunkeness. If killed, their bodies are transformed back into fairy dust and their spirit, like many other faeries, can be reborn.

Language: Fae & Elven. At higher HD they learn to speak with plants, animals and any mortals.

Adventurers: They look for trouble and if there is none, they like to cause problems.

Green Faerie (Advanced Pixie)
• -8 Strength, +12 Dexterity  (Max Str 7; Min Dex 16)
• Tiny size: +4 bonus to Armor Class, +2 bonus on attack rolls, +8 bonus on Stealth checks, -2 penalty on CMB, lifting and carrying limits ½ those of
Medium characters.
• Land speed is 20 feet. has a base fly speed of 40 feet (Average); Fly +10 (+2 / HD)
• Low-light vision.
• Base Racial hit dice: 4d4 ; they start with 10 hp
• Start with 20 skill points at 4 HD
• Gain a +1 bonus at 1 HD  if they chose any skills from the following list: Bluff, Escape Artist, Knowledge (Any 1 listed), Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Use Magic Device. They gain an additional +1 skill point for every (unadjusted) ranks they have.

Special Qualities

Damage Reduction 10 /cold iron.

Spell Resistance 19

Light (Ex) : A Green Faerie is continuously surrounded by a 1 ft radius of Green light.

Skill Selection: Acrobatics, Bluff, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Heal, Knowledge (geography, nature, local, magic), Perception, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Use Magic Device

Special Hindrance: Clerics who have taken the vow of abstinence can turn Green Fairies the same as undead of the same HD/level. They cannot be killed but can be forced

HD Advancement: 5 skill points, Feat every 2nd HD
5 HD +1 AC; Fly 50 ft (Good); Speak with Animals; Minor Invisibility (3/day); Drunk A
6 HD +1 AC; Summon Insects (2/day); Speak with Plants; Drunk B
7 HD +1 AC; Fly 60 ft; Speak with Other; Summon Fey (1 / day); Drunk C
8 HD +1 AC; Greater Invisibility (2 / Day + 1 per charisma); Drunk D
9 HD +3 AC; Fly 70 ft; New Feat; Teleport Home (1/week); Drunk E or F

Green Faeries cannot take standard classes until they reach their full HD abilities. They always advance as per this table. They can only gain other skills and feats after 9 HD

Minor Invisibility: As per the invisibility spell in the PHB. At 5 HD, they can activate the spell at will. If their spell is dispelled, it takes 3 rounds for them to reactivate as a full round action.

Speak with plants, animals and other:  They must either be touching or within a five foot radius to activate these abilities. They can use each of these abilities any number of times a day but each use on a particular creature lasts no more than ten rounds.

Drunk Effects

A Tipsy  -3 on social skill saving throws, the Green Fairy must touch their victim to activate the effect
B Clumsy  -5 on on physical saving throws or physical attacks; DC 13
C Trip    DC 15 or trip, must use move action to get up or steady themselves, the Green Fairy must touch their victim
D  Glow-Self: The Green Fairy increases their glow to a 50 ft green radius or
     Glow-Other: They put a glow on someone else, increasing both their ability to see, but they cannot get rid of the glow until it fades in 1 hour
E Blindness: Will DC 15 or the person is blind until the next sunrise, a touch effect is required
F Friendship - Charming Effect to anyone they share a drink with; DC 16
G Repulsion - DC 17, victim is repulsed by the taste of alcohol
H Addiction - DC 19 - 

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